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17956358 No.17956358 [Reply] [Original]

What books do I need to read to understand Revolutionary Girl Utena?

>> No.17956371

LSD isn't a book

>> No.17956785

That anime is for trannies

>> No.17956791

What anime isn't?

>> No.17956793
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>> No.17956801

it references hesse's demian, so i guess you could read that

>> No.17957200

Goethe's Faust

>> No.17957355
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Don't even bother trying to "understand" Utena. In High school I got really into Utena, and for 6 entire months the only thing I did in my free time was rewatch Utena, read (what I could find about it), write about it, and think about it. It goes in so many directions, and has so many red herrings that its an entire rabbit hole of its own.

It's been years now since I went through that phase, and recently I rewatched it with some friends. My conclusion now about Utena is that it's overall message is pretty simple. You could easily gasp the meaning in the first watching of it. Everything else are either red herrings, or weird stuff intentionally place for autists like myself in high school to obsess over. And even if you crack the code to any of the weird symbols which aren't red herrings, it doesn't really add much to the overall themes of the show.

>> No.17957577

So... what is the message?

>> No.17957585

*slaps ass* BAD *slaps ass*


>> No.17957599

All anime 'themes' are fake. All anime 'meaning' is fake. Ironically Evangelion is the least fake of all anime, because at least its window dressing has a tangible relationship to its characterisation and story (and some vague concordance with real life), whereas something like Lain is completely insubstantial.

>> No.17957938

>whereas something like Lain is completely insubstantial
Agree with you on Eva, but man did you get filtered by Lain

>> No.17958127

Someone's gonna rape you. That's not a threat and it won't be me, just a strong feeling I have.

>> No.17958198

lain is fucking dogshit

>> No.17958456

It's similar to Evangelion. Just grow up and move on bro. Eva says stop being anxious and passive, and Utena says stop dwelling in your memories and living an eternal childhood.

>> No.17958573

It is.

>> No.17958577

sontag and barthes

>> No.17958734
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>> No.17958786

A lot of what goes on in the show is symbolic, so you're going to need an education in symbolism. A natural starting point is Jung.

I agree with the sentiment that the overarching message is actually pretty simple, though. The show is best enjoyed on a deep emotional level. Since the show is so open-ended you can project lots of your own experiences into it.

>> No.17959452

Unfilter me

>> No.17959478

texhnolyze though...

>> No.17959511

Apparently the Black Rose arc was heavily influenced by horror movies that Ikuhara really like. Suspiria, The Shining and stuff. So if you like movies and the Black Rose arc, it's fun to watch and see the influences it had on that particular part.
For text, it would Demian by Hesse, and Jung stuff.
For plays by Terayama Shuuji and Kara Juro's play Virgin's Mask, Takarazuka, other weird angura plays from the Student Movement era.

>> No.17959564

Oh yes, I forgot, Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima apparently helped inspired the twist that Juri was a lesbian when she was straight in the Chiho Saito manga.

>> No.17959574

dante and milton help

>> No.17960172

what are your top 5 anime, butterfly? asking for a friend

>> No.17960235

Fetish male driven genre? Fuck kek

>> No.17960253

Based and correctpilled. HOWEVER, themes aren't everything. Plot is a perfectly fine reason to like something. And that's why Legend of the Galactic Heroes is the only good anime ever.

>> No.17960274
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posting the superior /lit/ anime

>> No.17960290

Which is this?

>> No.17960342

>pseud board watches pseud anime
I thought the jokes about you guys were just memes.

>> No.17960357

Lain is better than EVA but the rest I agree with.

>> No.17960511

Explain why Utena is pseud

>> No.17960575

Casshern Sins

>> No.17960583

because i didn't like it

>> No.17960593

start with the greeks.

>> No.17960615
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For me, it’s Ashita no Joe

>> No.17960617

I feel like the relation between Lain and Eva exists but in a very external way, completely outside of either of the creators. They're very different shows—one of them is much more comprehensible than the other (Lain).

>> No.17960664

Lain and Eva are the exact same 2deep4u ride with a straightforward message in the end. Putting Eva above other anime is a sign of mental immaturity/autism.