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17975332 No.17975332 [Reply] [Original]

I'm watching the Ken Burns documentary right now and is she implying Ernest Hemingway got pegged by his wife?

>He called her Pete and she called him Catherine. They liked to switch places in the bedroom.

uh wtf?

>> No.17975363

more like hemingay

>> No.17975376

Dude hem experimented with being submissive in the bedroom. Everybody over 25 who's worth the air they breath has done that, and pegging is the natural extention of that.
Also, like sneedtzsche, hemingway cross dressed as a girl early in his life and this led to hyper masculinity/identity issues

>> No.17975388

>hemingway cross dressed as a girl early in his life
You say that like it was voluntary. His mother forced him to do that.

>> No.17975392

Mishima mentions in Confessions of a Mask that he crossdressed too.

>> No.17975393

What's often forgotten is that she also dressed his sister up as a boy. It was more about having the notion of twins than about feminizing him.

>> No.17975401

Some say Pasolini was also into gay shit but that is only rumor.

>> No.17975412

It doesnt matter, stop with the cope and see the man for what he is - an incredibly based prototrans woman who was so ashamed of his womanhood that he pushed it so deep into his mind that his femininity could only be expressed during sex and promptly never discovered again.
He only started to get comfortable with it when he was working on the garden of eden.

>> No.17975426

>prototrans woman
well xe did kill ximself didn't xe?

>> No.17975430

Nothing wrong with that. It’s not gay if it’s with a woman

>> No.17975431

He frequently rehearsed suicides with an unloaded shotgun.

>> No.17975434


>> No.17975462

Lol nice

>> No.17975465

Which does nothing but reinforce >>17975412
this point^

>> No.17975498

Watch this
They do a great job of drawing a portrait what he was like

>> No.17975862

read the garden of eden lol

>> No.17975915

depends on how old they were?
toddlers used to be just put in dresses across the board.

>> No.17975935

That just means he liked her on top.

>> No.17976114

>Everybody over 25 who's worth the air they breath has done that, and pegging is the natural extention of that.

Very much yes. If you think engaging in kink or deviant sex makes you less of a man, you're a child. Deal with it.

>> No.17976161

Wikipedia calls his cross dressing son Gregory his daughter Gloria

>> No.17976194

No it doesn't

>Gregory Hancock Hemingway (November 12, 1931 – October 1, 2001), also known as Gloria Hemingway in later life, was the third and youngest child of author Ernest Hemingway.

Most of the article uses the masculine pronoun as well. And even if it did, it would be meaningless given that wikipedia can be edited by anyone.

>> No.17976207

Yeah, nah, bro.
Pegging is some gay shit and most women don't want a man that submissive.
Being submissive in the bedroom is letting a woman sit on your face and eating out her pussy. That's the limit of a real man's submissiveness. Anything else is some sissyboy gay shit, you massive faggot.

>> No.17976209

hell yeah dude

hemming-spray from his little prikadel

>> No.17976232

Who cares?
>uhhh having sex with a woman is somehow gay!!

>> No.17976248

engaging in the fundamentally feminine action of being penetrated is absolutely, 100% gay

>> No.17976254

Hell isn't worth it.

>> No.17976256

I swear they just edited that. It was there less than an hour ago.

>> No.17976257

OK; so what? Why do I care how a dead writer once liked to get off?

>> No.17976275

Wtf was Mary Karr doing in there?
What is it with her and suicidal white male writers?

>> No.17976282

Have sex

>> No.17976285

lol probably. Looks like there's a war going on in the talk section of the page over pronouns:


What a waste of time for everyone involved.

>> No.17976287

I didn't say you did or even should. I personally would respect Hemmingway less if this is true. Not totally, but considerably.

>> No.17976298

with you? you wanna fuck me up the arse anon you gay cunt?

>> No.17976305

Agreed that experimentation is common, but I think it's a stretch to say that pegging is the go-to experiment for all men.

>> No.17976327

damn that's pretty hot desu

>> No.17976346

Homosexual sex and tranny sex doesn't count.
Unless you fucked a good looking biological woman (without paying for it) and she said she loved you after sex, you are still an incel.

>> No.17976347


>> No.17976355

>and she said she loved you after sex
What does love have to do with celibacy?

>> No.17976358

Only for very unmasculine men, which is the majority of western basedboys under 30, who have the testosterone of 60 year old men from the 1970s.

>> No.17976367

It doesn't count unless it's a full intimate sexual experience and that involves love.

>> No.17976387

I agree with this. When I was a young boy I would secretly play around dressing up in my mom's bras and shit. I was excited by the naughtiness and transgression of it but that was as far as it went; never let anyone see me that way, and the 'urge' to actually live that out (or any other femdom fantasies) died as I got older. These really are phases that people can grow out of.

>> No.17976406

Ken's a faggot. Big whoop. I'm gonna mock the retard now.

>> No.17976413

I agree, wore my mum's shoes once and that was about it. I think she found out as far as I remember but never brought it up. My folks must know I was just joshing around, I don't think about it too much. So yeah I think you're right

>> No.17976480

I had a girl stick her fingers up my ass unsolicited.
When she was asleep I shit in her purse as revenge.

>> No.17976485

What was her reaction when she woke up and opened her purse?

>> No.17976752


>> No.17976761

I had a girl try to stick her finger in my ass as a joke while we were showering, so I stuck my cock in her ass and fucked her. Wish I just shat in her purse.

>> No.17976776

kek, why did you regret it anon?

>> No.17976818

When will you learn that the tranny condition requires high intelligence

>> No.17976828

It requires a midwit with low test and feministic narcissism.

>> No.17976856

Ah of course. That’s what an average iq of 120 implies.

>> No.17976858


That wasn't a girl, and that wasn't her finger.
Lurk more....

>> No.17976984

Kek imagine being this insecure about your masculinity

>> No.17976992

Imagine having no masculinity that you feel zero insecurity about having no masculinity.

>> No.17977010

When she wakes up she has a surprise!

>> No.17977012

Just your average American marriage

>> No.17977233

Imagine trying to convince someone they aren't masculine to reaffirm your own doubtful masculinity

>> No.17977244

>Imagine trying to convince someone they aren't masculine to reaffirm your own doubtful masculinity
That isn't happening.
What's happening is that you're getting called out for being a faggot and that has nothing to do with my own insecurities, it's an expression of truth. You are projecting your own lack of masculinity and feminine traits onto me.

>> No.17977458
File: 169 KB, 537x892, CDE53301-DA7F-4F72-8C63-9A86D5CB4A93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are projecting your own lack of masculinity and feminine traits onto me.

>> No.17977480


>> No.17977496

Why does it seem that everyone wants to knock down Hemingway? Is it a feminist thing? It’s funny because his work often deals with very unmasculine stuff such as PTSD

>> No.17977534

Cope, effeminate, and little dick energy
Based beyond comparison - you are a true man.

>> No.17977581
File: 102 KB, 1330x972, 1615556723535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly based. If it was less taboo for men and women to vent these sorts of desires in a heterosexual manner, trannies and faggots would be much less rampant.

>> No.17977744

Well he had a great many assholeish qualities even before the death spiral.
He was an insecure braggart who lied about his war record and the people he treated the worst were friends, family and writers who had helped him out early in his career

>> No.17977808

>influential writer
>tall and handsome
>war hero
>legendary shit talker
People hate champions and Hemingway is one of the greats. Envious little fuckers can't stop taking pot shots at his corpse.

>> No.17977842



>> No.17977851

You get pegged by women because you're a beta bitch with a small dick and no dominant traits. Kek.

>> No.17977995

rank Hemingway's wives


>> No.17978023

3 was the worst
She guilt tripped him back into combat even though he was just fine pretending to hunt German u-boats and drinking with his fishing buddies. But no she had to insist he belonged on the front lines fighting for Roosevelt and his Jewish cabal

>> No.17978038

I was rating based on looks, not character. I agree with what you wrote though. They sum it up pretty neatly in the documentary stating she never devoted herself to him completely like the others

>> No.17978065


>> No.17978078

i don't wanna get married guys

>> No.17978083

It's straight from the documentary.

>> No.17978188

well I don't know about all that name calling and butt fucking but doing a dom/sub rondo in the bedroom can be a lot of fun. Letting a gal bind your hands and tease you like crazy till you're rev'd up like an F1 and go berserk on her pussy etc

>> No.17978196

Most women will loose respect and attraction to you if they perceive you are a weak bitch. But you don’t need to worry about that anyway anon.

>> No.17978317

The mannish wife pegged his sensitive anus. He grew hair was long. He wanted to feel like a girl. She was so bored with everything. But the Bottle knew everything. It knew it better than they knew themselves.

>> No.17978330

Either these guys have never had a girlfriend or it was some fat/ugly/tatood feminist that has already fucked 20+ men by age 20

>> No.17978337

Is this a poem?

>> No.17978345

This but ironically

>> No.17978359

>17978188 foreplay is emasculating

>> No.17978378

You will never be a woman

>> No.17979000

Turns out youre the faggot, then

>> No.17979015

Foreplay like that is yes

>> No.17979220
File: 326 KB, 1080x1080, 1617705878917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I predicted they would push the gay aspect in another thread and no one gave me a (you) and I am salty about that

>> No.17979255

t. has never seen how raw female sexuality is

>> No.17979580
File: 73 KB, 568x437, E5966217-E162-4E2A-B227-45D390240AC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know i won't, that's what is so fucking based about me ;)

>> No.17979642

Hemingway will always be known as the Chad writer. He is the inspiration for the Dos Equis commercials for the most interesting man in the world.