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17960627 No.17960627 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here unironically read Marx?

>> No.17960631

Yes. I read Das Kapital when I was working night shift at Walmart, which is probably the perfect environment for imbibing Marx.

>> No.17960633

me me me

ask me ANYTHING about it


make the question as technical and obscure as you'd like.

>> No.17960634

Has anyone here unironically responded to a repost thread?

>> No.17960635

how do you ironically read something

>> No.17960637

I have ironically read Marx

>> No.17960660

yes, but the last thing i would do on this board is ever discuss him because it immediately devolves into a culture wars with retarded incels who havent read him vs teens very emotionally invested in proving their leftist pedigree notwithstanding the fact their knowledge is mostly from wikipedia

>> No.17960668

>talking shit about both sides like it's nothing
how does he do it

>> No.17960669

No, leftism is irrelevant

>> No.17960672

kys faggot

>> No.17960674
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>> No.17960675

Nobody has to care about Marx and what he said. He was a loser.

>> No.17960693

leftism is definitely relevant, it basically nullifies a portion of the population and prevents them from doing something useful like finding real solutions to problems that have actual real life application and arent just a retarded utopian fantasy

>> No.17960724

For a class. I guess that is unironic.

>> No.17960727


>> No.17960786

I have. I attended a bi-weekly Capital vol 1 reading group at the local socialist org. It was incredibly insightful. I don’t think I could have stuck with it without a reading group. It helps if there are some old professors there to help center the discussion as well.

>> No.17960795

>das kapital

Just say Capital, retard

>> No.17960825

youre never going to be rich in pseud points with that attitude

>> No.17960829

I have, but it's not very good

>> No.17960951

Listened to the David Harvey lectures and skimmed it, but I've never read it in its totality. I probably should (I hear it has more weight on the second read), but I haven't had time.
I think if you're dumb or you have ADHD you could benefit from the lectures, and I'd suggest them to someone who's curious but not driven.

>> No.17961843

How does he expect to deal with the problem of resource scarcity without a market to make economic decisions? How under communism would innovation happen without any finance capital to start new enterprises?

>> No.17961884

What does Marx advocate for... in two sentences?

>> No.17962003

>How does he expect to deal with the problem of resource scarcity without a market to make economic decisions?

Scarcity is factored into the labor theory of value, the scarcer the resource the more labor is required to produce and accrue that resource. The required labor is then compared to the products societal use value to determine how much should be produced.

>How under communism would innovation happen without finance capital to start new enterprises.

Startup capital has already been accrued under capitalism, socialism is the process by which capital is collectivized by workers. Innovation is still incentivized as minimizing necessary labor is always incentivized.

>> No.17962176

>Scarcity is factored into the labor theory of value, the scarcer the resource the more labor is required to produce and accrue that resource. The required labor is then compared to the products societal use value to determine how much should be produced.
Value is subjective.

>Innovation is still incentivized as minimizing necessary labor is always incentivized.
There is no innovation under leftism.

>> No.17962190

>people still cling to LTV
>something Marx literally never even said


>> No.17962195

Gee, I hope not

>> No.17962211

yes, but i forgot all of it again

>> No.17962212

I do, I have the whole La Pléiade collection and have read it entirely

>> No.17962236

The establishment of a dictatorship of the proletariat as the natural next step of the historical process of class struggle started with the advent of agriculture.

>> No.17962245

Just read it faggot

>> No.17962339
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Read the Kommunist Manifesto and On The Jewish Question.

Das Kapital is worse than Dugin's Fourth Political Theorem. It's just "Kladeradatsch" - political non-sense. Couldnt read more than 300 pages. Some non-sense for people to hang on that have no connection to real life and never worked a productive job. I heard he died as miserably as he lived.

>> No.17963603

Quick, what's the title of that book Victor Hugo wrote that was turned into a musical?

>> No.17963620

damn you got him good

>> No.17963648

communist manifesto

>Some say our socialism wants to destroy the "family", and that is an accusation of the highest order, but first, what is "family, really? The proletariat can't really have this "family" the bourgeois have in such high regards, so would it be bad to end it? I say that a bourgeois thing can never be good, hence it should not exist

"ad nauseam"

I'm pretty sure "leftists" never read the communist manifesto or they start thinking that Marx's bourgeois are very much alike to Hitler's you-get-it

>> No.17963687

>the scarcer the resource the more labor is required to produce
not really, e.g. filling for cavities and crowns made of gold

>> No.17963736

No, Jehu is the only person on the internet that has actually read Marx.

>> No.17963756

>the scarcer the resource the more labor is required to produce and accrue that resource.
Marxists can't be this dumb can they. Some things take no effort at all to produce but are still scarce, e.g. arable land.
>but land isn't a resource!
Into the trash with you Marx kiddie

>> No.17963854
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Our Lady of Paris

>> No.17963950

Read either Capital Vol 1 or Socialism, Utopian and Scientific. The latter is shorter.