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17953078 No.17953078 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books on arnarchism or libertarian socialism?

>> No.17953092

Read Nietzsche and then you're realise how fucking stupid you're being

Or, if you're just interested in it, Nietzsche will inform you of their moral reasoning behind their actions (resentful slave-morality).

>> No.17953102

Where The Wild Things Are

>> No.17953119

Chomsky's On Anarchy is not a great collection but it gives the basic layout of the ideas.

>> No.17953142


I read Nietzsche, I don't understand how anarchism is supposed to be slave morality when the core foundation of it is to question authority. No Gods, no Masters. Why would Nietzsche be against that?

>> No.17953164


Thanks, mate.

>> No.17953308
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These so called anarchists are undistinguishable from the hr and marketing departments of major corporations an indistinct mass of purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for pharmaceuticals psychiatrists and alphabet agencies who dont breed think or question authority. The lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle are going to call you a fascist for the crime of reading old books having thoughts unapproved by dnc corporate media or not wanting children to get molested, so you start thinking gee can fascism be all that bad?

>> No.17953412

You’re confusing anarchists with liberals...yet again.

>> No.17953424

Anarchist might not be pro-liberal on paper, but you need to look around, they are the useful idiots of libs.

>> No.17953428


>> No.17953660

V for Vendetta

>> No.17953792

If anarchists are legit why dont they go after gays and trannies, seeing all the corporations support them?

>> No.17953816

>implying leftist movements have not been completely co-opted by other utopian baggage in order to serve as nothing more than liberal attack dogs

imagine being this severely devoid of awareness

>> No.17953835

because corps offer gay 'support' to quell their revolutionary potential. i.e. only gays that act like straights get support

>> No.17953860

Do you get all of your insight of leftism from twitter? I don't feel a lot of kinship to a lot of leftists such as communists, and the feeling is mutual. of course we share a similar enemy, but then how we should proceed the two come at odds.

>> No.17953871

close but no cigar, corps encourage faggots and all progressive degeneracy because its repulsive self destructive behavior and it atomizes working class populations and allows them to be easily played against each other within a democratic power structure where every piece of trash or idealistic fool is given influence over the lives of other people

>> No.17953884

mostly from all the self proclaimed leftists I know IRL who push both idiotic utopian leftist ideals along side utopian "intersectional" progressive trash

>> No.17953902

what's wrong with having utopian ideals? not all leftists are your faggot leftist friends, also. some, similar to myself, don't give 2 fucks about trans rights. there are more important things to focus on

>> No.17953923

Oof. You should try reading stuff anarcho queers have actually written dood

>> No.17953943

Utopian ideals, inherently, are idealistic; and idealistic people often will not accept when if parts of the dreams are realize and they results are poor, they will merely switch or blame.

You can never predict the consequences of change fully. Be ready if it results in worse conditions and accept responsibility.

>> No.17953965

>what's wrong with having utopian ideals?
because utopian ideals that are thought up in the vacuum of theory and seem perfectly functional within that specific context virtually never survive contact with the insurmountable complexities of the real life context, and literally the entire history of leftist ideologies display this fact over and over and over again as people looking to create egalitarianism and freedom from "unjust" hierarchies find that the ideas are paradoxical due to the fact that society cannot be just remade from the ground up on a large scale without extreme centralized authority, and leftists continually destroy the lives of everyone around them in order to try and try and try again to live out their utopian fantasies. Leftists are only good for their critiques of the way society treats working class populations, their solutions are compeltely retarded and self defeating and cause nothing but suffering, like a machine perfectly planned out on paper but doesn't actually function properly because its designer did not account for the reality of gravity or something like that

>> No.17953973

>libertarian socialism?
No such thing.

>> No.17953979

go ahead and explain how my post was incorrect

>> No.17953999

>poor results from ideals
>switch or blame anything else but the system itself
this has been the conservative/capitalist stance for decades, yet you're more concerned with anarchists looking for a better future as the real enemy. i have no care in the world for this culture war that the west is engaged it. it is a useful distraction from the bigger problems at hand.
i agree with you in that preparation should be a thing, but surely you can only truly know once that thing is being implemented what consequences may be?

>> No.17954013

you don't know unless you try

>> No.17954031
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>look for a better future
> oopsie we have to confiscate your food to fuel our hopeless cause, its ok though you can just eat your children tee hee

how do you not understand why everyone hates you? the fact that society has flaws in no way justifies what communists do to try and implement beliefs anyone with two braincells to rub together can figure out wont work

>> No.17954040

ok we tried, when is it time to move on?

>> No.17954046

i am not a communist so you'll have to find another boogeyman there. i disagree with communist power structures. next argument

>> No.17954052

why would they? being a fag is irrelevant

>> No.17954060

did we try though? cause it seems like capitalist mode of production has had the bulk of the limelight, no? do you think this mode of production has had none and continues to have no problems/causes mass suffering?

>> No.17954069

Corps don't spend money supporting things that aren't straight culture. They support things like gay marriage, and the right to fight in the army. Queer anarchists want an alternative life style that corps don't even pretend to support. When have you ever seen a corporation complain that someone with two partners has to marry one inorder to see them in hospital and that means if the other is hurt they don't have the privileges that provides? Have you ever seen a corporation say oh gee these foreign wars are bad, better shame the faggots that join the military to fight in them? I haven't. The campaign for marriage and the military equality were framed as nice people in business attire with one partner holding down good jobs to appeal to straight people by saying 'look we're not so different' as if that's the only good way to be. You're an absolute joke for thinking this kind of behavior is supporting aleternative life styles or 'degeneracy' as you call it.

>> No.17954081
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holy shit you're a retard. there is a difference between corporations pretending to have progressive social beliefs to sell a product and someone who genuinely has those social beliefs and literally wants to abolish corporations.

>> No.17954102

"communist power structures" are a reality of every leftist belief retard, it turns out in real life you dont get to just completely reform society with the power of friendship and rainbows. the only examples of anarchist communities existing independent of "communist power structures" are either in places like catatonia where tiny communities sprung up within the borders of a centralized communist power structure and were inevitably integrated or destroyed by military force as they have virtually no ability to enforce their Sovereignty

>> No.17954115

yes we literally tried several times? no, as i already said, i do not believe other systems are not without flaws, but those flaws do not in any way justify the absolute idiocy that leftists unleashed on the world

>> No.17954121

so you've given the example of it being possible outside of the communist power structure, which im a retard for thinking is possible, thanks.

>> No.17954122

marxists fucking adore old books, they literally never shut up about 19th century 1000 page theory books that you "HaVe tO ReAd"

>> No.17954134

>yes we literally tried several times
pack it up boys, we had our goes and have no more retries
i believe that anyone that states "leftism bad" with no nuance is not a smart man

>> No.17954138

holy buzzwords batman

>> No.17954149

holy shit way to completely miss the point retard, it doesn't matter if they care about the nitty gritty details, their only goal is to get the foot in the door and normalize your disgusting self destructive behavior on a scale that might threaten other working class populations due to the nature of democracy, and thus working class populations become diveded and played against each other and the power structure remains stable as people are more concerned about how other working class people will influence their communities and are put under extreme pressure to vote in order to defeat the other working class people instead of voting in their best interests, so established political entities are never put out of power and remain in place perpetual

>> No.17954161

no ive given you an example of how it only functions within a context that leaves it completely impotent and unable to survive

>> No.17954168
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What theory can i read which can help me check my privilege and appreciate the diverse and vibrant culture of these politically correct victimhood units, I mean these most noble and progressive of creatures

>> No.17954175

what you retarded leftist faggots are suggesting is is trying again over and over without addressing the inherent flaws in your system that caused them to be dysfunctional in the first place, so yes, it is time to move on. if you are not going to address the problems that caused failures 1 through 100 its time to move on and not go for failure 101

>> No.17954182

They aren't pushing the 'nitty gritty' aren't normalizing anything you nonce, they're assimilating faggots into the structure so they can milk them like they milk you. Your hate has nothing to do with corporations, and infact you're the one driving the divisions by calling it disgusting self destructive behavior you hypocrite.

>> No.17954191
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I used to think so that they were just men who wanted to dress up as women or get fucked in the ass by ither men, but then i realised the truth is far more complex and sinister. These people want anything but to be left alone.

>> No.17954204

I agree, we should try a leftist system but right all the wrongs that were done in the past to create a fairer society. Well put, mate. Glad to have you on the team comrade!

>> No.17954230

why do conservatives and rightoids seethe so much when you don't suck the cock of porky pig and his minions

>> No.17954236

>I used to think so that they were just men who wanted to dress up as women or get fucked in the ass by ither men, but then i realised the truth is far more complex and sinister.
As hard as it is to believe, being gay is just about being gay. Homosexual intent and faggotry do not a conspiracy make

>> No.17954254

so what is your plan for that then? because the only way to address the problems of leftist ideologies are the self defeating attempts to rectify them with totalitarian centralized power structures. if you have ideas that no one in the history of leftism has thought of before you, id be glad to hear them

>> No.17954263

>communist power structures
communism is the absence of power structures you goof. you dislike the historic authoritarianism of vanguard parties

>> No.17954265

>aren't normalizing anything
i really dont know how to respond to this beyond the fact that this is objectively incorrect as such behavior has objectively been normalized in society

>> No.17954279
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Respond by reading this you twerp

>> No.17954300

and just out of curiosity , what logic does this book present that refutes the idea that making behavior more common and acceptable in the eyes of society is in fact literally the definition of normalizing it?

>> No.17954311
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I mean its not a question of left v right anymore but of the woke cultural marxist corporate monoculture and anyone who dares to dissent from it even on the slightest who is instantly branded an enemy for refusing to conform. In times of cultural marxism merely to refuse to apologize for being white and straight amounts to a revolutionary act. like the term 'cultural marxism' because it pisses all the right people off.

>> No.17954327

... and it turns out that corporations dont actually have to believe in order to further undermine leftist movements by attaching them to other utopian ideals. fucking mark already knew this over 100 years ago dude

>> No.17954329

that whats being normalized if anything, is straight culture into gays not gays culture into straights. How have you not followed this OwO

>> No.17954331


>> No.17954343

applying straight culture to gays is literally normalizing gays and integrating them into society, the fact that straight culture is applied to gays does not mean gays are not being normalized. How have you not followed this OwO

>> No.17954356
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Everyone knows the left are subversive jews and queers but the right are subversive jews and queers who think the other ones are going too far and they need to do something before people realise whats been going on

>> No.17954360

However proves that gays aren't the lapdogs of corporations which is what the whole argument was was about Mr. Alzheimers.

>> No.17954375

theyre lapdogs because they are useful tools, and when leftist movements become subverted by gays and trannies etc, leftist movements become lapdogs for liberal capitalist democracies and are used to play populations against each other and maintain their power structures

>> No.17954382
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>> No.17954389

You don't get to have them want other things AND be tools. You have to pick one. We've already agreed the queers have nothing to do with what corporations are saying, nor do they have any control over it. Why are you still cloning to this when you're the one playing populations against eachother? It's embarrassing.

>> No.17954447

>You don't get to have them want other things AND be tools.
im sorry what? are you seriously arguing that individual aspects of a movement cannot be exploited and used in ways that were not a part of that movements initial intentions? are you completely disconnected from reality?

>> No.17954488
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abc’s of anarchism by berkman.
nestor makhno’s essays against the state.
kropotkin’s conquest of bread.
if you need more lemme know

>> No.17954490

>All these retards here angry about capitalism and woke politics
I like capitalism, and I do like it when corportions appeal woke politics.
You're a hyper-online retard. Get a life, seriously.
You might be interested in post-leftism. The problem with modern anarchism is that it is too marxist, and has failed just as hard as Marxism currently does. Try some Zen or ethical egoism.

>> No.17954499

Sooooo, he is gonna touch little girls then?

>> No.17954541

Lol no, I'm not arguing any of those things. I'm arguing that you're a disingenuous asshat who hates faggots and will blame them and tie them to corporatism no matter what I or anyone else says. Have a nasty day fren.

>> No.17954558

idpol bs

>> No.17954575

idpol bs if you literally think every single fag is a liberal simp you are fucking braindead

>> No.17954619

>I'm not arguing any of those things
>You don't get to have them want other things AND be tools
>You dont get to have people have other intentions AND have aspects of their ideas exploited

care to explain?

>> No.17954630

literally does not matter m80, a fascist faggot is still a faggot, a conservative faggot is still a faggot

>> No.17955228
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And you need to read a book on the topic. Shut up till then.

>> No.17955238


>> No.17955324

Fidel Castro ate my dog and made me do funny dances while he shot the ground beneath my feet. He then took me on a boat to Miami wedgying me the entire way there, worst day of my life. Now I'm a conservative talk show host who cries about pronouns in people's bios and when people kneel during the anthem

>> No.17955634

just out of curiosity, what logic does this book present that refutes the idea that leftist movements are quite regularly being attached to other progressive ideals and have been since the 60s, which is undermining them and being exploited by liberal capitalists, even if the core leftist ideals obviously would not work in their favour?

>> No.17955870

All politics is identity politics. These people want us broke dead our children raped and brainwashed and they think its all pretty funny. They are deranged. Violence is the only language they understand.

>> No.17955890

These are not people but Subhuman vessels for a putrid totalitarian ideology. Sure i wanted to believe they were human beings just like you and me, but actually having to interact with these freaks convinced me otherwise, every last one of them is brainwashed and completely insufferable. Gee wouldnt it just feel great if we could load them all up into trucks drive them out to the countryside make them dig a nice big trench? Wouldnt the very air we breathe feel much cleaner?

>> No.17955911

Bring it on pillsbury dough boy

>> No.17955933

They're literally sadists. Camus spells it out in The Rebel. Part of my almost wants to take a pseudo Trotskyist view and say that the only way to win is to be raise as worse. It would almost be justifiable to pull a maoism and just clobber these deranged, traitor professors.

But I don't actually believe that

>> No.17955946

Na, they're correct

>> No.17955964
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> putrid totalitarian ideology
>Gee wouldnt it just feel great if we could load them all up into trucks drive them out to the countryside make them dig a nice big trench?

>> No.17956004

I'm not going to post all of the schizo shit I typed but this anon is making a legit sociological observation. Idk a out the "breeding" statements and all that, but I've spent time with IWW and DSA groups, who were all the same people, and who were all running in the same activist circles on campus. As an ex antifafag, I can say that Trump was right to defund humanities departments and ban critical race theory. These people don't deserve compensation

>> No.17956009

We don't need books because the premise that any organized group of human beings is shitty to be a part of is self-evident.

>> No.17956024

Take your meds, schizo

>> No.17956040

You are severely exaggerating and are a schizophrenic hysteric

>> No.17956072

Whats wrong with being a schizophrenic? (Ableist) and hysteric( misoginist language)?

>> No.17956538

>Friend of my enemy is my enemy

Oh sweety,

>> No.17956545

Tell us why you're angry

>> No.17957087
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I prefer Marxism but I like Crispin Sartwell a lot since he really owns anarchism's critical perspective. Four-quadrant political compass memes are BS but I would place him as a "centrist anarchist" or in the mutualist camp with his feet in both sides of the "left" / "right" divide down there. He is also influenced by the individual American anarchist tradition which has kinda been squeezed out by the anarcho-communists and Ayn Rand ultra-capitalists. (Sartwell is an anti-capitalist, anti-statist individualist). His day job is philosophy professor.



You say you're against corporations dividing people but you're spending your energy railing about some chick with blue hair. You live in a cyberpunk world, brother, most people are gonna have blue hair eventually.

>merely to refuse to apologize for being white and straight amounts to a revolutionary act
This is like the right-wing version of "New Left" stuff about "I'm just gonna express muhself." It's like a performative, an expression. And the reason fascist politics self-immolate is because it's based on projected feelings of weakness, emasculation and humiliation, and attempts to overcome that by trying to tear other people down. And that's why it will fail.

In fact, I see a place for straight white men in a classless, revolutionary new society based on respect and mutual cooperation that both overcomes decadence and uplifts everyone, not excludes them, unleashing human potential and bringing it out in others, and there have been straight white men who have played a progressive role in this history which also involved epic, awesome, kino shit that benefited the world:


It'd be a shame if we turn out back on that.

>> No.17957210

>What are some good books on arnarchism
The Unique and Its Property

>> No.17958129
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>> No.17958665

why is it that rightoids fall even harder for corporations performative wokeness than their actual target audience?
why is it that rightoids still cannot distinguish liberals from leftists?
why is it that rightoids still go on and on and on about the same "hurrr the liberal postmodern neomarxists will call me a fascist for reading (insert vaguely controversial author) and take away my penis" that grifters on youtube used to spout?
why is it that rightoids still dont understand that corporations commodify actual dissent?
why is it that rightoids still dont understand that social change is driven by the people and simply usurped by corporations?
how do they still not get it? this exact line of thought of "communists actually support the bourgeoisie because theres a rainbow flag on my oreo packaging" is extremely popular, are they really that retarded or is it all pretending?
some right winger please answer, im trying to understand you

>> No.17958826

Against the Day

>> No.17959017

It's obvious though, isnt it? They want a replay of White army vs. Red army but this time they want to make sure the white army wins. This means making sure nobody very strong or resilient or smart ends up leading the red army. You think the people in charge are communists but they are far worse my friend, they're social democrats and they want to engineer a revolution where they win and Big Sister runs everything. First step is to divide the left into silos of people who actually want to solve problems and people who are narcissistic resentoids. Turning them on each other is already happening, it will be a big thing this decade.

>> No.17959030

Toilet paper.

>> No.17959208

fascism is an atheism dumdum