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/lit/ - Literature

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1795352 No.1795352 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, /lit/. I have a Literature exam at 8:30am which is three hours away. For one section of the course we studied Pride and Prejudice - except, well, me. So would you koindly give me a general breakdown of characters, events or anything important, with some analysis. Yes, I know, go to Spark Notes or where ever, but I'd rather just get the bare bones rather than have to sift through all of that.

Cheers in advance.

>> No.1795362

shit, is that some Frog and Toad?

I loved them.

>> No.1795376
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Then have some more.

>> No.1795395
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>> No.1795421


>> No.1795426

This is the funnest thread I have ever seen!





>> No.1795431

So let me get this right... you didn't read Pride and Prejudice because, y'know, too much to read. Now you're considering reading Sparknotes, but that's, y'know, too much to read also...

Why are you taking a literature class?

>> No.1795440


I don't know. It became tedious after the first few weeks when it was just

>pride and prejudice
>feminist literature/women's identity

Neither of those interested me, though the latter was assignment based and I received an A in that, and that's 40% of the course I believe. Then it was Wordsworth's lyrical ballads which is the other exam text, I'm going over that now but I'm not worried for it really.

What guy would seriously read and enjoy Pride and Prejudice? It's a load of tripe.

>> No.1795446

OP confirmed for a literary casual/troll

I withdraw my support for you and hope you only do mediocre on your exam rather than super.

>> No.1795460


>having an opinion

It's reasonable to be disdainful for my lack of effort put into the course, but for my personal thoughts on the subject?

It appears that tripfags are retarded on every board.

>> No.1795466


Having an opinion is one thing. Having a silly opinion is something entirely else. I shall not stand for it.

>> No.1795470


Then you're not wanted. Why would I want help from an utter moron

>> No.1795479

Well I may be a moron, but at least I was able to read Pride & Prejudice. And thoroughly enjoyed it.

You might want to load sparksnotes right about now/

>> No.1795490



>And thoroughly enjoyed it.
Jane Austen fangirl alert.

Honestly, even if you did have any credibility prior to posting in this thread, I'm pretty sure you don't right now.

I think I will.

>> No.1795497

Holy fuck you are the greatest

"Hey guys, I'm literally too lazy to read the books for my course. Also, too lazy to read Sparknotes. I'm really, really lazy. What's that? you like Jane Austen? A WOMAN? Loll, get out of here, your opinion is invalidated"

You're seriously incredible

>> No.1795500


Well i shan't need it. I am just a guy who reads books, looks very good and is super nice. I will not have anyone think I am an English PHD or some other such nonsense.

>> No.1795510


Haha thank you, by acknowledging my badassery you've causally boosted my confidence.

So you're narcisstic and you have bad tastes?

>> No.1795514

The best part about you besides your stunning humility is your incredible ability to recognize sarcasm. Combined with your ability to call others narcissistic while still being incredibly humble, it makes quite a package. You're a true renaissance man of self-regard.

>> No.1795516


Yes but I really enjoy Thai food and lots of people like it too. Like at very least 63,878,267 people. So no, I do not think I have bad taste.

>> No.1795518

You are everything that is wrong with students today. I hope you fail at life and that your favorite shirt gets bleached in the washing machine next time you do laundry.

Seriously, I hate lazy-ass faggots like you. You're the reason profs can't even teach something like The Winter of Our Discontent without having 3/4 of the class go into comas and write papers about how nothing happened in the novel.

Here's a protip for you: read the damn assignment. If you can't suck it up enough to even read the damn Sparknotes and are too retarded to have figured out beforehand that godknowshowmany movie adaptations exist that you could have watched at any damn time, you deserve to fail. I hope you flip burgers for the rest of your pathetic life.

>> No.1795521
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>> No.1795522

But you don't UNDERSTAND they're making him read books by WOMEN

Seriously: he's too lazy to read Sparknotes. TOO LAZY TO READ SPARKNOTES. There are no words.

>> No.1795528

Well I think is speak for everyone when I say, "I hope you do not do super on your exam."

>> No.1795532


I don't think you even understand. I am a perfect student. If you had seen the rest of my class try to even comprehend the novel, you would shrivel up in a misanthropic ball that clearly you're already breaching. It's not that I don't have the level of intellectual capacity to read it; I picked the wrong subject to study, and there's no going back until after I finish my exam.

I just don't care, bro

>> No.1795535


also: The Sparknotes thing is bullshit, I've read the important bits by now.

>> No.1795538

what if we just saged and reported this thread

i mean this guy is either a troll or he's gonna fail the exam anyway, we don't need to keep him from his studies any longer

>> No.1795540

Stop criticizing this man, this perfect genius, this paragon of intellectuallness. Even trying to understand his level of perfection would crush your mundane little mind, shatter it into a level of perfection. Only a true GENIUS could ever be too lazy to read Sparknotes. He's so perfect that he hasn't read the assignment or even cheated and is asking for help on /lit/. He just destroyed all of academia with his mind. You fucking CHILDREN are trying to criticize him. You're just AFRAID. Afraid of what he might do. Afraid of what he might become. AFRAID OF THE FUTURE.

>> No.1795539

To think that if you had just posted a few more Frog and Toad pictures instead of being outrageous to /lit/ then we would have helped you.

>> No.1795547


OP here, and I think you're bloody hilarious. I'm not worried about the exam, I'm pretty much guarenteed a C no matter what.

>> No.1795556

Well then you are "guarenteed" of fulfilling my prophesy.

>> No.1795560

You don't understand the meaning of the word "perfect," do you? A "perfect" student would suck it up and just read the novel instead of being a whiny-ass little bitch like you. A decent student would at least read the goddamn Sparknotes. A stupid fucking cunt comes to /lit/ and expects everyone else to read it for him and give him the short version of the abbreviated version so he can pass his test.

Grown up. Sometimes you have to take classes and read stuff that you don't necessarily want to read. Get over it. Life's full of doing shit you don't want to do; you should get used to it now, sissy.

>> No.1795569


Someone hasn't taken their iron tablets, have they?

Settle down susie, no need for the angst. I haven't whined, I've just asked for a little guidance, that's all.

>> No.1795577


you are so ridiculous


you whined all over the place about the class

also you asked us for help on your homework which - again - YOU WERE TOO LAZY TO EVEN SPARKNOTE


>> No.1795580


Evidence of me "whining"? I just explained that the course wasn't for me and I hadn't been to many of the lessons. And I've used Spark Notes, can you not read? I'm only in this thread now to indulge on your tears. You're clearly butthurt.

>> No.1795581

You were bitching and whining about Pride and Prejudice and how its only for girls (which is by the way ridiculous)

seriously your whole attitude has been absolutely absurd seen in any kind of objective light

>> No.1795583


Also you are just plain awful.

>> No.1795584


Oh, so now the "perfect" student hasn't even been to most of his lessons? You genuinely are retarded, aren't you? Are you taking the class with all the other retards in the school? Who the fuck made you read Pride and Prejudice in Herp Derp Engluuuursh class anyway?

And "a little guidance" is a suggestion about a couple themes. You're asking /lit/ to break down the entire book because your fag ass is too lazy to even look through the already bare bones version on Sparknotes. I'd say I wished you suffered an aneurysm, but I'm pretty sure you don't have enough blood in your brain for that to happen.

>> No.1795587

Y'all niggas postin' in a troll thread.

>> No.1795594

Gettin pretty steamy

And on that note, I leave you to stew in your hot little mess you made in your panties.

(By the way, Pride and Prejudice is shit.)

>> No.1795599


I am pretty steamy. Thanks OP.

>> No.1795600

Get back here, bitch. We're not done kicking your punk ass all over the place.

>> No.1795602


>Implying I haven't been trolling you from the start

Why doesn't /lit/ ever learn?

>> No.1795606


>> No.1795622

do you really think i care if you trolled me. do you really think you tricked me. jesus christ, dude. what does it even mean to troll. what are the epistemological imperatives of trolling. does it give you a warm feeling to troll. do you feel like you won a victory.

>> No.1795629


It's okay. You just need to calm down, you know, wind down with a decaf latte or whatever you pseudo-intellectuals drink. And yes, it does give me a warm feeling.

>> No.1795637


>> No.1795639

Do you realize that you wasted 2 and a half hours of your time trolling people who just sat at their computers reading a book at the same time? I mean that is what we would have done anyways.

You should have gone to /v/ to keep them from their video games, or /y/ to keep them from their sexy men sex, or /k/ to keep them from their gun shooting.

I was reading some P.G Wodehouse. And it is getting more and more super.

>> No.1795642


Because I've most certainly been checking this thread every 20 seconds. I've been reading Lunar Park - however, what's more though provoking and stimulating than trolling? It's a art.

>> No.1795645


Oh rats! How is it? I heard good reviews.

>> No.1795647


Definitely a favourite of mine, one of Bret Easton Ellis' bests works imo

>> No.1795648

I loved Lunar Park, the idea of using broken dreams and unresolved issues as an antagonist in a horror story is genius.

>> No.1795649


Its written in (what I had to look up on wiki because I did not know how to say it) past tense narrative, huh?

Is it hard to follow or does it feel right?

>> No.1795651


see >>1795648

I have to go and walk my dog now, so I'll be back later to discuss it