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17989303 No.17989303 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone give me a qrd on this guy? I learned about him through Evola and just bought pic related.

>> No.17989584

Thats a good book but I would recommend starting with his earlier books, if not his very first one, if you’ve read a lot of Evola you might be fine though. He is sorta like a more level-headed and apolitical Evola who goes deeper into pure metaphysics in his writings.

>> No.17989598

Guenon and Evola are literally who and irrelevant outside 4chan

>> No.17989604


>> No.17989617

You are wasting you time reading shit

>> No.17989620

Because it isn't popular?

>> No.17989629

because they didn't write nothing remotely interesting

>> No.17989649

I don't think you get to decide that for everyone else.

>> No.17989748

major cope

>> No.17989782
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I remember a whilo ago someone on /lit/ posted a video of an iranian man with a large library including Evola who he said was very important.

He also said he would be homeschooling his kids because the school system is shit.

unfortunately I cant find the video on youtube, i thought i saved the link.

>> No.17989836

I prefer Symbols of Transformation.

>> No.17992004

Hmm, I will bump this thread.

>> No.17992019 [DELETED] 

Based Iranians. I bet he still prays to Mithra too.

>> No.17992023

>muh popularity contest
>muh argumentum ad populum

>> No.17992025

Essential books:
Man and his becoming
Symbolism of the cross
Multiple states of being

>> No.17992032

Evioa is popular with Steve bannon and many other republicans.

He's essentially the basis of the alt right you mong.

>> No.17992034

You should start by reading Introduction to the Hindu Doctrines. The first part of the book is a good exposition on his general metaphysics.

>> No.17992035

>He's essentially the basis of the alt right you mong.
The alt right doesnt read

>> No.17992042

>Evioa is popular with Steve bannon and many other republicans.
No, he isn't. The fact that Republicans or any other neocons could claim to "get" Evola is absolutely laughable.

>> No.17992069

read the crisis of the modern world first

>> No.17992101

Steve Bannon referenced Evola one time in passing while talking about how Alexander Dugin echoes Evola, so he wasn't even expressing support. It's so fucking insane how the media gets away with lying to people like you. You don't know what Evola is about and you don't know what the alt right was. You're a stupid man who has no business getting involved with politics.

>> No.17992156 [DELETED] 

Wrong. Guenon still popular amongst Islamic mystical circles.

>> No.17992161

Here it is


>> No.17992172


>Guénon was a pseu-
He was proficient at Greek, Latin, English, Italian, German, Spanish, Sanskrit, Hebraic, Arabic and Chinese, was trained in mathematics and was extremely well-read in both eastern and western philosophy
>Guénon was a stupid posing larpe-
He was initiated into both a Vietnamese Taoist Triad as well as the al-'Arabiyya Shadhiliyya Sufi order, furthermore in all his writings he stressed the need for personal and genuine participation in whatever Traditions one aspired to follow. His acquaintances both Egyptian and western observed that he scrupulously followed Islamic observances during his life in Egypt
>Guénon was a literal nobody, he was not influenti-
Among the many western philosophers, artists and authors who were influenced by him or who heaped praise on him include Carl Schmitt, Georges Bataille, Aleksander Dugin, Antonin Artaud, Olavo de Carvalho, André Breton, Mircea Eliade, Alain Danielou, Julius Evola, André Malraux, Albert Gleizes, René Daumal, Raymond Queneau, Paul Ackerman, Huston Smith, William Chittick, Steve Bannon, Harry Oldmeadow, James Cutsinger and Hossein Nasr. Furthermore as Nasr notes in his article 'The Influence of Rene Guenon in the Islamic World', Guénon is well-known and influential among the intelligentsia including traditional Islamic scholars in certain Islamic countries such in Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and Malaysia.
>Guénon just made a bunch of stupid and unjustified comparisons between religio-
To the contrary over the course of some twenty odd books he painstakingly and patiently elucidated the fundamental agreement between the metaphysics of Advaita Vedanta, Taoism, Sufism, Hermeticism and Christian esoterism, work that Coomaraswamy built on and further confirmed

>> No.17992183

Holy based!

>> No.17992222
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>> No.17992256
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Based digits

>> No.17992264
File: 448 KB, 955x555, EvolaQuote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bourgeois seethes

>> No.17992276

All those books and he’s still a filthy Shia

>> No.17992309

I would like to rob this man

>> No.17992441

See this as an introduction, OP

>> No.17992557
File: 477 KB, 995x1067, 1587648402990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interested in traditionalism
>interested in neoplatonism
>reads both mulla sadr and ibn arabi
>interested in egyptology
>interested in sacred geometry
>interested in philiosphical linguistics
>knows many languages, wants to learn ancient greek
>homeschools his kids because he doesnt want them to become pozzed
how can one man be so based?

>> No.17992640

Subject of today's discussion: how to save our multicultural liberal democracy.