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17968357 No.17968357 [Reply] [Original]

I hate responsibilities. I see no point in them. I just want to live a quiet, solitary life, have only a few people I love around, and never be bothered by anyone or have to account for anything. I have much ambition nor do I want to be rich. Does this mean I’m weak? What philosophy books deal with this? I feel it’s a very unmanly take. Jordan Peterson and the likes would call me pathetic

>> No.17968375

you are what you are, and nothing more or less

>> No.17968388
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Thanks, I guess

>> No.17968416

Buddhism, Stoicism, Existentialism

But while useful, many of these modes of thinking are outdated

Look into Baudelaire, Plato, and read everything you can about neuroscience and qualia.

Recognise the hyper reality, recognise the limitations of your monkey form, figure out what Mazlows pyramid of human needs looks like in the real world, create a narrative to keep your ideals sustained, kill your ego.

>> No.17968418
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>Does this mean I’m weak?
Yes. You're a whining toddler.
Unless you're a rich kid, and you're clearly not, you have two choices: take responsibility for yourself now, or do it later in life.
If you do it later, it will cost you ten times the amount of suffering, frustration, and effort.
It sucks to be a young person hunting for a job or stressing through college with the aim of bettering your life.
It sucks way more to be doing that as a middle aged person.
No point in recommending a book to you, there is no "philosophy of being lazy and not taking responsibility" that I can think of, the book for that is not reading any books at all.
Good luck.

>> No.17968435

"Responsibilities" were contrived by those in power for you to perpetuate their position over you.

>> No.17968447 [DELETED] 


>> No.17968454

sounds like schizoid personality disorder to me
take a look at its wikipedia article and, if you recognise yourself there, at nancy mcwilliams' 'schizoid dynamics' (paper)
I hope you manage to shirk all that you don't want and find the life you do, anon
t. schizoid

>> No.17968462

I HATE this post.

>> No.17968472

Don't listen to these fags. Seeking tranquility is a noble pursuit. Stoicism and Platonism are good recs.

>> No.17968474

You can live in my garden, there is a small hut. You won't have to pay rent, but you'll need to wear a grey robe and pointed hat and offer up pithy aphorisms for my guests when I'm having a party, other than that there aren't really any responsibilities for the position

>> No.17968482

Same. I just want to sit around and do whatever I want and not have to answer to anybody or be responsible for anything. I do not enjoy being an adult.

>> No.17968491

seething middle class middle iq mediocrity embodied trying to convince chad to abandon his spiritual pursuits to hop on the rodent wheel with the rest of them

>> No.17968502

nice non-argument, enjoy working at Taco Bell when you're 65

>> No.17968548

Freedom ain't free

>> No.17968671

Bro the only responsibility you have is to yourself. Sit down and think about the kind of life you want to lead, how much it will cost, the kind of work you're willing to tolerate to afford that, and be sure to factor in future expenses for when you're too old to work. If you have family that won't confront you for being a degenerate leech then consider being a basement dweller. But most entry-level jobs in the workforce now are do-nothing jobs anyways. If you learn how to keep up appearances and be generally likeable you'll be able to skate by.

>> No.17969738
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> I just want to live a quiet, solitary life

>> No.17969748

I don’t care about responsibility per se. I just hate my specific responsibility. My job makes me want to kms and honestly, Jordan Peterson has no practical solutions for me so he’s irrelevant.

>> No.17969775

Yes, slave away for your chosen overlords, goyim!

>> No.17969820

If you can, try the Second Part of the Second Part of the Summa Theologica.

>> No.17969837

I think I know what OP is trying to say. He doesn't mean responsibilities like having a healthy lifestyle and other things that actually need to be done for survival, but things like having to go out of your way to participate in the census (obligatory in UK) or being given extra responsibilities at work when you don't want them and you prefer to live on minimum wage. You're also expected to have a phone and a bank account nowadays, especially the latest.

>> No.17969845

Read the Taoist classics to confirm your beliefs
Read the Stoic classics to challenge your view

Wu wei, my brother

>> No.17970097
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My first instinct would be to call you pathetic as well, but seeing how this approach to life makes most people absolutely seethe suggests you're up to something.

>> No.17970217

Not everybody wants to live in a corporate society spending half their waking life working at a job they hate just so they can pay for a cell phone and netflix account and a house they never get to be in. All you really need to live is food, if he wants to go live in the wilderness and start a farm or scrounge for food and stare at the stars that's up to him.

>> No.17970370

become monk

>> No.17970376

Very based, why worry about money or influence if they don't make you happy? If being manly means being an approval seeking miserable cunt, fuck being manly.

>> No.17970398

You are not a mature, adult, man.
Boys don't take responsabily
Women of all ages don't either.
What defines a man is the capacity to take responsability, if you can't you are not mature enough yet, maybe will never be.

>> No.17970447

Don't work, just steal from the weak(er) my friend.

>> No.17970457

does that honestly matter though? If one had the desire to change they could, but without the desire it the goal even worth pursuing?

>> No.17970566

If you are serious about wanting to be your own man you need to account for a couple things. As long as you live in society among people they will want money from you at the least. People won't give you money without work. Going off the grid into Alaska would work but the price is that you are now responsible for getting food, warmth, etc. If a psycho shows up or (more likely) a Grizzly wants to take your shit you need to deal with it. You will be free to do as you wish outside accounting for survival. If you have enough stored you can just jack off all day or read or take a walk or play videogames. Sadly there is not balance between living as a frontiersman and being a drone that I know of. There are books and teachers that can help you learn how to survive out there but its not an easy life. It is freedom though.

>> No.17970583

How you gonna get food, dummy?

>> No.17970589

it is good and right to be an adult, but today "adulthood" means slaving away for the leviathan. I'm not surprised NEETs are the new aristocracy

>> No.17970592

Cope. People are under no obligation to perpetuate a system that is actively working against their interests and holds them in contempt. If anything, it's the only ethical choice, to disrupt and throw a wrench into the machinery.

>> No.17970611

>conflating masculine responsibility with my """"responsibility"""" to a cancerous world-eating machine
fuck off retard

>> No.17970626


>> No.17970629

It's interesting how OPs thoughts make some posters so furious

>> No.17970634

seething wagies are allergic to the taste of freedom. they actually believe being serfs for the debt cartels is manly

>> No.17970726
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>I just want to live a quiet, solitary life, have only a few people I love around, and never be bothered by anyone or have to account for anything.
Same here OP. I’ve given away and sold most of my possessions. I have some books, essential clothing, a tv (which I’m looking to get rid of now) and a bed.
I would advise you check out Forest Anon on YouTube and see the life we want to lead first hand. Sometimes it seems comfy, idyllic, beautiful...other times, dull, tiring, sad. The outdoors life will not be one thing entirely, except for being free and outside of such a humanity and nature killing system of greed

>> No.17970761

>I have some books, essential clothing, a tv (which I’m looking to get rid of now) and a bed.
How are you posting this

>> No.17970794

Sorry, an old iPhone also. I think I’m still on the 6? Idk. I sold my laptop too which was my main 4chan/internet device

>> No.17970849
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Based. An old shattered iPhone is all I own.

>> No.17970867

Then how did you take the picture?

>> No.17970888

Every relationship entails responsibilities. If you're truly solitary you would have none, but even having "only a few people I love" around will entail responsibilities.

>> No.17970908

You need to be able to afford food and rent.
Unless you’re a middle-class trust fund baby, you’ll have to earn it one way or another.
And no, doing what you love doesn’t always bring money, especially at the start of the career.

>> No.17970920

My boss went on vacation last week and suddenly I didn’t dread my job so much. Now he’s back and instantly I dread it again. I hate bosses. I hate working. I hate life.

>> No.17970956

This is fine, I don't think it's unmanly - after all, the frontier expansion merely delayed the gratification of a peaceful life to the future generations, justifying brutality in the hope of better times to come. With nothing more to expand into, nothing to fight for, that future is now

>> No.17971125

>I hate responsibilities. I see no point in them. I just want to live a quiet, solitary life, have only a few people I love around, and never be bothered by anyone or have to account for anything.
Everything depends on why you feel this way. Are you afraid of responsibility or do you simply perceive the range of possible responsibilities offered to you as illegitimate and uninteresting? There is a difference between those two.

>> No.17971132

never talked about perpetuating any system, working against a system is still a responsability. Your thought is as deep as a kid pool

>> No.17971257

>What philosophy books deal with this?
not phil but book if disquiet

>> No.17971267

sensible chuckle

>> No.17972177

Unironically read Nietzsche and about the reevaluation of values. It’s funny how so-called “men” such as >>17968418
>>17970398 think there is some kind of virtue in being a slave. But yes, let them be “men”, while we go beyond, because if that’s what it means to be a “man”, I’d rather never be a called a man in my life.

>> No.17972208

And it’s always anons who will tell you the same drivel, how you need to get a job, a higher education, a family, that you are a parasite if you don’t, because that’s how they were forced to live and want you to bow down just like they did.

>> No.17972237

100% would do this

>> No.17972244
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I'm a schizoid and match this, but I have a decent job and income. Post tips for schizoids to hate life less.

>> No.17972254

At some point you're going to end up working 40+ hours a week anyway because you need money to live. Wanna be lazy and "be your own man" and try to eke by without doing anything? You'll be working at Taco Bell 40 hours a week once your parents die or cut you off if they haven't already.
You could, instead, work as a doctor, engineer, or civil servant for 40 hours a week, make much more money and be respected at work instead of treated like an expendable object.
But hey, that's up to you. We need people to make McChickens too.

>> No.17972312

> you’re going to be just like me because just trust me
Honestly, dude. I’m going to check out around 40 anyway. If I could go back and just give something unconventional a go right off the bat, I would. By the time you’re old enough to realize you fucked up, it’s too late and your advice doesn’t really mean shit. My life is pointless and this whole “you could be a doctor, engineer, or civil servant thing” means nothing to me (I’m a civil servant) now.

>> No.17972322
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Take the forestanon pill.

>> No.17972348
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>> No.17972372
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>> No.17972380


>It becomes easy to see how withdrawal becomes their preferred adaptation: Not only is the outer world too much for them sensually, it invalidates their experience, demands behaviors that are excruciatingly difficult, and treats them as crazy for reacting in ways they cannot control.

>> No.17972397

>I hate [obligations]
The Ego & His Own

>> No.17972403

Yep, I’m schizoid too.

Well, it sounds like a whole lot of authors were also schizoid.

>> No.17972408

You die at the end

>> No.17972432

It means you are immature and possibly a basedboy. Do you think you could get by life playing vidya? Choose to suffer now and garantee your life or dye suffering horrible. You are not going to be a revolutionary by being a leech, nor destroy the system as some teenagers are saying here

>> No.17972439

Life is suffering pal. The only thing you can do is find a type of suffering you make meaningful

>> No.17972451

Sort of like this guy?

>> No.17972459


>> No.17972464

At least do charity work bro

>> No.17972470

Read some Walser anon, you'll see yourself in his stuff.

>> No.17972501
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>> No.17972516
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Take upon yourself the responsibility of reaching this type of life, which, unless you're already wealthy, will probably take a lot of effort. Getting a job that facilitates if, finding a decent loving woman to marry and having children with and overall just being mentally prepared isn't easy and takes time. I too want to live like this anon, let's hope we make it.

>> No.17972567

And you expect me to believe that working a corporate grind is the kind of suffering that would be worth it? Is that what you’re saying?

>> No.17972931
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Not at all. But say you found a woman you loved and had 10 kids, you might find that grind much more bearable because you got to come home every night bringing the money to support the family you love. The suffering would have a purpose, and would therefore be meaningful to you, and then bearable. I rec reading pic related

>> No.17972965


Just to add, the suffering could be anything. I know a smart guy who could be making a lot more money than he is, but he works a job doing small construction projects. His life still sucks in a lot of ways, he’s broke sometimes, can’t afford a brand new pc, his exgf would always bitch about money, but he lives life how he wants. He can set his own schedule, only take projects he wants to do, and has time to take in shelter dogs and care for them until they’re adopted. His life might suck in a lot of peoples opinions, but he gets to do all the things he really wants, so the periods of suffering have purpose.

>> No.17973210

Maybe but all you’re really saying is “if you had more obligations you’d feel obligated to hold onto your slavery for their sake and not your own” and besides, I don’t have a wife nor do I have 10 kids so it’s a moot point isn’t it?

Tbh I really don’t know what you’re trying to tell me. I am suicidal and will probably off myself soon so none of this means anything to me.

>> No.17973243

Ever read bukowski? Because you'd be right there worh him.
Either way, if you wish for a nice quiet life, part of it will be gettinf s nice job, and the other one weights completely on you
Seeking to be quiet instead of hreat isn't anything to be ashamed of

>> No.17973257

probably less

>> No.17973260

How do you reduce responsibilities? You need some way of getting leverage over those who assigned you responsibilities. With a demonstration of power to exert such leverage, those who request that you take on responsibilities will have to contend with the memory of you exerting such leverage.

>> No.17974609

They don't cover the social hyper-reality that has evolved with commodity identification and social media.

>> No.17974987


>> No.17975004

Thanks, anon. Not OP, but I think I might be a schizoid, albeit a very dumb and stupid one.

>> No.17975589
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Boomer spotted. KYS

>> No.17975638
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>premature birth and low birth weight are risk factors for mental illness
Well, that explains a lot.

>> No.17976365

>but even having "only a few people I love" around will entail responsibilities
Good thing I have none. I'll have to take care of my parents burial, but that's about it.

>> No.17976469

This is based OP. Read the stoic as other anons have suggested. They challenge this way of thinking with the idea of innate, natural responsibility. You have to face your fear and accept it, but a quiet solitary life is still possible once you do.

I find that approach much more comforting and realistic than justifying my existence and searching for a way to live with no responsibilities.

>> No.17976508

>Wants to live with zero accountability to anyone
It sounds comfy until you actually experience it, and then you reailze it's absolute hell.
Our purpose and meaning and place in life comes from our relationships to others and the social structures composed of others and the aforementioned relationships.

>> No.17976529

Bettering yourself is always a noble pursuit.
But in our societies, disenchanted and having money as its blood, they think in terms of that, how to profit, how to benefit my revenue and so on.

>> No.17977344

Most of us don’t have that anyway. How many people are just waking up, working a wage slave job they hate (responsibility) for no reason other than continuing to wake up and keep working. That’s not responsibility or meaning. That’s ignorance and waking hell.

>> No.17977357


>> No.17977363


What the fuck are you talking about, anon?

>> No.17977405

unfathomably based

>> No.17977452
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I think exactly like you do, unfortunately I do not have any book recommendations.

>> No.17977462

based and makes slave-brained retards seethe

>> No.17977463

I'm writing a novel about somebody like you. I think you'll be pleased with the results.

>> No.17977485

Solitude by Anthony storr.

Julius winsome by Gerard Donovan

>> No.17977630

I think what anon is trying to say is that you first must find something worth suffering for before the suffering gets “better.” You need to find something in life you can hold on to gladly, only then can you be glad in the actions you take to keep hold until you die. Is there anything in this world you care about?

>> No.17977908

forestanon got investigated by the fbi, it's over

>> No.17978125

>no answer
yep. we got him.

>> No.17978134

for what

>> No.17978148


>> No.17978181
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He sold out to the feds for bureau pussy. Must be getting lonely in that cabin.

>> No.17978184

You basically want to be a monk

>> No.17978235

>some poor FBI glownigger bitch had to talk into the fucking forest to talk to a random hobbo about his lifestyle and problematic books he has read
fucking kek that is so retarded

I would love to know which books were problematic though. His readinglists always seemed really chill

>> No.17978237
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>tfw FBI probably has a file on me

>> No.17978269


>> No.17978294
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I reckon he had some Ted...I have some
Ted, too

>> No.17978353

>1. Download all Ted literature
>2. Go live in a remote cabin and continue to Ted post
>3. FBI Cutie visits me alone
>4. Profit (aka have new gf)

>> No.17979850

The point about the 10 kids is just an example. You need to find your version of a wife and 10 kids you love. That guy might hate his job the same as you but he has something that gives the suffering purpose, and so, it is bearable. You don’t remove suffering, you find a type of suffering that you find meaningful. For some people that suffering is being broke because they don’t want their time to be scheduled for them. For other people they’ll suffer through a shitty job because they love their kids and love providing for them. My point, if you insist on me generalizing it, is that you’d be better off trying to find purpose than to remove suffering, which will always be there in some form.

>> No.17979870

>work as a doctor, engineer, or civil servant for 40 hours a week
>not treated like an expendable object
how much of a fucking retard are you?

>> No.17979949

Sounds like heaven

>> No.17980000

>Is there anything in this world you care about?
Sure, but that doesn’t imply I’m willing to bear a life of suffering for it. Basically what you’re saying is “get a wife. get a kid. then you’ll just have no choice.” the way I see it.

>> No.17980121

Can you ask him what she talked to him about and what books were problematic?
I cant find where this specific reply is on his youtube

>> No.17980136

Julian Jaynes’ Origins of Consciousness.

Weak fags have no will because there is no leader telling you exactly what to do, because you are not fully conscious (aka not utilizing right hemispheric brain faculties). Learn to be conscious and you won’t be a weak fag anymore.

>> No.17980151

There is no "point" to responsibilities, you dumb apu shitter.