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/lit/ - Literature

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17959133 No.17959133 [Reply] [Original]

Post the worst book you have ever read.

>> No.17959139
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two words: daddy issues

>> No.17959163

How is that the worst book you have ever read? Have you only read one book? You have some explaining to do chudcel

>> No.17959188

>nigger almost rapes a white woman and then murders her, cuts her head off and throws her in a furnace
>'this is white peoples fault'

I liked the part where her bunkertranny boyfriend forgives the savage nog who murdered his love in a fit of savagery. He truly understood the mindset of the white commie cuck.

>> No.17959193

Yeah, it was terrible. We're supposed to sympathize with a nigger who smothered, dismembered, and cremated a white woman? It does sound very American at least.

>> No.17959197

takes this bad should be a bannable offense

>> No.17959209

At least Drown by Junot Diaz was funny

>> No.17959221

>I uh no uh rape-a her
Veru funny that this dude got cancelled.

>> No.17959230

It's pretty bad, hard to see why its a required book for every American school child, especially if the major message imparted is supposed to be that African-Americans can write good literature. Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man is better in ever aspect.

>> No.17959236

>its a required book for every American school child
it's not, where did you hear this?

>Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man is better in ever aspect.
I have to agree with this though

>> No.17959241
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Meant to put this in my post, had to read this twice since my mom forced me to read it once and I had to read it in high school, but at least Drown had some unintentionally funny moments to kek about with classmates.

>> No.17959247

I'm an American who had to read it in middle school along with my whole class, I was just speaking from muh lived experience.

>> No.17959279
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I was forced to read this for school and it fucking sucks major ass. Anyone who likes this book is a dipshit.

>> No.17959281

>hard to see why its a required book for every American school child
Never read it, though I remember in elementary school we read this book about the hall of cost called Number The Stars and had to read several books about nogs in middle school and one about Changs. All agenda drive , if they wants for teach us English they would read the classics, at least on my own time I read Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies. I remember we had to read this book called Frightfuls Mountain as well, because I think it was shilling an environmental message, but I liked it because I like the wilderness so it was based in my book.

>> No.17959336

Reread it when you’re older, unironically.

>> No.17959391
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i read this because I thought it was going to be funny conspiracy bs (i enjoy watching Qtards telegram convos) but it's just fucking sad

>> No.17959451

Turn of the Screw by grade A faggot henry james. Total waste of time amd effort, miraculously worse than some other books of his, devoid of any kind of entertainment or potential, made me leave feeling bad for people who like james and more importantly made me feel terrible for james that he felt it was decent enough to release. Complete pile of soupy ass piss, i literally burned the book afterwards so nobody would stumble across my copy.

>> No.17959461

>Radical plan To Destoey Dempcracy
Wtf I loves Antifa now. Seriously there is no hope for these “conservatives” who think they are gonna get any victories within the system.

>> No.17959483


Other anons addressed my points, but he threw his pregnant girl friend off an apartment building as well.

I just don’t understand how we are supposed to sympathize or understand him. He made savagelike decisions at every crucial step despite being given so many opportunities.

>> No.17959485

Go back to >>>/pol/ .
>b-but you can’t have intellectual conversations on /pol/
Yeah that’s because you guys are retards

>> No.17959493
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This was really bad

>> No.17959501

>I just don’t understand how we are supposed to sympathize or understand him.
if this is your biggest take away from the book, let alone any book, i'm not sure reading is for you

>> No.17959524

What's your biggest take from that book?

>> No.17959538

It’s symbolic.Biggie isn’t a monster in the beginning. He accidentally kills the white girl because he is afraid his innocent actions will appear malicious to white people. After that, it is all downhill and he becomes a monster. Now, I typically don’t like niggers, but it’d be hard to argue they were dealt a rotten hand by whites in America. It is extremely complex topic and Wright has a fairly nuanced view of it instead of any black writer today saying “whitey bad”

>> No.17959552

Give me a tl;dr, I don’t know if I should buy it

>> No.17959559

>but it’d be hard to argue they were dealt a rotten hand by whites in America
I agree with this in theory, but at the same time, its not like black people have contributed to the degradation of our culture, either–we have embraced it, in a sense, and there is something very sad about that

>> No.17959583

bigger thomas is purposely a despicable character, but richard wright was probing the extant circumstances that produce such a person, namely racism. he's not interested in just saying "muh racism bad" but also seriously considering why the average white person might actually be scared of black people, which is a feeling i would imagine anyone at /pol/ would love to have acknowledged by a black guy. yeah, it's heavy-handed, which baldwin even pointed out, but it's a much more nuanced take on race than just liberal platitudes.

>> No.17959595
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>> No.17959596

once was enough. Fuck that book

>> No.17959658

Yep. Both sides share blame in the racial tension of today. There could be encyclopedias written on the topic and we wouldn’t get a definite answer. I think Native Son is pretty nuanced

>> No.17959678

*weren’t dealt a rotten hand. Fucking phone posting

>> No.17959695

>yeah, it's heavy-handed, which baldwin even pointed out
It takes guts for a glass house reside t to throw a stone that hard.

>> No.17959733

i thought it was ok

>> No.17959756
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When I was 10, I spent a summer vacation in a collection of villas near DC. One day, my brother and I met a pair of similarly aged black boys at the pool. As boys are wont to do, we played games from off the top of our heads. I don't recall the rules, but I remember catching and pulling one another beneath the water. One of the black boys caught me and dunked me under the surface. I came up for a breath and he immediately dunked me again. I frantically resurfaced and he repeated dunking me, not allowing even a moment to reset our positions. I remember how obliviously happy he looked as he repeated the "game" while I clung on. It became clear to me that this boy may actually end up murdering me while whipped up in such a frenzy. In the end, I pinched and pulled his milk dud nipple so hard he screamed and let go.

This is how I imagined Bigger in the bed with Mary, hands over the pillow, completely unaware of the suffering he was causing. This of course is solely due to his impulsive behavior, low IQ, and inferior cultural upbringing. Alas, out of his hands, but contained entirely in them.

>> No.17959999
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>> No.17960003

But should I still read it?

>> No.17960023

On the other hand the musical adaptation, Fortunate Son, is one of the all time greats.

>> No.17960089

>not liking hall of cost book makes you chud
Fuck off this thread is for discussing books from school you hated

>> No.17960103

Nah it was like a cool B rated action film, I loved imagining all the different battles and the landscapes. I wish someone animated it Hellsing ultimate style.

>> No.17960125

If you have an interest in history and or politics, and some basic critical thinking skills, yes you should read it.

>> No.17960137

it's just him telling his life story and his experiences with "antifa"
basically a 320 pages long storytime

>> No.17961004

What didn't you like about it?

>> No.17961094

Not him but my biggest gripe is that the story is a work of fiction instead of a personal account. Why exaggerate something instead of giving a personal account? Wouldn't the story be more compelling and earnest that way?
I think the real problem I have with it is that the book is intentionally designed to read like a novel so its more digestible to the masses and easily marketed. Awareness is important, and I thin night is respectful, but I can't really accept it as a work of fiction.