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/lit/ - Literature

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17962728 No.17962728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does /lit/ think that the so-called classics are racist works that were elevated not based on merit but just to justify colonialism and normalize whiteness?

>> No.17962737

Famous Englishman Dante Alighieri

>> No.17962740

colonialism is good and whiteness is good

>> No.17962747

im reproducing heteronormative whiteness

>> No.17962758

Maybe but they're also works of great merit and just dismissing them as perpetuating whiteness or colonialism or whatever deprives us (humanity) of a rich well of artistic achievement.

t. black

>> No.17962790

But they are wrong about that tho. Classics exist in every language and culture. There's more non anglo classics even.

>> No.17962883

Oh yeah that must be the reason why Western society is founded on Greco-Roman principles, both people known for their pure nordic Icelandic ethnotypes lmao.

>> No.17962903

People who post bait threads should be b&

>> No.17962932

Any books of the psychology of this kind of attitude? I legitimately don't get where they're coming from. It seems to strange.

>> No.17962947

This is nonsense.
>applying terms like 'classics' only to English language texts
Well, if anyone applies the term 'classics' only to a specific language they/them are fucking retarded. Does anyone actually do this? Reminds me of that joke; what do you call a person who knows only one language? American. So, my best guess is that this trans/they/them is an American. But who knows.

>> No.17962955

twitter post; didn’t bump

>> No.17962961

This. Also twitter caps. It's disrespectful to the board.

>> No.17962966

Why does every faux academic use this word? I feel like they never use it properly.

>> No.17962970
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Talmud or the protocols.

>> No.17962972

Sorry, I forgot to sage my post

>> No.17962982

I don't even know what that word means let alone how one ought to use it.

>> No.17962985

>Reminds me of that joke; what do you call a person who knows only one language? American.
is this what the third world considers humour

>> No.17962990

Don't you know that it's our fault that most black societies never developed an alphabet or use of the wheel even though they had a head start of tens of thousands of years?

>> No.17963008

>I know this is a silly question but can you Americans speak any other language than English?

>> No.17963010

I call it rentfree, personally.

>> No.17963013

It means to make some abstract more concrete. It means to make something more tangible.

>> No.17963016

These children really feel enlightened by this new religion they stumbled upon.

>> No.17963039
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try the 1500s.

>> No.17963078

Ironically it seems like these people espose a sort of reverse anti-semitism. Like there's a secret cabal of pasty white men lurking in the shadows working to uphold western values or something of the sort

>> No.17963087
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>> No.17963113

isn't reverse anti-semitism just semitism?

>> No.17963123

>O Sullivan
The Hibernian Question proving yet again to be accurate

>> No.17963127

NTAYRT, but if this board wants to become an actually decent place to discuss literature instead of just shitposting about books then it'd have to become a text-only board desu

>> No.17963131

Work on your reading comprehension my boy.

>> No.17963138
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>> No.17963140

most of them were classics pre colonialism tho.

also, how can something normalize whiteness if the parebt culture is largely white? nigga you are speaking the language of pasty britbongs.

>> No.17963149

Taking away images would do little-to-nothing to stop shitposting.

>> No.17963170

>normalize whiteness
why do words like this make me think about violence
i don't think i ever wanted to be violent. i think i actually was a pretty good kid. my mom tells me that, at least. i remember when i was a child, i refused to ever make a promise or swear, because i was terrified if i wasn't able to fulfill it then logically i would be a liar. i was a devout vegetarian for a few years after high school. i think i've always tried to be a better person than i am. but when i see these people i feel like i can't possible defend any mantra or doctrine that doesn't permit physically destroying these people in the most absolute and final sense. i can't stop thinking about how killing even just a single one of them would more than outweigh every sin i've ever committed in my entire life. sometimes i can't help but wonder if the only meaningful form of salvation in the modern world is slaughtering demons

>> No.17963178
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I hope you get banned for twitter posting

>> No.17963184

>why do words like this make me think about violence
because they're the khmer rouge with far less testosterone, guns, mental toughness, organizational and wildlife survival skills. you don't argue with the khmer rouge.

>> No.17963189

Eurasia is the only continent that has ever produced great literature. Suck on it.

>> No.17963191

It'd stop the softcore porn threads as well as the Twitter screencap threads, and it would remove the basedjacks

>> No.17963194

You're alright kid

>> No.17963197
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I like images.

>> No.17963213

It wouldn't stop me from calling you a nigger.

>> No.17963242

You'd stop visiting this board though if there were no images. So that solves that problem.

>> No.17963245

Cool image. What does it mean to you?

>> No.17963259


>> No.17963274

No, I'd still come to this board.

>> No.17963276

Impermanence, and it reminds me that the present is always fleeting. It's like string theory but ideas.

>> No.17963290

We boomers can draw things with text..


>> No.17963306

This. The only mistake with Colonialism is that it allowed minorities and foreigners to move to our countries. I honestly wouldn't mind them if they weren't so set on dismantling our cultures.

>> No.17963469

My only issue with the west is that it somehow attributes its accomplishments to its genetic makeup or at best to some abstract ethereal essence represented by “whiteness”. The fact is, contemporary Egyptians are unable to reproduce the relative levels of success that their ancestors enjoyed and the same is true of Italians with their Roman heritage and the Greeks. Even Hitler contested that the Germans were little more than uncivilised barbarians compared to the Romans at the time who had flourishing civilisations at the time. How crazy that the industrious Germans or Anglos had such humble beginnings. But it goes to show that it is all about which civilisation adopts the best ideas. Colonisation was a good thing because it displaced objectively less advanced civilisations and ushered in better ones, even if at significant human costs. But if you start thinking that your lack of melanin is somehow responsible for the superiority of your ideas, you’ll become complacent and probably succumb to the same fate that all the other great civilisations came to. Some other civilisation will build on your ideas and dominate you for generations to come.

>> No.17963487

a real mood

>> No.17963558

The first part of The Industral Society and Its future.

>> No.17963702

I wonder what the postmodernists would think if they learned that their ideology would become the basis for trans scat fetish porn writers to claim they were greater than shakespeare

>> No.17963733

What would your grandmother think if she knew that you know what trans scat fetish porn is

>> No.17963752

If you’ll steal the entirety of Egyptian civilization’s legacy, these kill whitey antics funded by the Wallstreet-Red China axis is trivial.

>> No.17963773

I think we should all be allowed to read whatever we want and come to our own conclusions.

>> No.17963858

How many people actually believe things like this? Why is it that they seem to be more connected with journalism and Twitter than the university system? And why do you feel the need to post their awful opinions on /lit/?

>> No.17964111


>> No.17964165

Nietzsche and Slave Morality probably

>> No.17964187

>justify colonialism

>> No.17964231

>claiming to be part of wiradjuri tribe
What the fuck. If that tranny spent any time in Wiradjuri country they'd be bashed by actual coons.

>> No.17964444

>only English language texts

What the fuck is this person talking about??

>> No.17964471

Why do these people who harp on about colonialism always concerned with the stuff that happened hundreds of years ago the most? The stuff that happened after 1945 is actually what affects their situation the most and is the most odious. It’s easy to wax gibberish about the distant past, I guess.

>> No.17964494

Maybe they arent aware that the English language didn't exist back in the BC days.

>> No.17964703

Everything is racist on Twitter. They're rabidly obsessed with moral faggotry. I'm not even white. Just call me a racial slur instead of "Marginalized POC" or something, it's less dehumanizing.

>> No.17964942

I prefer the Chinese mandate of heaven desu. The rise and fall of peoples and empires is a direct reflection of an implicate social contract they have with their ancestors and Heaven, not any innate systemic reason or superiority. Just a constant flux of peoples who rise and fall like the tides.

>> No.17964963

based and Tedpilled

>> No.17965438

>People who post bait threads should be b&
If there were no bait posts on /lit/ there wouldn't be a board. Its autists baiting retards baiting shills all the way down.

>> No.17965982

We're so fucked.

>> No.17965986
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Yes, of course

>> No.17965997

The post that saved 4chan

>> No.17966000

lol cope

>> No.17966011

I've said it before, a book cannot be racist or sexist or any of these scare words. It speaks for a time and a place or whatever it speaks to, but as a work of art, it is not ideological propaganda. These scum only think in their evil essentialist ways. And anything that does not conform to their agenda is thrown on the burning book pile.

>> No.17966019

>most black societies never developed an alphabet or use of the wheel
Do you actually believe this?

>> No.17966021

Weak willed incel

>> No.17966025

>art can't be political

>> No.17966027
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Yes and that's a good thing

>> No.17966047

Have the niggers wrote some better? No they haven’t. It isn’t in their wheelhouse. They prefer to burn shit down and whine.

>> No.17966052

Race or Mongrel by Alfred Schultz or just any video rant by the Jolly Heretic.
Also the Book of Genesis in the bible:
Spiteful mutant Cain vs Aryan Chad Humble Bragging Able Abel

>> No.17966062
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>> No.17966090

Thank God i was born a superior Frenchman. Our proverbial pretentiousness is actually saving our literary institutions from such juvenile discourses. I'd punch that faggot right on the chin btw.

>> No.17966096

Usually I hate the french for that pretentiousness but goddamn what a save. Respect, mon ami

>> No.17966112 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 1000x700, 263BBEE5-896E-45C3-93A7-E56C64D1BBE9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn’t hate trannies if they weren’t like this. I seriously don’t give a shit about trannies wearing make up, putting on a dress and jerking off to the thought of wearing women’s underwear. Really - I don’t. Go crazy. It just seems like every single insane, grotesque and dangerously retarded thing I see said online comes from the account owned by a tranny.

I don’t know what CIA microwave 5G tower they stood next to for too long to fry their brain this way but I’m getting tired of it.

>> No.17966117

France and Macron becoming redpilled and uncucked is not something I would have predicted a few years ago.

>> No.17966156

>does /lit/ think that the so-called classics are racist works that were elevated not based on merit but just to justify colonialism and normalize whiteness?
why do you ask questions to which you already know the answers?

>> No.17966233


>> No.17967048

It's true. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writing_systems_of_Africa

>> No.17967102


>> No.17967106 [DELETED] 

>The Mwangwego script was created in 1979, with additional symbols created up to 1997 by Mwangwego.
disingenuous leftist misrepresentation of facts as usual, lists a bunch of scripts made by north africans who would be and are categorized as "white", and a bunch of scripts that were created in the 20th century

>> No.17967127

because you're righteous

>> No.17967168

Consumer Society by Baudrillard, specifically about signification. They're just two consumers affirming eachother's points.

>> No.17967203
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I know this is a slow board and generally starved for content but this literally bottom feeder /pol/ bait content
I wish the jannies would do better by dealing with these but I doubt any of them are ever actively watching this board for more than an hour to even care

>> No.17967255

You already know what our opinion will you fucking faggot you just want to tards here to have an excuse to seethe

>> No.17967435

>t. leftypol

>> No.17967461

leftypol is just an alt-right cope

>> No.17967472

I don't get "heteronormativity". Are cats and dogs heteronormative? In a sexually reproducing species how can anything but heteronormativity exist? It would make no sense for more than 1% of the population to be gay, the species wouldn't survive. So complaining that the classics normalize heteronormativity is strange. Not to mention these people think it was invented by white people, I mean come on was the Epic of Gilgamesh heteronormative. Also the classics include the Greeks and Romans who at least accepted bisexuality. Nonsense tweets.

>> No.17967787
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>It would make no sense for more than 1% of the population to be gay, the species wouldn't survive.
I think the actual numbers are way higher, and see where we are.

>> No.17967822
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Oh wrong pc

>> No.17967845

Plato was an anglo crakkker colonizer!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.17967865

it's the biggest board on bunkerchan. I don't think they really raid here much, but almost all the posts that people call /pol/ are not actually /pol/ users raiding other boards either.

>> No.17967957
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>we told to do something, so we do.

Why women can't think for themselves?

>> No.17968053

I actually kind of feel you

>> No.17968067

Because the underlying thrust of the discourse surrounding 'whiteness' is genocidal. It's not even subtle, it would jump off the page at everyone were it applied to any other race.