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17987589 No.17987589 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about rise of global totalitarianism?

>> No.17987597

Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn

>> No.17987606

I like how the the first 10 steps are rooted in reality and could be argued and the last 2 steps just go full /x/ microchipped humans

>> No.17987615

totalitarianism and libertarianism is a false dichotomy. it not only has nothing to do with an NWO, the NWO actively encourages libertarianism against Eurasian universality that it mislabeled as “fascism”. look up Aleksandr Dugin.

>> No.17987622

>promote global depopulation
yeah right "GLOBAL"...
>the real goal of this so called great reset is high-tech fascism/communism
holy fuck hope i will live in a high-tech fascist society would be much better than living in this fucking shithole. i even prefer communism to this we have now.

>> No.17987628

>promote global depopulation
who comes up with this shit

>> No.17987648

Is there anything that filters /lit/ more easily than /x/?
>muh intellectual rigor

>> No.17987649

Global depopulation isn’t a bad thing though, in fact it’s what’s needed

>> No.17987669

It's actually the other way around. Only the last 2 are the reality, and the others are delusional or partially true.

>> No.17987672

So what is the end goal of this. Who benefits from this.
Why would the people that are already rich and have power care that much.

>> No.17987681

>not understanding the true meaning of selling ones soul

>> No.17988183

Fucking retard. You think they became billionaires by saying "Eh, this is enough money, I'll just retire now"? Humans lust for power, have you never read a fucking history book, moron?

>> No.17988248

>let me just pay for 3 billion experimental microchips, good thing me and all the other billionares agree we will make more money

>> No.17988249

You have to go back to the roots:
"On the Jews and their lies"

>> No.17988273

What’s the point of big pharma making a few billion on vaccines if they’re already controlled by the Jews/Illuminati/whatever owning trillions of dollars. Wouldn’t the elite want more poor people to exploit through lower and lower wages?

>> No.17988315

"the elite" isn't some kind of monolith, big pharma is still big pharma and they want money and prestige
>Wouldn’t the elite want more poor people to exploit through lower and lower wages?
how is that mutually exclusive with covid vaccinations and big pharma profits lol

>> No.17988334

If it's what it takes to stop global warming, so be it. The climate change crisis is the primary reason for a totalitarian world state or a mass depopulation. I think the people at the top have thrown in the towel on a democratic solution, and given that half of the USA still thinks global warming is fake, I can see why. A "NWO" which is harsh and focused on fixing the climate may be a necessity for humanity's survival.

>> No.17988341

holy shit go back to facebook you fucking moron
god i hope it's bait

>> No.17988380

I'm not baiting. Think about it, if you were an elite and you knew that humanity was faced with an existential threat, which many of them refused to believe was real, and one in which time was of the essence, you'd try to take action through totalitarian means as well. Climate change is such an existential threat, and it's the only thing we know of that merits a "NWO".

>> No.17988406

It's the gooses, duh.

>> No.17988414

It's a manufactured existential threat to justify the expansion of their powers, how anybody still be this hopelessly naive in the year 2021 AD. If the elites were interested in 'fixing climate change', they'd just do it.

>> No.17988426

Where do you get your raw, untainted information from?

>> No.17988444

Buddy if the elite are willing to secretly murder most of the human race, do you not think they might also be willing to lie to the public about the 'science' of climate change? You don't think they can control academia if they have that much power to carry out other secret plans?

>> No.17988471

Where do you get yours? Elite institutions?
You're the one that thinks 'uneducated american people' are responsible for actual federal policy in any way, shape, or form.
>>duhh they just can't do it because Americans are too ignorant!
Meanwhile the elites can get whatever else they want by hook or crook in this shambling corpse of a 'democracy'. Get a grip dude.

>> No.17988498

I'm not that other guy, I have no clue what you're talking about with "uneducates Americans" and all that. Obviously everything is fucked, but without something substantial behind it, it's directionless, just a feeling you have

>> No.17988509

They don't need to lie, the evidence can be seen with people's eyes. Glaciers are shrinking worldwide, wildfires are longer and more widespread, and the number of hurricanes each year are increasing. And the mainstream explanation makes sense too. We've pumped so much CO2 into the air over the past 200ish years, of course it was going to catch up with us. As for why the elites let it get to this point? I dunno. But now that the effects are starting to be felt, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw them fix it, by force if needed.

>> No.17988531

Guy, it's an unfalsifiable premise. The earth has been far hotter than it is now in the past because of natural causes, with varying co2 levels (in fact higher oxygen in warmer times because of the increased flora levels). There is no way to prove that co2 emissions create global warming. Obviously the climate is changing, the climate has always been changing, and always will be changing.

>> No.17988544

>We've pumped so much CO2 into the air over the past 200ish years, of course it was going to catch up with us
Except you dont' know this at all, you can't run an experiment on global climate with one earth you pump CO2 into starting at the year x and another earth you leave alone.

>> No.17988582

I mean, we can't conduct that experiment, but at the same time this consequence of carbon emissions was predicted as far back as the 1890s. And since then, even people with things to lose if the CO2 hypothesis was correct (like workers at Exxon and Shell) have analyzed climate data to show that CO2 emissions and climate change are linked. I don't question the truth of CO2 causing the climate crisis, the problem is what to do about it. It will be very hard to raise and maintain standards of living while lowering carbon emissions.

>> No.17988620

Exxon and Shell have the majority of money in "green energy" as well. They have nothing to lose because they're not going to lose anything because fossil fuel usage isn't going anywhere, therefore their interests lie in propagating this elite conspiracy.
>analyzed climate data to show that CO2 emissions and climate change are linked
it still relies on an unfalsifiable premise, you just irrationally trust authority

>> No.17989010

Somebody tell me this isn't real

>> No.17989013

Just read the bit where it says 5G causes covid-like symptoms

>> No.17989037

Their particular narrative is a bit harebrained but it's touching on real issues like mass surveillance. It might be grug but they're on some of the right tracks.

>> No.17989918

cringe and polpilled

>> No.17989935

They've been around for a century right now.

>> No.17990049

1. Paris has 20755 people per sq km
2. The size of France is 248,000 sq km
3. If we take the density of Paris you could fit almost 6 billion people in France alone and have the rest of the world to grow food / parks etc...

This planet can and hold and feed a hell of a lot more people.

>> No.17990053
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Top fucking kek. If you believe this you are millitary-grade retarded.

>> No.17990088
File: 117 KB, 908x1280, unleash deadly virus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1

>> No.17990095
File: 51 KB, 420x600, vaccinate everyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 2

>> No.17992112

Indeed, fascism would be a good development. Fascists were the enemies of the globalists. Unfortunately it's no longer possible in most of the West, because the ethnos has been compromised and besieged.

True. We're way past the point of diminishing returns in terms of benefits of larger population. The negative returns of behavioural sinks, resource depletion and general ecological destruction are serious problems. We simply don't have the technology to have this many people AND have nice things (like living space, personal transportation and non grain-based diets).

Of course the driver of overpopulation is the East, and they don't give a fuck. There's no indication that our globalists elites plan on addressing the issue either, rather their strategy appears to be indoctrinating the new masses to accept lower standards of living.

>> No.17992170

I made that image as a joke btw
I created dissidentsignposts as I thought it would be funny.

>> No.17992176

I can't believe people are delusional and stupid enough to believe this garbage. This is what the modern education system creates, people who can't think and jump to nonsense on the internet.

>> No.17992203

Holy shit not the microwave networks!!!

>> No.17992210

You're a fucking faggot and creating more schizos.

>> No.17992579

What's the density of rare metals? What's the environmental impact of megafarms? What kind of nasty chemical feedstocks will need to have their production multiplied?

>> No.17992692

This sounds like Utopia. I love it. I just wish it were true. World State and Totalitarian Peace.

>> No.17993179

Go back to your containment boards, please.

>> No.17993186
File: 13 KB, 454x520, 1588802904600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go back to your containment boards, please.

>> No.17993244


That's where this shit always gets too wacky for me. I can follow up to 8, but population growth in every fucking first world country is already below replacement rates. Why the fuck would a global hegemony need or want to enact pop. control measures against people who already aren't having kids? It doesn't make any sense. What do they want to do, sterilize the surplus third worlders that are migrating? Well, if this powerful cabal is sophisticated enough to zap us all with microwave towers to make us pretend sick, why don't they just do something way less Machiavellian and stop sending aid to the third world so they stop having 7 kids a person?

>> No.17993313


My take:

>1. Create a problem.
An intentional release is not anything that you'll ever prove. Whether it was a leak or intentional (either on the part of China alone, which is the only country to see economic growth during this pandemic, or the schizoid cabal) is irrelevant to me. Anyone here should look at the CDC official data (if American) and crunch the numbers yourself. My age cohort literally does have a 99.998% recovery rate. In my state, no one under the age of 30 has died from this disease. It's clearly being hyped up and taken advantage of. Small businesses have lost >$200 billion, government is exercising/grabbing power based on fear, division among people is increased by how politicized this issue has been made.

>2. Provoke a terrified reaction.
Check. Not much to say. Florida governor painted as evil, Cuomo in NY given an emmy. Florida is 29th in death rate, NY and several other lockdown heavy states comprise the Top 5 death rates.

>3. Impose lockdowns
See 1 & 2.

>4. Exaggerate Cases
I don't think this is necessary and sounds like conspiracy theory shit the average person needs. Again, you'll never prove it. And it's not necessary because you should just look at how it's covered (again in my cohort, the CDC numbers in January were ~3,100 death for ~2.6 million cases) and hyperbolized. Why can't you fucking retards just argue pragmatically, because you can still make your point without looking crazy?

>5. Mandate face masks.

>6. Impose contact tracing & 7. Impose health passport systems
These, I wholeheartedly can accept, are the goals for the elite. Regardless of whether this situation was manufactured (I don't believe it) or being taken advantage of (CLEARLY), these are of benefit to cosmpolitan uberwealthy who want to exercise more control over nation states for their own dynastic profit.

>8. 5G
Eh, it's too elaborate. Again, not necessary, you've got enough sheeple that will comply already. You don't need Dr. No and his space laser.

9. Vaccinations
Profit? Yep, 100% agree. Destroy natural immunity? Sure, I doubt they fucking care. The rest of it, especially depopulation? See >>17993244

>10. Cashless economy
Yeah, you're fucking grade A spot on right brah that there are people out there that want this.

>11. & 12.
Alexa, play "They're Coming to Take Me Away" by Napoleon XIV.

>> No.17993539

Mandatory vaccines are not a thing in my countries, I have two countries btw

>> No.17993548

why are countries slowly backing away from the vaccines?
why haven't the boards in charge of the relevant companies taken the vaccines?
It is clearly not necessary for people that are otherwise healthy. Want to risk your health to save some 90yo waster? Go ahead, but I won't...

>> No.17993582

It's actually every other step that is reality and the others are delusional or partly true.

>> No.17993682

But I'm a foreigner in England, can claim I already got the vaccine but my country has a vaccines book which they can't read nor prove it's fake (it's real, but the doctor just signs and puts the date and could be a private doctor in the middle of nowhere), my job doesn't require personal contact and don't have a phone. Good luck in tracking my ass.

>> No.17993705

but does that include recovery from long-COVID?

>> No.17993859

I'm a perfectly healthy 20+ year old but I still took the vaccine cause I like being able to hug my grandmother.
Besides, even as a 20+ y/o covid poses as a bigger health risk than the vaccine

>> No.17993879

The UK is not enforcing mandatory vaccination

>> No.17993888


>> No.17993951

What laws if any would have to be altered in the UK to enforce mandatory vaccination?

How many and which countries are enforcing mandatory vaccination?

Let's figure this out

>> No.17994018

>What laws if any would have to be altered in the UK to enforce mandatory vaccination?
One that dictates it is obligatory and that a card that verifies so shall be issued. People without said card won't be able to get a job, a bank account nor shop for groceries. Those who already have such services will have them removed.