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17952506 No.17952506 [Reply] [Original]

The problem of evil is the most profound problem in history of human thought. Unsolved mathematical problems seem like child play in comparison

>> No.17952521

weed bro

>> No.17952532

desu yeah

>> No.17952535

>The problem of evil is the most profound problem in history of human thought. Unsolved mathematical problems seem like child play in comparison

>> No.17952546

Is it a problem or a fact of life?

>> No.17952556

....and Economics attempts to solve both of those at the same time ;3

>> No.17952576

No it fucking doesn't

>> No.17952585

economics only attempts to “solve” the “problems” of scarcity and distribution

>> No.17952594

Baka, implying those problems are unrelated is quite presumptuous.

>> No.17952609

Are you assuming that some of the greatest economists weren't also developing unique mathematical systems?

The problem of utility creates many different avenues to explain the 'kernel' , or unchangeable core, of an economy.

Many of the leading economists, like Shapley or Hildenbrand, have been renowned, successful mathematicians.

You know, ones that aren't Karl Marx or Adam Smith, for you lazy bastards. The more you know ;3

>> No.17952916

Bugman post

>> No.17952937

Human pride can't imagine that what is "moral" is external to the human experience.

>> No.17952946

Your lack of materialism disturbs me.

>> No.17952947

Fucking retard. It's very simple and fuck anyone who can't understand it (99.999% of people). But it really does amaze me how most people are so stupid.

>> No.17952954
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i don't think evil is even real, stuff just sucks a bit at times. The devil himself is probably a larper honestly 'oooh look at me Im rebelling' yeah OK satan you'll be back after your tantrum. It's basically just cosmic shitposting, it's like asking why there are Australians

>> No.17953013

This is very much true but is more like an antithesis than a cosmic shitpost, although it may very well be.

>> No.17953016

Spinoza BTFO the problem of evil for all eternity by saying that it is just our perception of the things and that evil does not exist objectively. Christcucks cant refute this without resorting to emotional appeal or dogmas lol.

>> No.17953019

Where do you think evil comes from anon? like real hurtful evil, not morally white and black arbitraryly set.

>> No.17953035

I think christcucks would agree, it's the gnostics that pretend that evil is substantial.

>> No.17953039

>hasn't read Nietzsche

>> No.17953050

Utility has little to do with evil

>> No.17953069

>just our perception
Is the type of thinking that lead to subjectivism and moral relativism. Congrats, you're directly responsible for the demise of mankind.

>> No.17953109
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>> No.17953215
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Evil is a force, not a problem.

>> No.17953254

i find it hilarious that economics spend more time worrying about nuances of compact sets than verifying what they believe empirically

>> No.17953271

problem of evil
more like fake problem created by hume and perpetuated by frog posters

>> No.17953287
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Whoa so this is the level of /lit/ philosophy. whoaaaaa

>> No.17953295

It's only a problem for the religious. It vanishes if you don't assume the existence of "God".

>> No.17953307

A "problem" that is inherently unsolvable without godly intervention is not a problem you can consider anything but worthless garbage.
Unsolved mathematical problems are solvable and thus something humanity can strive to achieve.
Only a braindead retard would compare solvable problems with unsolvable ones.

>> No.17953313

They're still at the level of Platonic idealism and still haven't grasped the problem of whether and how thought relates to reality. Give them some 1000 years

>> No.17953320

Gnostics don’t believe in the existence of evil, they believe in the existence of ignorance.

>> No.17953325

>problem of evil was created by Hume
Hume just made one particular argument about it, the problem is ancient and there are endless discussions about it in various theologies

>> No.17953356

it's the existence of this differential that is evil in the first place you FUCKING lizard

>> No.17953363

Sethians, Manichaeans, and Marcionites certainly did.

>> No.17953367

Actually, it turns out the evil was all my fault, sorry fellas

>> No.17953380

Zoroastrians already solved the problem of evil.
It would have been better if Mazdak the Younger became the prophet for the West rather than Jewsus.

>> No.17953421

what's the solution then

>> No.17953450

Empedocles argued for very similar metaphysics as Zarathustra, Mani, and Mazdak

Here is a kind of philosophical explanation:
>1. initially the world was like a celestial sphere of pure Love (φιλότης) or aligned with Ahura Mazda's aṣ̌a
>2. at the edges of this sphere was Strife (νεῖkος) or Ahriman's druj, which infringed upon the #1 out of avarice
>3. this caused an endless conflict between Love and Strife, which is akin to attraction/repulsion and union/separation, or the battle between Spenta and Angra Mainyu, the spirits of Ahura Mazda and Ahriman respectively
>4. To summarize this, good and evil are distinct and irreducible antagonistic properties are in endless conflict, and there is no unity between them in higher-levels of realization. The wise pick the good of the duality. Love > Strife. Ahura Mazda > Ahriman. Spenta Mainyu > Angra Mainyu

>> No.17953472

I know about Empedocles but this isn't an answer because there is no omnipotent benevolent God in his worldview, just opposing forces of love and strife. This is of course quite logical but is avoiding the entire nature of the problem

>> No.17953487

it's okay anon, we all make mistakes :3

>> No.17953519


>> No.17953540
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>"problem" of evil
lmao good to know christcucks are still light years behind actual philosophers. pic related (pbuh) solved the "problem" of evil thanks to the sheer power of his mind alone without relying on desert demon fables

>> No.17953613

Check out Mardanfarrox's Doubt Removing Book:
Also, this is a good article summarizing it in a more rigorous philosophical manner.
The uncreated good God is delimited by what is logically possible and the uncreated evil spirit is real but does not independently exist (i.e., it can only corrupt the good).

>> No.17953677

I read that paper you linked. My only question is: why do you prefer Zoroastrianism over the passive, good God of the Manichaeans?

>> No.17954481

the problem is claiming that evil exists
it just shows that you are unwilling to address the real problem without your make-believe metaphysical training wheels
your lack of courage is a problem stemming from personal weakness that can be dispelled by training
the hypothesis of training-resistant problems is a LARP
you must first assume that training has been exhausted for all eternity and innovation in training is not a thing
this is sticking your head in the sand and it leads to stubbornness and giving other people headaches
your steadfast unwillingness to take training seriously induces frustrating sighs, not regarding whistles

>> No.17954491

Finally a good thread