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17990509 No.17990509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books to understand it? Besides Marx's works, what secondary books should I read?

>> No.17990521

>wtf why are people allowed to make money and buy things

>> No.17990536

She's a self-defined Marxist who SJWs for the blacks.

>> No.17990545

wikipedia is a good substitute

>> No.17990547

The Gulag Archipelago

>> No.17990567

You're completely ignoring the context through which she "made" money.

>> No.17990576

So is Caleb Maupin. Can she help make that neighborhood 1.7% black? I think it’s allowed in the US.
It’s also allowable to protest. First Amendment rights. But that’s stomped on daily.
All that said, I believe the secret services have infiltrated the movement and played them for fools and tools. No different than diehard Berniecrats

>> No.17990605
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>> No.17990612

I have no recommendations for you OP other than to not read >>17990605

>> No.17990620

She's a hypocrite for living in a mansion in a mostly white area. A mere champagne socialist.

>> No.17990641

BLM gets coopted by massive corporations. A self-described Marxist allows this to happen???

>> No.17990646

So is Caleb Maupin

Neither of them post re**it pol junk on lit though

>> No.17990656

>Being this dense

>> No.17990662

can you tell me more about this book? why should i read it? what will it tell me? is it politically partisan? do political partisans on one side or another hate it? sell it to me

>> No.17990669

Wake up nigger

>> No.17990671

Who the fuck is that creepy looking Jew?

>> No.17990673

Its how to be a Western maoist 101 basically
Death to Amerikkka and all that

>> No.17990680

This has nothing to do with Marxism, now please go back

>> No.17990688

Holy based
It tracks the history of America from a Marxist 3rd worldist perspective.

>> No.17990689


>> No.17990704

>Marxist 3rd worldist perspective
that's pretty yikes to be desu, why should i care about them or their perspective exactly?

>> No.17990724
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baka crakkkas never learn so they

>> No.17990727

She’s not a Marxist. 90% of leftists today are Progressive Liberals who are useful idiots that refine our global system of liberal capitalism.

>> No.17990760

Book recs when

>> No.17990787
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>> No.17990793


>> No.17990794

Notice something? Yeah, (((Jews)))

>> No.17990804

Muh Jews
Btw only Marx in that pic was a Jew(Lenin wasn’t)

>> No.17990822
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>> No.17990856
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Marx’s books. Not Lenin’s books. That will stray into “Marxist-Leninism”
It’s economics basically. So lots of of room for refinement, starting with Rosa Luxembourg on down to David Harvey

>> No.17990879

Real shit leftoids say moment here. Too bad a post that I don’t even feel like arguing against it.

>> No.17990893

>Faggot big shitter speaks, expecting everyone to listen to her shit takes

>> No.17990908
File: 295 KB, 643x1050, FD0005B4-6A29-4402-9BA1-7DB4215E8B98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could mention also Mandel, Furr and Parenti. And you know I approve of the Cockshott

>> No.17990916

what is that one about?

>> No.17990920

I like how reddit does its best to bury this article.

>> No.17990929

>bro white people were never poor, just trust me

>> No.17990941

The pictured one?
Theories on the stages of capitalism

>> No.17990943

kek why they do they keep pretending their anachronistic races defines these things. what is known as white people have always made up the poorest and bulk of wageslaves. and they never seen as the same group.

>> No.17990945

read hegel instead

>> No.17990946


>> No.17990947

Please read the book where he goes over this very argument

>> No.17990949

All you need to know is that Marxism is astrology for bitter people who hate the rich so much they forget to love the poor.

>> No.17990955

Marxism is when you’re a moralist

>> No.17990962
File: 119 KB, 781x1220, C41F46C7-F8CA-49C7-BCD8-C7F5958B86BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every school of economics is astrology

>> No.17990969

>Not Lenin’s books
The Three Sources is only a couple pages bro

>> No.17990974

No. Post it here if its so convincing

>> No.17990977

It's not astrology if it works.

>> No.17990979

Here this might help:
1) communism is a description, using anthropology and social contract theory, to describe human nature (species being, ala the economic and philosophic manuscripts)
2) the development of capitalist societies, ie bourgeois revolutions like the American revolution or the bolshevik coup) is necessary and good for connecting the world population
3) from capitalist society, workers are to seize the state and get rid of class distinctions.

The BLM founder is not a worker. Her job as an organizer is to connect ppl and establish groups that facilitate the revolution.

Or, she's just a fucking fascist and we should find and burn her mansion.

>> No.17990984

The pretense of scientific socialism is a veil for the moralism. Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto to motivate the proletariat to revolt before later deciding that the revolution is historically determined, actually.
Do you know what a difference-in-differences or an instrumental variable analysis is? And even if your claim was true, the correct response would be to agnostic toward how the economy works.

>> No.17990986

Capitalism is good and necessary, according to marx

>> No.17990993

Gay retard

>> No.17990995

The amount of effort "leftists" will go through to ignore white workers is honestly amazing.
This is a pretty good demonstration of their failures. Anon tells someone to "read the book" instead of demonstrating things himself. Some true believer his is, he can't even be bothered to explain it! Imagine if Paul told pagans to "read the scrolls" instead of preaching, if Socrates sat inside weeping about sophists. But even this is too much for him, because he doesn't even give a free pdf file of the book.
Just read this instead. Why bother with ideas that people don't bother to argue?

>> No.17990997

Are you black?

>> No.17991003

Astrology has this funny way of working sometimes, anon.

You are? Me lesbian.

>> No.17991007

>I'm a retarded butterfly

She's a hypocrite and so are you

>> No.17991010

Literally like half the book is just documenting white workers betraying their Afrikan brothers.

>> No.17991017

Does he ever question this except "muh racism" or "class traitors"

>> No.17991019

>But even this is too much for him, because he doesn't even give a free pdf file of the book.
It was already linked above. And that review has been long debunked.

>> No.17991024

Yes he goes over the material reasons why.

>> No.17991027


>> No.17991028

>And that review has been long debunked.
It has? Hopefully you remember the thorough debunking enough to convince me here.

>> No.17991036

She wants to do none of that. Leftists don’t care about class revolution anymore, they are slave moralists and just want to create a cesspool of inferior groups embracing their weaknesses. Transgenderism is a greater priority for leftists than labor.

>> No.17991046
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This book provides a nice explanation of Marx directly. It ignores ideas which have originated after Marx which have taken the label of Marxism, so Marxism here in the title refers to the man directly, but not as much the phenomenon afterwards. There's a segment on Marx's contributions to economics as well as how certain presumptions made by Marx contrast with modern economics.

>> No.17991051

Unironically Animal Farm

>> No.17991054

Do you like cunnilingus?

>> No.17991060


>> No.17991066

>The amount of effort "leftists" will go through to ignore white workers is honestly amazing.
Oh look another person who thinks Sakai just wrote wypipo bad for 400 pages and that WE’RE the ones who are ignoring white workers and not them ignoring us.

>> No.17991065

Interesting. Thanks for the rec.

>> No.17991071
File: 322 KB, 2104x1833, 4C9658D0-DF98-44A4-8BC8-9C7FE009BEE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course!

>> No.17991074

Most socialists are NPCs just following the winds of trends.
You cant have social change without Christ. (Anything else, even if materially good, can be spiritually devoid)

The left are materially good, spiritually dead and anti-spiritual. The right is materially bad and spiritually superficial. There is no inbetween except Christ and a rejection of chiliasm

>> No.17991079
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Wew lads

>> No.17991083

Would you allow a guy to do it if he's doing it solely as an act of passion? Or only women?

>> No.17991086

You're right, in between 'wypipo bad' he includes a middle school attempt at historical analysis. It's no surprise that this work captivated third-worlders and their intellectual peers (American communists).

>> No.17991091
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>> No.17991092

Economics is meteorology. The mechanics of isolated events is understood and repeatable, the question is always which principles will dominate at a given time or place.

>> No.17991095 [DELETED] 

>he includes a middle school attempt at historical analysis
Not an argument. Provide 5 things he’s historically wrong about.

>> No.17991096

I have never heard of it
t. Third world citizen

>> No.17991097

You and Stonethrow haven’t heard of the IWW

>> No.17991100

And? Are Marxist not allowed to make money or spend it?

>> No.17991106
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Reminder to read pic related if you actually want to resist the takeover of the late capitalist managerial class and its "eat bugs for thee" ideology


>> No.17991108

It doesn't matter how she made it, that doesn't discredit the movement

not an argument

>> No.17991109

>that pic
Marxists and liberals are smart enough not to get high on their own supply

>> No.17991110
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Si se puede

>> No.17991117

>10,000 members
>the working class

are you retarded. You are so out of touch with the mODERN working class.

>> No.17991120

Imagine thinking they’re relevant in 2021

>> No.17991121

>I believe the secret services have infiltrated the movement and played them for fools and tools
This is your brain on marvel movies. Hope this is bait.

>> No.17991124 [DELETED] 

Not if she had integrity. It's like a Nazi marrying a Jewish woman and supporting the globalist corporations. If they were what they see they were, they should put their money where their moith is.

>> No.17991132

Not if she had integrity. It's like a Nazi marrying a Jewish woman and supporting the globalist corporations. If they were what they see they were, they should put their money where their mouth is.
>that doesn't discredit the movement
It does. Because instead of using that money to help poor blacks, she spent it on a big house near Beverly Hills. Instead of helping her community, she lives among rich whites. that's the leader of a phoney movement

>> No.17991138

It's a type of marxist that is really upset at America.

>> No.17991143

“Relevance” isn’t what I was even addressing there, turds.

Blacks are shot, strangled, on camera, and for some reason the knee on the neck sets this cop riot off? This was a set up. We’re heading for a depression and people were goin on strikes, so they cooked this bullshit show up to distract us.

>> No.17991156

Surprisingly based post from butters

>> No.17991157

The modern working class isn't fucking steel and oil rig workers. Yes, they are part of it, but that is not the main workforce.
Most of them are just normal wageslaves.

>> No.17991184

I would drop kick your head through drywall

>> No.17991198

Duh. Bby, I include unpaid housework as the workforce. I don’t romanticize factory workers

Oh thank you. Glad I’m not alone on this.

>> No.17991207

Let me lick your moist cunt, Butterfly.

>> No.17991210

>Blacks are shot, strangled, on camera, and for some reason the knee on the neck sets this cop riot off?
That one gained popularity because of the iconic imagery and the fact that if you leave out key pieces of footage it seems totally senseless. Most of the time blacks get shot it's reasonably justified so it's hard to build up a movement around it.
>This was a set up.
I agree.

Mayne they haven't but it's a critique of a specific kind of very real bourgeois "marxist."

>> No.17991216
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>Blacks are shot, strangled, on camera, and for some reason the knee on the neck sets this cop riot off? This was a set up. We’re heading for a depression and people were goin on strikes, so they cooked this bullshit show up to distract us.
It's behaviorally consistent I guess that a Marxist in the year 2021 could come to conclusions like this through sheer power of internal rationalization. Imagine if you used your creativity towards writing fiction or something instead of expelling whatever pent up angst you're internalizing with fabricated stories about the world inside your head on an anonymous yack fetish forum.

>> No.17991229

Good, lots of socialist trenders with no actual values (or some vague notion of historical materialism which somehow extends to morality) make an idol out of the 1940s. We do not live in those times anymore.
Most people are not 'class traitors' -- there is no notion of class in modern day america anymore. Neo-liberalism, ironically, destroys class barriers in that people are blind to them.

>> No.17991236

You don't need a book to tell you that it's a scam. It was a scam since day one.

>> No.17991249

Marx and Engels bragged about investing money in the stock market.

>> No.17991254

1. I’m not a Marxist
2. We watched multiple videos of plainclothed cops vandalize buildings, beat protesters, and let looters run free. That’s historic fact now.

>. Neo-liberalism, ironically, destroys class barriers in that people are blind to them.
I’ve seen that. The old slow boiling frog

>> No.17991268

>Neo-liberalism, ironically, destroys class barriers in that people are blind to them
What did he mean by this, Butters? Can you illustrate this a bit?

>> No.17991275
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Stirner would be so proud seeing the atomization of every day life nullifying the ideological basis of socialism. He's smiling in his grave seeing everything he said come to pass.

>> No.17991287

This is correct

>> No.17991290

You sound black

>> No.17991292

He advocated harsh clampdowns on immigration. Very natsoc

>> No.17991298

I am a marxist, at least for now

>> No.17991314

Not the same anon but I'd like to second Sowell as a rec

>> No.17991328


agreed. that shit was bad, but nowhere near as clearcut as that dude in South Carolina who got executed walking away from that cop. THAT was riot worthy.

What happened to Floyd probably deserves pretty serious consequences for Chauvin, but the whole presence of drugs is perfectly set up to exploit latent prejudices on both sides- each party feels like "their guy" - sure, made a mistake- but this is an unreasonable overreaction. Yes Floyd took some drugs, but he wouldn't have died if he hadn't been detained that way! Yes Chauvin probably shouldn't have used that detainment method that long, but how is he supposed to know Floyd was actually ODing, and not just continuing to resist!?

I mean, it looks pretty clear after he died, but hindsight is 20/20- can we say beyond a reasonable doubt that Chauvin's actions were the primary factor? Idk.

I really don't know.

>> No.17991345

Have you seen the longer version of the video? Floyd couldn't breathe even before trying to get in the police car and said it himself. He was ODing already. The cop's knee was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

>> No.17991350

>but how is he supposed to know Floyd was actually ODing, and not just continuing to resist!?
The Boy who pretended to OD and then stabbed the officer in the face, yet another classic fable.

>> No.17991356
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>> No.17991360

Actually probably 1984. She's buying her victory mansion

>> No.17991361


I mean true, but he was also resisting arrest. I I hate typing these words but when you have a dude refusing to get in the cop car, your head goes to "oh he's just saying whatever to delay the inevitable."

Besides, if the knee was just the final straw, then what we're really looking is an improper response to a self induced medical emergency. Also not great, but not really murder charges prolly.

>> No.17991375

A very kino training film. But I'm sure not wanting to get your dick stabbed is the result of institutional racism, and not a black guy stabbing people in the dick.