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17966126 No.17966126[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are key books to read to understand what’s been going on in western society with cancel culture and language manipulation. It’s so obviously a power grab and I want to be informed about the psyop being perpetrated on us all. I want to find out precisely what these psychic terrorists are up to.

>> No.17966134

god i wish that were me

>> No.17966160

Culture of critique

>> No.17966217

What gets me is that they’re ruining the lives of people for saying, often times admittedly ignorant or misinformed, things that they themselves would have said 10 to 20 years ago.

I’m not saying everyone secretly was posting on stormfront before the Trayvon Martin trial but c’mon. The fanaticism and desire to uncover and cleanse supposed transgressions or perceived unfaithfulness to tumblr shit is bordering on the religious.

>> No.17966313

Might be worth looking into the Pilgrims/Puritans who colonized New England, but this kind of thing is pretty unprecedented

>> No.17966317

> often times admittedly ignorant or misinformed, things that they themselves would have said 10 to 20 years ago

Most people doing the cancelling are too young to have been saying stuff on the internet 10 years ago desu. Hence they feel invulnerable.

>> No.17966346

>Most people doing the cancelling are too young to have been saying stuff on the internet 10 years

I dispute this. I believe cancel culture is a millennial phenomena and has been going on since 2014.

>> No.17966457

Those kids are a textbook example of what’s known as useful idiots. They have no power at all. The biggest corporations, politicians, military industrial complex, intelligence agencies, academia and general power players on the face of the earth are marching in lockstep to this cancel tune. This censorship, identity politics, feels like a perfectly paved colossal road to enslave humanity. Qui bono? It also feels like this plan has hatched only NOW because technology has finally become advanced enough to match its lofty ambitions. There is no fucking way this shit just happened haphazardly and suddenly. This must’ve been planned for decades if not centuries and where there’s so much time elapsed there’s bound to be a sizeable paper trail.

So if anyone has any ideas of what books/thinkers that paper trail is please shine the light for us.

>> No.17966481

I don't know any specific books, but certain topics come to mind. Read about
>the Chinese Cultural Revolution
in which Mao manipulated young people to lash out at potential threats to his power that lurked within the institutions
>the rise of the Printing Press and the social changes that it led to
this is maybe the only significant historical event that parallels the distribution of networked computers to ordinary people

Maybe also robber barons and supremely powerful corporations of the past. It's often observed that the craziness of social media means more profit for tech companies for various reasons, because people tend to click more or share more or engage more when they are angry, outraged, amused, anxious, etc. This inevitably warps the appearance of public culture on the internet so it looks to be this massive museum of outrage and frivolity with a sanitized gift shop and food court on the side. Also something a lot of people tend to miss is that companies don't necessarily need to profit in the most obvious way to follow a pattern of behaviour. The goal might be to gain more power or market share or patronage (or more attention for a message by taking a strong moral and political position about something that doesn't actually matter in the broader scheme of things - counterintuitively compared to older rules about how media works where politics would be avoided), or executive salaries might have certain conditions tied to it, which may incentivize behaviour or ideology that otherwise seems totally nonsensical.

>> No.17966485

Plato, The Republic

>> No.17966487

Wanting Seed

>> No.17966545
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Books describing the puppet masters intent and board view:
The Authoritarian Personality
Crystalizing Public Opinion by Edward Bernays

Books describing the puppets:
The Bell Curve (Murray)
Race or Mongrel (Schultz)

Books describing the battle:
The History of Central Banking (Mitford Goodson)

Books describing the battlefield:
Who Owns Information? (Branscombe)
The Slaughter of Cities (E Michael Jones)

I binged Alex Linder's audiobook commentaries and endless right wing podcasts but these two boring books have provided me more legit concise densely packed insight that I feel only a slight lag with understanding and anticipating these public disruptions.

>> No.17966552
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>qui bono

>> No.17966561

You are enough an incel as it is.

>> No.17966563

That's italian for "my what a nice boner you have"

>> No.17966565


>> No.17966569

es stultior asino
fuck you frogfag

>> No.17966596


As I began to explore the aggregate contents of so many of the publications that had influenced our ideas since the 19th century, I detected a significant discontinuity centered around a particular period. Quite a number of individuals—Left, Right, and Center—who had been so prominently featured until that point suddenly disappeared, in many cases permanently, near the start of the Great American Purge of the 1940s.

I sometimes imagined myself a little like an earnest young Soviet researcher of the 1970s who began digging into the musty files of long-forgotten Kremlin archives and made some stunning discoveries. Trotsky was apparently not the notorious Nazi spy and traitor portrayed in all the textbooks, but instead had been the right-hand man of the sainted Lenin himself during the glorious days of the great Bolshevik Revolution, and for some years afterward had remained in the topmost ranks of the Party elite. And who were these other figures—Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin, Rykov—who also spent those early years at the very top of the Communist hierarchy? In history courses, they had barely rated a few mentions, as minor Capitalist agents who were quickly unmasked and paid for their treachery with their lives. How could the great Lenin, father of the Revolution, have been such an idiot to have surrounded himself almost exclusively with traitors and spies?

But unlike their Stalinist analogs from a couple of years earlier, the American victims who disappeared around 1940 were neither shot nor Gulaged, but merely excluded from the mainstream media that defines our reality, thereby being blotted out from our memory so that future generations gradually forgot that they had ever lived.

>> No.17966617

Books describing the Battle:
The International [Redacted]: World's Foremost Problem by Henry Ford
Mein Kampf by Literally Donald Trump
The [redacted] Revolutionary by Spirit E Michael Jones

Books on the effective battle of the mind:
Knowledge and Decisions by Thomas Sowell
I've been meaning to read Manufacturing Consent by Chomsky. Don't know if it's worth $30 and the time though

>> No.17966654

It's been leading up for Millenia. You're in a fantastic dystopia as a subjugated livestock where all information worth a damn in commerce and communications as a technogical feat have been following their tune since 400 AD.

This Time the World by George Lincoln Rockwell includes an argument where the whole biblical corpus is this eternal problem of subverting the holy of holies. In Genesis, Joseph had a Federal Reserve in Ancient Egypt. Since then mankind has been pulling the plow of the tribe with the highest mean IQ. They have abilities and posessions we can't anticipate nor imagine even after repeated exposure. Their time frame is vast on a scale that is like asking fish "How's the water?" The cost of that knowledge, that fund of knowledge, that finely aged estate, is beyond the impatient goblino consideration available today in most communication channels.

I wouldn't be surprised if the meme of Stoned Ape war is true: Psychadelic Mathematical Practical Crogmagnon Caucasoid vs Literary Verbal Opiated Neanderthal AfroSemite.

>> No.17966671
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>> No.17966683

no need to be so non sequitur anon, for veritas odit moras, and sometimes one needs a habeas corpus in order to sine qua non

>> No.17966698
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Whateus the fuckeus are you talkingias about?

>> No.17966709

>Their time frame is vast on a scale that is like asking fish "How's the water?
what did he mean by this?

>> No.17966752

Ever see a Rothschild talk to a G-y?
There's a thread on Godlike Productions where an Anon claiming to be a Rothschild starts an AMA and those boomers ask such pitiful questions. It was up for months so it's long but the best reading I have done in a while. That's how I got tipped off to learn this is the scale: Antartica is a Jew's refrigerator. You're not allowed to touch it. Everyone you know thinks of Institutions and nations and governments. They have tiny units of categories smaller than most job descriptions and thus have to zoom out in terrible resolution to blame SOCIETY or the GOVERNMENT for big social problems. All currency all software all transistor board chips...yep impenetrable to you but their keys to the kingdom. Tentacles of control are more vast than units to be palpated and replaced. Rothschild AMA Anon described laborers like worker bees. The bee keeper takes the honey and the bee does not imagine nor recieve the beekeeper's lifestyle.
"Thanks for playing, Mr Bickle!" He posted

>> No.17966754

Cynical theories by Helen Pluckrose, Ph.D

>> No.17966781
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"Millionaires do not study astrology. BILLIONAIRES DO!"- JP Morgan, the "Christian" Pisces
Pisces is an age of distrust. It is said to have started around the birth of Christ when the Three Wise men came to visit. Soon or within the next 80 years will come in the Age of Aquarius: a utopian convergence of all that has compounded up to that point. But who will reap that promised land? You? Are you in on it? God damn.

>> No.17966808

Genealogy of Morals by Nietzsche is the only book you need to understand cancel culture

>> No.17966819

let me res ante oculos ponere, my friend. it is important that we sometimes ab ovo. for if we don't, think of the deus ex machina that would erupt in nostra aetate. that would be a true labor omnia vincit on their part, mi hombre, and that can only result in in vitro, and a veritable non plus ultra; i propose instead that we perform a carpe diem. that, in my opinion, would make us most ipsissimi, and best secure the welfare of our ad astra.

>> No.17966836

I only hate women when I'm horny. As soon as I nut, I feel completely indifferent towards them. Why is this?

>> No.17966844

my bad. this was meant for the woman hatred thread

>> No.17966892
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I'm not big into books but your chompointment to satisFEMA should be satisfinalized within the cheweek. I already feastcussed the matter with the snackator.

>> No.17966897
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It's because you haven't eaten enough raw broccoli sandwiches in your cold showers while listening to all the Julius Evola Books text to speech every single day

>> No.17967160

Broccoli is great and I don't mind taking a cold shower in the summer. Please don't associate these goodnesses with that horrible landbug.

>> No.17967481

Orwell called it Unpersoning. It's the same thing that happened in the Soviet Union under Stalin.

>> No.17967493

my biggest fear is that wokeness will become like a new Christianity and last for 1000+ years

>> No.17967908
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The Anti-Fascist Handbook by Mark Bray
The Human Right to Dominate

>> No.17968041

nah, trends come and go because the West isnt as homeostatic anymore, i give it another 30 years tops

>> No.17968183

imagine making the asshole deep on that thing and hiding treasure in it. to get the treasure you would need to finger the asshole

>> No.17968215

You don't have the spine for it.