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File: 142 KB, 1029x1500, The_Autobiography_of_Malcolm_X_(1st_ed_dust_jacket_cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17978253 No.17978253 [Reply] [Original]

>500+ pages
Shame, I would've read this even if it's written by a non-white.

>> No.17978430

Read it for the passages where he shits on jews and women

>> No.17978853

Weren't they edited out?

>> No.17979669

malcolm x is a braindead nigger that believed the muslim messiah was actually a negro with a giant brain.

>> No.17979678

seems better than braindead whiteoids who think the messiah is a jew

>> No.17979681

>Makes a post about a book he hasn't read and isn't going to read

Why do retards do this?

>> No.17979688
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, IMG_0535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading it right now. It's nothing new or unique imo. I know it's an older book but at some point blacks will need to get past criticizing every other group and do better themselves

>> No.17979694

why are you so fucking stupid?

>> No.17979705

You're not impressed because you're probably not American, or at least an American who acknowledges the civil rights movement for the sham it is.

>> No.17979732

>enslave, mistreat, and ruthlessly humiliate a population
>just do better bro!

>> No.17979735

I'm American, and a southerner as well, but I can see reading it that the black community has sunk deeper into their debt and materialism hole and people like Malcom who never overcame their mother didn't have the positive impact we all pretend he did

>> No.17979746

>Why does /lit/ do this?

>> No.17979750

We can't do everything for them. The current state of affairs, frail whites apologizing for every crime they commit, is not working

>> No.17979757

That’s why you should’ve paid reparations and given them their own state.

>> No.17979759

Why do you pray to a Jew?

>> No.17979765

We do, through welfare and it's destroyed them further. Their own state, Liberia, is a disaster. Wake up

>> No.17979769

>Liberia doesn't exist

>> No.17979786

they literally have all of africa

>> No.17979790

>point out Malcolm X didn't have the mental capacity to grasp Negros have absolutely nothing to do with the Middle East in any shape or form

>> No.17979795

This book is a masterpiece and the page count is relevant to that. It shows the transformation of a man who influenced America for the better. You are literally spending hours with one of the most important people in the 20th century if you choose to read this book.

>> No.17979803

it'll take less than a week if you just put your free time into it
dont be such an attention deficit -oomer

>> No.17979806

It’s a romantic nationalism doesn’t have to be based in truth. European Ashkenazis have about as much claim to Israel as blacks.

>> No.17979816
File: 84 KB, 736x736, art ho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This book is a masterpiece and the page count is relevant to that. It shows the transformation of a man who influenced America for the better. You are literally spending hours with one of the most important people in the 20th century if you choose to read this book.

>> No.17979831

>a man who influenced America for the better
What you mean BLM? Niggers are STILL in a giant rut trapped inside of a pointless nihilistic existence of resentment.

>> No.17979854

>It’s a romantic nationalism doesn’t have to be based in truth.

>> No.17979877

I mean he is a lot more integral to the civil rights movement having the strength it did than MSM leads you to believe. I’m against the riots, and the modern BLM movement is what it was 5 years ago, a domestic terror organisation that co-opts actual racial issues and makes them about furthering division.
If you want to be racist then just read the first chapter of this book and you’ll see how dumb and reductionist racism is, except it’s aimed at white people.

>> No.17979897

>I mean he is a lot more integral to the civil rights movement having the strength it did than MSM leads you to believe.
And I'm saying the civil rights movement was a waste of time and nihilistic in conception.

>> No.17979952
File: 112 KB, 862x634, IMG_0534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, to note, 100 pages in, he was 1/4 white so really no different than anyone else in the USA

>> No.17980017

for most of his life, he got out of NoI and was murdered for it

>> No.17980213

>Black people are the only population that has ever been enslaved or colonized
Get better excuses at least