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17980417 No.17980417 [Reply] [Original]

The webm that destroyed the inspired writers of /lit/.

>> No.17980438
File: 2.46 MB, 1280x720, lit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The webm that destroyed the shitposters of /lit/.

>> No.17980459


>> No.17980471

Damn that's brutal. I bet that's a movie/show for girls and they love this character too.

>> No.17980499

why did this hurt my feelings?

>> No.17980500

College flash backs....fuck. Stupid factory of conceited fuxks

>> No.17980502

Man, what's the point of writing if you have to stick to your IRL personality religiously? Silly female.

>> No.17980503

The second part of her criticism might be legitimate, but the first part isn't. He can write free and wild even if he himself is not. Her criticism is just that that's not how he is. I don't think that's valid.

Also, she only pointed out bad things, she didn't point out any of the good things he did that he should focus more on.

This isn't a "criticism" it's just someone trying to make someone else feel bad.

>> No.17980505


>> No.17980507 [DELETED] 

I don't say this often, but

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.17980517

Because you realize that even if she was wrong there's no really good comeback for something like this. You'd just stand there, vulnerable, probably trying to laugh it off like a dork

>> No.17980522

Even without the audio I can figure out exactly how she sound.

>> No.17980527

Why, because it's a girl? If it was some old professor guy saying that you would think 'wow sage but practical obvious advice, I must really absorb this while not giving up.'

>> No.17980546

No, literally no one would think if that. Women operate under retarded assumptions like this because they can act psychotic while telling themselves anyone who disagrees with them is just being sexist.

>> No.17980547

No, the point is lit is filled with loser """writers""" that think they'll amount to anything when they won't, including you.

>> No.17980549

I wanna see a show where a rich white guy says this to an timid lower class black girl.

>> No.17980551
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she mastered the artform of the twitter clapback

>> No.17980553

This is a woman that identifies as a feminist, 100%. Fucking LMAO.

>> No.17980559

>because it's a girl
If it was a man, or a mature woman, those wouldn't be her criticism. They mean nothing. Only a being as vapid as her could think they have any substance.

>> No.17980564

>She doesnt know awkwardness is part of the point

>> No.17980572

There are people out there that actually believe that nonsense said by a man is received better than nonsense said by a woman. Can you unironically imagine how fucking retarded you have to be to believe that?

>> No.17980583

Is this what "strong" women do? Say needlessly hurtful things to timid dudes just to make them feel like shit?

>> No.17980587

Nah you'd just say "no need to be a cunt" and she'd be BTFO

>> No.17980594

It's revenge porn for people who have never suffered any real injustice but are envious of the "confidence" of "mediocre white men"

>> No.17980603

Well these days actors need to be much more like the characters they play in terms of gender, ethnicity, or sexuality (unless the goal is to remove a role that would have gone to a cis white straight male), so it only makes sense that writers should do the same and only write about characters who are them.

>> No.17980608

I mean, her criticism is fine. Can you dweebs even refute her?

>> No.17980615

>Well, what's wrong with my character being written like that? It's fiction after all, not my biography, also, while I'm grateful for your criticism, you don't have to be such a vapid cunt about it. Humor is subjective, Lilly, the same way you call your slutty tiktok dances "humor", I think written the word nigger for 50 pages is funny.

>> No.17980620

Yes, criticizing the personality of the author is just being a cunt, and can be dismissed as quickly as the period that no doubt produced it

>> No.17980629

Yes, writing advices are for talentless hacks. There are no fixed rules for geniuses.

>> No.17980634

How is saying you're not funny "needlessly hurtful"?

>> No.17980636


That wasn't criticism. She only shit on his personality, and said he wasn't funny. She didn't point out a single thing he did correctly. This wasn't honest feedback she was just being a bitch.

>> No.17980644

literally any ad hominem in writing feedback is needless. it's more indication that women don't belong in professional spaces since they can't refrain from it

>> No.17980647

This is ridiculous. You people are ideologized beyond salvation.

>> No.17980651

also what's the sauce of the vid

>> No.17980658

are you autistic? watch it again

>> No.17980665

The first part of her criticism at least. How would all his readers know that he isn't a free and open person? It makes her uncomfortable because she knows otherwise but how can she claim that for everyone?

>> No.17980670

mistress america

>> No.17980677

Why are women incapable of writing characters that aren't self inserts or reactions to their self inserts? Literally this character saying all characters should be self inserts is 100% a self insert of some fat and fugly women who wanted to say this shit to somebody.

>> No.17980682

Constructive criticism is “you had the characters tell a knock knock joke while raping a five year old girl to death. That’s a weird thing to do. Was it supposed to be funny?” Or “I had to spend an hour figuring out WTF you’re talking about for half of the jokes here. Are you sure that basing your humor of references to obscure Austrian politicians from the 1850s is the right way to go?”
“You’re not funny” isn’t useful feedback.

>> No.17980688

Imagine caring what a woman thinks.

>> No.17980694

It is because it will incentivize you to become funny.

>> No.17980698

Anyone have that vid of the barber girl giving humiliating rant to the guy reading Joyce? She fucks up his hair and takes money from his wallet afterwards.

>> No.17980697


>> No.17980702

If you guys are ever in a situation like this, where a (((female))) tries to break you, just imply dismissively that they're being emotional, and be as condescending as possible, like they're a child misbehaving. It drives them up the wall.

>> No.17980712

Wrong - the only way to fight the charge of not being funny and being a timid person is to make a somewhat funny quip that edges along a social boundary, e.g.:

"I wish you did have some more detailed notes, because I write for the same reason that you do, which is that don't have a very good personality. I'd think if anyone would understand wanted to project a different personality on the page, it would be you."

>> No.17980715
File: 9 KB, 236x236, 4B3877C2-B7C2-4EA7-A61E-C80D30970FA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone shit on Nietzsche or Harry Potter, again?

>> No.17980718

If anyone treats me even remotely like her I just at find an excuse and leave. The only exception is co-workers etc. Not even memeing, I don't give a fuck anymore.

>> No.17980721

>"I write about characters who are better than me because I want to change, and in the process help others to change and improve themselves. Growth, change, and improvement are all inherently uncomfortable. I won't apologize for making you feel awkward, because I think that just means you understand my work more than you're willing to admit."
>*throws a rock at her head, killing her instantly*

>> No.17980727

if you don't give a fuck then stand there and fight

>> No.17980731

Lol No why would I? There's nothing to win.

>> No.17980733

>someone insults you
>"uh I h-have another engagement. I gotta go!"

>> No.17980737

sorry, I only write about anthropomorphic animals fight demons after the apocalypse

>> No.17980744

Basically yeah.

>> No.17980746

i bet she has a hairy pussy and armpits

>> No.17980750

Maybe he should be attractive and hot and his writing would be better.


>> No.17980760

Because it creates a precedent, it lets people know they can walk all over you and so on.

>> No.17980767

how about your dignity lol

>> No.17980784

Too wordy, comes off as a seethe not a comeback. If its a woman just smack them for being insolent. If its a man mount him to restore hierarchy.

>> No.17980788

Again, who cares? They got nothing that I want.

>> No.17980793

This would unironically send me over the edge if it happened to me.

>> No.17980802

Second this, I need some suicide fuel.

>> No.17980807

"Come on, now - every writer writes to cover up a personality flaw - you know that.."

>> No.17980813

What's this from?

>> No.17980814

Fuck, I relate to that too much

>> No.17980816


>> No.17980818

You think there's dignity in arguing with people for no reason?

>> No.17980821

Not the guy you're replying to but I was trying to place this. Noah Baumbach seems kinda cringe now, but I still want a Frances Ha/Greta Gerwig gf.

>> No.17980827

To be fair guys, the movie doesn't treat this as a "YASS KWEEEN SLAYYYY" moment. The movie makes it clear she's being a bitch and a cunt.

>> No.17980833

Baumbach is adapting /lit/'s favorite book White Noise. But yeah, he's hit or miss for me.

>> No.17980835

bumping for anyone who has this link

>> No.17980840

Guys, this is Mistress America and it's a comedy. I know half of you are incels but jesus christ take it easy

>> No.17980862

>basing your humor of references to obscure Austrian politicians from the 1850s
I want to read this book

>> No.17980873

That doesn't excuse the fact that she won't have sex with me

>> No.17980874

wtf does this even mean? How would anyone even be able to write fiction if it has to perfectly mirror themselves? This bitch is fucking retarted and just wants to make him feel bad.

>> No.17980878

>Someone says anon looks funny and ungroomed, and that he should stop being so creepy
>I have to return some videotapes

>> No.17980888

get your /pol/ copypasta out of here virgin

>> No.17980892

You sound like a 14 year old girl

>> No.17980893
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>> No.17980916

Had a similar thing happen to me except the girl (middle class white girl) was just very hostile in general and didn't say anything specific. Later found out that she hated me because I'm involved in right wing politics. She walked in on me fucking her roommate later (normie black girl), which was funny.

>> No.17980933

> Uh, I don't write about myself Asheley you silly bitch because writers tend to be pretty fucking boring people with boring lives. I know you think writing about literally yourself but richer worrying about starbucks coffee and getting mad at your boyfriend for laughing at unwoke jokes is the height of literature and creativity, but it tends to start with creative ideas.

> Secondly, the humor is there as a levity to balance out the heavier parts, and I also found the story to be more tonally dynamic if the characters were allowed a certain dry sense of humor.

> But go on, I look forward to hearing your story about "alienated thot isn't like the popular girls but she doesn't need them cause she's cool and awesome and girlboss", I'm sure it'll give you a lot of closure in your self diagnosed life.

>> No.17980938

fucking based

also wtf is the point of this? like was the movie showing her being strong and powerful or was it showing her being a fucking cunt?

>> No.17980969

Yeah I can't imagine this being funny either.

>> No.17980977

It's overly harsh and obviously meant to just cut down someone who's earnest but untalented. I've had people I know come to me for constructive feedback regarding things they've written and I never attack them personally by telling them that they're not the kind of person that they want to be.
I'm also not arrogant enough to the imperative voice when giving feedback. Especially if I'm not prepared to actually give the other person some constructive feedback as to how they might improve.
Someone showing you what they've written is an intimate, vulnerable thing. You should approach it with humility, charity, and sincerity. They're sharing their writing with you because they respect and trust you; you don't take it as an opportunity to abusively cut them down in front of other people. I've had friends who were absolutely abysmal writers that showed me their work before. I always make sure to respect them even if I think what they've written is abject trash and that they have no genuine talent. Eventually they'll figure it out on their own.

>> No.17980982

>"heh...was the part about Archbishop Desmond Tutu having his period all over Barron Trump's bedsheets a little too much? I thought as much."

>> No.17980993

I'm married. That's why I don't have to care anymore.

>> No.17981011


>> No.17981070
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She's right when she says you shouldn't write as if you are free and wild if you are actually awkward and shy, but mainly that is for the young. The young, if they can write anything good, generally have to write from real-life, either people they have actually observed or themselves. When you grow old it becomes easier to think as if you were another person and place yourself in their shoes, and your characters can be more varied then. All of the best books that were published when authors were young (Confessions of a Mask, The Great Gatsby, The Sun Also Rises, Less Than Zero, and The Bell Jar) are generally very autobiographical or biographical in nature. Sun Also Rises and Bell Jar are practically Roman à clef. Young people cannot convincingly create things from thin air.

But what do I care, this is just a roastie scriptwriter exercising her staircase wit to avenge some imaginary slight from years ago.

>> No.17981128

What show is this?

>> No.17981133

Specially about literature/writing

>> No.17981137

Reading the synopsis it seems like she's supposed to be witty and profound... But honestly I've rarely read a synopsis that made me less want to watch something.

>> No.17981142

no one wants to read limp-wristed faggotry, get owned

>> No.17981178
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>people in this thread are seriously suggesting the colossal cuntiness of the OP webm can be considered 'constructive criticism'

>> No.17981197

I am my own harshest critic.

>> No.17981227

Mistress Murica, read the thread next time, you cuntbag.

>> No.17981255

>Greta Gerwig as Babette
Hopefully she does the nude scenes.

>> No.17981278

both of these are mega cringe

You say "it was the Jews".

>huh, anon? what do you mean, what does this have to do with Jewish people?

Repeat. Refuse to elaborate. Leave

>> No.17981282

Yes. That's pretty much the MO of most 'strong women'. They target weaker or more timid men who are just kind of doing their best and bully them to make themselves feel strong. It's just how they operate. At worst they'll just do this, so they can feel like a 'bad bitch' for tearing someone down who is 'inherently' privileged and better than themselves.

They don't do this to Chad because they wish to suck his cock and be raped by him.

>> No.17981289

Not bad.

>> No.17981307

This shit only happens in movies written by boomer men go outside fag. Woman are nice to me irl because they can tell I'm a total loser

>> No.17981322

Nah he's right. I got a bitch like that at work.

>> No.17981335
File: 102 KB, 929x1200, 2017 - Sleek n Tears' 'Giga Chad' (photoshop).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. After many years of hating women, I've come to realize that there is no comeback. There is no little quip, clever insult, or petty observation you can make when dealing with a woman. It always looks bad, by principle of you being a man. It never looks good for a man to start pathetically attempting to outsmart a woman with insults. We already have physical strength, so I think it's just a punching down sort of thing.

Life isn't some Wes Anderson movie where you have to make these gay little quips. When you're in a situation like in the OP, the solution is not to play. Don't stoop down to this petty level. An actual man wouldn't care at all. Don't even get mad at it, it's all they have. Seriously, tell me one situation where the man decimates the woman verbally and it looks good. Unless she's done something absolutely abhorrent, you can never win.

>> No.17981350

Girl needs some good ol' dickin'.

>> No.17981354


>> No.17981391

Yep, though the secret is to write what you know.

>> No.17981413

Out in the real world any creative professional should be fucking overjoyed to receive brutal destructive criticism. That's how you get Tchaikovskys.


Anything a woman does is absolutely abhorrent by default.

>> No.17981428

Thing is, this is from a college book club she started herself because she got recognition for a story she wrote from a Stacie's point of view.

>> No.17981440

What's even the point of writing if there's obvious nepotism in favor of women in the industry?

When will this all end bros? I am so tired.

>> No.17981450

>argumentum ad personam
why would anyone care

>> No.17981452

This was my ex girlfriend's favourite movie.
She left me and started identifying herself as a "he/him trans non-binary". I later discovered that she was cheating on me with a fellow "he/him trans non-binary".
The world is fucked.

>> No.17981468

I think the criticism is that it's a poor imitation, not that he's writing from another perspective.

>> No.17981475

"The Coens did it better"

>> No.17981506


>> No.17981512

The Coens usually do it better, to be fair

>> No.17981571
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The best comeback is not to react at all and just move on as if she had said nothing. Women absolutely seethe at being ignored because their entire mindset is geared towards attention and social validation.
Only your mind can give a hole's words power over you. Let them roll off you like water off a duck's back.

>> No.17981586

In English, Doc.

>> No.17981617

That's new English anon, better get used to it

>> No.17981647

I'm sorry for your loss anon.
Having a suicide happen so close to you is always traumatizing.

>> No.17981698

she didn't even criticize his work, she just relentlessly shat on him.

>> No.17981787

If the guy was based enough to do that she wouldn't have said it in the first place

>> No.17981810

My response would be "let's see Paul Allen's notes"
This is also highly based.

>> No.17981818


Whoah, she dodged a bullet with that one.

>> No.17981820


>> No.17982089

Just pretend you're Australian and say "whatever cunt". Simple.

>> No.17982173

Why even ask an opinion of a woman? That's his mistake in the first place.

>> No.17982183

>haha wow, you totally got me. I'll keep that in mind for next time
>how about you, what did you think?

>> No.17982184

what anime is this?

>> No.17982194

bernard jou iwaku

>> No.17982197

What a cunt. Terrible advice as well in the second half.

>> No.17982321

Just ask for examples. Either she has none, demonstrating that she's just being a cunt, or if she does then either a) she has a point and it's constructive or b) she doesn't and she looks ridiculous nitpicking about nothing just to be a bitch

>> No.17982326


>> No.17982339

Can you promote your film elsewhere, astroturf guy? I don't give a shit about Netflix.

>> No.17982361

You scream and punch her. That is the best comeback. Maybe not in the eyes of society, but for the well being of your heart.

>> No.17982447

>started identifying herself as a "he/him trans non-binary"
I'll never understand what it is that these people are trying to communicate about themselves when they say things like this. I genuinely doubt that these people are in any way masculine.

>> No.17982462

She was obviously trying to make him feel bad so the best move for him would be to show that he's completely unfazed by her insult and in fact he doesn't care about what she has to say at all
So maybe say something like "That's nice" then he turns to the other girl and asks her what she thought about his work
Basically just be dismissive

>> No.17982475

The former is good though

>> No.17982541
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I'd punch that bitch right through her fucking skull, send her to mars. No bitch gonna shit test me like that and get away with it.

>> No.17982561
File: 284 KB, 1125x807, fuck vegans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow she really wishes she had a penis lol, lol fuck cunt I'd cut her clit off for that insult.

>> No.17982586

They literally just want to feel like unique, special snowflakes. I guarantee that my ex girlfriend is doing nothing she wouldn't do if she just faced her biology besides going by a new name and bitching on social media.

>> No.17982611


>> No.17982621

GGS is trash anyway so she didn’t miss anything

>> No.17982626

There are writers on here? Lmao losers

>> No.17982647

Tranny detected

>> No.17982653

Best comeback is to just start crying loudly

>> No.17982672

But here's the thing. Only criminals and/or filthy rich people running the world are, or can be, wild and free.
Who the fuck else is even allowed to be even slightly wild and free without immediate consequences ranging from social shaming all the way to legal punishment?
By that logic, all of us should write about cope and nothing else.

>> No.17982680

At least my work has a watermark.

>> No.17982696

>race mixing

>> No.17982705

High respect for this Anon

>> No.17982709

Honestly more than a sentence would show saltiness.
>Can you give me an example?
>Okay, thanks.
>now, can you criticize my work?
>so, you didn’t like it?

>> No.17982712

You're a good person.

>> No.17982733

Feels good not to be a psuedointellectual plagiarist hack hit in a sore spot from this webm

>> No.17982736

your good but don't try to be a writer
life as a writer is ruthless, mate and you're too kind

>> No.17982739

fucking autocorrect

>> No.17982754

>it made me uncomfortable
Autists also get uncomfortable when the world isn't exactly like they want it.
Realize this about women being uncomfortable. 1/10 times it's because something is genuinely creepy. 9/10 times it is because they are autistic.

>> No.17982761

>If it was some old professor guy
an old professor guy wouldn't say that but even if he did in a movie it would break the suspension of disbelief, unlike having a girl saying it because it totally sounds like something some stupid bitch would say

>> No.17982909

by wild and free she means going to parties getting drunk and having sex

>> No.17982931

The best definition of creepy I've found is that it's an intuitive indicator of "social otherness". Women are more likely to experience it, and autistics/"mentally ill" are more likely to be on the receiving end. But, power (in other words, LMS) + creepiness might turn women on, as is the case with Ted Bundy and the popularity of 50 Shades of Grey

>> No.17982932

Imagine lliving in society where women can say that to you and you arent allowed to smash her nose and rape her on the spot. I cant wait for Islam

>> No.17982944

Ok foid

>> No.17982945


>> No.17982954

good thing I only CONSOOM books, not write them

>> No.17982960

you're right, but that's gay and id rather signal my sneering contempt towards everyone and everything to compensate for my inadequacies, artistically and self-actualizationwise.

>> No.17982969

the really interesting thing about the guys who fetishize tomboys and the girls that call themselves tomboys aren't tomboys at all. they're just opposed to being girly or whatever, which is not the same as being masculine or tomboyish.

consider the skinny dykes that call themselves tomboys, and the stern midwestern bitches who vote red, hunt with their dads, play sports, and go to prom with their chad boyfriends. who is more masculine. it's not the one signalling her opposition to femininity all the time.

>> No.17983009

why do you think you need a comeback for that? that girl obviously has some issues. sometimes the best "comeback" is just being the bigger man.

>> No.17983015

desu i read so much ameteur pretentious shit that this scene feels cathartic

>> No.17983032

is it more or less pretentious to be the person who acts as the arbiter of pretension? asking you since it's been on my mind and you seem to know a bit about it.

>> No.17983035


>> No.17983040

Based woman defender we need more people like you on this board

>> No.17983051

How are all of you so awful.

>> No.17983057

What words have escaped the wall of your teeth? Make sure to let your tongue rest the next time libelous thoughts rattle in your vacuous skull. Where the role of men is to speak you have mistaken the part of women to listen to entail judging. Make this mistake once more and your reproach will not be mere words.

>> No.17983095

>zero critique, just 'ugh just like stop existing incel'
Each day reminds me that hating women is righteous and noble

>> No.17983100

Yeah it's a pretty common belief. They apparently totally ignore how social interactions work in favour of their inferiority complex or hatred of men.

>> No.17983103

Show tits or GTFO roastie

>> No.17983104

okay, quick: you're incentivized to be funny starting right now! what's your next step to become funny?

>> No.17983111

He sounds like he's much better off without you lol

>> No.17983118

Doesn't effect me because I have no illusions that I am free and wild, I am just socially stupid and I ope that it somehow comes out as unique or 'charming'in my writing. Like how it works for Tao Lin. But it wont I know lol

>> No.17983124







>> No.17983194

How the fuck does /lit/ fall for this

This show is written by a writer whose greatest fear is being told what she said. This would scare most writers to here.

>ur not authentic
>ur not as clever as u think u r



>> No.17983214

>is it more or less pretentious to be the person who acts as the arbiter of pretension?
who cares? i think if someones writing feels like it wants to be something more than it actually is something, than you should let the person know. i dont usually, but thats out of fear and conscience. but you can feel it. it doesnt matter if im being pretentious by judging their work to be pretentious. being a pretentious person isnt the problem in this case imo. the problem is the writing being pretentious

>> No.17983237

She's probably right, but also a TV show would never have the balls to have a Mary Sue saying this to anyone but a weedy white guy.

>> No.17983246

Is your writing supposed to reflect your public persona? I don't really understand her critique here. If a person isn't very funny IRL why shouldn't they try to be funny in writing? I'd like to read HER story.

>> No.17983277

Images. Nothing more. They're spectators of their own lives

>> No.17983289

>who cares?
well, i assumed you did since you were the one calling other people's work pretentious. i thought maybe since that's something important enough to base a criticism on, you might have had a little more developed thought on the metric you're using. i personally do my best not to call anything pretentious, because in my eyes that's setting myself up as some kind of cosmic guardian of... what's the opposite of pretension? accomplishment? when you reach for it, it's there? i think if everything we reached for were always there, then there'd be no point to getting criticism. it's ALMOST like every single person who's asking for anything more than a dickrub has already baked into their question an implicit cognizance that what they're submitting isn't quite there yet. to me, it's kind of like asking someone what to mix with your red paint to get green and, instead of helping you out, they just tell you, "yep, that's some pretty fuckin red paint there, fucko!" in this way, it starts to almost... ALMOST seem like the labeling of pretension is for the sake of the pretention-caller rather than the named. when you start thinking about it, it really just starts to seem like this categorically worthless concept that serves none but the puerile little shitlick cumfart who wants to stick their personal sense of cum and shit and farts everywhere all over everything just because they get a kick out of it.

maybe that's just me though. i'm just me with no greater sense of the wherewithal to dowhich and wherein lies the...


>> No.17983331

>Is this what "strong" women do? Say needlessly hurtful things to timid dudes just to make them feel like shit?
yall are reacting against this clip as if it's something that it isn't
admittedly, from the clip in isolation, it seems like it is 'one-dimensional kickass strong female character one-dimensionally berating one-dimensional incel dweeb character',
but in the movie they are friends and have some kind of burgeoning romantic feelings, and iirc he hurt her pride at this point in the movie and this is her way of getting back at him

also there's a much funnier scene later in the movie where a self-important feminist bitch gives that female character ten-times-as-scathing notes on her story's misogynist portrayal of women:
>The emotional betrayal, I can't speak to. But I can say that you portray women terribly. And because of that, I've prepared some questions I'd like you to think about.
>One. Do you believe in a woman's right to choose?
>Two. What do you think someone who bombs abortion clinics would think of your story?
> Three. Do you believe the perpetrators of female genital mutilation would be hindered or helped by your story?
p kek imho
overall modest but based movie, 4/5, worth a watch

>> No.17983357

i can tell from the other girl's reaction

>> No.17983359

desu it just sounds like a run of the mill artsy indie pretentious New York hipster movie

>> No.17983363

>well you're a woman so

>> No.17983369

getting verbally degraded by women is hot

>> No.17983377

true. makes you wonder what they look like bent over and moaning. it helps that socially dominant women often love being sexually submitted.

>> No.17983378

just whip your dick out and tell her to say it again with your dick in her mouth and then maybe you'll take her seriously

>> No.17983408

p accurate desu, though it takes a surprising screwball comedy turn in the second half
it's not mindblowing but it is enjoyable and basically good of its type
but maybe the average /lit/poster would hate it and think i'm a tranny for enjoying it, idk

>> No.17983431

feels youre calling the judge pretentious cuz he judged something to be pretentious, then arent you also so?
>you were the one calling other people's work pretentious
the work matters, not the person
>yep, that's some pretty fuckin red paint there, fucko
you have to find what to mix. feedback can only tell you what u got
>this categorically worthless concept
you can feel it. it conveys that feel

did someone call u the p word anon?

>> No.17983513

>the work matters, not the person
the person is the only thing that gives the work any value. without a person to interact with it, it's just a jumble of indivisible quanta at an arbitrary point in spacetime. the major point i'm trying to get at here is that you seem to think there's some kind of universal feel-well which you draw from when you call something pretentious. you say "you can feel it" as if you're referencing some kind of commonality between you and i. you're proposing "you can feel it" as a kind of observational reality by which things either feel pretentious or they don't. i don't think calling something pretentious is itself inherently pretentious. i do believe it's incredibly arrogant though. what i'm trying to say is that you're an arrogant nigger. you are an arrogant nigger.

>> No.17983519

Then take her as your war prize

>> No.17983534

Except they skip looking it up online and jump to the What Did I Think thread

>> No.17983541

>Incels watching shows online and thinking they suddenly understand human behavior the post

>> No.17983559

So what’s the name of the film, for those of us who are too dweeby to recognize pop culture memes?

>> No.17983568

look i understand that its arrogant, and that its not inherent or universal, but someone comes to me and asks how i feel, i tell (well i usually dont but in a context where i feel i should be honest, i do) i dont care if im being arrogant or pretentious in telling it the way i feel. surely aesthetic pursuits are the place where we need arrogant niggers. if not, then dont ask arrogant niggers how they feel about your writing

>> No.17983581



>> No.17983582


>> No.17983589

Lol at cucks itt getting triggered, can you guys like just for a moment be autistically triggered? She is saying thr thing reads like someone trying to be edgy instead of really having the edge and she aptly points out to him that he simply doesnt have what it takes to write that kind of edgy and to focus on something he xan write that will believable. Thats how you come off to nromies btw like just have some self-awareness please

>> No.17983598

let me get this straight
>pretension is bad
>a main component of pretension is arrogance
i would argue it is the operative component of pretension, ie, your art reaches for greatness but isn't great. without this self-aware sense of ambition, it stops being pretentious and is instead just plain bad. arrogance is therefore intrinsically tied to pretension.
>"i dont care if im being arrogant"
i just don't understand it. i don't understand why you can't understand.

>> No.17983600

>she aptly points out to him
She doesn't though. If she said what you did it'd be fine, but she didn't, she just insulted him.

>> No.17983601

Lmao seething cuck response

>> No.17983607

>can you guys like just for a moment be autistically triggered
You are not from here, i can smell woman mixed with reddit.

>> No.17983621

quick correction, the perfume was hiding the smell of the open wound down below, the smell of woman has disappeared and i can now say for certain he will never be a woman

>> No.17983628

She does lol in real life people.arent going to spoonfeed you essays about what they meant when its totally obvious from one sentence. Thats how people communicate when not socially retarded, shes working with the assumption that the guy isnt a total idiot who needs his hand held through a point by point soft baby talk. If youve ever sat in any corporate setting ever or communicated with anyone who has made it padt flipping burgers youd know this

>> No.17983638

Haven't seen Mistress America and i'm not going to

Is she being portrayed as a cunt or is it supposed to be an epic burn? What were they going for?

>> No.17983646

>supposed retaliation
>conceding that you have a terrible personality


>> No.17983650

nigga i dont care if im being pretentious by calling someones work pretentious. im just saying that to me their work feels pretentious. their work is the important part, not me. in this context, pretention is bad when a work is doing it, not a person. fukin ell

>> No.17983656

>people.arent going to spoonfeed you essays
Nobody is saying it should be an essay. A mild adjustment to what she said would suffice.

>If youve ever sat in any corporate setting ever
I have in fact, and I can tell you I have never experienced anyone being as unconstructive with their criticism as the specimen in the OP.

>> No.17983659

No you wouldn't anon, that's illegal and you are a neutered conformist like everybody else. Please stop living out your misogynistic power fantasies on the internet and get some fresh air

>> No.17983663

Lol only losers stay on this shit voard, people who will never get published or amount to anything and enjoy engaging in larps about ""philosophy"" and books they havent read while believing thrnselves to be too smart to ever accomplish something or get published. The ops webm just shows one type of incel like that who rightly gets a beat down though in the old days people would either ignore it or give yoh an even more brutal beatdown. But hey at least he is sitting at a table you wont ever get to the table because you are triggered by someone in a position higher than you and with more competence than you telling you correctly that you are shit and like the low-t faggot that you are you cry about muuub feelings why is she so rude why.mommmy not.hold.my hand...you will never make it in anything thats why you waste your time shitposting while the real deals are working, making connections and rising thru the hierarchy. You dont have what it takes, you cant fuck, you cant make money, and your art and thought sucks and while your lack of fucking and money is obvious you can hide on this shit board with other losers and pretend yoj are smarter than normies who are getting ahead while you stagnate in your moms basement. You dont have what it takes, thats what the OPs webm is about and why youre all crying about it like little.fags, because she tells very obviously that the fag at the table.doesnt have what it takes.

>> No.17983667

I mean at a real corporation with peoplr who make 7 figures not with your grannys cookies board

>> No.17983668

Next time you want to trigger someone, don't write a wall of text to do so. I got bored halfway through reading that, fucking newfags these days.

>> No.17983669

pretension is also bad when it's a person "doing it." it would impossible for it to be bad in a work of literature if it weren't also bad in the humans who read it. "pretentious" is one of those words like "pseud" which actually has no semantic or lexical meaning EXCEPT as it relates to the speaker. it is completely meaningless if you're not invoking the arrogance i wrote about above. "pretentious," for all your protestations, is not actually a feeling. if you say something feels pretentious, that's actually a placeholder for a larger set of interrelated concepts. you're trying to pretend that it isn't and your argument is "i don't care."

i don't really care either, insofar as i am fucking captivated by people like you who seem to categorically refuse to interact with anything except on a surface level.

>> No.17983670

Have sex incel

>> No.17983673

Was a shitty bait already, but the "fag" at the end outed it completely

>> No.17983677

Well, if you wanna be dismissive that's fine. Not like I can prove anything to you, so I guess we're done here.

>> No.17983680

The greatest irony is that it's kind of its own recursive eponym. The word "pretentious" is actually just a pretentious way of saying you don't like something.

>> No.17983682

baumbach movies are so utterly pretentious, it's so mind-boggling how anyone who has not lived this stereotypical broke-artist-from-new-yawk life could possibly like his movies.

Hollywood should just give up on dramas and keep mass-producing cape shit and propaganda war movies. Leave drama and coming-of-age to asian kino.

>> No.17983697

Three things that this thread misses are: writing isn't like mathematics. You can't prove that it's bad. Someone's perspective is only ever just that, and so it's not like criticism is ever damning. The history of literature shows that publishers and academics are really terrible at recognising supposedly great work until it's established as such by attention from other parties. This means that it isn't as insulting as you think.
Secondly, posts about references to 1850s Austrian politicians as a basis for a book's humor, or people telling knock knock jokes during a rape hurt because it doesn't seem any of you write like that, and I think it would be personally amusing.
Thirdly and most importantly, your more visceral responses seem to betray a poor relationship with women. Again, little of this would be important if you didn't spend so much time neurotically hating such people. Is it not absurd to be enemies of people with such power over you, or to give such power to your enemies?

>> No.17983699

Keep being triggered. Its funny seeing all the limp wristers itt who have never amounted to anything get triggered by ops webm. What...she should be sweat and hold your hands while she thinks in her head shit i hope this fucker stops wasting my time asap, would that make you feel better? Do you think people who have what it takes have time to politely deal with the sea of do-nothings who think of themselves as brilliant tortured artists, intellectuals etc. "who only need a chance"? For fucks sake get yourself together once in your life. She got tired of this bullshittery and told him what is the case: you dont have what it takes dude just like get your shit fucking tovether first before writing this edgy bullshit like some kind of tortured intellectual while you havent done one single thing in your life and live in your moms basement. All the incels ib lit got triggered because they saw thenselves as the guy. I applaud the woman dealing with bullshitters like that pudgy weak fag at the table geta tiring

>> No.17983701

>applauding women

>> No.17983712

She criticizes him not his actual writing

>> No.17983715 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17983726

the good old "corporate psychopath" persona. that's a pretty common one!

>> No.17983728

Fucking autist its a critique of his writing and the problem is he is playing this tortured ibtellectual edgy fag idea that obviously doesnt work. No wonder you cant get anywhere if you cant string together from her critique

>> No.17983732

but its not semantically meaningless. it means something that pretends to be something that it isnt. i agree that it has lost its impact through unjustified use but it has meaning.
>pretension is also bad when it's a person "doing it."
in the context of someone asking for feedback and you telling them its pretentious, wether its bad or not depends on wether its justified.
>that's actually a placeholder for a larger set of interrelated concepts
in the unjustified use. but even then it has meaning
it doesnt mean bad. it means pretentious. if a work of art pretended to be bad but was genius, it would still be pretentious

>> No.17983734

>nooooo my feeelings he mhst be a psychopath!!!!

Look if you want to sit at the table you have to grow a pair first

>> No.17983735

you're trying too hard

>> No.17983736
File: 189 KB, 1280x720, 1481849539117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anime is perfect. Bet you anons can't even get this.

>> No.17983741

Yeah his writing is probably trash but who cares about some dumb cunts opinion in the first place?

>> No.17983742

>What...she should be sweat and hold your hands while she thinks in her head shit i hope this fucker stops wasting my time asap
Why are you implying that i would ever ask the opinion of a woman thought.

>> No.17983745

No my dude. Language doesn't work like that. You're so deeply confused that I feel bad for you.

>> No.17983749

Trying hard is what people do. Instead youll fap yourself to anime and hit 30s then larp about conspiracies and muh evil capitalists and jews and feminists because your classmates are CEOs, writers, artists and enterpreneurs while its the fault of womyn and da jooz that you did fuckall

>> No.17983755

That's fascinating. Can you write a couple more paragraphs in your next post?

>> No.17983757

Youll have to if you ever want to get somewhere in life. But you are so scared of women and successful people that youll rather spend fapping to trannies and conplaining avout da jooz ruining society and blocking you from "making it"

>> No.17983758
File: 105 KB, 994x665, aamot and gooch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks. i've sat with better men dealing with actual, real shit. you guys can have your little ego circus. i opt out.

>> No.17983764

You actually got brainwashed into joining the military?

>> No.17983766

You're trying so hard i'm actually starting to doubt it's bait.
Are you actually from reddit?

>> No.17983771

Shhhh. Some people are trying to milk this lolcow.

>> No.17983777

The limp wrister with his final tactic "maybe if i pretend in detached theyll stop laughing at me?"...people know. You jsut got triggered because the op girl called out the loser for what he is. People know sorry for breaking the veil of politeness but sometimes actually conpetent people get tired of having to use kid gloves and treat you like an adult for a brief moment

>> No.17983789

yeah whatever sperg lmao

>> No.17983796

Yes, girls love breaking someone down. A lot of them masturbate thinking about men killing themselves.

>> No.17983812

have sex

>> No.17983816

>killing people for college
>better men

>> No.17983831

If a woman would do that to me, my body language would start getting physically agressive and I would start eyeballing her the whole semester and if she complaint I would just get verbally agressive against her in a public place.

This works.

>> No.17983857

Soldiers are like the jannies of real life.
They do it for free too.

>> No.17983955
File: 102 KB, 702x564, C629C27D-5D37-496A-9E51-8E65E243F4DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you think all fiction needs to have a self insert? Besides, my stories are supposed to make you feel uncomfortable, not coddle you. Why should I write watered down overdone shit like you? How did you even get into this school?

>> No.17983969
File: 150 KB, 1072x1460, 552B4CA4-4B95-47A4-BC95-19951AD40ABB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, I know the feeling

>> No.17983973

>what to mix with your red paint to get green
You can't make green from red dumbass

>> No.17984065

sudoku by many means

>> No.17984176

>your artwork made me feel something and that's bad

>> No.17984207


>> No.17984228

Simply replying to it doesn't make you "triggered" anon but keep deluding yourself.

>> No.17984254

she says this while she writes dragon buttfucking pony YA magic system muh fantasy political sci fi art hoe airplane dustbin crap

>> No.17984313

Everybody wants attention and to be loved. Read carnegie

>> No.17984345

You're a bro, anon

>> No.17984347

She is right

Think of the rock band "Talking Heads"
They were great, but I could never take David Byrne singing "The world moves on a woman's hips" seriously because he is an autistic virgin. An asexual autistic Brit singing about women's hips to african polyrythms


>> No.17984357

I want to know this as well.

>> No.17984438

Because you're an innocent little Anon.

>> No.17984467

Couple things

>writing based in reality is called non-fiction. writing based on non-reality is called fiction.

>no woman in the world would have the confidence to say anything like that

>> No.17984579

The perfect comeback already exists
>Well the Jerk Store called, and they're all out of you!

>> No.17984608

Anime is so much dogshit. I don't know how you guys can watch this lazy slop "animation" where only the mouths move but everything else is frozen.

>> No.17984627

>no woman in the world would have the confidence to say anything like that

To an ugly beta like that guy? Yeah, they would.

>> No.17984645

He's right though, even if you can't take it

>> No.17984671

idk how you can read books where nothing moves

>> No.17984696

I bet you think this makes perfect sense.

>> No.17984797

If it was an old professor guy saying it it would be weird because the critique is obviously all about how the author is unnatractive and therefore his writing bad. Only a woman could make it.

>> No.17984803

anyone here have this video?

>> No.17984841

>that nonsense said by a man is received better
If a male teacher were to tell me that, unless I respected him on a level that meant he was allowed to make personal comments of that nature, I would probably tell him right there to fuck off. I ain't paying thousands of dollars for this kind of shit advice I can get from any rando.
> by a woman
I would probably be forced to shut the fuck up and just drop off that class. Otherwise someone would make a complaint to the board that I'm verbally abusing teachers or some shit. And I would be persona non grata throughout the entire student body too.
I don't hate women. Overall they are way too inoffensive to be worth hatred, and some of them are actually cool. But I do hate that women are naturally all hypocrites. It really isn't the worst of flaws, but for fuck sake's sometimes it really gets aggravating.

>> No.17984885

If you write about feelings you already lost.

>> No.17984918

This is the best one. Ignoring a hole and showing you literally don’t care what she said makes them blind with rage.

>> No.17984946

If you write in a way that women are able to follow along then you might as well stop with that whole endeavor.
No women would ever be able to go through my WIP 400page+ hyperborean schizo ontology that will consolidate post-structuralism and fascist mind-magic, without her brain completely shutting down due to an overload of solar vril.

>> No.17984949

why would you ever do this

>> No.17985020
File: 97 KB, 811x458, Screenshot_2021-04-09 Bernard-jou Iwaku .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based /alit/ anon. I'll have to watch it.

>> No.17985025

True, but women feel entitled to positive attention.

>> No.17985047

Based. Unironically, literally based.

>> No.17985106


>> No.17985405

OP's movie looks like typical quirky kids grow up crap.

Now this anime looks good and useful. As one anon said years ago, we've entered the post-reading phase of lit.

>> No.17985739

Ur gay lolol

>> No.17985785

>all these zoomer scum that never heard of Baumbach

>> No.17985927
File: 8 KB, 224x225, índice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on fellas

>> No.17985955

Fuck Neetch BtFo by a zoomer tv show.

>> No.17985964

woah calm down buddy, you're scaring us

>> No.17985965

>tfw no psycho nagging gf

>> No.17986019

very autistic post

>> No.17986132
File: 217 KB, 1242x1394, Gigachad tourist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best comeback is literally just two words long
>ok Boomer

>> No.17986242

No worries, I know I have no talent for it.

>> No.17986386

This has been my experience to a tee. My ex called herself "tomboyish" and she was one of the most psychologically fragile, feminine, delicate people I've ever met. She would scream if she saw a spider for Christ's sake.
On the other hand, I teach ESL to Quebecers in the CAF and I've had plenty of female students who were athletic and muscular, rode motorbikes, grew up in rural environments, would go hunting, had chad boyfriends, voted for Harper, etc. and they never once expressed ambivalence about their femininity or womanhood.
The conclusion I've come to is that these petite liberal women from large cities who call themselves "tomboys" or who adopt these bizarre gender labels do so because they have a deeply compromised sense of their femininity and bodily integrity. I suspect that when they were younger, they had a traumatic sexual experience and that being a "tomboy" or whatever else is a maladaptive coping strategy.
It's similar to all the KHV beta-males on 4chan who have no personality outside of anime and "vidya". They have a deeply compromised senses of their masculinity due to the fact that they failed to integrate during puberty, so they turn to cross-dressing, being a "femboy", or even transitioning as a way to cope with the fact that they have no idea how to actually be a man and they've never succeeded with a woman.

>> No.17986422

I thought Marriage Story was actually a mature and well written movie. Stuff like Frances Ha is utter insufferable though.

>> No.17986438


>> No.17986461
