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17952723 No.17952723 [Reply] [Original]

> Youth was the time for happiness, its only season; young people, leading a lazy, carefree life, partially occupied by scarcely absorbing studies, were able to devote themselves unlimitedly to the liberated exultation of their bodies. They could play, dance, love, and multiply their pleasures. They could leave a party, in the early hours of the morning, in the company of sexual partners they had chosen, and contemplate the dreary line of employees going to work. They were the salt of the earth, and everything was given to them, everything was permitted for them, everything was possible. Later on, having started a family, having entered the adult world, they would be introduced to worry, work, responsibility, and the difficulties of existence; they would have to pay taxes, submit themselves to administrative formalities while ceaselessly bearing witness--powerless and shame-filled--to the irreversible degradation of their own bodies, which would be slow at first, then increasingly rapid; above all, they would have to look after children, mortal enemies, in their own homes, they would have to pamper them, feed them, worry about their illnesses, provide the means for their education and their pleasure, and unlike in the world of animals, this would last not just for a season, they would remain slaves of their offspring always, the time of joy was well and truly over for them, they would have to continue to suffer until the end, in pain and with increasing health problems, until they were no longer good for anything and were definitively thrown into the rubbish heap, cumbersome and useless. In return, their children would not be at all grateful, on the contrary their efforts, however strenuous, would never be considered enough, they would, until the bitter end, be considered guilty because of the simple fact of being parents. From this sad life, marked by shame, all joy would be pitilessly banished. When they wanted to draw near to young people's bodies, they would be chased away, rejected, ridiculed, insulted, and, more and more often nowadays, imprisoned. The physical bodies of young people, the only desirable possession the world has ever produced, were reserved for the exclusive use of the young, and the fate of the old was to work and to suffer. This was the true meaning of solidarity between generations; it was a pure and simple holocaust of each generation in favor of the one that replaced it, a cruel, prolonged holocaust that brought with it no consolation, no comfort, nor any material or emotional compensation.

a real motherfucking black piller

>> No.17952732


>> No.17952748

tranny alert

>> No.17952751

>above all, they would have to look after children, mortal enemies, in their own homes,

Anon having a family is the greatest joy in the world :)

>> No.17952752

Nice, good to know my youth is quickly vanishing under the weight of zoom school so I won't have something to look back to fondly when I start looking like dis nigga :^)

>> No.17952754

Utterly contemptible words lmao. This passes for wisdom to you OP?

>> No.17952787

>This passes for wisdom to you OP?
Yes, he obviously draws heavily from Schopenhauer pessimism, but is even more pessimistic because he’s just a realist and doesn’t seem to think we can escape the will to live

>> No.17952905

I never experienced the first part, but consequently I will also never have children
Checkmate Holobeck

>> No.17952957
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I love him so much bros. Can't put my finger on it but he just gets what modern life is like so well.

>> No.17952973

I find few redeeming qualifies in Houellebecq's works.

>I'm not an <X>, I'm a realist
Leave that shit at the door, anon.

>> No.17952982

>Can't put my finger on it but he just gets what modern life is like so well.

The modern life has brought about the death of romanticism, the free love movement of the 60s meant that sex and relationships have become commoditized just like goods and services, the results are just as brutal as the economic free market, some mean reap all the rewards while most live in poverty.

>> No.17952999

> From the amorous point of view, Véronique belonged, as we all do, to a sacrificed generation. She had certainly been capable of love; she would have wished to still be capable of it, I’ll say that for her; but it was no longer possible. A scarce, artificial and belated phenomenon, love can only blossom under certain mental conditions, rarely conjoined, and totally opposed to the freedom of morals that characterizes the modern era. Véronique had known too many discothèques, too many lovers; such a way of life impoverishes a human being, inflicting sometimes serious and always irreversible damage. Love as a kind of innocence and as a capacity for illusion, as an aptitude for epitomizing the whole of the other sex in a single loved being rarely resists a year of sexual immorality, and never two. In reality, the successive sexual experiences accumulated during adolescence undermine and rapidly destroy all possibility of projection of an emotional and romantic sort.

High iq af. Romance and love are basically dead in the modern society, and it's women who have killed them. JFL @ any bluepillers clinging to the illusionary concept of" true love ".

>> No.17953020

anyone else got severe incel fatigue? will you pathetic fucks just get laid already? holy fuck

>> No.17953025


What is merely personal experience heavily tinted by out-of-sight emotional issues and past events can pass off as wisdom, but I'd caution against going down that route OP.

>> No.17953031
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>will you pathetic fucks just get laid already?
That’s the same logic as just telling a poor person to just make more money

>> No.17953041


I mean, yes, but that's also not a good way of dealing with the issue desu

>> No.17953045

> it's women who have killed them

Please... I can't even count how many women I know who started life as romantic idealists only to have all that shattered to the ground by lying sacks of shit that used them for sex and moved on.
Also, romance and love have never been the norm, 19 century poetry isn't a faithful reflection of what 19th century normies were doing, so I really don't know what you guys are complaining about.

>> No.17953063

Yes and no. The phenomena exists for a reason, it has causes and can only disappear with them. That being said, as a guy who was a virgin for 27 years before finally having sex, the idea that I should become some forever frustrated, bile spitting women hater never even crossed my mind. I just feel sorry for these guys.

>> No.17953066
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That's only true if your kids are pieces of shit, or if you have a broken set of instincts. For most people, having kids triggers every reward pathway in the brain 1000x more than anything else. That's why people say things like "children are the greatest joy". For most people, it's true.

>> No.17953068

>Please... I can't even count how many women I know who started life as romantic idealists only to have all that shattered to the ground by lying sacks of shit that used them for sex and moved on.
Maybe this is regional and depends on where you live, but to me this is just total bullshit and the polar opposite of my experience

>> No.17953079

If you aren't trolling, then tell me, how is the OP even remotely related to incels? If you are trolling, then why sabotage a discussion?

>> No.17953085

Maybe those women shouldn't have gone after jock chads whose sole purpose is to corrupt girls

normal men are romantics

>> No.17953110

>everything is relative, cultural norms never change
False. Just look at the percentage of failed marriages, and the dismal fertility rate, and tell me things are the same as the 19th century.

>> No.17953116

Well maybe but where I grew up, outside of the odd slut, that's pretty much how it went. I did come from a rural area, though

>> No.17953123

Bluepill cope

Women literally have no sense of justice, they will cheat on you with Chad and feel good about it.

> their conscience does not trouble them so much as we fancy; for in the darkest recesses of their heart, they are aware that in committing a breach of their duty towards the individual, they have all the better fulfilled their duty towards the species, which is infinitely greater.

>> No.17953138

Women can financially survive without a husband nowadays, which wasn't exactly the case back then in most cases. Meaning a failed marriage in the 19th century would most like continue to be a mariage for purely material reasons

>> No.17953139

Women have instincts, just like we do. The whole problem is our culture. Bring back arranged marriages, and religion-backed monogamy, and things will get better. Female hypergamy is the norm because that's where we end up if we don't use discipline to curtail our instincts. The whole point of monogamy and marriage is to increase male cooperation by decreasing competition for females. With the death of religion, this is once again becoming a problem.

>> No.17953149

Sure, I've met a few like this. And they had the exact same excuses and reasoning than the guys who did the same thing. "I do it for myself", "it's got nothing to do with my partner", "it only hurt him/her if she learns about it", "sure i love him/her, I just have stronger personal needs" etc... Same coping garbage is uttered by both male and female cheaters.

>> No.17953151

You're right, that's one difference in the cultural environment. And there are many, many more.

>> No.17953172

So you'd consider an utterly miserable mariage that keeps on going for material reasons a good, working, and desirable type of mariage?

>> No.17953179

Strawman fallacy, anon... You're attacking a statement I never made. My only point is that there are many, many differences between now and then, and not all of them are good.

>> No.17953196

Of course a miserable marriage isn't good. You're making an assumption that everyone in the 19th century was miserable and broken, held together only by social norms. The majority of people were not in that situation.

>> No.17953213

I've had a funny experience where a woman told me she would prefer an arranged marriage like in the olden times, because she loves and trusts her dad and she is completely unemotional, figuring that type of thing will grow after she has chosen an objectively good partner
Needless to say I was deemed objectively insufficient personality wise

>> No.17953233

If there are kids involved, a loveless marriage is still probably better for the kids than divorce. Obviously there are exceptions.

>> No.17953236

I think most women (and men) would be happier in arranged marriages, but that's my opinion.
However, it like seems no one is happy with things as they are.



>> No.17953311

Not really. Just asking to make sure. And no, i'm not thinking that either, I ahve no idea what problems the majority of people were or were not having. Just gave that as an example because comparing mariage statistics like this seemed rather dishonest to me.
My opinion is that mariage is not suited to 90% of the people who opt into it. It requires a dedication and selflessness most people arent and never will be capable of. I don't know why people obsess so much over mariage when they obviously cant handle it. Bonding with someone for a lifetime isnt some small, natural easy thing.

>> No.17953324

>It requires a dedication and selflessness most people arent and never will be capable of.
Maybe because our culture today instills that exactly everything should be about our individual satisfaction and benefit.

>> No.17953327
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You utterly infantile stimuli addled retards debating over the gender inclusiveness of his statement are so painfully contemporary in your analysis: you latch on, like a tick, to the most readily accessible spot without surveying the body at large. This:
>In reality, the successive sexual experiences accumulated during adolescence undermine and rapidly destroy all possibility of projection of an emotional and romantic sort.
applies to all genders and is a profound observation on the unparalleled accessibility of sexual self-gratification. It doesn't matter whether thr fault is male or female or any such banal this. No, for every human being, the aforementioned quote is true—your pace at the beginning of a marathon doesn't determine your place at its end.

>> No.17953343

solid cope for not getting any, i think i will use this one myself

>> No.17953365

>comparing mariage statistics like this seemed rather dishonest to me.
You're right, there are more factors than just divorce rate, but I don't know how to compare the health of the average family other than by comparing fertility and divorce rates. I wish there was more info to go from.

>My opinion is that mariage is not suited to 90% of the people who opt into it.
This never made sense to me, because in my experience it's the opposite. Despite whatever problems they're currently having, married people always seem healthier and happier in general than unmarried people, at least for the people I've known through the years.

>> No.17953390
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>> No.17953449
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>tfw I never experienced that true carefreeness as a child and was always burdened by all the anxieties and crisis of adult life
thanks mom and dad for making me aware of money and its necessity to survive from a way too young age and instilling in me a constant sense of instability and dread. I had for the longest time planned on killing myself by 35, for the reasons Hulahoop describes.
Only recently have I rejected this philosophy towards life, and when I think back on my former worldview I feel embarrassed for being so stupid. I love life and look forward to every new experience, painful or otherwise.
I am only sad that I never was able to truly enjoy the exclusive pleasures of childhood. I feel like I have been an old man forever.

>> No.17953457

Do not mistake my post for cope, genetic refuse. My country count exceeds the average American male's body count. Considering the quantity of different countries (whose women) I've fucked alone you might as well call me br*tish

>> No.17953481

Do you have one or two kinds of herpes?

>> No.17953539

Don't know... I see people get married after a few months, barely knowing each other, just because they fell madly in love and feel something that's bound to disappear quickly. I see people getting married because that's the proper thing to do in their society circle. I see people getting married because they dont know how to feel happy by themselves and think a partner will fix it all. I see people getting married because they so desperately want children, or because of some childish notion that this is where happiness lies, etc...
All sorts of half-assed reasons that have a good chance to land you an early divorce.
On the other hand, I see very few couples who take the time to really learn to know each other, to live together, to be happy together before actually getting married.

>> No.17953620

>childish notion that this is where happiness lies
Where does happiness lie if not here? All of evolution is based on successful organisms reproducing the most. All of your instincts, traits, even the shape of your body, were adapted because they gave your ancestors a reproductive advantage. I think that unless you have some abnormality, having kids will make you happy, for the same reasons having a safe, clean home will make you happy; because for most people, it's built into your brain to reward you with bio-drugs when you accomplish these things.

>> No.17953652

My youth is almost gone, the last year of it taken from me by Corona-hysteria. Maybe it's selfish, but I will never regain that last year of my youth, taken from me by the collective hypochondria of society. I had so many plans, to make it memorable and worthwhile, swan song to a wasted youth. Instead, it consisted of me spending all my time in front of a screen. I can never forgive this.

>> No.17953657

Massive cope for not being able to bang underage girls that would be repulsed by him in any case.

>> No.17953664

This is the most basic form of depression syntoms, I cant believe people build an entire internet subculture, they eleveted people to the status of deep thinking philosophers and buy books all in the name of a pretty common depression syntom. I hope Its all about irony, if not some mf really be tripping over the psich equivalent of migrane and fever

>> No.17953665

How old are you, anon?

>> No.17953689
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>it's this thread again
I am soon to be 22, never kissed a girl, no job, no friends.

>> No.17953704

>I am soon to be 22,

>> No.17953707

I'm sorry for you guys. Why don't zoomers get together anyway? A lot of the partying in my youth was in the woods, in parks, etc. Some alcohol or other drugs, speakers for music, some blankets and chairs, a portable BBQ; I don't know, maybe it sounds pathetic, but we had fun. Corona can't stop you from doing things like this.

>> No.17953708

i disregard any old faggot that clings to this nonexistent romantic past they perpetuate.

>> No.17953714

>Massive cope
How is he coping? Seems like he’s doing the opposite of coping, he’s admitting what he wants and accepting he will never have it .

>> No.17953718

>>Youth was the time for happiness
I was never happy. Getting older is the only solace I hold.

>> No.17953724

little-known fact: if you stay a virgin until 30, you become a wizard

>> No.17953725
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>nonexistent romantic past
Imagine thinking young love doesn’t exist, kek

The reality is your high school crush was letting chad fuck her ass while you stayed inside and watched anime

>> No.17953732

I was talking about mariage, not having kids; not sure which one you understood.
My point simply is that, if one doesn't know how to be happy alone, getting married (or having kids for that matter) isn't going to fix it. Thinking that getting any one thing in the universe is going to suddenly make you happy is the definition of wishful, childish, magical thinking.
In fact, having kids or getting married is going to make it increasingly harder, because if you want to be a good dad/husband, you'll have a lot less time to focus on fixing/changing things that concern only you, and less time to give to the small occupational copes that usually make life more bearable on a personal level, and that your brain has learnt to cling to in order to not fall into despair on a regular basis.

>> No.17953739

>The reality is your high school crush
i dropped out of high school early.

>> No.17953788

That still makes it men's fault.
It's the fault of their fathers for not raising them correctly, or it's the fault of the mythical "chad."

>> No.17953807

Also, what does he want? To go back, fuck like a perv from Age 16 and 25 and the marry to a perfect Virgin? I guess his mental condition would never let him be happy even if this was possible. Just be present, care for yourself and others and do your thing, dont feed this toxic mentality of the missed opportunity bc its a depression syntom.

>> No.17953815

Think about how many men throughout history had it so much worse than you. More suffering, worse work, more dead dreams. Stop being such a weak pathetic faggot please.

>> No.17953826

>I was talking about marriage, not having kids
Sorry, I jumped tracks there. I consider these things to be different rungs on the same ladder. The only reason to get married is to start a family, in my opinion, because the other benefits of marriage (companionship, sexual gratification, etc) can be satisfied other ways. The real advantage to the stability of the social contract of marriage is to provide stability for children.

For the rest of your post, I agree. A dysfunctional person won't magically become happy because they got married and had kids. A dysfunctional person should fix themselves before undertaking these things.

But for a functional person with their affairs in order, I think the next step to happiness is starting a family, and the rewards of doing so outweigh anything else in life.

>> No.17953828

I don't believe he really feels like this. He's in his role as an author, being a voice that happens to meet some echo, as this thread proves/

>> No.17953842

Alright. I believe the same, at least as far as im concerned.
T. getting married next month

>> No.17953863
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>The reality is your high school crush was letting chad fuck her ass while you stayed inside and watched anime
Is it just me or do incel terms sounds like they are straight out of some cuckold caption or degrading JOI? The only thing that's missing is BBC or mom posting.

>> No.17953866
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Congratulations, Anon!

>> No.17953898

Thanks! Have a good day anon.

>> No.17954129

you weren't going to do anything, you don't plan to "live" as a young person, to have meaningful experiences as a young person, it just happens. The fact that you were waiting for some arbitrary date to actually make an effort for it to happen, tells me that up to this moment you have been afraid to live life, so your plans were never going to make a difference.

>> No.17954196

Houellebecq has a great talent for uncovering the misery that rests underneath the surface of modern societies, but that no one is really willing to admit to.
But the way he writes is a ripoff of Celine, yeah.

>> No.17954198

>still stuck on Schopenhauer
I know that for depressed incels, pessimistic philosophy is like a drug because it validates your worldview, but try looking past that. Read Nietzche at least.

>> No.17955232

Bros gotta be honest with you I dont know "people", I dont know what most people are like or why they are that way

So considering that, I hope this question doesn't make me look that dumb

Is the archetypical Houllecebq (the whore, both male and female) character based on reality?
Do people like that exist?
I would hope that answer is no, but with my limited knowledge of "people" I cant really say anything worth saying on the topic

>> No.17955247


Should have put "the whore" in quotation marks, too signify it being a more spiritual whoredom; together with its "evilness"

If they exist at all, the obvious question is if they're a substantial part of the population or not

>> No.17955547


>my parents let me be an irresponsible retard unaware of the shitty future I was creating for myself, and now I am sad

>> No.17955605
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you can live forever if you believe the gospel (pic)

>> No.17956020


>> No.17956021

The gospel is true, the faith is slowly becoming colder and colder just like Jesus said and when it is extinguished, a second coming maybe?

>> No.17956035

i will never feel the selfless love of a woman, i probably won't even experience the life affirming touch of a woman. i want a girl to run her fingers through my hair, feel her heat pressed closely to me. if only i knew what i had, its been nearly a decade. i can feel their repulsion of my squirming nerves, looking away from their disgusted gaze in shame. they hate me and for good reason

>> No.17956057

Resist this kind of cheap nihilism, friends.

>> No.17956073

sneethe's feethe and seethe, formerly chuck's

>> No.17956076

Has it always been this fucking miserable to grow older? If we look at generations past, it was an absolute necessity to mature as fast as possible. People in their 20s looked and acted as if they were in their 30s. Looks like our culture has entered a stage where everyone wants to be young, with entire industries devoted to them -- no one wants to mature at all, and yet paradoxically the youth nowadays are sexless and miserable relative to their antecedents.

>> No.17956133

i coom

>> No.17956141

Did people really have life good when they were young. My childhood was pretty fucking bad. I didn't feel anything resembling peace or pleasure until I was almost 30. Then life started to get good.

>> No.17956185

Do they exist? Yes, particularly in nihilistic and narcissistic cultures like America. Is most people like that? From experience, I would say no, but then again it depends on the social context.

>> No.17956218

Something about the state of the economy and lack of purpose due to spending so much time working.

>> No.17956291

Because being an adult in modern times is tantamount to slavery of both body and mind and the crushing realization of the emptiness of post-modernist existence, so being a kid sounds better in comparison. In the pass it was kind of the opposite in that while being a kid was not slavery, you were pretty much treated like a property of your parents and used to do the adult shit like work but with zero of the benefits or understanding of being an actual adult.

>> No.17956427

This is the most pretentious nihilist slop I have ever read.

>> No.17956509

Men who never experienced intimacy growing up wanting to bang younger girls to compensate for lost youth is the epitome of coping with what houellebecq described...

Even if your insult of houellebecq was right you've proven his point in a roundabout way. Based retard

>> No.17956522

The "incel" mindset phenomenon is going nowhere. It's here to stay. If you're fatigued already then you might want to stay away from the internet.

>> No.17956529

Peter Pan Syndrome

>> No.17956540

To a certain portion of the population (especially young people) it is in a literal sense. But we are all living in the fallout of this cultural poison.

>> No.17956568

I don't remember having ever been happy in my life, except for a few moments that soon turned out to be misunderstandings.

>> No.17956641

In cultures where arranged marriage is predominant, the concept of love (in either a romanticized or abstract way) doesn't really exist. Traditional Indian or Arab couples don't even use the word. The West has grown up with this notion so there's no going back.

I'd even go as far as to say the same thing about the term "happiness" you keep using. Pre-modern peoples would find the fantasy of wanting to be "happy" as foreign and contrived. Perhaps contentment is a more apt description, but arguing over that is another futile game of semantics.

>> No.17957092

It's literally written in the simplest language possible you absolute brainlet

>> No.17957096

>For most people, it's true.
no it's not lol

>> No.17957107

Yeah but you have to be middle aged. /lit/ is too young and just thinks Houellebecq is being edgy.
knows nothing about Houellebecq's life.

>> No.17957136

Yes, that’s what it is. Just our meta culure adding up. It’s the way it is, voyeurs are everything and everywhere. It’s best to not think about it too deeply.

>> No.17957246

Based. All life have different kind of fuck ups, anon. I was also full of anxiety and missed out on a lot in my teens and 20s. I am 30 now, feeling better, and looking forward to any tiny bit of happiness I may have the luck of experiencing. Keep on keeping on.

>> No.17957289

>Youth was the time for happiness, its only season; young people, leading a lazy, carefree life, partially occupied by scarcely absorbing studies, were able to devote themselves unlimitedly to the liberated exultation of their bodies. They could play, dance, love, and multiply their pleasures. They could leave a party, in the early hours of the morning, in the company of sexual partners they had chosen, and contemplate the dreary line of employees going to work. They were the salt of the earth, and everything was given to them, everything was permitted for them, everything was possible.
Does this actually reflect anyone's experience with adolescence? It certainly doesn't reflect my own and it appears to be rooted in some sort of utopian abstraction instead of actuality. Youth is much messier than what Houellebecq describes here. Maybe I'm just out of touch with regular people though, idk.

>> No.17957296

>When they wanted to draw near to young people's bodies, they would be chased away, rejected, ridiculed, insulted, and, more and more often nowadays, imprisoned
With that haircut, sure.

>> No.17957328

It doesn't reflect mine either, all I can think of is bullying, unrequited love, anger issues, parents fighting, all other things I won't miss at all. I'm much happier as an adult.

>> No.17957350

wizard border is 25 now, fag

>> No.17957351

same here

>> No.17957376
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>The physical bodies of young people, the only desirable possession the world has ever produced

>> No.17957402

Demonstrably untrue, I'm unable to cast a fireball

>> No.17957480

We must be the same person lol

Adolescence is, just like adult life, really good for those few that have the correct mixture of good looks, intelligence, and social skills.
For everyone else it's either painful or simply dull.

>> No.17957505

I think Houellebecq is trying to describe the fate of many normal people who have happy youths and then are destroyed by middle age. His own childhood and adolescence, as he describes it, was intensely unhappy.

>> No.17957576

Just to get it all out of the way for the other incels in here, I wanted to report, as a 5'6" manlet, all the changes I've made in the past 1.5 years.

>was a fat tub of lard at 210 lbs and am now 150 lbs and have a pretty decent physique from lifting for the past year and a half
>saw some therapists for my mental issues, finally feel pretty good about myself
>followed a skin care routine that has honestly done wonders and aged me down years. no longer have blackheads, dark circles under my eyes, or weird non-uniform skin tones on my face
>finally started getting clothes that fit me, bought a sewing machine and now alter everything. didn't think shirts could fit that good
>started actually taking care of my hair and got rid of my disgusting facial hair. have nearly shoulder length locks and get compliments everywhere
>expanded my friend circle by almost 50x. actually have healthy friendships with men and women
>have gotten much more comfortable with speaking to people. speech therapy cured a weird lisp I had. very clear, crisp voice, now
>acquired some hobbies that I'm passionate about (wood-working, specifically chairs, metalworking, glass-blowing, and bread making
>met new people in tons of groups who also did caving, hiking, and mushroom hunting like me
>no longer play video games or watch anime
>opened myself up to people more and started forming genuine relationships instead of just having random acquaintances that I drank with
>overall quality of life has skyrocketed and I finally feel at ease and fulfilled

Literally no luck with women still, lmao. Probably never. I legitimately had a few interested fatties when I was a fatso basement dweller, now I've got nothing. Submit yourself to the fact that genes are absolutely everything when it comes to finding someone, and that if you're short/ugly, you should not fall for the 'le self-improvement' meme just to fuck women.

You cannot polish a turd, but you can grow content with being one.

>> No.17957616

what book is this quote from?

>> No.17958122

What made you change?
I'm still in 35 mood

>> No.17958175

This was me too. My parents divorced when I was 14 and Mom made us move out. I didn’t see my Dad again after that and I had to get a job to start contributing to bills. I still remember converting a basement into a bedroom and later, a closet. I still remember having a girl I really liked over when I was 17 and her asking with a giggle “Why doesn’t your bedroom have any doors? Why is it like a closet?” We moved like 6 times in 4 years. I went off to college anyway and Mom used to call me at night to tell me how miserable she was, how she was going to kill herself, how tight money was, and I’d have to tell her I’d send some money from my now full-time job that I worked in addition to being a full-time student. It took me nearly 6 years to graduate and my Mom actually resents me for that today. My obligation to be an adult as a teenager somehow got transmuted into hedonism along the way. I drank a lot. I smoked. I did prescription drugs. I didn’t even like to party. I just didn’t want to be sober. I don’t do any of that stuff anymore really but I’m still miserable. I don’t even care about the lost youth to be honest. I more care about that my current life and my future life, as I perceive it from this point, seems a consequence of my past and the choices I’ve felt the pressure to make along the way. I’m extremely unhappy so I too resolved to kill myself probably before middle age, certainly before old age. As for what I do in the meantime, well, nothing really. I just hate who I am, what my life is, what it was. I wish I could agree that I love life, but I don’t.

>> No.17958548

A deeply unhappy middle-aged man who lives in a hellish present with no hope of a future that is any better will inevitably turn his gaze back to his childhood. Maybe he is not saying that adolescence is in actuality how he describes it, but rather it is the last place where even the thought happiness can exist. If we do not keep the idea of happiness alive artificially by projecting these feelings towards our youth we may lose our notion of it completely.

>> No.17958576

unironically kicking Christian moral valuations to the curb, recognizing suffering as not only not being bad but necessary to life, and realizing that life itself is the meaning that begets all other meanings, these things came one after another and turned me from a miserable nihilist into a man.
basically I read Nietzsche, but seriously read--not how faggots on here "read". Regardless of what you think of what he advocates for, his prescription of life denial is extremely accurate. Most people reject these ideas because they're hard to accept or just personal bias, but if you're looking for a revaluation of your life then this is what I'd recommend. I used to be a massive moralfaggot though, so this in particular was very useful for me.

>> No.17959006

>>The physical bodies of young people, the only desirable possession the world has ever produced
Is he wrong though?

>> No.17960345

I hate this fucking hylic