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17951273 No.17951273[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Schizoid personality disorder (often abbreviated as SPD or SzPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency toward a solitary or sheltered lifestyle, secretiveness, emotional coldness, detachment and apathy.
>Affected individuals may be unable to form intimate attachments to others and simultaneously possess a rich and elaborate but exclusively internal fantasy world.
>Other associated features include stilted speech, a lack of deriving enjoyment from most activities, feeling as though one is an "observer" rather than a participant in life, an inability to tolerate emotional expectations of others, apparent indifference when praised or criticized, a degree of asexuality, and idiosyncratic moral or political beliefs.

I'm looking for books discussing or featuring SPD. Preferably nonfiction, but I'll take anything.

>> No.17951279

Bump for interest

>> No.17951308
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>tfw literally all of those symptoms apply to me
On the other hand, perhaps it can be somewhat beneficial for an aspiring writer? I prefer solitude and can get immersed in my imagination completely without getting distracted by normalslime activities.

>> No.17951328
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About 1% of the general population is thought to have it, so I wouldn't be surprised if 15-30% of 4chan users have it. The crux of it is that there's no "cure", so being formally diagnosed isn't going to help you. Best they'll do for you is prescribe you SSRIs to fry your brain.

>> No.17951349

>prescribe you SSRIs
Those are a chemical lobotomy, aren't they?

>> No.17951364

only for as long as you're on them. they make you feel dopey and scattered and take your creativity away. as soon as i stop taking them all my feeling and creativity come back

>> No.17951382

it's not real. it's only real if you're unable to function in society.

>> No.17951393

Basically. Never taken them (and never will). There are a few fringe cases where someone actually needs a little chemical boost past the threshold of normality, but long-term dependence seems like an atrocious life strategy.

>> No.17951401

Define "function in society", Mr. Psychologist.

>> No.17951418

That isn't a "disorder", you're just an INTP. Your whole personality was engineered for you to suffer for the sake of art and philosophy. read Jung.

>> No.17951426

Anti-Oedipus, Capitalism and Schizophrenia

>> No.17951442

The Recognitions has a few characters that appear to be schizoid.

>> No.17951452
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If you were an actual schizoid, you wouldn't be sad/angry about it. You are, as most of your ilk are, a failed normalfag.

>> No.17951462

Do I need to read Freud to read Jung

>> No.17951463

The Schizoid Reddit has actual sources, but the main ones are Millon's Disorders of Personality 3rd ed., Akhtar's Broken Structures, and Masterson's Disorders of the Self
I find that the best fictional representations of SPD is Kafka's The Castle, Murakami's Sputnik Sweetheart, and Blindsight.
>there's no "cure"
The way most contemporary Psychiatric disorders work, they don't really exist. You are diagnosed through a list of symptoms, which then slots you into some disorder, but most of the people actually doing the diagnosis or treatment has absolutely no knowledge beyond having memorized the symptom lists and having passed some course in generalized treatments - .E. prescribing SSRI's or doing catch all therapies like Psychoanalysis or Cognitive Behavior Therapy, each of which has their own "theory" of what causes the behavior. Hence why so many people self-diagnose.
I am diagnosed with SPD, and have received several divergent diagnoses before that, just because I don't fit in and don't want to. It is all just bullocks.

>> No.17951478

I check off pretty much every single one of those attributes in the pic, so I'm going to write off SPD as made-up psychology bullshit

>> No.17951479

Madness and modernism by Louis Sass discusses it. But it discusses most of the schizophrenia spectrum not just schizoids.

>> No.17951500

Not necessarily upset about it, I just think it could be useful to better understand it. I need to function as best I can in this world unless I luck out or kill myself. Maybe I am a failed normalfag, but I kind of doubt it. I've never been a "normal person".
So you can vouch for my idea that getting officially diagnosed is useless? I can't see how it would possibly help. I'd rather just fly under the radar then make myself known to psychologists.
Concrete boxes in psychology are bullshit.
Thank you for the books.

>> No.17951504
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Fuck off to /r9k/ retard, you're just an emotionally confused teen/early twenty something. The only reason you want to learn about SPD is because it's a broad identity (as most psychogical disorders are) you can take for yourself because your personality is otherwise void - you seek to make character from pure deficit, get a grip
This desu

>> No.17951555

do you have a job? friends? hobbies?

>> No.17951557

>getting officially diagnosed is useless
It depends on your situation. If you are able to function, you don't fit the criteria of having the disorder, so if you live in a place where getting diagnosed will give you access to support that might help you, there is that.
And many people will benefit from having an official "label" to present to others, so they can explain why they might appear weird/antisocial/lazy, etc., but I think this is less prevalent for SPD, and it seems general for SPD symptoms, that there is an intense discomfort related to having your inner life exposed.
But to me the official diagnosis, and all treatments and therapies in themselves have been a complete waste of time.

>> No.17951615

Worked on and off in university. Currently unemployed.
Kind of. I keep in touch with some guys I knew in high school. I didn't make any friends in university or the years that followed.
Reading, cooking.
>If you are able to function, you don't fit the criteria of having the disorder
I can more or less "function", so maybe I don't have it. It doesn't really matter though. Having an internal label for my problems doesn't give me anything or help me in any way.

>> No.17951647

yes. i'm probably a schizoid because I really love to be alone. nothing is more blissful to me than time with myself. I also don't feel alone when I am alone, I am with myself.

>> No.17951660

yea improve your life and your "symptoms" will lessen dumbfuck

>> No.17951669
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>overt features
>covert features
am I the only one who doesn't view this as a disability? I like who I am

>> No.17951680

None of you are schizoids
t. Schizoid
Also raskolnikov at least in the beginning is then closest to a schizoid character I’ve found, but he still doesn’t really fit exactly

>> No.17951687
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>noooooo you can't be a schizoid! that's what makes me special!

>> No.17951691

you're not a true schizoid, only i get to decide what is a true schizoid. at best, you're just a zoid

>> No.17951702

>so they can explain why they might appear weird/antisocial/lazy, etc
in my experience this has only caused more questions, it's really annoying and I would not recommend

>> No.17951712


>> No.17951743

>maybe I don't have it
I think I didn't do a good job at explaining in my first response. SPD isn't something like a physical disease. It's not something you can "have". It's just a label.
People get diagnosed through two lists of Criteria, the DSM in the US, and another one for Europe. Every new edition, they discuss what to take out of keep in.
SPD used to be seen as non-psychotic Schizophrenia in a Psychoanalytic diagnostic setting, when that was the prevalent paradigm a long time ago. The picture in OP is from Akhtar's book, and is the current Psychoanalytic view of SPD. But the current Psychiatric diagnosis is just lack of affect and the desire for social connection. One sees it as arising from traumatic experience, and the other from a genetic predisposition. So even within the SPD label there isn't any agreement on what the problem actually is or how to treat it.
So there are two sides to the "label". One is self-understanding, which to me is interesting, and will help you function, whether you subscribe labeling it or not, and the other one is pragmatic, in relation to your surroundings.
It depends on where you live and what sort of support you might have access to, but I largely agree.

>> No.17951795
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Anyone else a totaly schizotypal? I mean wowzers! Officer K is LITERALLY ME, guys have yyou seen the latest "2X year-old faggotaphrenic" wojack? im really worried guys i check a lot of the boxes, my astral charts didn't account for this... You ever seen that wojack with the big brain mask over the PSYCHO bloody face, that's literally me. hold it jannies: "books for being a total psychopath schizoid". Guys anyone else retarded, anyone else really high IQ? Anyone else a really high-IQ retard virgo 26 year old that checks off 7/10 of the ICD-10 criteria for schizotypal personality disorder? god having poor social skills is FUCKED. you know i dropped out of college because i just couldnt stop thinking? i showed this macro to my jewish psychiatrist and asked "Medication for this sentiment? Books for this feel?", she just told me I should get out more, does Japan have self-diagnosis/medicating machines?

>> No.17951817

Go back to your alcohol and porn dudebro

>> No.17951824

R. D. Laing's The Divided Self is quite good. I'm a diagnosed schizoid and found some interesting insights from it.

>> No.17951846

>So there are two sides to the "label". One is self-understanding, which to me is interesting, and will help you function, whether you subscribe labeling it or not, and the other one is pragmatic, in relation to your surroundings.
This is a good way of putting it.
>found some interesting insights from it
Anything specific that you'd like to share?

>> No.17951855

Finding examples of schizoid pd is futile because it's such an uninteresting personality to portray. Depersonalization on the other hand tends to co-occur with it and you might have more luck in that regard if it's at all interesting. Only books for this topic I can think of on the spot that kind of fit are No Longer Human and even American Psycho to a degree but maybe I am just biased in reading these characters that way.

>> No.17952007

>Anything specific that you'd like to share?

My memory is too poor to recall. I just remember gleaning good insights while reading it and I'm too lazy to check the PDF again. I would just suggest reading it and avoiding the portions on schizophrenia.