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File: 13 KB, 300x400, 1595305221593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17951646 No.17951646 [Reply] [Original]

In like a hundred books no mention of big daddy god Capital. Was he retarded or something?

>> No.17951657

The retard didnt even read marx fisher

>> No.17951675

By Capital, Socrates! Have you not watched only Lovers Left Alive? The e-flux analysis says the daimon is a marxist.

>> No.17951718

Y-you do realize Socrates has written zer0 books? You're just being ironic, right?

>> No.17951725

>mfw I realize Socrates didn't even read Plato
lmao what a pseud

>> No.17951763

wtf socrates, there is no excuse for this. not even the republic or the phaedo? cmon

>> No.17952423

He actually does mention private vs public property and trading in the Republic.

>> No.17952465

>he thinks socrates existed

>> No.17952497
File: 909 KB, 500x352, 1616350801156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Marxism is every bit as dumb as any other meme philosophy. Marx was a fucking moron who thought that the "socialist paradise" would just magically appear without ever thinking about the details of how to bring it about.

It's very ironic that he was an atheist, since he seems to have believed in both miracles and divine intervention, just without the actual actions of a god.

>> No.17952504

>he thinks Plato existed

>> No.17952515


>> No.17952547

That's not Capital in the Landian sense

>> No.17952566

>Marx was a fucking moron who thought that the "socialist paradise" would just magically appear without ever thinking about the details of how to bring it about.
le epic takedown of marxism by man who has never come within five feet of a marx book

>> No.17952580

>Zero Books

>> No.17952679
File: 13 KB, 220x211, 37b3f16b2005657_220211.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly the number of books they sell!

>> No.17952867
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>> No.17952886

>He thinks

>> No.17952975


>> No.17954164
File: 83 KB, 524x767, Socrate,_vu_de_face_(Nicolas_Lagneau).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at him, dumb as fuck. Ugly face ugly mind.

>> No.17954676

Have sex.

>> No.17955513

Woah Nick Land btfo Socrates he must be hyperbasado.

>> No.17956329

Immensely based.

>> No.17956340

What is so funny about this pic? I can't stop laughing

>> No.17956342

It's Eric Butts superimposed over Nick Land.

>> No.17956477

Nicky funny

>> No.17957459

Socrates btfo

>> No.17957482
File: 731 KB, 1248x2128, 1617432809221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to this day there's people who think Marx was anything but a colossal fuck up
It's funny the average person is ready to laugh at scientologists but doesn't think Communism is every bit as stupid.

>> No.17957490

to be fair Elrond Hubbard was a better writer with great comedic timing

>> No.17958184

You think that is bad? When France declassified documents about May 68, it was discovered that the Secret Service and the cops never bothered making an information sheet for the Internationale Situationniste members like Guy Debord - my grand-father had one for talking with communists during strikes, just to put things in context, it wasn't exactly hard to have one at your name. Next time a smug frog talks about Debord and how influential he was as a revolutionnary thinker, remember that the reactionary government didn't even realize he existed.

>> No.17958209
File: 58 KB, 850x400, quote-we-have-no-compassion-and-we-ask-no-compassion-from-you-when-our-turn-comes-we-shall-karl-marx-65-27-60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll see who is laughing in the end

>> No.17958400

Eat the rich!

>> No.17959573

Nick Land on lit.
Very cool.

>> No.17959894

Capital is sentient

>> No.17960069
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>> No.17960182

I mean, didn't Marx essentially live off his rich friends his entire life?

>> No.17960982

Yes, and you can only criticize him if you have a moocher friend who lives off of you. Perspectives and all that.

>> No.17960990

I love that the pol face hurt so much they tried to reverse it. What faggots. I wish polfags would neck themselves.

>> No.17961122

Based autist

>> No.17961133

This meme confuses me. Anti commies are admitting that enbies give them stiffies now? Isn't that against their brand?

>> No.17962316

Nicky Landy btfos marxists and deleuzians

>> No.17962396
File: 1.02 MB, 500x281, b8262afdf5f6457a0cbf5594e9c211d2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't deleuzian (regardless of how much he enjoyed paradox) an oxymoron?

>> No.17962899

you do know zero didn't exist at the time, right?

>> No.17963334


>> No.17964584

If it's not Nicky it's not hyperbasado

>> No.17965162

You forgot the infographic about the 10x soviet encyclopedias and introductory books in the arcane system required to even begin the proper study of Marxism.