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File: 9 KB, 317x159, ukflag..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1797472 No.1797472 [Reply] [Original]

"Next up on BBC Three, more randomness in Family Guy."

Randomness is what they call it. It was an episode satirizing the US Republican party. I was watching it with my cousin who is quite into his sport and not much else who seemed to be chuckling at every joke. He laughed heartily at Brian the dog saying things like: "I'll put a cloth in your mouth and pour water over it to simulate drowning, YEAH SMALL GOVERNMENT!"

I asked him what he thought "small government" was referring to and why he found it funny. "It just is. Get a sense of humour mate." he said.

I deduced that he and the BBC Three demographic watch Family Guy for the pretty colours and the randomness much like the woman on BBC Three suggested and have no idea what any of even the most well-known references are about.

People talk about Americans being ignorant, not knowing what irony is among other stupid bullshit. But the lowest you guys get is some frat bro laughing at "I'm Rick James, Bitch!".

Watch this episode to get a good idea of how intelligent British youth are:

I think I've made a good enough case for why we should exterminate the UK bar Oxford and Cambridge via Nuclear War. Putin, if you're out there, please...

>> No.1797478

family guy sux

>> No.1797479

>I think I've made a good enough case for why we should exterminate the UK bar Oxford and Cambridge via Nuclear War. Putin, if you're out there, please...
>implying Oxford and Cambridge aren't the worst examples of this

>> No.1797485
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family guy's an american tv show though

>> No.1797492

The point is, shows like Family Guy and The Big Bang Theory are popular amongst young people in Britain even though they don't know what the characters are talking about. They laugh at Family Guy's pretty colours and fast talking and laugh along with TBBT's laugh track.

I don't see how you can't see what's wrong with this.

>> No.1797502

> Exterminate the UK except Oxford and Cambridge


I'm just sayin' bro.

>> No.1797504
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Crap. Here's mah pretty picture...

>> No.1797509
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I don't like it either, honestly, it's the same in America, and Canada. As a result, our youth are a bunch of drooling stupid gorillas.


There's nothing anybody can do about it though, because the networks keep cancelling clever shows like Arrested Development, and keep bringing back stupid shows like Family Guy. Know why?

That's what the people want.

>> No.1797511

They're dressed in sailor suits, so they're obviously open minded people.

>> No.1797514

Actually, the creator of Arrested Development didn't want to do the show anymore. That contributed quite a bit to it not continuing.

What's funny about Family Guy being so retarded is that Seth is a pretty intelligent fellow. He's just laughing all the way to the bank.

>> No.1797517
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iirc the kids in that dream school all have behavioural problems or family issues that meant they missed out on a real education

>implying they didn't raise good points in that video

>> No.1797546

Most of them did go to school, some of them dropped out but quite a few of them got some GCSE's. They're not mentally retarded, they just have no experience socially outside of showing off to their mates which is why they say blatantly retarded things.

"As a collective group right we're all really intelligent people, how many GCSE's do you think we have as a collective group?" lol WHY

"I fink da whole education system is like back in da old day wen da older people were about" talking out of his ass having an opinion with no knowledge

Then there's the dude who argues, whilst grinning (cuz it's mad wikkid innit) that you should legalize cannabis with the sole argument that you could tax it and make money out of it, flimsy as fuck and not going to account for the government's position on how it affects mental health or the uproar it would cause.

They're very much representative of working class kids in the UK.

>> No.1797569
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most of them went to school but dropped out because of behavvioural issues or family issues (i've watched maybe 3 episodes not in sequence throughout the series)

"As a collective group right we're all really intelligent people, how many GCSE's do you think we have as a collective group?"
well as a group they were quite intelligent and seemed to have potential, they were asking about the GCSE's to showcase the fact that the education system doesn't work for all kids or really help people develop in the way they want to.

>"I fink da whole education system is like back in da old day wen da older people were about"
he then goes on to talk about how it focuses too much on written exams and just how different students lives are now than they were 40 years ago, and how the education system hasn't kept up with this change, a valid argument.

>legalize cannabis with the sole argument that you could tax it and make money out of it
well that's the only argument he raised BUT that isn't the only argument for legalising cannabis is it?

>> No.1797597

>well as a group they were quite intelligent and seemed to have potential

are you just being deliberately antagonistic this isn't true at all

>he then goes on to talk about how it focuses too much on written exams and just how different students lives are now than they were 40 years ago, and how the education system hasn't kept up with this change, a valid argument.

He's assuming that there's an alternative, practical way of assessing the same things that written tests do which is total shit, as if there's some idealized, easy way to get an education without having to think hard about things and just lay bricks or some shit.

>well that's the only argument he raised BUT that isn't the only argument for legalising cannabis is it?

What? I wasn't attacking the argument for cannabis legalization, I was criticizing him choosing to pick the most flimsy argument for it, done with a smug demeanor.

>> No.1797629
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> He's assuming that there's an alternative, practical way of assessing the same things that written tests do.

Because condensing several years of education into a couple of hours is really the best way of demonstrating intelligence. Seriously, there are schools in my area that teach you how to pass exams, and there are schools that teach you the subject. Assessment by coursework and, if applicable, portfolio, are superior and you know it.

>> No.1797632
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>are you just being deliberately antagonistic this isn't true at all
but it is true, if you watch to the end of that vid i think like 20 of them (maybe a little less) end up going onto some form of higher education

>He's assuming that there's an alternative, practical way of assessing the same things that written tests do which is total shit, as if there's some idealized, easy way to get an education without having to think hard about things and just lay bricks or some shit.
i don't think he was doing that, he wanted to be able to choose between how you were tested, this ties in to how most people learn anyway, there's like 4 different types of learners and most people fit neatly into a category, but still people are tested the same way, with written exams and coursework, at PHD level there is an oral exam and yet you don't get that in GCSE (apart from languages) but why? why not have the option to take an oral exam and then take a shorter written exam? play to your strengths etc

>What? I wasn't attacking the argument for cannabis legalization, I was criticizing him choosing to pick the most flimsy argument for it, done with a smug demeanor.
yeah that wee blonde kid was a smug cunt on all the eps i watched (once again only watched 3, maybe 4 at a push) but he's like what, 15? although he chooses the most stupid argument it's not as if that in itself doesn't lead onto the other points, also they cut short the Q&A session (obviously)

>> No.1797644

That's totally irrelevant. The kid was talking about having a choice between vocational education where you learn a trade like plumbing, welding or whatever and doing written exams where you go on to further education. He was suggesting that kids should choose to bypass even basic maths and english skills and skip straight to trades.

>> No.1797652

i don't think he was suggesting bypassing the basic skills, rather that the testing system should be more varied and optional

>> No.1797654

>some form of higher education
It's not hard to get into Uni depending on what subject you pick, stupid people can get into shitty universities.

>i don't think he was doing that, he wanted to be able to choose between how you were tested, this ties in to how most people learn anyway, there's like 4 different types of learners and most people fit neatly into a category, but still people are tested the same way, with written exams and coursework, at PHD level there is an oral exam and yet you don't get that in GCSE (apart from languages) but why? why not have the option to take an oral exam and then take a shorter written exam? play to your strengths etc

that's what he was suggesting

They cut the Q&A short because they were a bunch of clowns with no real point to make.

>> No.1797659

Why do you have such faith in this guy? David Cameron even implied that this was what he meant and the fellow didn't bat an eyelid or correct him which he would have if he meant something else.

>> No.1797677

Fuckkkkk that show makes me RAGE.

I wish I had teachers like that and they're wasted on some non-sentient chavs.

>> No.1797689

I watch South Park
And I enjoy it
I know I'm immature
At least I get all of the references.

>> No.1797692


>It's not hard to get into Uni depending on what subject you pick, stupid people can get into shitty universities.
you can say it's not hard to get into Univeristy but im happy this program and dream school or w/e at least inspiried these kids who felt they were let down by the education system to give it a 2nd chance

>They cut the Q&A short because they were a bunch of clowns with no real point to make.
i think they did have real points, if those points were raised by the education sectary the response would have been different and you know it.

>Why do you have such faith in this guy? David Cameron even implied that this was what he meant and the fellow didn't bat an eyelid or correct him which he would have if he meant something else.
i just really liked the idea of inspiring these kids to try, here it gets pretty gay i live in a shitty area and i know kids who are 13 or 14 with problems at home who just can't focus enough on their schoolwork, so they're going to fail and they're going to feel let down and end up like the kids in the show, unfortunately i don't think they'll get the chance to go to a dream school

>> No.1797695

Ehh, South Park is no way near as bad as family guy though, that manatee gag was hilarious.

>> No.1797713

Do you really need to get all the references to laugh at something?

Not all humour needs to be intelligent, thought provoking or scathing. Sometimes it's fun to switch your mind off and laugh at a guy punching a chicken.

>> No.1797724

I'm council housed in a poor rundown area from a family with a history of unemployment and all sorts of problems, I thought you should know this incase you thought I was middle class and looking down on poor people. I am baffled at why the kids in my area are so anti-intellectual and immature like the people in that series.

In shitty areas as a kid you're either stupid and 'street' and you fit in or you're educated (in your own time) and you don't fit in. Whereas in middle class areas people look highly upon academic success and frown upon misbehaviour, talking when the teacher is talking and showing off among other stupid shit.

I feel like I can say this because I've gone through being a criminal/chav type to being educated and hanging round with middle class people from nice areas.

>> No.1797991


This is the mindset of most people watching tv, smart or stupid. Even in it's brightest epiphany's, Family Guy's ideals are shallow and it's arguments have already been reflected on by even the most dumbest of viewers, South Park at least provides a fresh, moderate (intelligent, yes intelligent) perspective on social issues, and doesn't jam it down your throat in long winded, boring dialog, but in the story itself which is usually still up for interpretation.

The majority of tv watchers are of moderate intelligence but just do not care/know how crappy their shows or movies are as they only use them as an escape from their own reality, and dont reflect on their significance.

>> No.1798044

I think we all learned something today:
>[South Park] doesn't jam it down your throat in long winded, boring dialog
No, it uses a monologue.

I'm mainly teasing you here. I haven't seen SP in a while, but I hear it's far superior to Family Guy (which I've seen recent episodes of for some damn reason and know that that's a mighty low bar to raise.)

>> No.1798829

OP, I tend to laugh at their jokes even when i cant see the reference, but when I understand a reference then I really appreciate the gag.

>> No.1798850

I like Family Guy even though I am not American and therefore some references to 80s shows etc. I don't get.
The humour of Family Guy has become a lot more subtle, in contrast to South Park which is now basically a conglomeration of "what's going on currently" and in-your-face jokes. It is awful.
FG has made a murder-mystery episode which was pretty good and was based on Agatha Christie's novel: at least they try to do new things and for that I like Family Guy.

>> No.1798854

>I think I've made a good enough case for why we should exterminate the UK bar Oxford and Cambridge via Nuclear War.

Agreed OP

>> No.1798858
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People here are willing to work extremely long hours for their wages, pushing down the value of labour. We work the most hours in Europe. This is especially rife in the corporate world.

Makes me come to the conclusion the UK is even more materialistic than the US.

>> No.1798877

not literature

>> No.1798886

fuck off

>> No.1798894
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This is actually kind of true. In the uk atm on one hand you have people working 80 hours a week for a normal salary and on the other had you have a lot of unemployed/underemployed people. Total exploitation of the labour force.

The big companies (FTSE 250) are mostly multinationals so the shareholders arent necessarily British anyway. I guess we kind of deserve it after all those centuries of exploiting other countries, it seems the shoe is on the other foot lol.

>> No.1798896

>wake up at 7 A.M

carry on

>> No.1798899


Not sucking up and just getting on with it?

That's awefully 'unbritish' of you sir.

>> No.1798906

did you mean fap?

>> No.1798909
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Francoisfag here,

UK is just like america, you all believe in the "American Dream," except you all dreem of retiring to a nice beach abroad and it never gong to happen!

>> No.1798921

OP, we as a nation have no culture anymore and import it from america.

Are we getting stupider or less creative? Idk

>> No.1798932


>implying france isn't as much of a deluded capitalist hell-hole as the rest of the west

>> No.1798940


you are really ignorant to think that the UK has no culture.

I have friends who all watch Family Guy and find it hilarious they have have masters degrees in Chemistry, Engineering and Physics and I would say are intelligent people. A person's sense of humour has nothing to do with intelligence. Have you seen half the comedy Stephen Fry loves? It's not witty puns but Carry On films and prat-falls.

I really hope you're not British, OP, otherwise you're just displaying the snobbery of middle-class people who believe that the only intelligence in the UK is based around them and a few pockets of education.

>> No.1798943

>you are really ignorant to think that the UK has no culture.

what culture does the UK have to show for? a few indie art films that get shown at festivals?

Pixie Lott? Leowna Lewis?


>> No.1798958


Read a book called Watching the English which is a good sociological study into the distinguishing features of British culture.

This entire thread just reeks of people trying to seem superior by class. I went to school at a council estate, a private Catholic college and a top university and I can honestly say people are nice, dickish, ignorant and informed completely regardless of their class.

>> No.1798960

Yorkshireman here.
Fuck off, you uptight southern faggot. You aren't special; you're just a whiny bitch.

And to all the idiots that think England has no culture and is indistinguishable from the US: try living in the US for a few years, do you think it would really be the same?
English mannerisms and attitudes still exist.

>> No.1798962

I started at a relatively middle class secondary school. While most people were complete idiots there were a few who read in their own time and actually seemed wise about the world. These tended to be the more middle class people.

After fucking up my AS Levels I went onto a working class college for a couple of years. Everybody there was an idiot, with the girls being orange sluts only caring about their blackberries. The guys were football obsessed no hopers. Except for one guy this demographic covered the whole class. That one guy was a posh twat, who read books to appear more intelligent.

I have observed that it is definitely a class thing.

>> No.1798963

>Resisting the urge to rage ITT.

>> No.1798965

>masters degrees in Chemistry, Engineering and Physics
>intelligent people.
>A person's sense of humour has nothing to do with intelligence
completely beside the point but still wrong

>> No.1798966
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Hey, OP, what did the five fingers say to the face?

>> No.1798967

>I think I've made a good enough case for why we should exterminate the UK bar Oxford and Cambridge via Nuclear War.

Yeah, and a nation of academics will surely be productive and sustainable. Do you think that's what England was a 100 years ag? Do you think it was more worthy then?
Piss off, snob, and if you're not southern then kill yourself, because you're an embarrassment to the north.

>> No.1798971


then you are being really ignorant. I have working-class friends who can quote passages of Kafka, Joyce and Dickens and middle-class friends who are ignorant of what libertarianism or liberalism is. Do I think I am better than those who don't these pieces of information? No.

Getting a family guy reference doesn't somehow make you superior to someone.

I don't honestly care if someone can tell me who Chopin is or the life history of the Marquis de Sade or not. What bothers me are those individuals who think because they can quote these things they are superior to other people.

>> No.1798974

Close to 100% pf this thread has cause me immeasurable rage

>> No.1798975

>English mannerisms and attitudes still exist.
IE being total pricks

>> No.1798978

I'm not saying working class people don't read ever.
I'm saying its observable that working class people generally don't read as much.

I'm working class and I read Kafka and Joyce. I have a working class friend who probably reads more than I do.

>> No.1798980

No, you're just jaded.

>> No.1798981

Brits basically have no reason to believe they're better than United Statesians

>> No.1798990

There are differing levels of intelligence, manners, learning, etc., across the whole of any country.
It is not "the UK" or "the US" that are stupid.
It's those stupid elements in those countries, which always make up the majority in any country.
In fact you probably lean closer to the latter element than to learning and culture yourselves /lit/.

>> No.1798998

I've lived extensively in both the uK and the states. Both countries are shit. I always find these threads funny

>> No.1799004
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you're not working class. there is no working class. you're just poor


>> No.1799009

You can't "live" extensively. You can travel extensively, you can write extensively on a subject, but you can't LIVE extensively.
You don't know basic English, your opinion counts for nothing.

>> No.1799016
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ex·ten·sive (k-stnsv)
1. Large in extent, range, or amount.

I've lived in multiple places, over significant periods of time, in both countries.

2/10 my friend

>> No.1799020

Not only is your English poor but you have a persecution complex.
Why would you think you're being trolled unless you've been let down by someone very close to you in the past?

>> No.1799021

You're right, he should have just realized you are genuinely a pedantic idiot

>> No.1799022
File: 29 KB, 419x644, amuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should read this, really. It's about how important questions about life and society drown in an ocean of triviality. (Even though I haven't finished the book myself)

The kind of ignorance OP complains about is just another characteristic of our globalized, hyper-differentiated, post-modern society. Welcome to our Brave New World.

>> No.1799028


according to guy debord the modern base of potentially revolutionary proletariat has been extended to include basically everyone in society, because modern spectacular and commodity relations have enroached on and alienated almost every aspect of everyone's lives

>> No.1799030

>Why would you think you're being trolled

Because I refuse to believe that somebody can be that stupid.
Convention would dictate that I should assume that you're American, as they have a reputation for being agonistic and none too bright. However, following my extensive experience with both brits and yanks, I think it would be wrong to jump to this assumption. Both are thick as shit

>> No.1799033
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amerifag here, I watched the royal wedding and thought england looked pretty cool personally

>pic unrelated

>> No.1799035

You must be pretty constipated!!

>> No.1799037

Debord is like a dog scrabbling for footing on lino.

Just because you like the idea of something doesn't mean its credible

>> No.1799039

>modern spectacular and commodity relations have enroached on and alienated almost every aspect of everyone's lives

>> No.1799041


I think '68 showed everything Debord had written up to that point was a little more than just 'credible'

>> No.1799043 [DELETED] 
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england go to shit becuase you cant keep immigretions out!! faggots you all work for us now!!

>> No.1799045
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>> No.1799047

Stormfags are the white equivalent of niggers

>> No.1799048
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> inductive fallacy, opinion
> criticizes argument based on a minor spelling mistake
> asserts that own argument is correct by refuting the existence of a spelling mistake
> ad hominem
> original argument is forgotten by now

Oh u.

>> No.1799055

it's a malapropism not a spelling mistake you dumbass. Look at how badly you suck at English

>> No.1799056
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This guy thinks he's so smart he can argue with 5 people at one.

delusional hyper-inflated ego complex


>> No.1799060
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>globalized, hyper-differentiated, post-modern society.

can someone explain what this means please?

>> No.1799064
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>modern spectacular and commodity relations have enroached on and alienated almost every aspect of everyone's lives

I do not understand, but really want to. Anyone care to explain this in english?

>> No.1799074

>hey guise i just took introduction to argumentation theory and i expect an anonymous image board to follow normal discussion patterns

>> No.1799076

>i have lived in america and uk both countires are shit

or maybe you just suck

>> No.1799078

like consumerism and the media and stuff ruined society and everyone's lives?? I guess??

>> No.1799080



>> No.1799082

name even one way in which america<uk


>> No.1799093

The society is not enclosed, but all societies influence one another and the exchange of meaning/language etc. which influences the other society, and so on, is global.
Hyper differentiated comes from Derrida's differance, which is a complicated term. Basically it means meaning which is determined by the DIFFERENCE of things.
Post-modern is the period of time after modern, that is, NOW.
The spectacle, see Guy Debord. Everything is fake, the thing itself, the real thing, that is, love, beauty, poetry, flowers, etc., are mere representation and spectacle under capitalism and it's frenzied production of commodities to replace the real thing.
This alienation from the real thing is a bad thing.

Basically situationism coming through postmodernism.

Situationism is great. Everyone should be familiar with it. Here, read this
Post-modernism is in my opinion a lot of bollocks.
It comes from the French and is grossly misunderstood by some.

This is an extremely simple explanation but will do I think.

>> No.1799094

>media caused alienation
did it? how so?

>commodity relations
this is still unclear

>> No.1799104

Can anybody seriously say, with a straight face, that if they had the option to live anywhere in the world they would actually choose to live in either America or the UK??

>> No.1799110

Thanks, thats an awesome explanation. I will read about situationalism. and postmodernism is just another word for NOW, makes sense. These artsy types always have to make simple concepts sound complex and sophisticated lol

>> No.1799113

Here's an example of the spectacle
Can we really say that those images signify all it means when we say "beauty"?
Can we really say they signify beauty at all? That depends on your point of view, I don't like fake made up women myself at all, but notwithstanding, even if I found them attractive they're just an image on my screen, or an image on the television, or in a magazine, or a prostitute you buy, or a porno film.

>> No.1799120

It's a one way communication that claims to represent the views of the culture as a whole, and thus anyone who doesn't have the views presented as normative feels alienated, see Chomsky, Media Control.

>> No.1799121

>fail by talking in generalities
>fail at giving specific scenario
>fail fail fail

Would I be a waiter in america and some sort of mafia boss in italy? Or a sheik in saudi arabia? nonsense scenario is nonsense.

>> No.1799126

so if everyone stopped watching tv and reading the magazines, all would be solved?


>> No.1799130

It's the whole culture which communicates these symbols and images.
Tv and magazines are just some of the mediums which enable it to.
The others are the internet, billboards, things sold in shops, and so on, all cultural products.

>> No.1799133

Not exactly. Just that we should recognize that mediums like TV in particular can be used very effectively as a form of oppression. I found a quote a few years back, and have been trying to find it again since, that decried the proliferation of radio across the US in the early 20th C, saying that it would lead to a decline in things like communal singing. And it has. I remember seeing some Elvis films where they suddenly start singing, finding it kind of musical theatre outside reality twee, and then realizing that there was much more of a reality to those situations than I had realized.

>> No.1799134
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i raged hard.

what happened to the beauty of art? picasso, monet, warhol?

no. beauty = womens faces (aged 21-24), so we can sell them beauty products.

>> No.1799135

>fail by talking in generalities
>fail at giving specific scenario
>fail fail fail

>> No.1799136

All of the examples I listed are specific.

>> No.1799140 [DELETED] 

samefag detected

>> No.1799137

>cultural symbols
You're precision is that of a master neurosurgeon.

>> No.1799142

you can't be this stupid.
are you american?

>> No.1799146

this guy is so butthurt from previously hes just raging at anyone lol

>> No.1799153
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>add nothing to the duscussin
>call people names such as "stupid, moron, idiot"

>> No.1799159

>>1799121 here
im not >>1799135
he just stole my line

>> No.1799167
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interesting posts, any books you guys can recommend on these topics?

>> No.1799183

...I have, see

Aside from that, look into Weber and his concept of Herrschaft.

>> No.1799212

>look into Weber and his concept of Herrschaft.
I hope this isnt some sort of elaborate troll

>> No.1799219

Been reading through this thread and one thing that strikes me is that although these ideas of media and alienation make logical sense. What is the way ofshowing or proving that these have a detrimental effect on happiness or quality of life? Have there been such studies?

>> No.1799231

like many theories in sociology or psychology, these things are almost impossible to prove really.

>> No.1799240

It's somewhat roundabout, but if you look into Anorexia as a cultural disease for example (Nasser: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=4995252, at the end, see "New concepts of beauty and femininity are constantly being transmitted through television programmes, which are largely influenced at present by imported television series and commercials."), you can come up with fairly strong arguments. Also a search of heteronormativity and media will probably give you a few things to look at. There are a number of studies looking at, for example, television and increase in crime and/or violence (St Helena's is an interesting case study; http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-69294359.html).).

>> No.1799264
File: 99 KB, 236x176, 1305547458154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for this, looks good.

>mfw anon sites academic publications

>> No.1799284

It's not too uncommon here.

To give you some idea of level and acceptance, I had to cite these in my Psychology A-level a few years back. The A2 AQA book is pretty decent for overviews of these kinds of studies if you ever have a chance to pick it up cheap.

>> No.1799299

This article costs $45 to read if you arent a member.

>> No.1799319

Oh look at that. I'm surprised, they usually make anything vaguely medical open to all quite quickly.

>> No.1799322


To be fair, republicans who frequently call for small government don't know what small government means either. Or, if they do, they're hypocrites about it.

>> No.1799327

>we should exterminate the UK bar Oxford and Cambridge via Nuclear War

I know right? Imperial College London is for retards! Additionally, nuclear war would be a terrible method.

Here's what I propose: everyone must do a test based on their knowledge of football. Anyone who knows the first thing is then gassed.

Captcha: opinions cisett

>> No.1799331

>stop liking what I don't like

>> No.1799340

I admit, I've NEVER been able to get on with working-class people, just middle-class people. I spent several years, from age 18 - 22 trying to get on with WCP, and failed almost every time. They just didn't wanna know. Which is just as well, because I realised how many of them are stupid, uneducated, parasites and criminal, i.e. a lot of them (although not all). There is just something funamentally wrong about most of them, at the alpha level. Having said all that, I've had a few working-class friends, and 2 working-class best friends.

>> No.1799343

That's funny, I can't stand middle class twats.

>> No.1799351

>I've NEVER been able to get on with working-class people
>I've had a few working-class friends, and 2 working-class best friends.
It's a shame they can't all be as smart as you.

>> No.1799352


>implying anyone middle-class would be a twat

>> No.1799355


I was clearly speaking in a general sense. Cunt.

>> No.1799361

>implying anyone is stating it is in any way conditional or through choice
>implying there aren't lots of middle class twats including yourself

>> No.1799362

Then perhaps you shouldn't have typed never in capital letters, dipshit.

>> No.1799364
File: 63 KB, 554x537, Aquabro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working class, I read books.
You're middle class, you read books and have the shameful compulsion to boast about it afterwards.

I am intellectually superior.

>> No.1799381

I'm middle class and I know it doesn't mean much at all. There are so many different levels of middle class that unless you are the richest and most successful, and middle class, you are still inferior to a lot of people.

tl;dr: being middle class means nowt

>> No.1799385
File: 2 KB, 98x126, 1303145559596s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of like op said, if you're not oxbridge educated you are second-rung middle class

>mfw there are really like 5 tiers within MC

>> No.1799398


>> No.1799416
File: 18 KB, 366x334, 1305311983276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people dont compete on money, status, power, looks, etc all over the western world

>> No.1799428
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>implying anything is more important than looks anymore

>> No.1799445

guy on the left

>> No.1799446
File: 9 KB, 235x242, red headed ginger bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two superficial anons who help perpetuate the idiocy in the western world.

>> No.1799478
File: 36 KB, 805x669, 1306059117694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two superficial anons who help perpetuate the idiocy in the western world.

>implying people who dont perpetuate this are not in a tiny minority

>> No.1799494

>kind of like op said, if you're not oxbridge educated you are second-rung middle class

I'm 18. My physics teacher got her degree from Cambridge and certainly is not one of the most intelligent teachers at this common public school, or at least she is poor at organising her thoughts, remembering finer details, and her knowledge is too shallow to answer some of the more probing that crop up in class. One of my maths teachers went to Oxford: he may be one of the most intelligent people at the school, but he, nor the physics teacher, have any pretensions about being "oxford educated, upper-middle class".

The first guy from this school to be accepted into oxbridge is in my year: he's no more upper class than I am (my father's a retired steelworker) and isn't perceptibly more intelligent than I either (though he's a much better student than I am).

In other words, "oxford educated" doesn't mean more as far as class distinctions go. Background is much more important. Prince William got an A in geography, a C in biology and a B in history of art at A level, and he's clearly at the "top rung" of "upper class".

>> No.1799509

>My physics teacher got her degree from Cambridge and certainly is not one of the most intelligent teachers

I stand corrected then.

Is it me or is the level of debate here going down recently?

>> No.1799514

How is that any worse an argument than "Oxbridge iz da best"? It's an appropriate response.

>> No.1799517
File: 7 KB, 225x224, dumb bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people who dont perpetuate this are not in a tiny minority

i never said anything other than those two anons.

>implying you know how to imply implications properly

>> No.1799518

Well you see, those of us who don't fit in with the 'stupid American' stereotype have been trying to tell you guys this for years. It has nothing to do with national trends, we just cornered the market in selling to the stupid so we could take their money before they started trying to invest it.

>> No.1799545
File: 4 KB, 182x154, 1305546766502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you know how to imply implications properly
yes i did

>> No.1799546

Read the end of the post, rather than just assume that i'm making argument based on anecdote, before acting pompous on 4chan.

>Is it me or is the level of debate here going down recently?

You and I both know that there's never been a level of debate here. Just typical shit that slurrs out of pompous mouths.

>> No.1799560

Yes, but your diatribe in >1799494 was filled to the brim with derp

>> No.1799572

Not really, just giving real world examples of where oxford-educated =/= upper class.

>> No.1799584

Disagree. The smartest, most interesting, and most efficient professor I've ever had is also the biggest football hooligan I've ever met. Gassing him would be a tragedy, and his students would hunt you down for it.

>> No.1799590

yea agreed. the trurh is clser to

>I'm middle class and I know it doesn't mean much at all. There are so many different levels of middle class that unless you are the richest and most successful, and middle class, you are still inferior to a lot of people.

>tl;dr: being middle class means nowt

>> No.1799607

western culture is ruined by bad comedy laughing at vulnerable people and programs like skins that delude people into buying into an idealized make believe world where everyone is cool and happening with steak and chips and lifting weights with the lads

>> No.1799625

>western culture is ruined by bad comedy

comedy is ruining culture. how many people actually believe this ridiculous statement?

>> No.1799639
File: 70 KB, 360x270, FEELS-BAD-MAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Im kind of cool, but definitely not happening

>> No.1799649

Retard child, I said bad comedy, not comedy as a whole.

>> No.1799654

highbrow manchild

>> No.1799659


>> No.1799662 [DELETED] 


>> No.1799673

ITT: so much butthurt & faggotry

>> No.1799756

ITT: so much lulz

>> No.1799770

You're analysing Family Guy.

There are no winners in this situation.

>> No.1799905
File: 46 KB, 569x571, urhgaaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck, you're stupid. Did you even try to read this thread?

>> No.1799981

I find Monty Pythons flying circus funny
don't get about 1/5 of the references though, still laugh
now, how intelligent am I?
captcha: Oxford. cesson

>> No.1799984

american btw

>> No.1800052
File: 58 KB, 453x384, 1297035340437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw after repeating the word aloud a several times to myself I understand what you meant
oh u
Amazingly, it's no troll

>> No.1800055

>implying that your implication that his implication was improperly implied is valid
>implying I know what the hell I'm talking about or what's going on here

>> No.1800064

Read "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman, OP.

>> No.1800077

Ameribro here, Family Guy is absolute trash.

And stop fucking acting like all of us are stupid. Classifying us all from encounters on the internet into one anomaly is utterly crude and ignorant. And I do admit, some Americans are stupid. But that doesn't mean that "hurr durr look at these Americans they must all act like this". Well in truth, we don't.

>> No.1800185

don't mind me, i just needed to add that monty phyton is crap.

>> No.1800201

I'm a masters student at Oxford and I love Family Guy. OP is a bitter 17 year old who was too stupid to make it into here and is just basing his perception of it from shitty TV shows.

Good luck kid, enjoy taking the piss out of the 'washed masses' with your sophisticated friends at University of East Anglia.

>> No.1800210
File: 5 KB, 102x140, 1303395723920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love Family Guy.
>OP is just basing his perception of it from shitty TV shows.
Why would op be watching shows about family guy rather than the show itself?

Standards at Oxford sure aren't what they used to be.


>> No.1800216

kids in the hall > flying circus

>> No.1800229

Why should anyone be surprised that academic students are idiots?

>> No.1800234

I went to Cambridge for my undergrad and my masters (MPhil as we get our MA free).

I don't like Family Guy, but I don't judge those who do. It was hugely popular amongst my friendship group at Trinity, though. I like a whole variety of silly lowbrow things, including comics and video games.

Intelligence has nothing to do with background, although you get advantages if you've been taught how to express your views in certain ways.

Everyone is worth talking to, even if they don't have the privilege you were born with.

>> No.1800238

Do they teach you humour at cambridge or did you pick that up all by yourself?

>> No.1800245

It was basically like 1:20 in this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdrsrjSpXnE

>> No.1800272
File: 56 KB, 397x365, 1303154040723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he doesn't know the difference between humour and laughter

>> No.1800277

Yeah epople laugh at unfunny thingns like Family Guy and Two & Half Men all the time

>> No.1800283

Typical /lit/ thread.

Amazing how many people who come here can't fucking read.

>> No.1800286

>implying you didnt find my straight-face trollface funny
you have a lot to learn grasshopper

>> No.1800368


>> No.1800726

I may sound like an old fashioned fellow
but most documentaries and reality shows on UK television focus on the extremes of class and identity
aka the really stupid/working class or the really rich/upper-middle class
you never really see anything of general middle class society
you want to see how most of the young folk in Britain are thinking?
Watch the inbetweeners that's us.
We laugh at family guy because it's funny
Just because we're not politically motivated doesn't mean we're not part of the elite minds
I personally don't give a damn about politics
Sure I'll show a healthy interest if some interesting debate is on, or if an MP is in a hilarious scandal
But I don't follow a party, or task myself with learning the terminology and policies of my current Government.
So back off man, and how stereotypical can you get choosing Oxbridge as the culmination of British intelligence?

>let us have our cake and eat it

>> No.1800757

Except, it ain't.

>> No.1801622

Americunt here. The Inbetweeners is actually really clever, but the execution is just so poor that it stops being witty. That episode where the kid can't get into the club with sneakers so he trades shoes with a hobo could have been one of the funnirst moments in TV history.

>> No.1801624

>you never really see anything of general middle class society
They're the subject of nearly every fictional series, with a couple of exceptions.

>> No.1801698

Although Family Guy is shitty, all the people saying OP is criticizing people who watch Family Guy have no reading comprehension. He's saying that British youth tend to laugh at things they don't even get whereas Americans would watch Family Guy and at least understand what the show was satirizing or making fun of.

>> No.1801721

>That episode where the kid can't get into the club with sneakers so he trades shoes with a hobo could have been one of the funnirst moments in TV history.
You didn't need to say you're an Americunt with comments like that. Yes, the humour derives from him wearing hobo shoes.

>> No.1801802

That show is about teenagers how does it represent middle class people in general?


>> No.1802061

>I think I've made a good enough case for why we should exterminate the UK

I approve of this.

"Worlds Strictest Parents"

Watch and weep.