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File: 188 KB, 1160x773, Schwab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17977538 No.17977538 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not looking for hot take marxists critiques or /pol/ schizo reductionism. I want some real redpills on what's driving the agenda of things like the great reset.

My cynicism leads me to believe that it really all boils down to elites trying to consolidate more power and shaping humanity to increasingly resemble livestock. But I feel that explanation is insufficient in some way.

>> No.17977567

Just read Keynes then

>> No.17977577

>My cynicism leads me to believe that it really all boils down to elites trying to consolidate more power and shaping humanity to increasingly resemble livestock. But I feel that explanation is insufficient in some way.

Erm, because it's the /pol/ schizo reductionism you said you're not looking for?

>> No.17977595

Automation nearly 100%. Look into it: they’ve been purposefully holding back technology for decades. Now they’re liquidating the proles or stuffing us into pods since we’re no longer needed.

>> No.17977658


That's why I'm asking for additional evidence to consider you numbskull.

>> No.17977659
File: 45 KB, 304x499, 51HBI9JNfjL._SX302_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all boils down to the Religion of Free Markets and it's high priests like Friedman that have been pushing it. It has so completely wrapped around peoples mind that they cannot even imagine any alternatives.

>> No.17977665
File: 394 KB, 1920x1080, Ex9oIYqWEAA1JVF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schwab is one of the leading visionaries of post-capitalism. He's fundamentally anti-neolib.

>> No.17977686

Rich people just want to keep making more money while keeping the system running. That's basically it.

>> No.17977698

Yes he still wants the same neolib elites in power though he’s just smarter than the rest of them and recognizes that neolib economics won’t work anymore.

>> No.17977708

brainlet glossary:
neolib = bad

>> No.17977715

How does he feel about flooding labor markets with turd worlders to drive wages down?

>> No.17977725


> It all boils down to the Religion of Free Markets and it's high priests like Friedman that have been pushing it. It has so completely wrapped around peoples mind that they cannot even imagine any alternatives.

Op here, what leaves me unsatisfied with explanations like this is that it attributes the success and domination of global capitalism to some collective top-down belief system and not mechanisms that allow it to outcompete alternatives.

>> No.17977727


>> No.17977729
File: 17 KB, 328x500, B005X3SA74.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read pic related? It is a very brief overview, it assumes you're familiar with Marx and many of the events he's discussing. The crux of the argument is that neoliberalism is a project to restore class power for the economic elite, he points to the Powell memo and the enormous amount of business investment into thinktanks and university economics departments. Neoliberalism was instituted in the US as a response to stagflation (high inflation after the OPEC crises in the 70s coupled with poor growth) and to break the unions after the winter of discontent.

The most insidious aspect of neoliberalism is something David Harvey does a great deal of research in - accumulation by dispossession. Building on the work of Rosa Luxembourg, he explains that neoliberal institutions like the IMF and the WTO use the global credit system to push privatisation and austerity onto the developing countries, and thereby direct enormous amounts of capital towards the United States. He points to how Wall Street captured New York City - by refusing to rollover the debt, they forced a city bankruptcy, and the bailout terms gave them first claim on tax revenues to pay off bondholders and to mandate austerity and privatisation to pay off that debt. Of course, it's the taxpayer that picks up the slack, and essential services are funded after Wall St get their cut.

The endgame of neoliberalism is maximised privatisation, the diminution of social welfare and the expansion of the workforce (and the concomitant stagnation in wages) via the global south into the American economy. The result is stagnant wages even as productivity soars, the curtailment of social services, and all-time high inequality.

>> No.17977739

>and to break the unions after the winter of discontent.

in the UK, I meant to add.

>> No.17978069

Buy LINK and LCX and ask Klaus yourself in few years.

>> No.17978115

I think it is actually a convincing thesis. The ruling class did make many concessions in the early part of the 20th century, creating healthcare systems, increasing wages, and so on. Then it seems the next generation wanted to take it back.
But it doesn't explain why they would ethnically replace their own countries.

>> No.17978152

>ethnic replacement
They need more bodies to pay for the civil servant pensions and welfare system. Only Africa and Arabia manufacture warm bodies. This system was implemented at TFR=3.0 which was a local maximum in an overall downtrend for a few hundred years. The "counterattack of capital!" narrative is basically false, at best they attempted to do some cost control which was largely ineffectual.

>> No.17978162

>They need more bodies to pay for the civil servant pensions and welfare system.
How do they expect low IQ populations with a negative economic contribution to do that?

>> No.17978194

They don't believe in IQ. In the US for example it's illegal to issue an IQ test to a black person in California. The same postwar order in the US abolished the civil service exam under Nixon because "it was racist".
Also, it makes more sense if you read it as a desperation move. If more bodies aren't added, the system will collapse, period. If more bodies are added, it might or might not collapse, but you have to try.

>> No.17978198


> How do they expect low IQ populations with a negative economic contribution to do that?

A negative economic contribution just means that the burden falls on the lower class, its not a negative incentive for the elite unless a critical amount of them do not contribute any labor. Which will soon become a problem as well.

>> No.17978210

>They don't believe in IQ.
They do believe in IQ, that's why they only breed with other intelligent, rich, high IQ people.

>> No.17978218


The elite are not ignorant of human differences, they are at best cognitively dissonant. It's more like they don't care and their incentives do not always align with the long term stability and success of the western world.

>> No.17978222

>In the US for example it's illegal to issue an IQ test to a black person in California.
IQ tests are illegal in the UK for jobs, so they use "psychometric tests" which is an IQ test with a different name.

>> No.17978228

Do they? Why is the quasi-official state position on IQ in the US is that it's racist? Is this part of the galaxy-brain management strategy of making your population retarded so that you can lord over them while being subservient to China or something?

>> No.17978231

>In the US for example it's illegal to issue an IQ test to a black person in California.
That's not true.

>> No.17978232

>It's more like they don't care and their incentives do not always align with the long term stability and success of the western world.
Which is difficult to understand because until very recently, we are taking a few dozen years, they did. Even in the 60s, the ruling class was patriotic and ethnocentric.

>> No.17978240

>Do they? Why is the quasi-official state position on IQ in the US is that it's racist?
Of course they do. What you are describing is just race relations propaganda. You think someone like Bill Gates doesn't know there are innate IQ differences? Lol.

>> No.17978241

There is no state position on IQ in the United States. A persons rights are not governed by intelligence one way or the other - everybody is equal under the law (with the exception of Law Enforcement, which has access to qualified immunity defenses in certain criminal cases, but that stems from occupation and not IQ).

>> No.17978252

iirc there was a lawsuit pending in the US that was to argue that things like the SAT constituted "IQ tests" and thus should be forbidden as they fall afoul of the disparate impact doctrine of Civil Rights law. I think most major universities have recently dropped the SAT for antiracist reasons at any rate so it doesn't matter.

>> No.17978261

>just read someone who was wrong about everything

>> No.17978270

The Servile State

>> No.17978274

Why is Gates' foundation promoting teacher-training materials in public schools instructing teachers that asking students to show their work in math class constitutes white supremacy? Does this strike you as the behavior of someone who believes in a genetic basis for IQ?

>> No.17978311

It marks the behavior of someone who understands that they need to create racial harmony to keep society stables. One way of doing that is placating and dotting on non-whites, that is where all this is coming from. The elite are trying to integrate them into the system, to a certain level.

>> No.17978370

"Ah yes, the racial harmony of the 2020s. Telling Jamal that he doesn't have to show his work in solving 3x^2 + 5x + 7 = 41 will solve racism. We're finally on the way to a more just and inclusive society after the racial turmoil of the 1990s."

I don't understand why it is so much of a stretch for people to believe that the wealthy more or less adhere to whatever the version of liberalism they learned in college. They're just men, being wealthy doesn't endow one with a special ability to see through nonsense. People imagine them as like, 18 dimensional Machiavellian chessmasters and give them way too much credit.

>> No.17978395

Lol, no. They are well aware of it and you can catch them speaking openly about it. It's just that they don't really have a solution for the problem. What do you expect them to do? Genocide every African in America? Send them back? There is nothing they can do except try to integrate them.

>> No.17978413
File: 205 KB, 501x445, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17978419


This man is pure evil.

>> No.17978431

Funny thing is that he is presenting an alternative to the present, but all the /pol/tards and other radicals are screeching.

>> No.17978461

Did Keynes influence neoliberalism? Friedman and Hayek seem like better fits.

>> No.17978469

>what do you expect them to do?
Just ignore it, lol. The idea that people are going to start rioting unless various measures like quotas, etc. are taken is ridiculous when the same wealthy foundations are promoting racial unrest and providing money, legal counsel, media support, etc. for it.

>> No.17978487

If they wanted racial harmony they'd severely punish anyone ever talking about race, not highlight racial disparities and loudly proclaim that they are due to the majority oppressing the minorities. I mean this is not rocket science.

>> No.17978489

>What do you expect them to do? Genocide every African in America? Send them back?
Why are these things off the table? It's clear we can't live with them and if they were to ever gain power what's stopping them from killing whitey instead? If you listen to them talk they'll tell you it's what they want. It's why leftists had such a violent reaction to "it's okay to be white". They want to "abolish whiteness".

>> No.17978501

This is what countries that actually want to manage multiethnic societies do, the US literally does the opposite at every possibly juncture

>> No.17978535

>he thinks they could just keep them all suppressed without constant chimpouts
Placating is how they keep chimpouts low.

>> No.17978544

>Why are these things off the table?
Because it's distasteful to worldly cosmopolitan who want to feel like they are good people making the world a better place.

>> No.17978555

But the US doesn't keep chimpouts low. Not only do they not keep chimpouts low, wealthy Americans use their nonprofits to actively encourage chimpouts.

>> No.17978554

>This is what countries that actually want to manage multiethnic societies do
Such as?

>> No.17978582

Imagine how much more chimpouts you'd get if shanequa couldn't get a cushy government office job and buy jordans for the 5 baby daddy keeds.

>> No.17978592

Genocide is 'distasteful'(evil) to literally anyone with a slightly functional soul. They are not enemy combatants in a war, you are both being psyopped to view it like that.

>> No.17978617

A Brief History of Neoliberalism by David Harvey
Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism's Stealth Revolution by Wendy Brown

>> No.17978657 [DELETED] 

Read the history of the first World War.
Then read the history of the second World War.

>> No.17978659

good post

>> No.17978671

If you're getting into "great reset" conspiracy crap it's people scared about a move away from a private ownership model towards more of a rent based system e.g. instead of buying a DVD you subscribe to a streaming service, etc. That's just basic economics since it's basically the ideal model if you're on the other end. Why should anyone ever hand rights away when they can milk a revenue stream forever?

> The crux of the argument is that neoliberalism is a project to restore class power for the economic elite
You mean shareholders! That's where Marxoids get confused since most Americans have an active interest there. Neoliberalism was more than just some political conspiracy and was primarily a movement to weaken the old corporate management and empower small investors who wanted bigger returns.

>> No.17978682

What's so mysterious about it? It's just neolib elites getting greedy. There's nothing more to it. Read Thucydides I guess

>> No.17978683

The majority of black people I've talked to view the government's hand outs as legitimately racist and discriminatory. I live in bumfuckistan though, where race relations are, hilariously, much better than in big, liberal population centers.

>> No.17978685

>reddit marxism

>> No.17978696

All marxism is cringe bud

>> No.17978697

How is this not war? They're trying to kill white people. Culture is a zero sum game, meaning when one group wins this comes at the cost of other groups. When one group gets more representation on TV, for example, this comes at the cost of representation for other groups because there's only so much TV to go around. Other groups understand this and they're actively waging war against white people, whether it's Mexicans and their attempt to take back Aztlan through population displacement, Jews nepotistically taking over media and banking, or blacks with their attempts to displace white farmers through discriminatory welfare programs among so many other things.

>> No.17978698

You will eat ze bugs.
You will drink ze cockroach milk.
You will be assimilated.
You will turn in ze semi-automatic weapon.
You will marry and impregnate ze transwoman.
You will adopt ze african orphan.
You will have your child's gender identity confirmed by Rachel Levine.
You will take ze daily omni-vaccine.
You will wear ze 20 masks.
You will sell ze bitcoin for 10 Social Credits.
You will rent ze pods for 100 social credits per day.
You will have ze covid-19 rectal probe permanently implanted.
Resistance is futile.
You will own nothing.
You will not ask who owns things.
And you will be happy.

>> No.17978717

You should see some of the men women at elite schools breed with.
If anything the elites have bred themselves into a subservient slave class that's obsessed with status at the expense of everything else. Most of them are fried on antidepressants, all of them are neurotic, and life is just a constant marathon sprint to keep up with their neighbors.
All that weird shit about IQ and everything being racism started in elite institutions then trickled down to the plebs by imitation. The Ivy Leagues aren't a magical oasis of intellect where everybody has read and appreciated the Western Canon.
The only people at the wheel are the Jews and a few Freemason lodges. The "ruling" classes are the biggest NPCs out there.

>> No.17978740

The peasants of these races, being peasants, are not controlling any of this, and are not actively engaged in fighting you, so no they are not enemy combatants, and you are not justified in indiscriminately killing them.

>> No.17978750
File: 162 KB, 1242x810, BN-EI841_schwab_GR_20140902125020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is so sexy.
Can someone explain what STAKEholder economy is?

>> No.17978760

Close your eyes and go LALALALALA

>> No.17978783

All of this stuff is actively encouraged and promoted by the same corporate and political elites that would still be in power if you went out and murdered every mexican family in the US.
You're blaming good innocent people for the actions of a few racist morons among them and a corrupt state that actively encourages racial unrest.
If you really care about securing a future for your people find some light skinned Mexican girl, knock her up, and keep good relations with the inlaws. This is the best way to promote racial harmony.

>> No.17978794


>> No.17978811

Increased localism he's been reading Taleb and Ze Moldbug

>> No.17978814

Who are these elites and when did they come into power? I ask because racial conflict has always been a thing. It is an eternal law. When two different groups of people interact in a limited space, conflict is inevitable precisely because culture is a zero sum game a I explained earlier. It doesn't matter who is in charge or what motivates them. Racial conflict will exist.

>> No.17978844

>I want some real redpills on what's driving the agenda of things like the great reset.
This redpill will be too much for you to swallow, but the Great Reset is a tool for the rich to pump up their egos by larping as social reformers.

>> No.17978848

The answer to racial conflict is to let people segregate precisely as much as they desire, and to have a system of government that doesn't provoke feelings and fears of race war in its own people.

>> No.17978850

Where can I read more about this in Taleb?
I have never touched him. Always thought he is Kiyosaki for boomers.

>> No.17978863

>tool for the rich to pump up their egos by larping as social reformers.
As if there are other forms of motivation for a human being, r-right guys? haha, that would be craazy.

>> No.17978894

It's not workable because other groups aren't acting in a suicidal way like whites. These groups vote and advocate for their group interests and what they want will be at odds with other groups. Even the wrong group being in charge at any given time will be a source of tension. Conflict is inevitable even if there is no shadow group agitating racial conflict for whatever reason. The only way segregation could work is the balkanization of America or parallel societies which is not going to happen.

>> No.17978914

>The only way segregation could work is the balkanization of America or parallel societies which is not going to happen.
It's going to happen, USA will collapse.

>> No.17978932

Although it's a meaningless term that's used by everyone to meat what-fucking-ever they want it to mean, in reality, if the modern regime is to be called neoliberalism, then neoliberalism is pretty much just a mixture of trotskyism and keynesianism(+some MMT)

>> No.17978947

fucking retard

>> No.17978972

>oh yeah, neocons are definitely not degenerate trotskyists
Dilate faggot

>> No.17978992

Not him.
I think the only thing they have in common is globalism.
It's not like "social progress" will inevitably lead to communism

>> No.17979005

> I want some real redpills on what's driving the agenda of things like the great reset.
EVERYONE in this thread just read pic related (Klaus Schwab)'s book about "The Great Reset" you'll understand everything

> it really all boils down to elites trying to consolidate more power and shaping humanity to increasingly resemble livestock. But I feel that explanation is insufficient in some way.
It's just this but with transhumanism

>> No.17979009

Not him, but some of the founding thinkers were Trotskyists. Irving Kristol and Leo Strauss were both Trotskyists, then switched to conservatism to defend Israel (they were ethnocentric Jews).
You're also thinking more of neoconservatism, though the two are hard to distinguish. Some argue that the idea of nation building came from the Trotsky element, but changed to Liberal democracy instead of communism.

>> No.17979013

There have been many multi-ethnic empires that worked out just fine (until they didn't, but everything ends eventually)
The JQ is another eternal law that is more applicable to the US anyways. Its not like Americans, white and black, are genetically or culturally different from each other in any way. Every other country in the Americas has managed to avoid the severe racial issues the US has, so why do you think that is? Mexico has problems, but light skinned Mexicans and dark skinned Mexicans having race riots every year for as long as anyone can remember isn't one of them.

>> No.17979028

>book about "The Great Reset" you'll understand everything
Will we? I have read ABOUT this book, but people claim it's just useless gibberish.
Can you give a recap?

>> No.17979034


>> No.17979048

There wasn't any alternative, capitalism is happening since creation. All the other systems you've witnessed existed within a capitalistic reality

>> No.17979051

>These groups vote and advocate for their group interests
Because they are told to, and whites are told not to. Your problem is with the people doing the telling.

>> No.17979062

How about Brazil?

>> No.17979064


>> No.17979067

This is dark and may explain why so many countries aren't building new affordable homes

>> No.17979072

Ok, i worded that badly, forgot to include that it's ALSO to read his books about the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" which is where he mainly goes over the transhumanism shit, my dumb ass forgot to include that, but yeah

If you want a "quick" (relatively speaking, very long article) overview, read this:

>> No.17979084

>Kiyosaki for boomers
Lol wat

He has a Medium page with chapters from his books. It's pretty good as an intro.

>> No.17979088

Thank you very much!

>> No.17979101

Wait a second.
whaaaat. okay

>> No.17979117

This is accurate as fuck.
I'm from a fairly well-off family and spent two years at an elite school.
For most of the people there the only thing in their mind is what kind of car their family will buy them once they get their driver's license, where they will go on vacation, the brand of the watch they want for birthday and other inane shit like that.
They receive education of a quality most people can only dream off and it all goes to waste. It's sad but the only actual value of education for these people is the networking they make while young.
90% of those people are just brainlets, it's the system formed by miriads of smart wagies that holds them in place.

>> No.17979126

Socialism and unregulated capitalism are primarily just different forms of fascism to begin with

>> No.17979129

Top-down strategies only work when "the mechanisms that allow them to outcompete alternatives" exist. Communist revolutions needed certain social and economic conditions, certain resources, certain strategies to work. Likewise global capitalism did not just accidentally appear. The legal concept of the Corporation was invented because it suited certain people's self-interest, and it proved to be an effective strategy. Likewise with all the elements of global capitalism--someone consciously chose them as a strategy, and they survived because they worked.

>> No.17979136

wtf i love neoliberalism now?

>> No.17979155

Last question - in that case what is [not fascism]?

>> No.17979175

Interventionist capitalism, transparent or direct democracy, anarchism (that results in a shithole tho) and Marx's fantasyland stateless communism that magically works[/ spoiler]

>> No.17979190

IQ is mostly explained by literacy differences--the Flynn effect reflected increased literacy in the general population and the "mysterious" end of the Flynn effect marks literacy rates plateauing. Disparities in racial competences might be present but don't have anywhere near the effect the resentful seem to think they do.

>> No.17979202

>Yes he still wants the same neolib elites in power
That's because he's not stupid enough to pick a fight with them. Just threaten them to reform rather than declare war on them.

>> No.17979224

Basically when boomers retire it leaves a massive vacancy in jobs in the west and without workers to fill the void at the bottom as whites move up into those good jobs the stock market drops.

And stock market is where boomer retirement is based off of. So if they lose retirement we’re back at a weinar economy with 1/3rd the population in total poverty failing to make payments etc.

The WEF is trying to get that solved by importing browns and then their is the green aspect of it as well which idk if they believe in or not but it serves as a WWII esque national economy stimulator so they push it.

You’re welcome.

And yes it’s totally evil.

>> No.17979230

Oh, ok.
Thank you yet again.

>> No.17979281

I mean, they might be trying to wipe out white people but they are definitely trying to get you to fight with beaners about who gets more screen time on teevee instead of thinking about more important shit.

>> No.17979342

How about it? Most of Brazils problems come from communists selling weapons to street gangs under the guise of social justice. It's comparable to the US, but you need to remember that it's a failed state full of favela niggers and that it's problems come from being a failed state full of favela niggers.
I'm not saying that countries never fall apart, they do, and when they do then people will usually divide along ethnic or religious lines... BUT that doesn't mean that people dividing along ethnic or religious lines are responsible for the state falling apart. In the case of the US you have very clear cases of racist propaganda being used for generations to motivate the masses to political actions, and what's happened is that Chinese operatives, the Jews, and Freemasons have decided they can motivate brown people with "fuck whitey" propaganda just as well as they motivated southern voters with "fuck niggers".
You need to see the tumor and root it out, not attack the symptoms.

>> No.17979405

Yeah. Most "elites" are just the modern version of eunuchs, now treated with diazepam to keep their scheming to a minimum.
The elites that actually matter and get shit done? Do a bit of digging and you'll find that 95% of them run in the same network of secret societies and transnational organizations.
Do a bit more digging and you'll find mossad and organized crime behind the secret society front groups running sex trafficking honeypots, setting up false flags, and killing political opposition.
It's not hard to connect the dots.

>> No.17979461

whats this guys deal, ive seen his picture posted around. Is he a commie

>> No.17979486

Give some books negro

>> No.17979500

It's just sophisticated fascism.

>> No.17979558

>There is no state position on race in the South. A persons rights are not governed by race one way or the other - everybody is equal under the law (with the exception of voting rights, which are not extended to everyone, but that stems from literacy and not race).

>> No.17979579


it's funny you should say this, considering there was a court case concerning an applicant for a police job who got denied for having too high an IQ

>> No.17979592

he's the you will own nothing and be happy guy

>> No.17979613


roger roger

>> No.17979631

>sucking the dick of margaret thatcher this yard
not cute desu

>> No.17979651

It means taking a fraction of the shekels they save through tax avoidance & suppression and distributing it as alms, ensuring the masses are subdued and thankful

>> No.17979668

That quote was taken out of context and people completely missed the point of the video

>> No.17979710

What context can possibly make that sound better

>> No.17979779

It's a thought experiment based on current consumer/economic trends. People are moving towards renting and subscription as opposed to owning stuff.

>> No.17979804

yeah exactly. in a subscription/service based economy you cant own anything, you always need to be paying to keep the broken economy going

>> No.17979807
File: 49 KB, 128x197, Legacy_of_Ashes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one talks about how the CIA set up a one party mafia state in Japan and Italy post-war, and politically assassinated Nixon once he and Kissinger started to put constraints on them. It's a respected book by a respected author that draws from primary sources, not some conspiracy crap.

>> No.17979857

Every single multi cultural empire worked when their were plenty of resources and a relatively impartial strong institution I'm place thst could and did percecute anyone disrupting the system.
That all falls apart the moment resources dwindle, and or the institutions are no longer bipartisan but instead become just another vehicle for furthering the cause of x group.

The modern left would see an country like the Austrian-Hungarian meme abomination as some "stunningly beautiful multicultural system" lmao

>> No.17979889
File: 34 KB, 326x500, 51Mt25cHFCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up the Lavon Affair.
Or read
Why do you think none of the people "responsible" for 9-11 have ever faced trail, despite four presidential administrations since the fact and them all being held in prison?
Pic related I haven't read but describes how the Freemasons were behind the American revolution.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_Due is an interesting read after you've flipped through legacy of ashes. You can read between the lines and see that freemasonry and organized crime are closely tied with the CIA world-state even today. You can read the official government report on it or search around for investigative journalism that looks into P2 but I haven't dug that deep yet.

>> No.17979907

Culture of Critique
The Death of the West

>> No.17979934

Fun fact, Mussolini made masonic lodges illegal, but this was overturned post WW2. Since then the British government and European union has acted to put pressure on Italy to continue tolerating not only masonic lodges, but the highest members of military and government belonging to masonry. All of this AFTER it was shown that a masonic lodge had been used to rig elections, plan assassinations, and put multiple Italian presidents into power.
If someone started a bookclub for Islamist literature or far right neo-nazi stuff it would be shut down as a terrorist organization faster than you could blink. Yet a shadowy group with connections to the highest levels of government has journalists murdered and interfering with that is considered a violation of human rights.

>> No.17979957

WEF are just shilling global fascism ran by a bunch of closeted zionists

>> No.17980003

People are choosing to do that. That was the whole point of the video, to thought experiment current consumer trends.

>> No.17980015

Thanks buddy
Will definitely read one soon. I'm binging non-fiction spy stuff currently.

>> No.17980053

>Pic related I haven't read but describes how the Freemasons were behind the American revolution.
Common knowledge.
Being a liberal during absolute monarchies could get you killed. Enlightenment thinkers met secretly in places where they could have intellectual discussions without being attacked or arrested. Lodges were one such place.

>> No.17980059

If you read about the founders of the US, Canada, etc. they're all Freemasons. Franklin, Washington, Bolívar. All were involved in Masonry. Mark Twain, who founded the Bohemian Society (depicted in the movie Eyes Wide Shut) was a Freemason. Churchill was a Mason. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was a Mason, as were almost all of his military staff officers. Roosevelt became a Mason in a private ceremony that was hosted at the White House. J. Edgar Hoover was a Mason. Five supreme court justices have been Masons.

Meanwhile the people who run media and Hollywood are all Jewish. Ghislaine Maxwell's father was a Jewish spy who worked with Mossad. When he died the Israeli prime minister said "He has done more for Israel than can today be told."

All of this stuff isn't even conspiratorial, I'm just listing easily verifiable facts. What would be conspiratorial would be to conjecture that possibly the people within these powerful and secretive clubs and intelligence agencies work together to achieve geopolitical ends.

When Italy and Japan were rebuilt post-war, it with networks of organized crime backing the ruling political party, with both countries acting as one-party states despite having (often rigged) elections every few years. It would be conjecture to say that the networks used for creating these new states were built with Freemason lodges, but if you look at who gets into power and who stays there they're all Freemasons.

>> No.17980072

So what? What's your problem with freemasonry? Are you a paranoid christcuck?

>> No.17980081

>Being a liberal during absolute monarchies could get you killed.
Not true, this was a myth invented by Freemasons after the fact. Just like the so called "dark ages".
But notice how they're always the victims? Same with how Jews are bankers and own the media ONLY because evil Christians persecuted them. Never any accountability no matter how glaringly obvious it is that there's more to the story than the official narrative.

>> No.17980086

lol you faggot

>> No.17980095

The thing about Jews becoming extremely rich and parasitic bankers because 'the christians forced us to' is endlessly amusing to me

>> No.17980120

What's your problem with freemasonry? Are you a christcuck schizo?
Everything negative you hear about freemasonry comes from Christians in the 18th/19th century.

>> No.17980124

Okay, so what did freemasons do exactly?
And it is true, the founding fathers being freemasons and other enlightenment thinkers being freemasons only proves it.

>> No.17980144

who told you that :)

>> No.17980176


>> No.17980183

It's essentially austerity economics cloaked in the guise of environmentalism. No more semi-affordable commercial flights. No more hamburgers (meat's bad for the environment!). No more this and that. Meanwhile, in actuality the true source of this push for austerity is the rapacious oligarchy who has siphoned off half the world's wealth. They now find environmentalism to be a convenient justification for the reduced standard of living their greed forces on everybody else.

>> No.17980196

P2 literally had people murdered. Also I don't want to live in a world where every bit of information is filtered by Masons and Mossad.
>Shortly before Maxwell's death, a former employee of Israel's Military Intelligence Directorate, Ari Ben-Menashe, approached a number of news organisations in Britain and the US with the allegation that Maxwell and the Daily Mirror's foreign editor, Nicholas Davies, were both long-time agents for Mossad. Ben-Menashe also claimed that, in 1986, Maxwell informed the Israeli Embassy in London that Mordechai Vanunu revealed information about Israel's nuclear capability to The Sunday Times, then to the Daily Mirror. Vanunu was subsequently kidnapped by Mossad and smuggled to Israel, convicted of treason and imprisoned for eighteen years.[49]
People complain about China being a totalitarian state, but if you consider the bodies of our elites that form into secret societies and promote each other as a kind of state within a state (really the whole western world) then it's clear that we are in a much worse situation.

>> No.17980201

Just listen to the red scare podcast and you’ll know everything. Also environmentalism and climate change are going to be exceptionally influential in the economic arena. India is going to get fked up bad whereas China will be fine. The real redpill is that globalists are too moderate, we need to depopulate the world faster, now. The globies are scared they’ll lose money so they’re going slow and careful. History, however, belongs to the bold.

>> No.17980204

>P2 literally had people murdered.
Who hasn't had people murdered?

>> No.17980210

the other anon told you, they run the world, or at least did, and helped create and lead all the nations currently running the world. i guess if you like how the world order works it's nbd.

>> No.17980217

>all change is good
>all people who want radical change want the same radical change

>> No.17980219

I mean. We don’t have mandatory Covid anal swabs in the west. However the Soviets didn’t do butt stuff when they were totalitarian so it’s probably just an Asian thing. Chinese totalitarianism is creepy and goofy because it’s Asian, not because it’s commie.

>> No.17980224

The world isn't as simple as you think.
There are many more influential groups that the freemasons, who haven't really been relevant for centuries.

>> No.17980230

name the groups/people

>> No.17980234

The Apollo program was essentially a Speculative Freemasonry research programme, but they haven't been very relevant for nearly half a century, sure.

>> No.17980265

>its so complicated you cant know anything other than what mainstream media tells you but trust me you're wrong
>no I dont have sources to prove that

>> No.17980287

thats communism

>> No.17980295

Ah, okay, so you're one of "those guys".
The Apolo program was centuries in the making of scientific and mathematical research. Particularly with breakthroughs in material science, fluid mechanics, chemistry and control engineering done by people in different places and different times in Europe. Your history of science and engineering is very limited. But I'm sure you think "they" are hiding the true history!
Council of Foreign relations
1001 club
Le Cercle
Ford foundation
Rockfeller foundation
Open society foundation
These are all connected with the military, intelligence, government, and "deep state".
This is where true power lies in the west.
In the hands of a few hundred people.
Maybe 300 tops.

>> No.17980299

Europe and America*

>> No.17980308

Anything is better than what we have now.

>> No.17980336

>this is what imaginary countries do

>> No.17980348

Bilderber was founded by Freemasons, modeled on Freemasonry, and subverted by the CIA.
>Retinger approached Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands[7] who agreed to promote the idea, together with former Belgian prime minister Paul van Zeeland, and the then head of Unilever, Paul Rijkens. Bernhard in turn contacted Walter Bedell Smith, the then head of the CIA, who asked Eisenhower adviser Charles Douglas Jackson to deal with the suggestion.[8] The guest list was to be drawn up by inviting two attendees from each nation, one of each to represent "conservative" and "liberal" points of view.[6] Fifty delegates from 11 countries in Western Europe attended the first conference, along with 11 Americans.[9]

Le Cercle is the same people in P2, and also has deep ties to freemasonry and the CIA.
>Alan Clark, the British Conservative MP and historian stated in his diaries that Le Cercle was funded by the CIA.[6]

>The Council of Foreign relations
>Ford foundation
>Rockfeller foundation
>Open society foundation
All run by Jews, Freemasons, and the CIA.

>> No.17980384

What a dishonest view of the world.
>Option X and Option Y
>Can't afford X, so choose Y

>> No.17980391

Or maybe the bilbergerd, le cercle, and the others run the freemasons, jews, and cia.

>> No.17980420

How do you guys really determine who runs what? Also what is the relation of these groups to the banks?

>> No.17980434

I'm just messing with him. He has some weird obsession with freemasonry and is talking out of this ass.
There's a guy who has done a comprehensive checklist of 400 - 1500 key power brokers in the western world and connected them to all the main NGOs, then he ranked them by how NGOs they are part of.

>> No.17980446

you have a link for that, sounds interesting

>> No.17980450

The guys website looks a bit schizo, but you can go find primary sources and confirm what he is saying. It's a long read.

>> No.17980466
File: 42 KB, 547x646, ISGP-superclass-index-2015-by-joel-van-der-reijden-Henry-Kissinger-George-Shultz-James-Woolsey-David-Rockefeller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of jews on the list (/pol/tards will love it).
It's all mostly anglos and jews that control the west. Particularly the USA side (most dominant side). Sources all the bottom.

>> No.17980611

>It's all mostly anglos and jews that control the west
I feel like this is very obvious and it's not really a /pol/tard level observation unless you imply that all Jews and all Anglos are in on it. Thanks for the link

>> No.17980640

>I feel like this is very obvious
Oi Vey! The Chutzpah on this anti-semite!

>> No.17980980


ah yes... the "anglo question"

>> No.17980989

Stop being such a drama queen.

>> No.17981002

You’ll want to get Operaismos understanding of composition versus labour process under your belt, though if you’re macro over micro go regulation theory.

Fuck off back to where you came from.

>> No.17981073

The AH system was great. The nations were separate but represented and still had a nobility. Much better than the euro union which is more of a melting pot than Mosiac

>> No.17981084

>Propaganda by Edward Bernays
>Public Opinion by Walter Lippman
>Manufacturing consent by Noam Chomsky

That's basically all you need to understand how the elites will manipulate you and what really underlies their squabbles.

As for the great reset, just understand that there are always generally two main powers at war with one another, and this is what drives progress. During the 19th century, it was agriculture and industry. Industry won with the abolition of slaves (had they not won, agriculture would have maintained free labor and gotten ahead of industry. The abolition of slavery occurred not because of what was ethically right, but because of what was economically desirable to a particular faction).

In the modern age, the fight is between data and petroleum, hence why climate activism is becoming more prominent. It is because there is a growing faction for whom climate action yields a net benefit.

The great reset is a byproduct of this phenomenon, however the elites got together to agree on what would benefit the most powerful combination of them. You're probably aware that morals don't drive politics. The best thing to do is to ask how exactly it benefits those in power, and which factions it benefits. Where does the money go and why?

Anyway, I'm not going to give you the answer you want. You're asking to be spoonfed, but the problem with that is that spoonfeeding is the perfect way to manipulate a population. No book is a perfect redpill because author bias always manipulates you in some way.

>> No.17981242


> Anyway, I'm not going to give you the answer you want. You're asking to be spoonfed, but the problem with that is that spoonfeeding is the perfect way to manipulate a population. No book is a perfect redpill because author bias always manipulates you in some way.

It sounds like you don't actually understand anything and are posturing that you do. Thanks for the basic bitch reccomendations.

>> No.17981277


>> No.17981457

Comfy thread

>> No.17981522

based post

>> No.17981543

6/10 bait

>> No.17981605
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take the schwabpill

>> No.17981616

It's pretty obvious that the Freemasons came first, and that these other groups are composed mostly but not entirely of Freemasons and operate in a similar fashion to Freemason lodges.
Probably Freemasonry acts as a decentralized peer network, and as people demonstrate that they can hold a secret and are reliable they move up the ranks where they are groomed by elite families and power networks.
Initially a lot of the think tanks and NGOs were staffed by western friendly Freemasons, and there is also a revolving door between government, media, and finance, but Freemason lodges are an obviously easy way for people to network privately and speak honestly about controversial subjects (which is what Freemasonry was founded as really) , and when you move up to high level lodges full of powerful people then of course it makes sense they would use that for some shady shit.
The CIA, Mossad, etc. has of course their own private networks within these private networks, and they help their own get promoted to positions of power inside them.
Its not like there's some room where everyone gets together to run the world, but there are obviously networks of powerful people who help each other out, and most of those networks are offshoots of Freemasonry.

>> No.17981622

They don't need freemasonry to do that, retard.
They have things like Bilderberg, Le Cercle, and other private groups.

>> No.17981688

Not that guy, but think of this.
Last term, Trump cracked down on Big Tech. Supreme court, etc. and the media was mostly on the side of Tech, several influential tech people are promoted within the democratic party, and during the election both Twitter and Facebook block the New York Post from reporting information about Biden trading political favors for cash through his son.

At the same time, there is a massive crackdown on all sorts of political wrong-think on social media platforms. Including 4chan, with many posts, accounts, and opinions being censored and driven off the surface net.

As this happens, political legislation is passed shutting down many small businesses while enabling big tech companies to carry on business as usual. The Democrats shift focus away from class issues regarding the emerging class of semi-unemployed temp workers who contract with Uber and focus entirely on internet Nazism as an emerging phenomena. Then they use this to push for further hate speech legislation, censoring of internet content, and mass surveillance.

Put two and two together. Big tech has become another arm of government, and the trade off was that none of us are ever going to have stable jobs.

>> No.17981691

Le bunga, muh guhtrillion

>> No.17981713

That doesn't change the fact that the people in those private groups are overwhelmingly Freemasons or Intelligence agents.

>> No.17981813

Cockroach milk actually exists. Wtf?
>Although most cockroaches don't actually produce milk, Diploptera punctate, which is the only known cockroach to give birth to live young, has been shown to pump out a type of 'milk' containing protein crystals to feed its babies.

>The fact that an insect produces milk is pretty fascinating – but what fascinated researchers is the fact that a single one of these protein crystals contains more than three times the amount of energy found in an equivalent amount of buffalo milk (which is also higher in calories than regular cow's milk).


>> No.17981904

this is just communism disguised as harmless liberalism

>> No.17981949

you vill drink it and you vill like it

>> No.17982008
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>> No.17982018

>Trump cracked down on Big Tech
You mean did nothing but fucking tweet?

>> No.17982022

Prove it. Substantiate your claim.
I substantiated mine.

>> No.17982132

All you did was post a list of groups you think run the world. I actually posted evidence that all of those groups were established by people with links to intelligence agencies and masonic lodges. I also posted the example of P2, which was an Italian Freemason lodge which was implicated in the murder of journalists and judges and which helped to place multiple Italian presidents into power.
If you read another book that I posted ITT, Legacy of Ashes, you will find that the Democrazia Cristiana party has always been closely tied with the Italian-American mafia and mafia resistance groups, and that they were able to rule Italy as a one party state with the blessing of the CIA in the postwar years.
Now, considering that its the same politicians and the same mafia, it would make sense to implicate the Freemason lodges in all of this. And this is just recent history. Consider recent laws forced in Italy at the behest of Britain that make it illegal to stop high ranking members of the military from participating freemasonry, there is a clear pattern of Anglo-American friendly elites, western intelligence agencies, and Freemason lodges that shows up in the sketchy underbelly of Italian politics.
This is hardly a recent pattern, because you can go all the way back the revolutionary wars of North and South America and also find that it was mostly Freemasons plotting with each other.
Even the list of organizations that you posted were almost all founded after the second world war by Freemasons and Intelligence Agents. Yet when I point this out, that its actually the CIA, Mossad, and Freemasons behind this stuff, you call me conspiratorial.

>> No.17982158

The major players in those groups aren't even the intelligence agencies. Intelligence agencies are dogs, tool for the elites. People like Rockefellor weren't controlled by intelligence agencies, lol.

>> No.17982171

Yeah I actually provided evidence instead of baseless speculation and conspiracy theory.
That list also features chiefs of the CIA and other intelligence agencies. Many of whom attend bilderberg like groups. You can't even defend your position without resorting to stuff you can't actually prove. We have leaked guest lists for many private ngos, intelligence directors are only a small part of them.
Now show me how they're all freemasons.

>> No.17982310

nobody cares about freemasons. thats old 2011 conspiracy nonsense. move forward

>> No.17982311

This. You think the rate of technological improvements slowed down? It went underground because society is legitimately not mature enough. The current agenda is to manipulate the public via social engineering to ideally get them ready for the tech to be made public.

>> No.17982378

I wouldn't recommend a single book written after 1995 because there has not been enough time for the dust to settle (also jews)

He means the Trump administration, retard. For someone on a literature board, you sure can't grasp metaphor.

>> No.17982610

>Irving Kristol and Leo Strauss were both Trotskyists
Leo Strauss was never a Trotskyist at any point in his career. He was always a thinker of the right, albeit one who rejected the historicism of Burke for a more Platonist approach.

>> No.17982657
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>> No.17982957

So you guys think the policy makers and the elites in general are a blob with a shared mind that plans ahead in the future or considers history when it also does that?
This is where I lose attention with your arguments, it seems silly.

>> No.17982980

Read Hayek, what people call neoliberalism is nothing like what he imagined.

>> No.17983008

Such as empires, but US is not an empire like that anon confused.
US is a liberal democracy with people being free to be racist and not willing to change that.

>> No.17983154

Southanon here
Outside of a few shithole cities race relations are bearable. They leave the Confederacy monuments alone and perhaps things would even in sight of comfy, albiet far off, here. Which is ironic, but funny.

>> No.17983179
File: 99 KB, 850x400, 5841FA45-BCE9-4626-B537-B56EF9F04D5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1940’s atomic R&D
>South African nukes

Kissinger’s memoirs

>> No.17983189

>It all boils down to the Religion of Free Markets and it's high priests like Friedman that have been pushing it. It
> Friedman
You meant George Friedman?! If so, that asshole is worst at predictions. Bastard missed everything he predicted by miles

>> No.17983511

You can’t find this anywhere

>> No.17983552
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>The only people at the wheel are the Jews and a few Freemason lodges. The "ruling" classes are the biggest NPCs out there.
The jews (rothschilds) and the freemason elites ARE the rulng classes.

>> No.17983920

>Open society foundation
Isn’t that George Soros group? They shut it down in Poland, Hungary, andTurkey

>> No.17984048

No, but they meet and talk about things to determine policy. What's so hard to believe about that? Communism was a real threat in the 20th century, giving concessions and "buying" the workers off by giving them liberal democratic societies was a good way to take the wind of out of the communist sail.

>> No.17984059

Yes it is a George Soros group. But it is quite influential and connected with other key power brokers.

>> No.17984074

I can believe that those who went to same colleges in 60's meet and talk, or even share the version of liberalism from that time.
But after 60's it was apparent Communism was kind of a failure, sure no one in the west, from the government, could predict its collapse - which is another giant minus.

But what you're describing in first half of 20th century seems normal, after all we know socialist literature was popular, Soviet union and the iron curtain was opaque and seemed like a threat. The politicians in the west, the social democrats, many of them were in socialist international, read the same literature, split from Marxist groups and in the grand picture reacted to a real threat, so it was in-the-present policy making, not planing like some evil mastermind cabal.

I think without addressing points to their implications and switching the goal post or topic doesn't benefit the grand narratives coherence, and to be honest I never saw it, but I desire to be convinced.