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17991856 No.17991856 [Reply] [Original]

>Don't get involved in the culture wars / stop obsessing over politics because progressives always win anyways

Do I understand it correctly?

>> No.17991870

the clear pill is not saying anything interesting on substack in case the libs deplatform you

>> No.17991878

Casual Moldbug enjoyer here.

The "Clearpill" is political detachment. It's not centrism, it's not political disassociation, but a kind of camouflage for your own benefit and for the benefit of society as a whole as its in our best interests for as little of society to be actively engaged in politics as possible. Leftoids are moving society into a total state, where every single citizen is actively engaged in politics and feels like they have a voice, yes even dissenting ones. It's part of their game plan.

Moldbug's point is that not only is the shit tide coming and will get much worse, there is no pleb revolution coming because pleb revolutions are a farce historically. Elites control all and rogue elites decide when a regime will fall, not you or that angry Nazi on /pol/.

As a dissident, it's your decision whether you want to become a good dissident like Moldbug, who is paving the way forward for the right yet is hardly being attacked or noticed by the left, or a terrible dissident like Trump who has done little to nothing for the right yet is the chief enemy of the left and his supporters continue to get absolutely dunked on.

The point of political detachment, or the "Clearpill", is to in essence make you a better dissident, so you can learn how to resist the current regime effectively without ruining your own life in the process.

>> No.17991885

>just do nothing and get fucked in the ass by your generic woke sjw cucks who are precisely getting into power because there is no resistance

>> No.17991903

What a compelling argument. I bet Moldbug has never heard of that one and he surely has no rebuttal. Moldbug BTFO.

>> No.17991911

Thank you, anon. Very good explanation.

>> No.17991919

There was resistance, they just fucked it up by putting their weight behind a duplicitous retard without building or fully infiltrating any robust institutions and because of this they were easily swept away. The clearpill is just asking people to play it smart which is probably asking too much.

>> No.17991993


Hmm, so the clear pill is actually a method of spreading political disenfranchisement through "choice" in order to lead to an oligarchical democracy where only those who rise to the top of a supposedly social darwinist society can engage in politics?

Why don't you just advocate for a voting licence, if you need a license to drive a car I think you should at least have to pass a test to vote. And I'm a leftist. But if democracy is based on the idea of political education, then maybe anyone who wants to to vote should be politically educated.
You shouldn't get a say if you don't understand the basis behind a political standpoint.

>> No.17992012

This is literally what leftists like Zizek say from the other political spectrum. The leftist opposition was too naive and didnt achieve anything, so we must keep silent (literally advocates doing nothing at the end of Violence). But this kind of sentiment doesnt lead anywhere. Idpol retards, conspiracists opportunists will just have a clearer way of getting into power. What is needed on both sides is not some kind of silent camouflage strategy, but creating new alternatives and new ideas that can mobilize people. Both sides suck at this and blame everything around them for their failures.

>> No.17992033

Damn, I was clearpilled a long time ago then.

>> No.17992043

>Idpol retards, conspiracists opportunists
Anon, these people are already very much in power.It's too late to do anything about it this round.
Thing is, at some point they will fail. So you wait for that moment and take advantage of it.

>> No.17992095

Moldbug is blatantly anti-oligarchic, so no, far off the mark.

>> No.17992144

You don't get it. Neither "side" will win because it's not about any flag. Flags are for plebs.

The only reason Moldbug advocates for a silent camouflage strategy is precisely because it's not up to you on when the regime changes. Your job is to focus on yourself and, yes, "redpill" more people into thinking like you while you wait for the current regime to become such a complete joke that the amount of high quality human beings (prominent journalists, analysts, CEOs, business magnates, doctors, etc.) that find it distasteful outnumber the amount of high quality human beings who do not. Then the regime change happens and you enjoy the cultural, philosophical, and political reset.

Just read history. Seriously. This shit has been codified at this point.

>> No.17992152

Name one idpol person in power (who is white)?

>> No.17992198

There have to be well articulated positions and sides that have something to offer to people after some upheaval in status quo happens. Keeping it low is not going to do it. Fascists and communists pre WWI didn't keep it low and redpilled each other trough secret means hoping that their ideas will spread somehow. They were articulate, loud and persistent. This defeatist attitude "power positions are predetermined and we can just wait for the change to slip in" is the exact reason why we have our current situation.

>> No.17992232

He thinks that we are basically near the end of soviet uninion and that the system will collapse in a couple of decades. So there is no point in trying to reform the system now, you wont be allowed to do so anyway just wait till it all goes down and be prepared to start a new state.
But imo the real progressive revolution hasn't even begun yet, the horrors we will experience are far greater than could ever imagine.

>> No.17992296

>there has to be something I can do

Why do you want to? You've basically fallen into the trap that the establishment has set for you. You think you're a hero, an agent of change. You're just a regular person, destined to live a mostly regular life.

What's wrong with that? Why do you fancy yourself a monarch? That's what I was talking about earlier with the "total state" stuff. They're literally grooming everyday people to think they can truly affect the world.

>> No.17992305

>Why do you fancy yourself a monarch?
He's probably an American. They convince every plebs he's a future millionaire destine for greatness.

>> No.17992316

The people who will start the new state will be the same people.
The people ruling all ex-soviet states and russia are ex-communists.

>> No.17992334

Adding to this that being a dissident in the normal sense means playing into a framework that benefits and gives energy to the regime. They enjoy and require enemies. It's crucial not to play into their framework or use their language, but to ignore them and build an alternate framework that's reasonable and more compelling, which also doesn't break any rules (because it doesn't originate from being against anything).

In my opinion, building a competing lexicon (jargon) is hugely important. That's why simp and other online culture words are actually dangerous. Gestalts in meme packaging. That kind of thing undermines the regime.

>> No.17992336

>Thucydides quotes Pericles' Funeral Oration as saying: "[we] regard... him who takes no part in these [public] duties not as unambitious but as useless" (τόν τε μηδὲν τῶνδε μετέχοντα οὐκ ἀπράγμονα, ἀλλ᾽ ἀχρεῖον νομίζομεν)

Moldbug has no positive program, because he abjures his Hoppe influence, and can be discarded accordingly: he has nothing new to say, and functionally acts as a rightward drift breakwater (like JB Peterson did for another caste).

>where every single citizen is actively engaged in politics and feels like they have a voice, yes even dissenting ones. It's part of their game plan
Just the lumpenproles until the only historical group to emerge from the historical crab barrel is subsumed in the ruddy tides of quality of life tourism, South African Farm Murders & Rotherham Rape Gang style writ large

Functional separation & segregation from enablers (the Kool Aid left) and their pets (Emma Lazarus’ kin); capture and control of small polities at county level to enforce non-Clown World standards of living; maximum barter/parrelel exchange (crypto/metals) to reduce tax footprint paying into the Beast

>The leftist opposition was too naive and didnt achieve anything, so we must keep silent
They are the elephant in the room; forcing them to manufacture everything reinforces the anxiety on Joe Normalfag’s threshold — Chauvin trial chimp outs, hundreds of thousands (half-coof posed) turning up at the border & being released into the wild, ect. It must get radically worse before the gears grind to a halt — draft riots in the face of a war of choice with Russia over Ukraine, rather than Taiwan being invaded/genocided would do the trick nicely

It’s a very turn if the century Gen X Doomer outlook — there are procedural remedies that have to be explored ACTIVELY while they remain available

>Fascists and communists pre WWI didn't keep it low
The eponymous THEY funded both sides, today it’s a former Obam official organizing Charlottesville & a police stand down w/ the mayor on one hand, and Chase Morgan gifting a billion to BLM run by a 16th-aroon and an actual convicted domestic terrorist — it’s more a question of what to do with paid Judas Goats in a hypernormalization phase of unconventional warfare

>> No.17992369

>In my opinion, building a competing lexicon (jargon) is hugely important. That's why simp and other online culture words are actually dangerous. Gestalts in meme packaging. That kind of thing undermines the regime.

Does it really though? I think it only serves to out you as an 'other' more easily. Moldbug specifically advocates against this. If I want to present myself as someone more reasonable than the average alt-right bigot, I have to appear as non-threatening as possible. That includes not using terms like "based", "cuck", "redpilled" etc. otherwise I am just signaling that I am basically like them.

I think what Moldbug specifically advocated for in this instance is to simply come off as well-mannered, well-spoken as possible and give your enemy as little ammunition as possible to use against you.

>> No.17992374
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>> No.17992378

I didnt say anywhere that I can do something. I thought we were talking about political positions that could be an alternative to the current status quo. My point is not that we can enact change now, my point is that the change is going to happen anyway, but if there are no ideals/ideas/articulated position the chaos will be appropriated by opportunists like Trump or idpol retards who are loud enough to legitimize themselves by appealing to woke zoomers. I dont see any viable alternatives presented by moldbug gang nor by "traditional" leftists.

>> No.17992394

>Why don't you just advocate for a voting licence
Because that will out you as a target and turn you into a pariah. The suggestion would be met with accusations of racism, sexism, and every other ism under the sun and a freak show parade endowed with majority morality will be out for your blood the moment you do.

It's like you missed the whole point.

>> No.17992413

Some words are better than others. Yarvin became known for his jargon: clear pill, red pill, cathedral, Overton bubble. It also includes bringing back old words and incorporating foreign ones like ketman.

>> No.17992422

>clear pill, red pill, cathedral, Overton bubble
Where do I find the Pseud Dictionary

>> No.17992423

You make your own

>> No.17992435
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>tfw pretend to be a leftycuck in my every day life
>tell absolutely no-one my real thoughts
>all of my coworkers are leftycucks
>or are also pretending to be like me
>have no idea who is and isn't a real human being anymore
It's kind of spooky desu. It's a good thing I've no intention of marrying or this would be a costly thing to do longterm. But if I'm ever in any position to resist liberal policy from this vantage I will do it. Sometimes I dream of people America-over just like me getting into power after many sleeper-cell years and just turning it all around from the top, almost spontaneously, each responding to the sudden actions of one another, fixing the country before anyone has any idea what happened.

>> No.17992436

>progressives always win anyways
They will, until our overlords decide some other demographic or group needs to "win" to further their own goals.

>> No.17992443

Progressive agendas hasn't been met for years, it's just a veneer. Regular people are far more disenfranchised or financially empowered than they were even 15 years ago.

>> No.17992475

>more financially empowered

Nope - home ownership is going down across the west and private debt still rising

>> No.17992481

I forgot a word there, I meant to suggest people are less financially agent, you are correct of course.

>> No.17992505

Do you realize you've just described some hilariously myopic and doomed idealization of 1984?
Protip: if you don't resist the trend the trend overwhelms and controls you.

>> No.17992507

That's why I said "win". Not win.

>> No.17992509

he didnt even finish the clear pill essay...only did 2 parts of it

>> No.17992947
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name one person who isn't.

>> No.17994401

It seems Claremont didn't like the direction he was taking with those articles.

>> No.17994408

Embrace the genetic pill anon.

>> No.17995345

Hey dude, keep it hush hush, but there's a guy goes by the name of Goldstein planning some big moves. Expect a call in the coming week.

>> No.17995933

Nobody itt understand the clearpill. You guys are confusing the clearpill for detachment or political pacifism.

The clearpill is something akin to Rene Descartes's cart of apples or Socrates's "the only true wisdom is to know you know nothing". It's to ditch all the suppositions you already have about the world and try to rebuild a worldview from the ground up. You try to see if your ideas are true by trying to think about what else would need to be true for your belief to be true. For example, a 9/11 truther would have to come up with explanations for all the things that wouldn't make sense if 9/11 was an inside job.

>> No.17996076

It's as simple as becoming illegible. That way state vision and ideological predators will ignore you.

>> No.17996266
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>Protip: if you don't resist the trend the trend overwhelms and controls you.
And if you resist the trend, the trend overwhelms and controls you. So who's the real idiot now?

>> No.17996291

sub 100 iq take you bring no real resistance only what makes you feel better

>> No.17996408
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>fully infiltrating any robust institutions
How's that going to happen? The people who have infiltrated our institutions are infiltrators, not well meaning, naive folks like the traditional WASPs they ousted. Their MO is subversion, thus they're much better attuned to its presence than their predecessors ever were.

As a hypothetical, assume that an "elite" university such as Harvard or a single media organ such as CNN were to be infiltrated by nationalists. This, itself, is a fantasy, as the tribe tightly controls leadership and, presumably, only allows co-ethnics who have been known since their birth into such positions but, for the sake of illustration, we will allow that it happens. At this point, every other institution will turn on the rogue institutions and reform or destroy them.

This is a ratcheting system. The only way out is through, and through is probably going to suck.

>> No.17996956

His wife just died

>> No.17996983

So is it just like recognizing the cathedral/spectacle and working inside it while yourself recognizing it’s all bullshit?

>> No.17997107
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Any power the right has comes from long term, multi-generation institution building. This is observably the case, and it's also why the right has so little real power presently. Does it make sense in the grand scheme for a conservative to dedicate his life to conservative inc. which effectively serves as a bogeyman for the left and has lost every single cultural battle of the past 40 years, OR should he dedicate his life to his family, church, and community? These things last longer than any think tank could, and they are self perpetuating. The conservative base is mainly a result of conservatives having more children than the left. Focus on the long term and don't do anything too obvious or retarded. The left is ultimately a suicide cult only made possible by the crutch of new technologies. The Amish aren't going anywhere are they?

>> No.17997299
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>it's real

>> No.17997371
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It's fucking sad. He clearly loved her very much. I can't imagine how he manages to come off so chipper in his public appearances.

>> No.17997400

nigga's a single father of two, imagine being the scum fuck at substack who deletes his account because some twitter harpies demanded it or they'll go after their payment processor.

>> No.17997410


>> No.17997437

I think he's reasonably wealthy, but I wouldn't mind literally mailing him money if necessary.

>> No.17997443

he's definitely at least middle class, but he's said before (on the Hyperpodcastism podcast) that he's not "wealthy".

>> No.17997462

Well shit. At least his stake in the Urbit address space should be worth at least tens of millions assuming he can fully liquidate it. But regardless, I'm resubscribing next year, obviously.

>> No.17997496

Why "clear", then?

>> No.17997585

almost any kind of marxism seems better than internet-based cockroach-survivalist pseudo-daoism.

so you've detached from the simulated 'total state' while still analyzing everything through elite theory, left and right and who gets 'dunked on' by these powerless plebs.

only those who already agree with you think you have to be a 'monarch' to have agency.

do we need more people either larping as elites online, or trying to 'turn' actual elites which means appealing to their self-interest imbedded in current incentives? being so clearpilled and still engaging with people on twitter and throwing shitpies at 'leftists' and trying not to get mean words said at them?

>> No.17997600

NRX hasn’t done jack shit in the what, 15 years it’s been around? Normie nationalist parties have done more to combat globohomo. Even North Sentinel island has inflicted more damage on the cathedral. So why do people still care about NRX?

>> No.17998708

I agree with you. Subverters subverted and it's very hard to subvert subverters. Historically this is when they get kicked out but this time the subverters destroyed the host's institutions of structure and strength.

>The only way out is through
What do you mean by this? I don't know how to save the ship at this point. Any ideas I would like to hear.

>> No.17999637

Should have added “lmao” or “lel” to the end of your statement as though Moldbug can’t keep from laughing like an Internet retard after he states to his audience what the clear pill is

>> No.18000764

detachment from tribalism, I think

>> No.18000939
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>> No.18000993

These pictures are honestly so pathetic. This alone would keep me from voting for Democrats.