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17975026 No.17975026 [Reply] [Original]

This is the face of a man who stared at the abyss. Wanting to fill the abyss left by the death of God he ventured inside only to never return: the abyss stared back at him. He attempted to remake the world and abolish the old idols but only became lost in his own sad mind. In denying truth, in denying God, and in denying morality, he denied himself. A failure.

>> No.17975032

True. After reading Nietzsche I am considering converting to Islam.

>> No.17975221

>dude gets brain cancer and rots in a hospital
>religious brainlets interpret it as a "sign"

>> No.17975634

He was only mentally ill for 11 years of his life, that's still 22 less than Jesus.

>> No.17975741

Is There a Gay Basis to Nietzsche's Ideas?
Does it matter that Nietzsche's landlady in Turin once peeked through his keyhole and saw him dancing stark naked? Or that Nietzsche put an end to one young woman's romantic intentions by presenting her with a toad wrapped in a blood-stained handkerchief? Or that Richard Wagner spread rumors that Nietzsche suffered from the side effects of excessive masturbation and, perhaps, pederasty? Or that Nietzsche may have enjoyed several weeks of homoerotic bliss in Sicily?

>> No.17975760

I heard he got syphilis from a horse

>> No.17975785

Nietzsche wasn't a faggot, he simply enjoyed life, unimpeded by spooks
you heard wrong

>> No.17975816

what is there to cope with

>> No.17975840

>A failure
Look at the legacy which has been left behind him, at the impact of his works on the world - he has succeeded to a greater extent then you, in all probability, ever will.

>> No.17975842

you write it off as brain cancer and nothing more because the truth is too terrifying for you

>> No.17975853

>you write it off as brain cancer
because it was that or a similar neurodegenerative disorder, his father died the same way

>> No.17975870

>then you

Yikes. Why don't we sucsneed on basic spelling first.

>> No.17975886

and nothing more. i agree that there was a physiological dimension to it and he did get brain cancer, but that's neither the beginning or the end of it

>> No.17975909

They always do this.
When a famous atheist dies, they say it's a punishment by God.
That's the thing with total systems, you can project your bullshit onto anything.

>> No.17975959

I, a theist, never think that an atheist dying is punishment by God. If I think a person is a shaytan, I would think that God let's them live for as long as possible, to either fall deeper into sin or repent

>> No.17975980

At the end of his life he was possessed by delusions that he was exterminating antisemitism on the astral plane.

There is nothing more pathetic than philosemetisim. Truly a failure of a man.

>> No.17975983

he wasn't one

>> No.17975995

anything "more" is a delusion

>> No.17976007

like i said, cope

>> No.17976064

your superstition is cope

>> No.17976075

That’s the face of a man with either syphilis or brain cancer. Stop reading outsider poetry and read some real philosophy instead.

>> No.17976128

In dementia, veritas.

>> No.17976546

He was against anti-semitism because it is a hindrance to the development of the will to power in the species and the creation of the overman, just like nationalism. It wasn't a form of philosemitism for him.

>> No.17976577

Weak LARP. Shaytan is one being, the ones he tempts are not called Shaytans. Do some research before setting bait dumbass.

>> No.17976585

He got brain cancer. The whole syphilis thing was made up by the kikes to fundamentally debunk national socialism

>> No.17976592

>a guy discovered that the very idea of a single god giving a single infallible moral code is complete nonsense, and eventually retreated into madness
>we should therefore just return to something that has utterly failed in the past, I’m sure real Christianity has never been tried

>> No.17976688

Iblis is one being. Why do you think the plural shayateen exists you dumb mongrel

>> No.17976829

Nietzsche lived relatively cushy and was a sheltered middle class kid, what abyss did he look into lmao.

>> No.17976874
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An existential one

>> No.17977960

Things a poor and resentful person like you would never understand

>> No.17978001
File: 535 KB, 656x770, 1616591714238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says that people shouldn't be judged by their last days since they become terribly physiologically weak as death approaches
>has exactly that done to him thousands of times

>> No.17978027


>> No.17978039

>Look at the legacy which has been left behind him, at the impact of his works on the world
Yeah, he is very popular in this dark ages, another reason to think that he was wrong.

>> No.17978391
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Indeed —he did not come to know darkness without touching the Abyss, but, rather, he touched the Abyss, which compelled him to mix with its darkness.

>> No.17978401

>Fight against a political power block working against your interests in actual practice
>T-that's against muh W2P !

What a fucking cuck.

>> No.17978645

It didn't work against his interests though.

>> No.17978664

It's a sign you should go back.

>> No.17978897

>muh reddit
>>>/x/ and stay there, brainlet.