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17984088 No.17984088 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, do you know of any alternate history books about what would have happened if the american natives (native americans, Mesoamerica, the Andes aka incas and shit) successfully fended off the europeans?

The aztecs came close but they got buttfucked by tlaxcaltecas and smallpox.

>> No.17984141

The Spanish were sent by Quetzalcoatl to reap the seeds he had sown long ago.

>> No.17984158

They would have remained in the stone age until the next batch of Europeans came and civilised them.

>> No.17984189

If they'd defeated the Spanish they would've captured some armor and weaponry and also horses. They seen the ships too.

>> No.17984199

Based and omenpilled

>> No.17984206

You dumb beaner

>> No.17984215

No but I recommend Aztec by Gary Jennings for some comfy nighttime reading

>> No.17984224

Not him, but horses would have been the only useful thing. Aztec society didn't even utilize the wheel (lack of beasts of burden and flat roads meant they were useless) let alone having the advanced metallurgy required to recreate steel weapons and armor. If we're assuming they used their newfound horses and dedicated the resources to learning new technology, an optimistic estimate would be that it would have been a couple centuries before they managed to recreate any of this, by which point firearms would have been the latest and greatest of warfare.

>> No.17984242
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Seeing a ship does not mean you can build one.
Seeing iron does not mean you can produce it.
The iron would rust well before they could reverse engineer anything.
Just having a handful of horses is not going to get you out of the stone age.
The next Europeans would have arrived a few years later and finished the job, easy.

>> No.17984250

The Spanish didn't invent any of those things themselves either.

>> No.17984258

Do you have access to Wikipedia? Your horizon may be broadened by the Maori Wars

>> No.17984288
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>> No.17984316
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Yeah okay buddy. So if the Brits were trading muskets for tomatoes you think they could have repelled the Spainiards. ur retarded and a waste

>> No.17984344

Japanese style

>> No.17984356

>So if the Brits were trading muskets for tomatoes you think they could have repelled the Spainiards.
I don't follow.

>> No.17984379

Sounds to me like these people are too insecure to even entertain the question. I don't know about fend off but the Shadowrun universe has groups like the Aztecs make a comeback when their gods return and by that point their descendants reassert themselves and form a mega-corp called Asztechnology. That world has it so the Christian religion was sort of bunk and other ones were real but powerless due the Arthurian style magic leaving the world. It came back in 2020 alongside people being born as inhuman creatures out of legend. There could easily be an alternate history story where the disease didn't happen or South America went through he same militaristic competition and trade that Euros got thus causing them to advance.

>> No.17984561

So? They have ready access to the technology to reproduce it. The Aztecs did not. Please pick up a book before posting on a board about literature.

>> No.17984595

>too insecure to even entertain the question
It was the premise was mediocre. It would need serious alterations to have happened. That's all anyone is saying. Saying "well they saw ships and steel so they can make them" is nonsense.

>> No.17984635

If the Aztecs did have access was the previous point.
>well they saw ships and steel so they can make them
They now know those things exist. And they defeated the Spanish, as per the premise. Think about war technology, the spread of the cannon is a good case study.

>> No.17984672
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It's a fantasy series, give it a try.

>> No.17984854

>fend off the Spanish in their galleons
>learn from this and resist the Europeans for a couple centuries
>suddenly they show up with gunboats...

>> No.17985049

>The aztecs came close but they got buttfucked by tlaxcaltecas and smallpox.
The Aztec empire was going to collapse soon, the Spaniards were just a catalyst
t. took a class about mesoamerican societies in undergrad

>> No.17985073

The only way it could have happened was if the Americas had some disease as bad as smallpox which European got exposed to and took back to Europe. Honestly, it was just luck that no such disease existed (yeah, syphilis came from the Americas but it's not nearly as bad as smallpox). That would have weakened Europe immensely and would have given the Aztecs or whoever replaced them more time to catch up with the Europeans technologically.

>> No.17985104

There's a very short story based on this premise that I read in a steampunk omnibus I read when I was 15, and it was about the only good story in the entire book. Not very helpful I know, but there you go

>> No.17985142

>what would have happened if the american natives (native americans, Mesoamerica, the Andes aka incas and shit) successfully fended off the europeans?
literally could have never happened
yeah that happened in chile for instance. the spanish rulers were super gay there and instead of killing them, like we based argies did, they just negociated with them and thats why chile is full of indians and people are really mean and gross, indian traditions persisted to a greater extent, and these indian mother fuckers used to steal from us argies crossing the patagonia to buenos aires and them sell the cows to ch*leans, until ROCA absolutely beated the fuck out of them and civilized patagonia so araucanos could no longer cross it to steal kill and rape us.

>> No.17985165

In the second half of Ultima by Stephen Baxter you have a alternate history in which the Incas basically became the biggest empire on Earth and now rule the entire solar system.

>> No.17985175

If Europe got decimated by some smallpox-like infection the turks or some other islamic state would probably have moved in and continued where the euros left off.

>> No.17985199

Didn't the indigenous iberians have advanced metallurgic techniques wrt their neighbors/region? I vaguely remember that being a big deal to the phoenicians, carthaginians, & romans

>> No.17985276

so basically beaner version of we waz kangz while they didnt even know iron or the wheel

>> No.17985282

Such a disease would have wrecked the Ottomans as well. Plus there was no need for the Muslim powers to go West, they had access to Asian trade already

>> No.17985292

Mexicans and the like are not native American. The beaners literally won lol.

>> No.17985352

At least the natives would still be alive then, because the Turks didn't try to destroy the identity and culture of every nation they conquered.

>> No.17985461

>because the Turks didn't try to destroy the identity and culture of every nation they conquered.
Yeah they didn't try to destroy the culture and identity because outright genociding them was easier than assimilating

>> No.17985485

That literally happened during the last 4 years of the empire. The Balkans were under Turkish control for at least 400 years but all the people there still exist and have their own religion and culture.

>> No.17985517

>Implying that the Aztecs wouldn't advance
You guys really don't give others much credit do you?

>> No.17985566

The only tribe in modern Mexico that attempted to "fend off" the Spaniards were the Aztecs. Every other tribe fought with them.

>> No.17985671

>The only tribe in modern Mexico that attempted to "fend off" the Spaniards were the Aztecs. Every other tribe fought with them.

All of these ppl above fought agaisnt spain and even won in some cases (chichimecan tribes)

>> No.17985683

I know a comic book (I think it was from France or Spain?) where the Natives discover Europe rather than the other way around.

>> No.17985710

>modern Mexico
Mexico didn't even exist back then. Mexico as a nation started in the early 1800s. The Aztecs were not Mexicans.

>> No.17985731

I was referring to the geographic area you fucking moron

>> No.17985736

>The Aztecs were not Mexicans.
The aztecs literally called themselves "Mexikah" you fucking mongoloid. Where do you think the name Mexico comes from?

>> No.17985759

/his/ levels of cringe here

>> No.17985767

That's Mesoamerica, not Mexico.
Meshica=/=Mexican. I understand where the name comes from but those are different things.

>> No.17985809

Most mexicans are about 20-70% native so does it really matter? not to mention that mexico still has tens of millions of pureblooded natives

>> No.17985839

Not every Mexican has Aztec blood. And Aztecs are not the only native group that exists. There are lots of other natives. So yes, it does matter. Meshica=/=Mexican. Not sure how that is a controversial statement.

>> No.17985862

>So yes, it does matter. Meshica=/=Mexican
So what should they call their country?

>> No.17985866

the aztecs were genocided. modern mexicand descend of other tribes and spaniards.

>> No.17985926

The name is fine. It's your assumption that every Mexican has Aztec blood that is wrong. Just to illustrate this, not every person from Canada, Milwaukee, Ohio, Hawaii, Nebraska, Minnesota, etc has blood from the people whose language was used to name those places. We're past the point where names of places accurately reflect the population, especially in the New World.

>> No.17985954

>We're past the point where names of places accurately reflect the population, especially in the New World.
This is something that i've always hated about new world nations, here in the old world our regions relfect our identity and language/dialect (in most cases)
Someone from Skane is going to have a different dialect from a stockholmer, a valencian might indentify himself more with valencian indentity rather than castillian spanish, an alsatian german feels more in touch with other germans than with the average parisian frenchie

>> No.17986002

I mean, even in the Old World things aren't going so well. Example, an Arab can be French, a Jew can be Spanish, a Negro can be British. Even a supposed conservative like Boris Johnson has paid a great amount of money out of the tax payer's pocket to import millions of immigrants from China and calling them British (pretty much rendering the anti-immigrant argument of Brexit meaningless). Europe is an ideological mess.

>> No.17986028

>Mexicans and the like are not native American
>we wuz white n sheit
stop the cope, it's geting more an more embarassing

>> No.17986045

They aren't? They are a mix of native and spaniard

>> No.17986076

That is in big cities mostly, and big cities have always been full of immigrants, even before all these refugee crisis, for example, not too long ago france was flooded with millions of southern european migrants, not too mention all the slavs that came later

>> No.17986092

>/lit/, do you know of any alternate history books about what would have happened if the american natives (native americans, Mesoamerica, the Andes aka incas and shit) successfully fended off the europeans?
The Incas would have conquered the Aztecs, since the Aztecs were in decadence and the Inca's empire was rising to its golden age (for instance, look at the wiki periods of both civilizations). The Spaniards came just in time, after the greatest warrios from america were at their best and just before the Incas had stratified the south cone.

>> No.17986107
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Orson Scott Card wrote a book about time travelers go back to pre-contact Mesoamerica and perform a mock crucifixion. When Columbus arrives, the natives already have their own Christian religion so no one gets genocided.

I don't know if it's good or not -- read it from the library like 20 years ago and had no idea it was a Mormon allegory.

>> No.17986115
File: 110 KB, 625x1029, 78F9E7D9-23CE-429B-86B3-8589038C1654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not exactly what you are asking for, but The Years of Rice and Salt is an alternative history where Europe gets totally annihilated by the plague in the 1340s, and history otherwise proceeds.

For at least some part of it Native Americans form a sort of united political federation and become a significant power. AFAIK at least some of South American gets colonized by Muslims but I don’t want to spoil too much.

It won the Locus Award for best sci fi novel when it came out too, so it’s not a total hack work

>> No.17986135

Unlikely as the Aztecs were at their peak when the Spaniards arrived and Incas were far away in South America.

>> No.17986148

Everyone hated the Aztecs, if the Incas challenged them the neighbors of the Aztecs would have joined in on the fun like they joined the conquistadors against the Aztecs.

>> No.17987317 [DELETED] 

Thank fuck my ancestor, Hernán Cortés, killed you fucking beaners of the Americas

>> No.17987349
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Our* ancestor

>> No.17987392
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I'm Portuguese. (thank God)

>> No.17987401

what's that? like geese that live at sea ports?

>> No.17987410
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very humorous

>> No.17987447
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Why do you want to waste time with what didn't happen? Go read Open Veins of Latin American instead.

>> No.17987460

Don't know why the jannies deleted my comment.
Anyways, for posterity, I said that I'm the descendent of Hernán Cortés and was very happy that something happened in the Americas during the late XVI and early XVII century

>> No.17987473

>Don't know why the jannies deleted my comment.

>> No.17987480

Reminds me of when I played Crusader Kings with all DLCs and the fucking aztecs kidnapped and killed me in Sweden.

Anyway fuck the aztecs but their religion and philosophy was cool.

>> No.17987497
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I suppose
To respond to OP, check this video, it's the only thing that I could think of

>> No.17987504
File: 598 KB, 1027x1500, Georges_Bataille_vers_1943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Aztecs were giga based. Read Bataille.

>> No.17987549

He sounds like he never touched a woman in his entire life
The absolute state of historycels

>> No.17987782

This is what happens when people get their history from paradox games.

>> No.17988747

Bataille's account on the Aztecs is based on pulp french theory about "Connan the Azteca" and "The Lord of the Gold: The Dorado's Fellowship".

>> No.17989134
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Here you have anon, the exact answer to your request.