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File: 77 KB, 1000x750, hemingway-e1568254410986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17953769 No.17953769 [Reply] [Original]

ok lads. what was his best work? the sun also rises is an incorrect answer

>> No.17953805

hills like white elephants
it is the most beautiful piece of text there is imo.

>> No.17953809

His short stories

>> No.17953830

and old man and the sea. it is not a great work but it holds a special place in my heart because it got me to reading

>> No.17953909

Chapter 12 of The Sun Also Rises is peak Hemingway. It doesn't get better than that.

>> No.17953922

I dunno about best but I want to shout out Islands in the Stream for being the best sample platter Hemingway you can get. Has the ex-pat melancholy shambling between cafes, has a mini- Old Man and the Sea sequence, and then goes fucking war novel to cap it off. Shame he never got to finish tuning it up.

>> No.17953928

A Clean Well Lighted Place

>> No.17953956

Let me guess, the fishing trip?I was emotional when they parted with the English veteran

>> No.17953975

The Sun Also Rises. Particularly the part at the end where the main character goes to swim in the sea and read alone.

>> No.17953984

He knew it, we know it.

>> No.17953986

in fairness the fishing trip chapter is based

>> No.17954019

I was meh on TSAR when I first read it.I picked it up again when I was waiting for a book to be delivered and loved it.I reread it every year and it’s one of my favorites.Dont be afraid to reread books that you disliked.Sometimes you’re not in the right place or mindset

>> No.17954061

to have and have not

>> No.17954066

this. My dad bought me a collection and it really inspired me with its utterly tasteful asceticism

>> No.17954088

Death in the afteroon
People always sleep on his nonfiction because they are retarded.

>> No.17954197

I might be a pseud but the first thing I read of his was Farewell to Arms in college and nothing I've since read of his since has matched his comfy descriptions of a shitty war. I have yet to read The Sun Also Rises.

>> No.17954454

Read whatever. They are all the same. I hate American novelists.

>> No.17954646

A day's wait

>> No.17954694

Eat shit.

>> No.17954696

He's presumably not American himself.

>> No.17954777

I never understood this mindset of “country vs country”.Sure there is some cultural differences between them but the thing about great literature is that it transcends borders because it deals with humanity.Bravery, depression, love, God, etc exists in every country

>> No.17954790

For Sale: Baby Shoes. Never worn.

>> No.17954814

This is now a PBS/Ken Burns documentary thread

>> No.17954820

It is The Sun Also Rises?

>> No.17954839

Nigga press the fucking space bar after the period.its just rly annoying.cant believe u dont see that.but desu the beat hem.idk if i had to say, but probably his short stories.theyre just gems style at its best.best novel would be niggaz 4 whom bells b tollin.it isnt really the best example of his style tho.if were talking best example of hems style in novel form,i'd say its farewell to arms,or sun also rises.across the river and into the trees is good as well

>> No.17954864

Monday is pretty early to be drunk.

>> No.17954867
File: 29 KB, 260x381, Spring torrents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17954898

How u knoe i b drinkin? Its easters nigga

>> No.17954903

>shy with girls

>> No.17954909

Its me again
We're in a fuckinf hemingway thread bithc you think our boy wouldnt be drunk now too?

>> No.17954920

Hemingway was sober. The drunk persona was carefully cultivated for the "literary image."

>> No.17954922
File: 32 KB, 324x499, 51+k43bzSXL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best novel: pic related
Best Short Story: The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber

>> No.17954925

for hell. nigger boots, stolen walmart

>> No.17954936

some aspects of his personality are indeed facade for his public image but his love of absinthe and rum was true.

>> No.17954939

Eat my ass and swallow my semen faggot hem was wasted shit faceted 247

>> No.17954953


wow that's fucking gay as hell

>> No.17954954

Island in the Stream.
>boxing, fishing, hemingway romance, reflectiev recluse artist moments, once again good portrayal of children unlike 99% of other writers, hunting german uboot crew
>ALL set in Cuba
objectively his best novel

>> No.17954961

God that book is so bad

>> No.17955011
File: 716 KB, 866x654, Bildschirmfoto-2019-04-16-um-07.25.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be honest fellas. I made it all up.

>> No.17955023
File: 522 KB, 1752x2376, Ernest_Hemingway_at_the_Finca_Vigia_Cuba_-_NARA_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not funny

>> No.17955025

The problem is that he writes about the same themes using the same shitty, minimalist style that has ruined fiction ever since.

>> No.17955057

I remember reading that it was just one long shit post making fun of Sherwood Anderson.

>> No.17955095

Hemingway also parodied Anderson in To Have and Have Not. Guess he really didn’t like the guy

>> No.17955106

Meh. I dont truly care to read a guy who's ex wives and lovers all complained of how badly he ate pussy. What an incel

>> No.17955124

If you don’t like him, whatever.But pretty much every author sticks with a few themes.His writing is actually very good and carefully constructed.He is similar to Chekhov in that the reader has to dig a big, hence the iceberg theory.The style isn’t for everyone but sometimes minimalism is better than long, flowery, ornate sentences.I’m glad I can enjoy different styles

>> No.17955858

>being bad at sex makes you incel now

>> No.17955887

I was watching the Ken Burns documentary with my mom tonight, and the Up in Michigan excerpt came on. I got realllllly uncomfortable.

>> No.17955901

Hard to say, many of his short stories are virtuoso tier, like flawless, on par with Chekhov, and I'd even say toe to toe against Joyce's stories in Dubliners. "Indian Camp" is amazing, "Big Two-Hearted River" (lots of the Nick Adams stories really), "The Killers," "A Clean Well-Lighted Place," "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber," "The Snows of Kilimanjaro." He is truly the greatest of all American minimalist writers, especially in his short fiction.

Then you have Sun, it is perhaps not as ambitious as the others but its very spry and cleanly done, not a misstep in it at all.

A Farewell to Arms is what I consider his best of the novels, he's one of the few modernists who does modernism without making things difficult for difficulty's sake.

But then, I would say that For Whom the Bell Tolls is Hemingway's epic War and Peace type novel (which of course is still very short and slim in comparison), and The Old Man and the Sea is very brilliant in its own way.

In closing, his 4 novels, Sun, A Farewell, Bell Tolls, and Old Man + his short stories are great and worth the time for sure.

>> No.17955902

Something about bells, balls, and bulls.

>> No.17955903


>> No.17955906
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Definitely not Old Man An Th Sea more like Old Man In a Boat and a Fucking Fish

>> No.17955971

Lmao Hemingway's stories are leagues ahead of Joyce's like it's not even comparable and are you implying Joyce was a better short story writer than Chekov? Really?

>> No.17956042

What about the part where Hadley is shown nude?

>> No.17956069

Did you guys see the PBS documentary?

>> No.17956078

Yeah that was awkward too. But we both enjoyed the documentary all in all.

>> No.17956092

Me and my mom as well.

>> No.17956142

Sorry your thick tongued writerfather has a tongue thats better for slapping the pussy than licking it. You are an incel because u cant eat pussy, just learn to eat the pussi (and ass) boss.