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17956548 No.17956548 [Reply] [Original]

But what if we can bring back epic poetry but through albums instead of pure poetry?

Has this been done before?

>> No.17956588

Yes it has, with the album thick as a brick by jethro tull. Perhaps not necessarily an "epic", but certainly a thematically driven album which shares some properties of one. Same with Yes's album Relayer

>> No.17956595

>Has this been done before?
you sound like you've never EVER listened to heavy metal.

>> No.17956601

>Okay this might sound retarded
Spot on. Stop smoking weed anon, it’s killing your brain. This is not an original or interesting idea. Just, never say it again.

>> No.17956605

Recommendations please.

Hope I can follow the lyrics

>> No.17956649
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I'm a pretty big poetryfag but this is the wrong approach. Everybody likes to say "Poetry was ancient music!" but this is not really correct. If there was ever any musical accompaniment to ancient poetry, it was just the strumming of a lyre, or perhaps a lute made of bone. Not full-blown musical instrumentation.

In the poetry of Homer, or Hesiod, or Theocritus, the words themselves carried pride of place. The recitation of poetry involved the actual poems being recited in a way that meant nothing overshadowed them. There was SOME musical accompaniment, but it was very spartan.

Modern-day musical albums place a much heavier emphasis on the music, the instrumentation, than they do upon the lyrics. In fact, there's a large extent to which you can listen to a modern album without caring about the lyrics of the songs at all. This means it is not the same.

>> No.17956687

Operation Mindcrime
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Still Life
Crimson (and Crimson II)
Metropolis Part II: Scenes from a Memory
Mabool: The Story of the Three Sons of Seven
Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire & Demise

>> No.17956763

here's how it should be: academia records historically accurate versions of the ancient poems and plays and puts them out as youtube vids with english subs

>> No.17956767

Not epic, but the Portuguese singer Pedro Abrunhosa talks more than he sings. Even himself says he doesn't know how to sing. Still managed to be one of the most popular artists in the country.

>> No.17957061

Not all modern day albums arent as instrumentation focused as you seem to say. Sure most of them are, but to lump all albums of being impossible (and not the same) to carry epic poetry is more retarded than putting epic poetry on albums.
You also forgot to take into account how the epics were delivered. Now im no scholar and don't know specifics, but the Iliad and Odyssey were performed by singing chapters that best fit the setting the poet was in. So, in a way, the books could be comparable to a track list.
You were right in that the music was performed with scarce instrumentation, but I would argue its similar to a beat on a rap song. It would enhance the bards vocals, and maybe save them if they fell off tempo, and vice versa
>In fact, there's a large extent to which you can listen to a modern album without caring about the lyrics of the songs at all.
You do know Homers language was invented specifically for hexameter verse, right? Not everyone who to it listened understood it, and even the aristocratic families, who most paid to listen to bards, sometimes didn't.

>> No.17957118

Yea bro sounds like a solid plan, will definitely work. Better start now though, because resurrecting an ancient literary form requires a lot of work! I mean, tons of incredibly capable writers through the past century have attempted a similar feat and failed but you’re probably more able than them right?

>> No.17957124

People tried to sing ossians songs to an album but gave up half way through, though thry were reading from a low quality version of the gaelic.