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File: 1.84 MB, 1259x910, primer to metaphysics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17990178 No.17990178 [Reply] [Original]

It has been released... It is done. What had to be done is done. The work is finished. The other shore is reached. The holy life has been lived.

What ramifications will this two page PDF have on the history of philosophy?

>> No.17990181
File: 1.75 MB, 1247x912, primer to metaphysics 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17990189
File: 57 KB, 1080x1019, 1615228181684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What ramifications will my schizophrenia have on the history of philosophy?

>> No.17990199

forced schizo

>> No.17990208

>the Greek, Indian and Egyptian monists were just schizos! trust me bro!

>> No.17990218

Balochistan, Apache County, bitty Talmudist, noseburn, threatspot undeceitful, medium-brow, pegomancy teleobjective, Mencius gamblesome, kill-off, angel dust, picrol, cavern whitecap Cathie, solar prominence, obliteratively, overpowerer predicate, nimble will, biregular, faded, crackless, misguider, retaliationist, morphoscopically framing chocolate face, lardy, reinspective watermilfoil, scrubboard, padrão, unspellable, inedited, postatomic unscientificness, in play, forerecited diamide, paracopulatory fen cricket, finnophone, sweetnesse, Exmoorian, nuzzling tough titty, astaciculture, molecular weight, trapshooting, sopor, overetched, HSBC, misissue, demystify, junshi hallowly squandering, stella, Burton Coggles embryogenicity, boracic acid, rinpoche, shippiness, gervao, bestung, turnsole jam sandwich nonvisceral, Zuricher, mutual inductance, reveling, grampy nonrunner, letter of intent, nonmodulated, adds insult to injury, relevates paragrammatically, unmarriage, up to anything, lick and a promise, piciform, metafemale, merchantry, pseudoprospective hoff major, honorarily, Rumpelstiltskin, amyelinic postlegitimized, Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells, on-ramp acceptingly, disemboguement egoboo, instance in, washpot, trade paperback, San Andreas faults, Nilo-Saharan exclusion, blunderbuss, conjurer tinctorially, timing chain, superinvariant, Colliers Wood, Finneran televidiot portrait ejectable, wacky tabaccy maumetry scramb rebus principle, classicalization, vitamin V, snappily, mark tree, vibe check, AFI, Manu, archduke Standard Model, authenticity MDiv, aristogenic, water-shield megasiemens, befrost tankman, Sindhee, missend, anagogy's grammatischer Wechsel, equimultiple venereous zang-fu, power line communication, cochleography, pipemouth, lamb's ears, semilethal, two steps ahead, black redstart, Rydberg constant, simmerer Murdoch, nonplane unenrolled, botty, yeuk, petroliferous dulcimer agrément, buggy whip, Tail End Charlie, field mushroom, unbroadcast, astrophoto tippet, bethrust, Mandelbrot set, distancer, cuboidal oar in someone's boat, cumberment brigue, nonzero, oxycontin, Krissy, harvest gold, noncreationist chromiferous, -ful, Liturgy of the Hours, thanatopic, commandment, Kempe, Discovery Bay, housebuilder nervicited, -fold, Lolland fringeworthy, barographic, subj, ruction, gunboat diplomacy respected, obstinant, nonmuscle, geo, boxy gastrologer, enraptured, unsleeved, Yonan, Carnoustie, sinky merit, spinnability, go along for the ride, ichnologically, nonattention Samsung, seidel, Woop Woop, practisest mesocoelic, refutably, barbaloin stonen, multilocationally inhabile, non-terminal, interminated, end in, unhired, pearled, elevationally, hakapik SCID, Xmas freedom of association, terra-mara, subcounty pseudo-English, headman, indefatigability, mailboat, chemoperfusion, multiradial orbital, poet, outbray, recasting, likelyhood, fend off gray-blue, pan-vitalism, come-along, connature, revolutionalize, tool around, singeing flokati, GG

>> No.17990219

schizophrenia general? schizophrenia general.

>> No.17990221
File: 71 KB, 870x616, recursion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, but the author should have cleaned it up and presented it in a more readable fashion if they wanted anyone to take it seriously. Though I will say, being able to read "non-linearly" feels somehow significant to the ideas in the images.

>> No.17990248


>> No.17990357

It's obviously influenced by Neoplatonism on the one hand, and division by zero on the other, but other than that I cannot understand most of the other stuff here. I developed a metaphysics similarly influenced by division by zero and Neoplatonism when I was a teenager. I've moved on from that stage of my life now. But at least what I did was better than this.

>> No.17990388

I'm sure you did buddy

>> No.17990511

Yeah. I did.

>> No.17991366

The fact that the raccoons are now banging an empty yoghurt carton around on the driveway, the fact that in the early morning stillness it sounds like gunshots, the fact that, even in fog, with ice on the road and snow banks blocking their vision, people are already zooming around our corner, the site of many a minor accident, the fact that a guy in a pickup once accidentally skidded into our garage, and next time it could be our house, or a child, Wake Up Picture Day, dicamba, Kleenex...

>> No.17991376

What happens to the human brain with schizophrenia that causes it to do this

>> No.17991394

Photography/Buddhism Ken?

>> No.17991398

seems so

>> No.17991401

Looks like dugin garbage

>> No.17991402

Where does he get his money?

>> No.17991417


i tried to take this seriously but it just seems like schizo ramblings to me.

does anybody see any sense in this shit? if so, please explain why this man should not be given antipsychotic drugs

>> No.17991431

>The everlasting work is ended!

>> No.17991447

At first instance, I can only make this out to be a bad version of Plato's Parmenides mixed in with taken-for-granted metaphysical/esoteric-scientific ideas, hence why it reads like it's just been put together with no explanation yet many words and many references.

>> No.17992734

I'm failing to see how this will get anyone pussy. Into the trash it goes.

>> No.17994241

This is hilarious. It looks like you copy pasted from an E&M textbook without understanding any of the figures or terminology. I truly hope you are 17 or something-- either that or you are a pure idiot.

>> No.17994399

I've seen these and better or worse, they were from MY schizophreniac patients

>> No.17994407

read Madness and modernism or The men without qualities