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17965590 No.17965590 [Reply] [Original]

Could you imagine a world without us /lit/? We bring soul to this world. It’s by far the most /lit/ personality there is. Any fellow INFP chads here?

>> No.17965605

>Shakespeare, Wordsworth and Tolkien were INFP
>I'm also INFP but suck at writing
It's not fair bros

>> No.17965607

INFP are onions mouthed cuckolds

>> No.17965610

Can i imagine a world without mbti-posters? yes, and it's beautiful

>> No.17965615

This is an INFP Chad thread. What’re you currently reading bros? I just cracked open The Peregrine.

>> No.17965620

>he doesn't use Ni

>> No.17965624

In my free time, Capital in the Twenty-First Century (pls no bully). Most stuff I read these days is for school though

>> No.17965628
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You gotta learn about capitalism from somewhere. I hope school is going alright for you fren

>> No.17965685

INFPs exist to be bullied.

>> No.17965690


>> No.17965692

INFP here, reading Love and Friendship by Allen Bloom.

>> No.17965695

I just started on The Sorrows of War. Try not to be born in a third world country, lads.

>> No.17965697
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Enjoying the complete essays of Michel de Montaigne. Hopefully I will be able to read it in French one day

>> No.17965707
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I’m reading The Secret Garden and it is comf

>> No.17965709


>> No.17965741

INFP checking in, but truthfully I wish I was INTJ.

>> No.17965766

What the heck is a INFP?

>> No.17965781


>> No.17965814

I should actually answer you. MBTI is a typing index that intends to categorize people into one of sixteen different personalities. INFPs are

They're commonly seen as idealistic, head-in-the-clouds people who care deeply about others and their personal values. Often drawn to artistic pursuits. MBTI gets more interesting when you look at the Jungian cognitive function stuff it's based on but it still comes off as incredibly pseudosciency to me.

>> No.17966009

That's good. Science is garbage.

>> No.17966033
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>> No.17966034

Well, if you're interested but don't want to read a bunch of stuff on functions and decide for yourself, this test is okay, or at least better than the 16personalities test most people take.

>> No.17966043

>fucking vivid imagination
>cant channel that imagination into anything useful

fuck i want to be a writer so bad, is it a skill that one can learn or born with?

>> No.17966060


>> No.17966063

Yeah, welcome to the club, buddy

>> No.17966067

>the only mbti type that regularly makes threads about itself is infp
Why are they so obsessed with themselves?

>> No.17966072

This desu, a world without homosexuals

>> No.17966078

Dominant Fi makes them insufferably self-centered
Other types are self-centered too in their own ways but the eternal INFP needs to broadcast their navel-gazing to the world

>> No.17966086

Yes. Can you imagine INTJ's making threads about themselves? Seems like a faggy thing to do.

>> No.17966095

are infp's moral fucks?

>> No.17966337

What buddha taught and black skins white masks
Trying to read more non-fiction

>> No.17966408

The few times I’ve done it I get INFP/ENFP but I don’t really feel it’s an accurate description. There’s some stuff I recognize in myself, but it’s such an arbitrary and Incomplete description of a person. Don’t take it too seriously.

>> No.17966670

Just started reading Robert Greene's The Laws of Human Nature. I hear he's a fellow INFP, at least according to CS Joseph on YouTube, which is a typology channel I recommend. I'm enjoying the book so far, good insights and observations, he does come off as being INFP.

>> No.17966678

The Divine Comedy, I check the dictionary at almost every page

>> No.17966691

Post body

>> No.17966801

I'm a Scorpio, myself.

>> No.17966882

Hello, fellow INFPs (4w5 with type 9 tendencies), born on the Aquarius-Pisces cusp. What have you been reading? I've been reading a book by American anarchist Bookchin on the advent of hierarchies, the resulting emergence of the dichotomy between nature and humanity, and the urgent need to leave behind all power structures. I've also been reading The Book of Disquiet, which is very beautiful and poetic. Hope you all have a great day.

>> No.17966887
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>> No.17966896

A world without bullshit like this, without labels and this astrology for ‘smart people’ sure I can imagine that.

>> No.17966912

I hate being a fucking male infp. I hate being a weak melancholic faggot. This is no better than being a woman.

Fuck inpfs desu.

>> No.17966940

Incredibly based

>> No.17966960

Bro I did that test for shits and giggles, to prove to myself that it was the same crap as tv astrology sections, but it ended up right on the money on pretty much everything... This should be forbidden knowledge, it's not good to know your personnality is so common and predictable it fits to a T one of the psychology models made by a bunch of people you'd hate having dinner with.

>> No.17967030
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INFP here also.
Very based. I have his Ecology of Freedom somewhere.
Have you read any Naess? His views on humanity and nature are interlinked with Bookchin’s I feel, though he’s less angry and he never outright criticises capitalism by name. He’s the one that got me into deep ecology and by extension into Bookchin.

>> No.17967035

You're cute.

>> No.17967050
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I'd have loved to have dinner with Based Jung.

>> No.17967072

I'm in the latter half of the Swann's Way. I think I'll go for Bouvart and Pecuchet next. Then it will be time for some Joyce (Portrait).

>> No.17967080

Isn't it very, very loosely based on his works, though?

>> No.17967097

It's a simplified version of his work on personality types. If you liked MBTI, at the end of his book "Personality Types" he gives a very kino summery of his work which I highly recommend reading.

>> No.17967113

I didn't like it. It made me depressed. But thank you for the answer.

>> No.17967137

Did it reveal too much?

>> No.17967200

I didn't learn much, if that's the question. I just hated how I seemingly fitted the category so well. Didn't expect my psychological tendencies to be so predictable that some randoms would be able to box them so easily. Bit of a humbling experience, I guess.

>> No.17967210

are you me?

>> No.17967236

infj here. when i was a teen i was consistently intp but now im infj? what gives? is it mental illness?

>> No.17967258

God, I love you. He is one of my favorite authors, also INFP here. Reading Discipline & Punish, compelling verbiage but as of his introduction I'm not yet convinced

>> No.17967328

It means that you're a retarded bitch who doesn't understand the questions in the test.

Most likely INFP, like most stupid faggots that browse this board are.

>> No.17967364
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>It means that you're a retarded bitch who doesn't understand the questions in the test.
holy moly you are a very upset human being. needlessly butthurt, like a man recently raped, or maybe also a faggot. are you saying i didn't understand them before, or i don't now? or both? if the former's former then i'm not seeing the issue. if the former's latter, nothing i said is suggestive of this, unless you think INFJs are necessarily misunderstanding the questions asked. if the latter then a combo of the two

>Most likely INFP, like most stupid faggots that browse this board are.
intp is actually much more popular here, but sure. just keep saying words without thinking about them

>> No.17967367


>> No.17967374

There are so many INTP in the thread, I want one to explain heir Fi to me.

Like do you really draw what's good or bad internally from your own foundations and being outwards, outwards, how does that even work?

t. Ti parent user

>> No.17967479

Yeah, according to Jung your consciousness has one cognitive function and subconsciousness the complete opposite one which acts in compensatory fashion and usually is the weakest point of your personality. For example introverted thinking orientated consciousness has extroverted feeling as a subconscious function therefore these people have hard time regarding ability to feel unity and closedness with other people in general.

>> No.17967488

Oh you're INFP, huh? Cool cool. But what about your star sign? Are you also the premier INFP zodiac known as Libra? No? Cringe.

>> No.17967496

Keep reading the greats, don't write in the cucked postmodern style, and you'll get better

>> No.17967505

Nope, INTP is the master race.

>> No.17967510

I would tell you to go cry about it if you were capable of emotions

>> No.17967528

One is definitely born with a natural talent, but it can be honed. A talented author with no practice is still shit. The trick is to ONLY input good quality reading- no popular fiction, capeshit/star wars bullshit, modern poetry, fad authors etc.
Read Tolstoy, Tolkein, Shakespeare, Donne, Austen, Wordsworth and so on. It will spark your innate writing ability AND channel it into a tasteful style, as well as hopefully not allowing you to be corrupted by poor quality / lazy / virgin writing styles.

>> No.17967538

Wait what has INFP got to do with being Libra? I'm both but never believed in that shit

>> No.17967544

Mediator + scales of justice

>> No.17967546

Damn right!

>> No.17967549

infp is pisces af

>> No.17967582

Proud INFP here. I just finished Sappho's poetry and I'm starting Aristophanes' Acharnians.

>> No.17967590

true infps wouldn't get caught dead being a water sign, let alone a fucking fish lol

>> No.17967676

I think I will be starting In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower.

>> No.17967701
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>tfw cancer and INFP
I am a sensitive boy please be nice to me

>> No.17967714

Are you feminine?

>> No.17967726

I’m an ISFP (^: hippie

>> No.17967740

Aries. I dish it out and can't take it.

>> No.17967749

Other than being overly anal about cleanliness and things being tidy I think that’s my main feminine trait.

>> No.17967790

Interesting how these are also both cardinal signs

>> No.17967817

I'm a Virgo, I'm also sensitive, it sucks.

>> No.17967834
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>tfw virgo INFP

>> No.17967837
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>> No.17968063

when's your birthday? mine is february 16th

>> No.17968071
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>tfw male infp gemini
I hate my melancholic self-pitying ass

>> No.17968101

>Castro, Gaddafi, Chavez, Seinfeld

I laughed

>> No.17968308

INFP Scorpio. You do not know the hell inside

>> No.17968335

>tfw ENTJ living with chronic anhedonia

>> No.17968434

>tfw infp Aries
>tfw walking contradiction

>> No.17968566
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I hated being a male INFP too, but honestly we have the strongest romantic predilections. Read poetry and gaze at beautiful drawings of the ancients and medievals and create an inner world filled with these imagines in mind

>> No.17968646

INFP Saggitarius masterrace here.
This, couldn't be me.

>> No.17968692

why i gotta be represented by a butterfly-loving elf picture man

>> No.17968700

>INFP Saggitarius masterrace here.
Same, what makes us masterrace bro?

>> No.17968852

but... it doesn't make the big sad go away

>> No.17968982

The truly chads are ITNJs, a rare personality. INTJ chads, rise up

>> No.17969015

You need to find solace in beauty and love. That’s the only way for us hopeless idealists

>> No.17969046

I have lost my belief in love. But I still have faith in beauty.

>> No.17969604

Is this you?


Wanna go for a second round?

>> No.17969635


Meditations by Marcus Aurelius & Borges collection

>> No.17970168

How to know which type are you?

>> No.17970638

not sure if Im intp or infp. I'm not very much into literature (more into music), but I liked brothers karamazov, magic mountain and war and peace very much.

>> No.17970685
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>> No.17970750

I just got ENTP bros

What does this mean

>> No.17971110

In the other thread, I wrote that I was once an ISTP, but changed into an INFP. Has anyone else experienced a change in type?

>> No.17971128

You’re a devil’s advocate fag.

>> No.17971657


>> No.17971672

to play devils advocate, i dont even believe in MBTI and my answer on it changes every year or so


>> No.17971692


>> No.17971696

pretty close, i'm an infj myself. infp's are lovely though.

>> No.17971714
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>people still believe in this shit

>> No.17971718

how do people take these self administered tests and put any stock in the results? I tested INTP, but there's literally no way to figure out whether you're being honest enough without some kind of outside, more objective observer

>> No.17971828


damn literally everytime I post I kill the thread.

>> No.17971870

Is intp the best zodiac sign? Probably, I guess

>> No.17971899

Yeah astrology is real too.

>> No.17971932
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Reminder that INFPs are women.

>> No.17972520

I have the same luck, bro. Let's give it an end.

>> No.17973354

Yes, I used to be one of the STEM types like 6 years ago but honestly I think it had to do with not knowing myself and answering the questions idealistically rather than truthfully. I’m today a proud INFP

>> No.17973707

Butterfly, you'll never be as pretty as her. Even in your prime, you were less than her right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.17973794

Nope, and DEFINITELY not Ryuko (though I'd like to be).

>> No.17973799

Anon, you'll never be as handsome as Gigachad Even in your prime, you were less than his right nad, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.17973847

I mean that less in the sense of having a vagina, and more in the sense that bottoms are women.

>> No.17973855
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>I/ENFP ambivert master race
>fun at parties, good social life and /lit/life
>more sensitive than normie, but balance it out with /fit/tardism
>women fucking love my personality
>life currently is basically what depressed INFP (used to be that guy) wishes it to be

We're all gonna make it bruhs. Just keep setting those goals and don't give that many fucks.
's all good.

>> No.17974010

>tfw straight bottom
I'd like to reroll my stats

>> No.17974194

my brothers

>> No.17974199

How are there so many of us?

>> No.17974218

>Could you imagine a world without us
Self-absorbed fruitcakes who derive their self-worth from 15-minute online tests? I can, actually

>> No.17974225

sup lads

>> No.17974272

That's the Barnum effect + confirmation bias.

>> No.17974275

You used to be INFP and turned ENFP? How?

>> No.17974863
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learned extrovert.
>t. born INTJ turned ENTJ.
i kek'd.

>> No.17974870

I always hear types can't change but if that's true then I have no clue what I am. I used to get INFP all the time on tests and now I consistently get INT*. I hear self-analysis is better but I also can't do that very objectively.

>> No.17974879

INFP male here

Emotionally unstable, OCD chronic procrastinator with terrible self-esteem. Won't hurt a tiny insect but would eviscerate entire races of people for the greater good. I wish to God I'd been born an extrovert sensor sociopath. Life is hell. Fuck you all.

>> No.17974890

Maybe you are a hybrid. I get INFP usually but sometimes I get INTP and it's because my feeling score is usually only 10% above being a thinker.

>> No.17974899

>I always hear types can't change
Always ask for evidence or source of claim.
They absolutely can, but it depends on the trait and it depends on the person. It's more likely, to my mind at least, that a person could become more confident and discover the joys of feeling the fear and doing it anyway.
I have a suspicion personality change occurs more often in the first thirty years of life, but alas, I have no evidence for that, it's just my opinion.

>> No.17974905

this too.
if you score borderline (49 or 51%) for a particular trait, take the test again in three years and you've changed how you approach certain situations, and therefore, answer a question differently, you will be counted as a different trait.
my extraversion score has consistently been about 97%. Because i simply don't give a f*** what people think.

>> No.17974968


>> No.17975981

chill buddy, did estp steal your gf?

>> No.17976085


>> No.17976126


>> No.17976157

I've tried to balance it out by being physically fit and forcing myself to be more outgoing to a certain extent. But I've also largely accepted that I'm not someone that takes life by the balls and rather tries to find beauty in the world as I perceive it. I do wish someone had taught me to stand up for myself more when I was younger though

>> No.17976165

this is true.
t. infp