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File: 76 KB, 1080x529, IMG_20210406_010416_894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17961761 No.17961761 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that feature violent acts commited against incels and introverted, depressed young men?

>> No.17961779

That guy probably should hate modernity more than anyone since it’s totally enslaved him.

>> No.17961788

Yeah I don't get what the point the tweet was. The dude is clearly suffering under modernity, why shouldn't he hate it.

>> No.17961797
File: 72 KB, 420x1100, san-sebastian-sandro-botticelli_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I sunk 500+ hours here and jack off to paintings of Saints?

>> No.17961802

Based twitterposter
I'm tired of people whining about modernity and "degeneracy" on 4chan of all places

>> No.17961808

you don't actually play those games. You look up playthrough on pornhub and fast forward to the good parts

>> No.17961810

should they engrave their complaints on stone tablets instead

>> No.17961813


>> No.17961821

On some Christian or Muslim forum where they have an audience that wants to hear their complaints, or at least not on a site where bizarre forms of pornography are a click away

>> No.17961825

(guy with 500+ hours sunk living in the woods mailing nail bombs to professors) ughhhhj i hate modernity

>> No.17961834

Why should he like modernity thats essentially turned him into a lust slave?

>> No.17961848

didn't Jesus hang out with whores

>> No.17961849

wtf, how can someone who lives under something come to think of it as bad?

>> No.17961855

>It was modernity that made him jack off
No. Hundreds of millions of dudes make it through modern life without sinking that much time into pornography. He wanted it, he got it. Had he lived 600 years ago he'd be spending his money in brothels or, if poorer, fucking his hand all night long.

>> No.17961857

(guy with 500+ hours fighting the coalition in iraq) ughhhj i hate modernity

>> No.17961880

If he lived 600 years ago he would have TRUSTED THE EXPERTS and understood that masturbating turns you gay and evil.

>> No.17961882

>slave with 50 years sunk into your master's engineering project
>ughhhhj i hate slavery
4chan is based on a Japanese philosophical idea that is not modernistic. It's a great place to discuss critiques of modernity. The posts here disappear quickly and are not permanently archived by the site itself, unlike the much more modernistic forum of reddit page.

>> No.17961883

no, I think I'll continue posting on 4chan, the site I've visited for nearly 10 years
it is the only place with other people like me

you should be the one to leave

>> No.17961887
File: 34 KB, 200x200, Pajama Sam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 3000 hours in Binding of isaac Rebirth and 2300 hours in Path of Exile

>> No.17961892

Porn is one click away from every website

>> No.17961893

>people must enjoy the things they do
I hate my life, but I'm not capable of changing it.

>> No.17961896

(guy with 500+ hours protesting police brutality) ughhhhj i hate modernity

>> No.17961898
File: 1.92 MB, 1427x1074, 1610897537680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curse you, cruel modernity!

>> No.17961903

I only play Pharaoh (1999)

>> No.17961925

(guy with 500+ hours sunk into video game where you build p*ramids) ughhhhhj i hate modernity

>> No.17961933

Porn is a click away on any internet site retard.

>> No.17961938

(guy with 500+ hours in prison for selling plants) ughhhhj i hate modernity

>> No.17961940

(guy with 5000+ hours sunk into game where you farm purps) ughhhhhj i hate level 58 boosts

>> No.17961942

wasn't that a myspace game or some shit

>> No.17961943

I've never played a game where you jack off to cartoons

>> No.17961956

Would someone answer OP's question instead of debating the ethics of wanking, fucks sake.

>> No.17961957

Why wouldn’t he hate it since he’s obviously depressed and self reflecting? Such a retarded tweet, of course it’s from a woman.

>> No.17961960

No. If you post a Twitter screenshot, you deserve to have your question completely ignored.

>> No.17961966

No and fuck you for pretending this thread isn't retarded

>> No.17961967

It’s obviously a bait thread retard

>> No.17961972

Twitter person's point applys to all video games. Video games are for slaves.

>> No.17961978

Whether you deserve it or not that's what will happen, which is the more relevant part. And everyone knows that's what will happen so there is no excuse

>> No.17961990

I never knew something like this could be this hilarious; thanks for posting this kek

>> No.17961992

Personally I’m celibate and haven’t masturbated in decades for religious reasons.

>> No.17961995

I'm talking about world of warcraft.
Epic items (also called purps for their purple color), can be obtained from end game content.
Recently, in Blizzard's classic version of the game, a level 58 boost was announced for tbc classic. Classic is a recreation of the game as it was when it released in 2004, and TBC classic will be a recreation of it's first expansion, the Burning Crusade. In this expansion, the level cap is increased from 60 to 70.
Now, in the classic version, Blizzard will be selling a boost to instantly make one of your characters level 58, effectively skipping part of the level grind and allowing you to move straight into tbc content. While Blizzard claims that this is a move to allow new and returning players to play with their friends in tbc, it's pretty much just a cash grab.

>> No.17962014

you posted this instead of answering because you knew it would get more (you)s

>> No.17962025

(girl with 5000+ hours sunk into products of capitalism) ughhhhj i hate capitalism

>> No.17962032

Is this from the Eliot Roger manifesto or is this your personal writing?

>> No.17962034

Based if true

>> No.17962037

Say some fag posting on 4chan
You're just as much a slave retard

>> No.17962041

Women don’t hate capitalism, capitalism is economic mob rule and mobs are feminine.

>> No.17962043

The biggest turn off for me would be accounts and nicknames. I want to remain Anonymous
>inb4 you're not Anonymous to your CIA agent

>> No.17962047
File: 372 KB, 425x326, 1608861111009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I thought you were talking about one of those old browser games where you farm weed. I played Classic for about 1 year, but then my guild fell apart and it stopped being fun. Probably won't come back for TBC.

Here's me getting killed by Asmongold.

>> No.17962073
File: 171 KB, 1232x915, 1593289239799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also recommend Onikiss. It's a game where you kiss your sisters every day.

Modernity did this to me.

>> No.17962146
File: 16 KB, 213x346, WoWScrnShot_012421_200804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my own manifesto

>> No.17962158

I'd assume as much too.

>> No.17962183

Just 500 hours as the lower bound?

>> No.17962247


Rookie numbers desu

>> No.17962267

Oh it's you again. Can you explain what did Husserl mean by noesis?

>> No.17962308

Personally just jerked off three minutes ago to Melody Marks getting choked and fucked from behind. For religious reasons.

>> No.17962375

>Thousands of hours in the Monster Hunter series

Love it lads.

>> No.17962421

porns games are gay, just use AI dungeon like a regular person

>> No.17962425

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.17962429

idk but incels deserve to be killed unironically

>> No.17962447

Underrated post.

>> No.17962513
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, Gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just use AI dungeon like a regular person

>> No.17963005

what video game is she talking about? I want to play it

>> No.17963258

ah bloo bloo

>> No.17963299

>What if I sunk 500+ hours here and jack off to paintings of Saints?
This but if the arrows were hanging out of an erect nigger dick.