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17962987 No.17962987[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A local newspaper wrote an article that was obvious racebait, but what caught my attention was that every time "black" was written, it had a capital-B, whereas every time "white" was written, it had a lowercase-w. Is this proper convention? Am I supposed to be doing this in my own writing?

>> No.17962997

Stop making poltiical threads about race.

Go read a fucking book, cunt.

We all know you're just using this thread as a platform to discuss your idiotic brand of politics.

>> No.17963000

it's a new thing clown world came up.

>> No.17963006

Black is a fucking movement. What the fuck is white, you privileged cisgendered male?!

>> No.17963014

Not sure where I mentioned politics in my post, you daft obsessoid. I'm asking a question about writing.

>> No.17963029

Kill yourself, cretin. You and I know exactly what you are doing.

>> No.17963035
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>> No.17963043

Yes. You're supposed to capitalize Black but not white.


>> No.17963051

true but it is lit related and it is odious in itself. im saging, but it is shit and is going to cause a nothing thread
op there is actually a decent discussion about it on the archive if you want to read.

>> No.17963079

It's not /lit/ related. The poster has no interest whatsoever in talking about etymology, grammar, semantics, etc.
All he is concerned with is having a shit-slinging argument filled with buzzwords and reactionary neo-conservative politics.
It's pathetic and is ruining the board. Look at how many of these threads are already in the catalog.

>> No.17963104
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>Asking questions about writing customs and practices, be they new or old, isn't /lit/ related

>> No.17963106

Kill yourself.

>> No.17963112


>> No.17963147
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That's what you get for reading your privileged backwater newspaper. The new standard among professional journalists is to capitalize every letter in BLACK to celebrate the rich history all BLACKs share and to acknowledge the common struggles and institutional injustice that all BLACK people must endure. Young experts in the field have also suggested removing the 'h' from white, to help make amends for the suffering wite people have caused and to remind all readers of the amoral inequity caused by the existence of wites

>> No.17963155 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17963158


>> No.17963161

>etymology, grammar, semantics
Whoa! look at this NERD

>> No.17963169

FYI no racism allowed at the upcoming White Boy Summer

>> No.17963180

this has to be bait.

Language is changing in front of your eyes and you throw a hissy fit because of politics? This has to be bait

>> No.17963183

it is lit related and it is probably bait.
just because something is a partisan talking point doesnt make it not a thing in itself.

i can acknowledge capitalist exploitation without agreeing with every branch of socialism. boy and the wolf and all.

>> No.17963206


Uneducated middle class American drones.


>> No.17963237

We can discuss etymology, grammar, semantics, etc. Without politics which belong on /pol/ and without racism which is only allowed on /b/. Those are the only relevant conditions for this thread on this board IF you want to actually discuss, which I doubt OP wants and I also doubt that the discord exists for the purpose of discussion. I seriously doubt that the word discussion has a meaning or even can exist as an applicable and practicable idea for some people.

>> No.17963247

One of those was me falseflagging, love you xx

>> No.17963285

This annoyed me but it makes sense. "Black" is capitalized like "German" or "Sunni" because the standard convention is to capitalize cultural groups. Most white people classify themselves as a subset of white people. Don't fully agree with this distinction but I understand it

>> No.17963315

>Most white people classify themselves as a subset of white people
That's a shit dishonest point.
>so do blacks if you go to africa
>most american whites see themselves as simply white

>> No.17963316

Okay I figured out what bothered me about it. Those cultural distinctions are based on customs alone or political structures. "Black" is based solely on a person's physical features. This necessarily equates a cultural distinction with a physical feature which legitimizes grouping stereotypes with skin color, all under the guise of sensitive progressivism.

>> No.17963325

Black refers to the descendants of slaves from Africa, they are a distinct cultural group.
White doesn't mean anything specifically and the qualifications for being considered white are constantly being challenged.

>> No.17963338

I agree with the second and third points, but what I meant is, if you asked a white person what culture they identified with, they would probably name something else before "white culture." The might say French, Catholic, or Midwestern, before White. Black Americans would probably mostly say black. It's still stupid, though

>> No.17963352

We're talking about American people not people in Africa. Most of what you call white people don't consider themselves culturally white, they are American and then German or English or whatever. White isn't a culture, and as a designation it is therefore interchangeable with "other", as in not Indian not Latin not Black not Asian.

>> No.17963365

>Black refers to the descendants of slaves from Africa, they are a distinct cultural group.
More leftist dishonesty. They refer to euroniggers as black too and screech about anti blackness in the exact way leftists in america are. It's just leftist anti whiteness.

>> No.17963394

not reading a single word of this

>> No.17963411

Why do black Americans seem to have a monolithic culture? I get most are descendants of slaves, but what about those who came to America well after slavery

>> No.17963416

Ideally I would think you use lowercase for simple descriptors and uppercase for overarching designation. I don't think you would say, for instance, Langston Hughes was a "Black" (over simple race-descriptor "black") poet unless you were making the assumption that the way he writes is emblematic of Black art specifically. But you might say that BLM is a Black movement. You could do the same thing for White but no one uses generalized White even when talking about distinctly European cultural phenomena.

>> No.17963433
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I thought leftists were retarded

>> No.17963461

you dont actually know this based on his OP. in fact you are the one shitflinging and using buzzwords

>> No.17963471

Rent free. Don’t forget your meds.

>> No.17963514

>I am unable to read subtext and I'm proud

>> No.17963526

I can read subtext, however you seem to be struggling to read the actual text.

>> No.17963529

What do these people have in their conscience in order to have such a strong persecution complex?
We even got an answer to OPs question: >>17963043

>> No.17963531

>I'm pretending to be smarter than I am on 4kids

>> No.17963546

I think you are just uncomfortable talking about this issue because you know it's dumb, but you are afraid to contradict prog doctrine, so you transfer your repressed anger to anyone who brings it up and is an acceptable target

>> No.17963550

Remember when "antiracist is code word for antiwhite" was just something racist trolls used to say and not an unironic doctrine for the psychopaths ruling us?

>> No.17963570

It's a crowd psychology thing, mixed with poor reading habits encouraged by Twitter. They think the best way of reading is to understand the "underlying patterns" of a text instead of its literal grammatical meaning. However, their ability to recognize these patterns boils down to only noticing the words or phrases that are personally evocative to them, and projecting a meaning onto it that usually paints the other person's motives in overly simple cartoonist terms. God I hate how political pandering ruins people.

>> No.17964154

I find race politics fucking retarded in general

>> No.17964173

if you don't get BLAck self esteem up right away, they will literally have to steal your bike

>> No.17964174

Do people still read newspapers? I just go on the internet news sites and cross reference the same story over a few places with differing ideals to get as close to the truth as possible. If you were reading a leftist paper it will do things like this. The rightist ones do other things. You need to get used to it since there are no unaffiliated papers anymore.

>> No.17964182

What do rightist ones do

>> No.17964220

Here is the objectively correct take but I will sage so as not to bump this shitty thread: both "Black American" and "White American" are distinct, proper ethnic groups, which you could use Black and White as shorthand for if you really wanted to. Attempting to delegitimize the latter by claiming that white people in the United States are all actually members of / properly identified as a bunch of different European ethnic groups is silly and disingenuous (what about whites of mixed European ancestry? - the obvious aim is to reject the validity of white people maintaining any ethnic identity whatsoever). In addition to this you could use "black" and "white" in a less explicitly ethnic way to and more as broad racial categorizations

>> No.17964463

>media pushing for genocide
>'oh yea this makes sense to me i see why they did that'

>> No.17964540

This is why I capitalize every ethnic group but jew.

>> No.17964551
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>It's not /lit/ related. The poster has no interest whatsoever in talking about etymology, grammar, semantics, etc.
>All he is concerned with is having a shit-slinging argument filled with buzzwords and reactionary neo-conservative politics.
>It's pathetic and is ruining the board. Look at how many of these threads are already in the catalog.

>> No.17964570
File: 288 KB, 559x795, Screenshot_2021-04-06 David Bauder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>David Bauder

Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.17964581

seethe more incel

>> No.17964597

unironically kys

>> No.17964809

It's a critique on the commercialization of human rights

>> No.17964893

I think it would have been funnier if you changed it from "white" to "wight". Fits the theme, homonyms are always fun, etc.