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File: 24 KB, 474x349, sowell young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17961516 No.17961516 [Reply] [Original]

Leftists have a hard time accepting economics, which teaches that social patterns arise from human behavior, but gladly swallow sociology, which teaches that the patterns determine our behavior.

>> No.17961531

>Sowell thread

>> No.17961566

Can we just agree that we as a collective have absolutely no fucking clue about how we work?

>> No.17961627

If economics does real then why poor

>> No.17961640

Can we just agree that Thomas Sowell is the biggest fucking house negro ever?

>> No.17961651

Stupid. But I like Sowell sometimes.

>> No.17961665

This. Humans are all different, there is no definitive guide to human behaviour.

>> No.17961670

Leftists have a hard time placing agency on individuals, and social "science" (ie sociology and to a lesser extent economics) are unscientific imprecise tools that are co-opted by ruling classes to achieve social domination

>> No.17961678


>> No.17961682

Based dark-skinned fella

>> No.17961691


>> No.17961701

>economics, which teaches that social patterns arise from human behavior

>> No.17961709

There are a lot of different schools of economics, even without getting into heterodox schools.

Some aren't reducible to micro, the level at which individual agents do their thing.

Not saying that is a good thing, just that you can't paint econ with such a thin brush.

>> No.17961714

simple case of "Does free will exist?" Leftists: No Conservatives: Yes, its a common theme in literature

>> No.17961727

More like it. What's implied with co-option is the possibility of a "precise" or authentically scientific approach, & this obscures that "scientific governance" of any kind is rule by its experts, as definitions have no agency

>> No.17961740

Even if all economics was a lie, the existing social structures like corporations and markets and so on are real things that determine and are determined by how people live. Leftists can never hope for anything more than to switch out one ruling class for another. Anything else is a pie in the sky utopia that is doomed to failure.

>> No.17961744

Where is this quite from? I assume it's a quote.

>> No.17962377
File: 52 KB, 640x476, F7631774-505F-4CCD-B307-5DF7436A1A10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this supposed to be a quote? Because I couldn’t find the source. It doesn’t sound like something Sowell would say.

>> No.17962414


>> No.17962479

the test for any model is how well it predicts outcomes

>> No.17962494
File: 821 KB, 1200x1972, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17962499

Economics is a pseudo-science based on outdated social psychology.

>> No.17962507

psychology is a pseudoscience

>> No.17962512

Umm swexty...Napoleon was black

>> No.17962521

Blacks have a higher incarceration rate because they commit more crime.

>> No.17962540
File: 238 KB, 424x616, kike_times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhmm chile bomboclaat but go on bish bye felicia


>> No.17962548

It's not from Sowell but from Bylund. But this board isn't ready to discuss the Austrians yet.

>> No.17962560

I wasn't aware that was economics. I was pretty sure things like recidivism rates fall under sociology. (PS they do and you're all retarded)


>> No.17962586

>t. white leftist

>> No.17962604

Thomas Sowell's Knowledge and Decisions was by far the greatest favorite book I have ever read.
I revere the man after ploughing through that beast. He is a true Braniac. The black economics man really do be like it is.

>> No.17962612

Is reverting to acting smug online the ultimate signal that one has been reduced to irritation

>> No.17962628

>Conservatives: Yes,
Ironic since they both tend to be racially deterministic.

>> No.17962680
File: 182 KB, 751x1100, Chapter_175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thomas Sowell is so much more than the public figure of Classy OWNED DA LIBS you know him as from memes and sound bites. Most of his writing is even like that but his magnum opus
is a leap of consciousness that will make you re-evaluate your whole mind and world but oddly intuitively enough and analytically as you are willing to entertain. He doesn't just wow you with his intellect and his convincing portrayal of his opponents as the stupid monsters you know them to be. He pleasantly instructs you on the most worth while page turning I ever have yet to experience. I set out to read 4 chapters in a week and I ended up with 9 chapters and several missed phone calls.
It is the best book ever not because it is the smartest book ever but because it is the best written smart experience ever that you can always take with you in every blink.

>> No.17962721

((((((economics)))))) is just right wing sociology, both fields are trash of course

>> No.17962732

Agency is a proto-religious concept and moral vocabularies are useless

>> No.17962785

>simple case of "Does free will exist?" Leftists: No Conservatives: Yes, its a common theme in literature
Absolutely. Had a somewhat civil discussion with a friend, who’d go on to become a genderqueer dyed hair sociology professor, about sororities. She argued that sororities forced young women to do things they didn’t want to actually do because society “ingrained” it into them. When I asked if the young women had any free will or whether she had considered that her arguments removed their agency as individuals, she just trailed off and wanted to discuss other things. The non-existence of free will is a valid point to argue from, I just don’t think many who fall into the social justice camp dig that deep into the things they believe in.

>> No.17962817

I am irritated at ignorance :3

*holds door closed for Butterfly* not this thread, baby.

>> No.17962839

You must be constantly irritated then

>> No.17963609

>they don’t know that economics are an elaborate hoax

>> No.17963618

>blah blah me no like leftists, blah blah leftists are bad
Really thought-provoking, thanks for posting.