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/lit/ - Literature

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17953820 No.17953820 [Reply] [Original]

why does /lit/ care so much more about ideas than presentation?

>> No.17953822

Because the ideas are more important then how they're presented

>> No.17953843

the faces of all anime characters are the same the only differences are hair and eye color

>> No.17953855


>> No.17953862
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are you sure?

>> No.17953910

literally same shit over and over again i just can't take it

>> No.17953919

aesthetic is most powerful when it is congruent with the ideas presented, this level of abstraction is extremely difficult to execute and more often than not the author’s aesthetic values will clash with the substance of the work... as a practical matter it is therefore of greater importance for an author to present intriguing ideas and then from them derive the aesthetic sense, a process that takes skill and is developed over the course of one’s career. novices who claim their writings bear a signature aesthetic style can be dismissed as naive... often they are fixated on flashy images or follow their ideas after a predetermined and typically derivative aesthetic.... new and interesting aesthetics come from new and interesting ideas, not the reverse

>> No.17953920
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you can say the same thing about western cartoons

>> No.17953931

>this other thing you also dislike has the same problem, aha!

>> No.17953932

100%% wrong
any retard can take an idea and write a story around it
presentation is everything

>> No.17953939
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>> No.17953957
File: 624 KB, 359x319, 1477199745136.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for prose and poetry, yes

for non-fiction, no

depends on the medium desu

>> No.17953961

fair enough

>> No.17953964

it's a tie between 1 and 9

>> No.17954095

I think tired ideas presented in an interesting way can be interesting in itself, I don't really agree that ideas can't just be a justification for an aesthetic

>> No.17954112

If that were true we would talk about nothing but essays.

>> No.17954141

Why not lmao

>> No.17954163

damn it...

>> No.17955187

It's the easiest way for a stupid person to sound smart to other stupid people.

>> No.17955301

Both matter.
If I want a good book, I care about presentations. But on many occasions I don't care about the quality of the book, I want an idea to jog my imagination and give me something to play with in my brain.

Imo that's the appeal of things like web novels and YA books. Easy to consume garbage that's front loaded with its ideas. The actual story and presentation is shit, but it gives you a fun little setting to work with and imagine things you can do with it. And you can rip the ideas you like out of it ans merge it with your own to create a new idea.

>> No.17955408

Repent nigger