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/lit/ - Literature

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17962656 No.17962656 [Reply] [Original]

tfw no /lit/ bf

>> No.17962659

Start an online bookclub.

>> No.17962662

I am right here, anon.

>> No.17962666


>> No.17962668

will u be my bf?

>> No.17962671


>> No.17962672

The bookclub anon or me

>> No.17962682


>> No.17962685

She was talking to me dingus.
What up bitch, you like lasagna?

>> No.17962690


>> No.17962692

Stay away from m'lady, you mongrel.

>> No.17962703

>Tfw I broke up with my /lit/ gf who looked like a big tiddy version of that exact pepe
Feels soul crushing man

>> No.17962708

why would you want a schizo boyfriend obsessed with race science, anon. There are lots of perfectly nice boys out there!

>> No.17962715

sorry I only date jamal

>> No.17962714

And also goth and big butt and ethnically exotic

>> No.17962717


>> No.17962725

Do you really think she'd be here if she had any chances with them?

>> No.17962727

Cucked again, and by a literary Stacy this time. Oh God, your cruelty know no bounds!

>> No.17962729

Are you one of those 'supreme gentlemen'? Can you give me advice on butterfly?


>> No.17962739

In other words, not attractive. :3

>> No.17962745

Ya. Leave her alone

>> No.17962751

Such is the vexing nature of fate. Why must you wound me in this way, m'lady?

>> No.17962766

That is some sort of joke, yes?

I mean, what should I say to her to make her feel better about me? I can tell she is interested.

Should I make actions like *holds door open for Butterfly* before she posts in the thread?

>> No.17962768
File: 36 KB, 416x589, 1610306683020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Tatenokai bf to be /fitlit/ with

>> No.17962776

>supreme gentlemen
My disguise is in shambles! Oh, how clever of you to uncover my true identity, anon. Quite impressive indeed. Some advice, eh? Have you tried telling her the things that lay in your heart truthfully and gently? You have to ease her into it, man.

>> No.17962777
File: 12 KB, 283x178, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's because.. I'm not a woman in actuality..

but a toxic, envious incel

>> No.17962787

>I'm not a woman in actuality..
Who could have seen that coming

>> No.17962788

It's not a joke. Assuming she's real you should stop harassing her. TERF or no it's not cool bro

>> No.17962789

So.... you don't like lasagna eh?

>> No.17962795

Ah, I see. The other anon was posting through a guise! How disingenuous.

Indeed, what I should do then is act to her as I would treat any woman I respect :3

I should not oversexualize our interactions, perhaps she will grow to like them. But yes, alas, my feelings must be told! I cannot hold them any longer! :3

>> No.17962797

I'm too constipated rn, perhaps later /lit/

>> No.17962803

You're a joke :3

>> No.17962816
File: 589 KB, 498x276, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u Kno it

>> No.17962820

And you mustn't hold it in any longer, anon. Lay down your feeling bare. I know it's a vulnerable spot to be in but she will see through it and recognize the genuineness of your passion for her.

>> No.17962823

Cut back on the opioids fren

>> No.17962833

I have irritable bowel syndrome, it ain't opioids

>> No.17962837

I scour /lit/ every day for a Mishima-reading homofash who will be my bf.

>> No.17964049


>> No.17964075

I'm bumping this to spite you

>> No.17964086

you may be unaware of this but the antonym of sage is actually age. the former means "lower" and the latter means "raise", in japanese

>> No.17964096

Cut back on the gluten and sodomy you'll be ok

>> No.17964098

So next time I could say age instead of bump? Big if true

>> No.17964106

how hot are you and what's your area

>> No.17964107

If a thread is ageing it is bumping.

>> No.17964110


>> No.17964115

The question stands

>> No.17964123

hi I'm a real life woman but you only get to be my bf if you have good taste in literature.

>> No.17964144

Post tits or GTFO

>> No.17964147

Read in the park so /lit/ guys can ask you out.

>> No.17964148

She shouldn't trip then.

>> No.17964151

Tits or gtfo, you know the rules

>> No.17964167

>*holds door open for Butterfly*
Yes, yes you should do that be a gentleman.

>> No.17964203

Ya she shouldn't. I could even enjoy her posts if she didn't. That's no excuse to sexually harass her though.

>> No.17964711

what the fuck this thread is worse than reddit
fuck w*men
fuck faggots
fuck tr*nnies
laus deo

>> No.17965975


>> No.17966755


>> No.17966777

LMAO That is basically me irl

>> No.17967697

The lusiads is the greatest literary work in history.
now will you be my gf?

>> No.17967709

be my gf

>> No.17967840
File: 35 KB, 385x500, FaceRip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up you solipsistic attention whore even if you are a biological woman you are a cunt for posting here because it's so obvious to both of us that it would be trivial for you to get a well read BF if that's what you actually wanted, because well read men outnumber you so fucking hard and if any of you cunts actually cared you would just approach because practically nobody would deny except the ones in on your cunning schemes, but no, you came here because you won't settle for anything but a literal model tier Adonis who just happens to read books so you can feel smart rather than recognize your whoring tendencies around him, and/or you want fucking attention from desperate hylic simps here who think they have a chance because they are delusional and dying for pussy, and your narcissistic ass feeds off their attention because in reality you see men who don't fit that physical criteria as subhuman eunuchs to serve as your fucking emotional tampons or exploitable objects, get out of here already and think look at your true self in shame you fucking Laschian egocentrist piece of shit, if you had a hint of self-awareness you would realize nobody likes you for anything but your fucking sexual organs and your sociopath-like masks of "intellectuality" and "lovingness" you actual living piece of postmodern nihilistic self-indulgence human wreck, in a way i actually feel bad for you having this drive for piece of shit egoist tendencies so for fuck's sake get your head out of male model dick for one fucking second and realize that you are an uninteresting bitch contributing to the moral depredation of young men becoming more and more hopeless and nihilistic as our society trends more and more into selfish apathy to actual social problems beyond virtue signalling because of egoistic shits like you and the people you influence, read some actual good books beyond fucking Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Maze Runner and Twilight to develop some actual thoughts and do it by yourself without needing shitty ass constant parasocial validation so maybe you develop some goddamn taste you fucking mongoloid

And fuck butterfly too, and wake the fuck up you pitiable clusters of simps, and stop avoiding pain at all costs

>> No.17967859
File: 124 KB, 1332x472, EUW_V6wUYAESkS5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the seethe lmao

>> No.17967860

most based post i've seen on /lit/
keep doing god's work son.

>> No.17967900

I know race is taboo but is race science really epistemologically indefensible? Gobineau's work is based.

>> No.17967918

what the fuck is race science?
give me a rundown

>> No.17967934

Sex - have it. Now.

>> No.17968286

He had a very weird loveboner for Iran, i tought he hated brown people

>> No.17968346

Iranians are Aryans. The word "Iran" means the land of Aryans, and NatSoc Germany also categorized them as Aryan people.

>> No.17968379

It doesn't matter what they call themselves, they are still brown, they are about as aryan as arabs (who Gobineau saw as "inferior semitic peoples")

>> No.17968399

Most of them aren't really brown desu. Gobineau spent a lot of time in Iran, surely he would noticed if they were.

>> No.17968427
File: 209 KB, 800x1049, 800px-Naser_al-Din_Shah_Qajar,_close_up,_with_slight_smile_by_Nadar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of them aren't really brown desu. Gobineau spent a lot of time in Iran, surely he would noticed if they were.
THIS was the current Shah of Iran when Gobineau first visited. Doesn't look very aryan too me.
GOBLINeau even called persian women the most beautiful in the world, and didnt want europeans to colonise Iran because he was afraid they "would mix the beauties of Persia" and therefore "pollute" european blood

>> No.17968521
File: 36 KB, 317x450, Karim-Khan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Qajar dynasty was an Iranian[1] royal dynasty of Turkic origin, specifically from the Qajar tribe, ruling over Iran from 1789 to 1925: The Qajar family took full control of Iran in 1794, deposing Lotf 'Ali Khan, the last Shah of the Zand dynasty, and re-asserted Iranian sovereignty over large parts of the Caucasus.
The Shah you posted was from a random Turkish family who took over Iran after pic related (ethnically Iranian Shah) died.

>> No.17968529

That's why you have no lit bf

>> No.17968545
File: 160 KB, 250x340, Karim_Khan-e_Zand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Shah you posted was from a random Turkish family who took over Iran after pic related (ethnically Iranian Shah) died.
Whats your point, the guy you posted looks like the average brown Fersian
pic rel is the founder of the Zand dynasty. Again, doesn't look very aryan.

>> No.17968574
File: 58 KB, 637x369, iran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are still brown
not really, they look like meds with a couple of asian features. 30% of light colored eyes

>> No.17968607

The one you posted is the same one I posted though. Seems like just a bad portrait. What do you say about natsoc Germany classifying them as Aryans? They didn't even consider Slavs as Aryans and considered Anglos as "lower Aryans" but they were very fond of Iran.

>> No.17968625
File: 42 KB, 512x692, 2007_CSK_05094_0415_000(015535).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not white Abdul, stop trying to "fit in", you already have your afghan, balochi, kurdish and tajik friends, you and your race are completely foreign to europe, you have more in common with arabs and poojeets than with europeans

>bad portrait
Oh yes sure, they just made him brown on accident. Heres the actual colored version of your portrait. Very "aryan" indeed.

>> No.17968632

>t. seething anglo

>> No.17968650

be my gf

>> No.17968653

>gets presented with evidence
what a fucking loser

>> No.17968657
File: 137 KB, 512x769, karim khan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even a minute passes and he already replies
Ahmeds literally on suicide-watch
idk why you cant just admit you're brown

>> No.17968681

>skin color = eye color
Dumb nigger, i guess blue eyed mullatoes must be aryan too.

>> No.17968723

the day you find a population of mulattoes with such a percentage of light colored eyes, there has been so much mixing, that yes, they will look white, undistinguishable from european mediterraneans

>> No.17968818

Tfw no gf to annoy the fuck out of me while Im working or reading and trying really hard to ignore her but finally getting so fed up I fuck her really hard so she can shut up

>> No.17968861

Im not talking about whiteness, im talking about aryaness, its a different thing. 95% of all iranians have black or dark brown hair. Even those that have light eyes also have dark skin and dark hair. Finding a truly blond, pale-skinned and blue eyed iranian is very rare.
And dont go cherrypicking images of "aryan" iranians, ive already seen all of them hundreds of times from Ahmeds like you