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/lit/ - Literature

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17961152 No.17961152 [Reply] [Original]

What is some anti-Blindpill/Redpill/blackpill any stupid pill literature? Whether from the right or the left there seems to be this incessant theme of things going to Hell and they’re never coming back. It engenders some notion of uselessness to everything. Why study X if it won’t help you achieve Y? Why would you want to achieve Y if Z prevents you from enjoying it? Give me some solutioncore literature bros, something that transcends cope or dystopia porn.

>> No.17961171

No. You should either go back to /v/ or kill yourself. Personally, I'm hoping for the latter.

>> No.17961184

What the fuck gave you the impression I came from /v/, you fucking newcomer? I’m from the time of randposting and Guénon wasn’t even a thing here. Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.17961212

Honestly, this. People just want to wallow in their own distorted view of reality that they made suck by being constantly negative.

>> No.17961221

If you're still talking about memepills then you have every reason to go to /v/. You can consider me as a wildlife rehabilitator, and you're the monkey who is being returned to his natural habitat.

>> No.17961557

>p-please tell me everything is gonna be fine!!
Optimism is cowardice.

>> No.17961588

Just do whatever. How is the redpill stopping you?

>> No.17961597

The Bible.

>> No.17961615

Steven pinkers shit might suit you

>> No.17961885
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The New Testament

>> No.17961975
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Yes, Revelation is totally not shizophrenic, anon. Just read it.

>> No.17962016
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Lose yourself in your garden. Everything is fucked and awful which is why all roads lead to hell. Just garden and ignore it.

>> No.17962716

Nah, that’s Panglossian drivel.

>> No.17962743

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.17962744

Nietzsche, literally

>> No.17962809

Is there a chart?

>> No.17963236

Isn’t it just schizo shit?