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/lit/ - Literature

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17978758 No.17978758 [Reply] [Original]

My life would be much better had I never discovered this place.

>> No.17978768


>> No.17978771


beat this

My life would be so much better had I never existed.

>> No.17978780

this place keeps me from killing myself

>> No.17978784

It's this place so bad?

I'm from other board,I just came here to see any book recomendation

>> No.17978785
File: 611 KB, 714x540, Neon_Genesis_Evangelion_24_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would if I could. This is hell.

>> No.17978792

No, your life would be much better if you wouldn't be such a colossal faggot.

>> No.17978793

Pop over to /s/ once in a while. It helps.

>> No.17978796

if your life couldve been better, you wouldnt be here

>> No.17978909

this is the last place on the internet that has value to me

>> No.17978917

This place saved my life, literally

>> No.17978919


>> No.17978979

Lol same

>> No.17979236

it has value to me because people actually read here, even if the meme is that we don't. I spend my life reading lit and philosophy and this is the only place outside of university papers where I can talk about it seriously. Plus i'm an autist like the rest of you and we seem to share the same existential worries for the future.

what a gay post.

>> No.17979252

It's actually the opposite for me. I would've never gotten /fit/ or /lit/ and would probably still be a godless nihilist.

>> No.17979287

Thanks rabbi

>> No.17979294
File: 307 KB, 680x383, 1518107464413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would if I could.
On your home WiFI, go on any active board and post an image of Pepe wearing a tuxedo with the text "PERMABAN ME TRANNIES YOU WON'T" followed by the word "NIGGER" as many times as the post character limit allows. If your cell phone has parental control capabilities (almost all modern ones do), blacklist 4chan. Enter a random parental control pin and distract yourself for a while to intentionally forget it [Go for a walk in the park, call your family, play vidya, whatever you want; assuming the string you entered has no significance to you, you should forget within ~12 hours. If your phone allows you to enter a string of any length for a parental control pin (some only allow 4 numbers), even better: find a random string generator online, copy the string, paste it into your phone’s parental control pin entry after blacklisting 4chan].
You’ll need to find some other way to fulfill the need for a like-minded community or else you’ll claw your way back here somehow. Find another online literature forum. If you’re not literally autistic consider joining a local IRL book club (if you’re in high school or uni this should be really easy since they probably have one).

>> No.17979301

I'm a Quixotic Megalomaniac that disdains the rest of humanity so this board was a perfect fit for me.

>> No.17979473
File: 395 KB, 583x693, RubYYYY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, my man. Same.

>> No.17979752
File: 108 KB, 564x542, 4e771ca8f3e94862e35908a9ac9bc329-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please let this be bait

>> No.17979812

This is the last place i could find fellow submissives to talk to. Saved my life.

>> No.17979841

My life would be much better if I had a rare mount

>> No.17979886
File: 67 KB, 750x937, Angie Varona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life would be much less comfy had I never discovered this place.

>> No.17979911

what do you hate about literature or self improovment, anon?

>> No.17979942

ah, so it was bait. thank nihilistic godlessness.

>> No.17980071

You're probably shitposting but I've recently realized there are a lot of people like this on /lit/

>> No.17980431

Same /lit/ has a had a positive influence on my life 4chan isn’t why your life is messed up it’s probably something internal you need to work on

>> No.17980582

No, you'd still be a loser, 4chan isn't part of the equation, it's not the cause.

>> No.17980668

It's not. Its just a place to talk.Saying your preferred board is some dark and degrading place is just the 4chan version of that cringey "uhg im so damaged," personality trope.

>> No.17980713

I only scroll lit so I can't talk about the rest of 4chan but the only bad things on here are that this is a swamp of negativity the moment you suggest you're actually a useful and hopeful person and all the moralists and pol tards who turned this into a swamp. Now don't get me wrong, if these peeps weren't here we'd still have this mess but it wouldn't be as severe and it would at least not come from unreasonable people, just failed academic husks with life experience instead of 23 yr old tradcaths

>> No.17981846

"failed academic husks" are the epitome of unreasonable, you delusional college faggot.

>> No.17981852


>> No.17981907

Pure S o y post.

>> No.17981913

>blaming your problems on a website

4chan is a symptom not the diagnosis

>> No.17982191

They're right O N I O N S or no.

>> No.17982200

At least try to blend in, fucking tourist.

>> No.17982238

One objective benefit this website provides its users is a greater than average ability to deal with how the internet has turned into a psychological warfare torture chamber. This is driving normies i n s a n e and ruining their lives, but if you've spent years browsing 4chan you've already internalized that everything is disinfo, or a clever ruse, or somebody trying to fuck with you, so you're inoculated against it

>> No.17982242
File: 140 KB, 1200x842, 63421F4C-95CB-485C-B954-458F13E3BD2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i act totally genuine on this site at all times

>> No.17982276

So do I. I resent trolling

>> No.17982277

Idk why these tradcaths seethe so much. You're right.

>> No.17982298

True, but it's all recursive platonic caves all the way down.

>> No.17982515

hit your router with a bat.

>> No.17982535

Why haven't you done this?

>> No.17982545
File: 98 KB, 188x302, 2049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pay the toll be fore4 u break the mould.

>> No.17982550

That's honestly pretty pathetic. I'm not sure why you'd come here if you're not here to have fun with anonymity.

>> No.17982553

I like this website.

>> No.17983007

For me I would leave here if there were a better literature forum. There is not.

>> No.17983017

the medium is the message, just because the topic is "lit" doesn't make the people and the place any better than if the topic were "asian pussy" or "funko pops"

>> No.17983115


>> No.17983121

It's not gay anon, it' beautiful

>> No.17983775

Let me guess, you read fiction.

>> No.17983911

if it wasnt for lit, id read less and no one would read what i wrote

>> No.17983951

Do you write fiction or non-fiction?

>> No.17984010



>> No.17984020

Depends but it's mostly shitposting.

>> No.17984087

No, I agree.
The people attracted to fully anonymous websites with no karma or lasting ratings and benefits are the kind who disregard the fame in favor of the message.
Whether they are discussing literature or the shapes of assholes, they are ultimately more interested in the subject of the discussion itself than in how they will look coming out of it.
This will ALWAYS add more depth to any conversation.

>> No.17984093

Eh still better than most.

>> No.17984361


>> No.17984374

>His authenticity doesn’t coexist and is expressed theough his trolling

>> No.17984477

Done well it improves the quality of the board, but too often it's just unfunny and derailing in a way that stymies good discussion

>> No.17984544

It would help if we had invisible permanent accounts, so that everyone continued to be anonymous but bans actually stuck. People complain about the moderation but it isn't really that bad, the problem is that the most dedicated trolls can just endlessly airplane mode their way out of bans and shit up boards with virtual impunity