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17952225 No.17952225 [Reply] [Original]

My little cousin keeps trying to get book recommendations from me. I gave him a list of books I think are good and appropriate, but I’m pretty sure he would find them all kinda boring. The main thing is that his mom won’t allow him to read anything with a lot of sexual content so keep that in mind. The biggest lead I have is that he loved The Great Gatsby. I’m pretty sure he would like some fantasy or science fiction, but I don’t know anything about genre fiction. I just don’t want him to get stuck reading trash YA books for ever, and I think he also wants to grow past them. What do you think?

>> No.17952235

Book of the New Sun

>> No.17952252

What age is he? I'm assuming later pre-teen as in 11-12?

>> No.17952277

he is 12

>> No.17952309

Get him Arsène Lupin by Leblanc. It's roughly the same time period as Gatsby, the main character has a lot of stuff about him that boys love, and while he is a great seducer, there is no sexual content, just some kissing.

>> No.17952317

Here are a few sci-fi / fantasy recs:
>A Wizard of Earthsea
>The Tapestry
>Ender's Game
>The House of the Scorpion
>The Chronicles of Prydain
>The Dark is Rising

>> No.17952323

Jules Verne. JULES VERNE! Goddamnit Jules Verne. Also perhaps some arthur conan o doyle and tolkein

>> No.17952327


>> No.17952331

he said no YA. The only scifi you need is Jules Verne

>> No.17952412

Tell him to stop being a faggot and sneak him some Vonnegut. Start with Slaughterhouse 5

>> No.17952455

protector of the small series by tamora pierce
harperhall of pern
the once and future king

>> No.17952471

xanth series
jurassic park

>> No.17952582

Dragon Rider's of Pern is what i read when i was a kid

>> No.17952600

Kafka's short stories

>> No.17952626
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>> No.17952653

Jack London
The Hobbit and then LOTR
Jules Verne

I was reading shit like King and Dale Carnegie at his age, keep those away from him.

>> No.17952659

Not him but Le Guin isnt YA.

Try Call of the Wild. I loved it in elementary school.

>> No.17952663

Didn't the first Xanth book have MC's love interest get constantly raped because one of her split personalities was a hot retard?

>> No.17952673

The Once and Future King
Terry Pratchett

>> No.17952675

yeah, but it's only very heavily implied. The book's like 90% puns and adventure.

>> No.17952695

I enjoyed hitchhiker’s guide when I read it around that age

>> No.17953765

Mainlander. Get him realistic from the get go.

>> No.17953978

Industrial Society and It's Future

>> No.17955150

Treasure Island
Tell him at that age it is perfectly fine to read YA but you have to balance it out with real literature

>> No.17955166

My Side of the Mountain
Lord of the Flies
The Hobbit
Watership Down
Treasure Island
Just So Stories
The Martian Chronicles
The Catcher in the Rye
Nine Stories

>> No.17955175

If he loved the Great Gatsby he can read damn near anything. Most people no matter what age get mad at the language Fitzgerald uses, its sad. My favorite work by him is The Beautiful and Damned which I read a couple weeks after finishing the Great Gatsby for the first time in sophomore year of High School.

>> No.17955203

Whatever you do, don't recommend any of Storm Constantine's books to him. It's filled with incest so descriptive he won't be able to stop his pre-teen self from fapping.

>> No.17955205


>> No.17955207

>perfectly fine to read YA
No anon just no.

>> No.17955586

Harry Potter 1 and Harry Potter 2 and Harry Potter 3 and Harry Potter 4 and Harry Potter 5 and Harry Potter 6 and Harry Potter 7 Harry Potter 8

>> No.17955908

The Earthsea and Sabriel books are great. LoTR and Dune are essentials at that age, along with Sherlock Holmes, Verne, Wells, all the starter/kids classics, which then transition easily into the Homer and the Greeks, and New Wave SF, which will let him discover actual lit for himself.

>> No.17955921

Tell that little faggot to start with the Greeks and then take him under your wing. Grease him up and show him the Greek way.

>> No.17955926

I'm sad because this was pretty much the extent of my reading at that age. Wish I had a big daddy like OP to show me some real shit.

>> No.17955974

Haha. I forgot Piers Anthony existed, fuck I’m getting old. I liked the battle circle when I was young though, it’s most likely shit now.

>> No.17956339
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both of these were meant for younger audiences, so they're pretty light on sexual content and gore. theyre great though and I would recommend them for people of any age.

>> No.17956973

No. Piers Anthony is a racist troll who encourages scat eating and jungle fever.

Ayn Rand's novels are a scifi spiritual successor to The Great Gatsby. Maybe Robert Heinlein when xhe is a bit older if Rand/Verne go over well.

>> No.17957259

dune. if he like it get the next three. i really loved michel chriton at that age, start him on sphere and prey, both good.

>> No.17957303

At his age I really liked Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.17957322

The Tragedy of Man is a perfect book for pre-teens.

>> No.17957631

Tell him to read a encyclopedia Britannica.

>> No.17957767

Mein Kampf

>> No.17957780
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