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File: 43 KB, 620x619, 6F1E5541-0611-4726-9E0A-B428AFB941B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17950713 No.17950713 [Reply] [Original]

What books do I need to read to become a good Jew? I mean, for such a small percentage of the population they seem very successful, and I’d like a piece of that. What’s their secret?

>> No.17950725

Ari ben Moisenbergstein's 101 talmudic laws for gold smelting and stock trading

>> No.17950779

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

>> No.17950787

You have to be born into it you will never be accepted as a convert.

>> No.17950804

How to Win Friends and Influence People

>> No.17950810

>What’s their secret?
A genetic predisposition to hoarding resources, turning others against each other, corruption and a complete lack of empathy.

>> No.17950819

You forgot the most important an extreme ingroup racial preference they won't really rip each other off or harm each other for silly reasons like every other group does.

>> No.17951395

our sucess comes partly from how we raise our kida, partly our connections for jobs right out of school. its probably too late for you but your kids can have them. convert (the conversion itself isnt the important part) and marry a fairly secular jewess, then make sure you raise your kids to think critically and succeed in school. make sure they know from the moment they can understand english that grad school is the minimum. that and your wife's connections should work well enough to make your kids successful

>> No.17951432

Are you ethnically Jewish? If not you'll have to convert, be ready for 4 years of studying every day and being scrutinized by rabbis.

Factually wrong, you just have to work for it.
>inb4 OP is a fag and can't work for anything
Fair enough, that's a pretty good argument.

>> No.17951736

I have a feeling this is a bait thread, but in the case that it's not I'll indulge.

>I mean, for such a small percentage of the population they seem very successful.
This is the issue of a myth. I grew up Jewish in a Jewish neighborhood. Were there some families who were successful? Yes, those among us who were doctors, dentists and lawyers were all fairly successful, but that was due to their occupation not their religion. My family was poor, many other families were poor or simply working class.

There are a few reasons for this misconception that being Jewish makes you more successful. One reason is location. The majority of Jews in the states live in New York City, where salaries are already quite a bit higher than in the rest of the country because the cost of living is also much higher. Being in New York also lends itself to more opportunities for youth. Many of the Jewish families who inhabit the city emigrated here from Russia, Poland and that area during the 19th century. During that period, Jews were excluded from the rest of working class society, in Russia they were forced to inhabit and work the Pale. The only way for a Jew to achieve stability was to move further West and attempt to attain "higher" occupations, such as law, medicine, academia, etc.
So when these families came to America, many of them ended up in the harsh working-class environments of Chicago and New York, but then some came and were able to elevate their new Jewish communities with their occupations in law and medicine, and in turn they gave back to their communities to create better opportunities for future generations.
There is a stereotype of Jewish parents being very strict towards their children when it comes to education, and this is mostly true, as many parents want their children to be as successful as possible.
Here location comes into play again. In the city there is an abundance of schools and programs available which may not be as equally available to those in the more rural areas of the country.

>What books?
Now I hope I've explained that a simple book is not going to make you a "successful Jew." But if you are sincerely interested in Judaism I can recommend:
a) The Hebrew Bible of course.
b) Jews, God and History by Max Dimont which is a great comprehensive history of Judaism.
c) The Jewish Book of Why by Alfred Kolatch which is a neat and amusing little book which will give you explanations for many of the questions you may have regarding Judaism and its traditions.

>> No.17951774
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Thankyou for your sincere reply. I will look into these recommendations you posted

>> No.17951834

Talmud Unmasked and Judaism's Strange Gods

>> No.17952072

If you can read Aramaic, I recommend Targum Pseudo-Jonathan. There's some pretty whacky things in there.

>> No.17952112

If what you're interested is success, don't bother trying to be a good Jew, just imitate what made them successful: networking, education, seeking opportunities, always be on the lookout for the gigs with the highest potential yield, etc.
Nobody needs to read 3000 pages of the talmud (not an exaggeration, 3000 pages covers barely more than half the talmud) to become successful.

>> No.17952132

From a young age they're taught to study and to seek success.

>> No.17952203
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You can't become jew. Their success comes from family and religious community connections built up over a lifetime, and a privately-shared belief in their own race. It's a blood religion.

All male converts to judaism that I know ended up getting out after a few years because of bitter disappointment. They always felt like outsiders.

With women it's a bit easier because they usually marry in, and are more readily accepted as converts. As a man you can marry a jewess and your children will be considered jewish if they go to Hebrew school, but never you yourself. Even if you convert.

>> No.17952251

>you can't become a Jew
>you can convert to Judaism
Adherents of Judaism are Jews and you sound like a schizo.

>> No.17952312
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>> No.17952354

As a jewish kid I knew once told me in a moment of youthful candor: "we're a race when it's convenient and a religion when it's not."

The only people who say what you do are propagandized goyim and jews propagandizing them.

>> No.17952358

It's because the unsuccessful Jews are periodically killed.

>> No.17952395

>reeeee da jooz are controlling everything and propagandizing people eeeeeeee

>> No.17952402

I don't believe you and even if that's something someone did say to you it doesn't negate what I said. If you disagree it's because you're not looking for truth. If I say what he said is bullshit, and he's a Jew and I'm not then who do you believe?

>> No.17952410

I prefer the little bit of protection on the end of my Johnson but I imagine there's plenty of great literature from them.

>> No.17952417

1. kys jew
2. your noses dont look like that
3. kys

>> No.17952422

Someone's jealous

>> No.17952437

while also harboring strong in-group preference, they experience strong selection pressure that is beneficial in a civilizational context. Thirdly, their women marry into powerful families and their children will identify more with jewishness than his father’s origins.

>> No.17952450

you will never be a real kike

>> No.17952451

I am the Jew who gave the effortpost above. I can confirm that 'we're a race when it's convenient and a religion when it's not.' is an attitude, however, you're misunderstanding it.
When this is said, it's referring to how we're treated by others. When it's convenient for others when they're pushing their narratives.
For example: It's convenient for white supremacists to refer to us as another race in order to legitimize their belief that they are being controlled by an 'other.'
Then another example is the zionist critics who will say we aren't a race in order to argue against the Jews' claim to Israel.
We're a race when others want us to be, and a religion when they don't.

>> No.17952477

>Their women marry into powerful families and their children will identify more with jewishness than his father's origins.
This is not true at all. The reason for the debate of whether patrilineal Jews should be considered Jews or not is partially rooted in the issue that with Jewish women marrying non-Jews, their children often end up growing up not practicing Judaism. The exclusion of patrilineal descent is seen by some as a reason why the Jewish population remains so small and assimilationism is so prevalent.

>> No.17952481

Not only they use these kind of wordplay games regarding Jews, I've seen them say that being anti-Islam is not racist because Muslims aren't a race. It's just propaganda tactics. I've also seen Zionists claim that being anti-Zionist is racism.

>> No.17952491

Oh my GOD. You mean some people equate religion/culture with race and some people don't?? YOU'RE RIGHT IT MUST BE A CONSPIRACY. THOSE DAMN JOOZ WON'T GET AWAY WITH IT THIS TIME HKDLGJLSDKJG

>> No.17952495

Also the proof of the identity of the mother is always 100%

>> No.17952509
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I'm not. I live in Israel and I'm telling you the truth. 90% of Jews here are brown and have "normal" or unimaginable crooked noses. the other 10% of those Jews have lighter skin and red/brown hair,
and THEIR noses... I don't want to even start

>> No.17952513

The point is that some people do it or don't do it when it's convenient for their political purposes. If you could follow the conversation you'd not make stupid posts like this that make you look dumb, lmao.

>> No.17952520

You can't attain the same level of success through conversion, because the key to that success is culturally ingrained nepotism and xenophobia. Jews overwhelmingly prefer to hire their own family or family friends. They train their children in the family business and pass it on to them when they die. Take Mayer Rothschild for example, he sent each of his five sons to a different center of commerce to expand the business while still remaining a singular, cohesive entity. You can't replicate that

>> No.17952534
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Hahhaha. Okay kikes.

This is just propaganda for the more sophisticated who can't be duped by simple denials. You're making xcuses for pretending to be one or other as it suits you: "oh those mean those mean gentiles persecute us so!"

No other ethnic group has to prevaricate about their identity like this. You do it because you're always attacking the identities of others. You change what you purport to be so as to doge the accusation of hypocrisy.

>> No.17952560

I'm not Jewish but I am intelligent. You do yourself a disservice by not learning from me.

>> No.17952655

There is nothing you can tell me about jewry I wasn't aware of a decade ago.

>> No.17952669

I'll take that to mean that you've already got everything figured out and it's not up for discussion. Sorry for you.

>> No.17952691

>The point is that some people do it or don't do it when it's convenient for their political purposes.

>> No.17952730

Yes. Go be a philosemite somewhere else.

>> No.17952743

get out of here with your logic and reason, this is 4chan

>> No.17952795

>Go be a philosemite somewhere other than this thread about philosemitism

>> No.17952844

This. Normalfag gentiles still believe that Jews are actually white, but that they simply just practice a different religion,

>> No.17952852

We need to redpill the normies about race not actually being real.

>> No.17953052
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All you need is love.

>> No.17953082

Just cut your dick and then cut other people's dicks out of regret apparently

>> No.17953107

tfw qt 3.14 jew gf

>> No.17953113

Look at the title of this thread. The picrel, and every reply to figure out what the thread is about. Now leave.

>> No.17953194
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Reminder that jews are liars and will never, EVER consider goyim as anything other than cattle to be slaughtered.

Because "cattle" is the direct translation of that word.

If you were born a gentile you're not getting in the club. Wanting to just makes you a mark.

>> No.17953200

You sound like an insane person.

>> No.17953211
File: 205 KB, 804x750, Inflated numbers - Simon Weisenthals lie 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who criticizes me is crazy

Get some new material.

>> No.17953232

>Because "cattle" is the direct translation of that word.
Not true. It means "nations"

>> No.17953242

The number is actually closer to 17 million. By all reasonable estimates the holocaust killed 6 million jews. 11 million non jews were killed in concentration camps in what is called the ‘era of the holocaust’. This image misrepresents the issue in the article. The issue is that the 5 million number was pulled out of the guys ass and actually minimized the non-jewish victims of nazism rather than there not being any non-jewish victims of nazi murder. But the nonjews are not technically part of the holocaust since the holocaust only refers to the murder of jews.

>> No.17953282
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>i'll just lie, that's a neat trick

>> No.17953290
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>I'll just inflate the numbers indefinitely that's a good trick

>> No.17953388

I might be retarded, and I don't know what you mean by these. Can you give please a summary, in your own words?

>> No.17953491

I'm not lying. I'm a language nut and know some Hebrew.

>> No.17953506

>As a jewish kid
we all know you're a greasy /pol/tard, stop LARPing you're not fooling anyone

>> No.17953543

He is lying otherwise he will post irrefutable proof

>> No.17953567

What are we even debating? Pretty much every religion has some reprehensible nonsense in its scriptures. Even if you could prove that some Jewish scripture said "non-Jews are bad," it wouldn't somehow prove that all Jews actually behave as if non-Jews are bad. It's not like you see Christians stoning people for adultery and getting tattoos.

>> No.17953576
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Jews lied about the holocaust. They greatly exaggerated how many of their own died. They greatly exaggerated about how many gentiles died. When caught lying they try to confuse the issue by claiming even MORE died than originally thought. Even though each exposed lie showed the death totals were far lower.

Likewise they continue to inflate the number of living Jewish survivors because the German government grants an annuity to them.

Almost everything you've heard about the Holocaust is lies. Old lies are abandoned as they become inconvenient. New lies are invented to ensure the atrocity central to our civic mythology never fades from view.

Your education is no guarantee of hour honesty.
The goyim know.

>> No.17953593

revolting reddit post

>> No.17953598
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>it wouldn't somehow prove that all Jews actually behave as if non-Jews are bad.
The historical evidence of the victimization of gentiles at the hands of jews is overwhelming and has been known throughout every era of human history.

The enslavement, murder, and ritual exsuangination of gentiles is probably not a jewish rite OP will be invited to participate in should he ever convert.

>> No.17953610

I really hope you're just trying to be provocative and aren't actually braindead enough to believe this in earnest.

>> No.17953611

Blood from any animal isn't kosher. It's painstakingly removed from meat. Any human flesh or tissue isn't kosher either. Matzo doesn't have any reddish tint in it from blood - it's bone white or light brown because it's basically a giant glorified cracker.

>> No.17953662
File: 295 KB, 1024x1024, Blood Libel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet Ariel Toaff, professor of Jewish Renaissance and Medieval History atBar-Ilan University in Israel, has extensively documented the practice of jews kidnapping and drinking the blood of gentile children throughout European history.

Which of course corroborates the European histories of these practices. "Blood libel" is not libel at all. It's the truth.

And you're lying. Or rather, you're mixing truth with lies as propaganda.

>> No.17953698

Adam Smith's Wealth Of Nations

>> No.17953703

Toaff just discusses the subject. He doesn't say that the practice of ritual murder or blood drinking was widespread and well-attested. He says it was unusual. One edition of the book also seems to take as valid testimonies that were extracted under torture, so there's that...

>> No.17953733

Did the Nazis kill Jews because they (the Jews) were Jews or what?
This is as dumb as the arguments about Muslims having sex with goats.

>> No.17953766
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And yet the practice crops up again and again in both England and on the continent. So it's a jewish practice, if not practiced by all jews.

Blood drinking is perhaps the least of jewish crimes against gentiles. It only affects a few people at a time. But usury, vice peddling, fraud of all stripes, whoremongering, and warmongering: these have always made up the bulk of jewish business in gentile nations. And they have wrecked cultures and economies.

When you've been expelled from gentile societies countless times maybe it's you who is the problem.

>> No.17953781

Drinking blood is not kosher, if Jews were doing this they were bad Jews

>> No.17953795
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I'm sorry I'd rather only debate the smart jews. Not the dumb ones.

But since you bring up Muslims, yes, there are far better reasons to not want them in the west. And they're only here because of the concerted efforts of jews.

>> No.17953806

>no true Israelite

Get some new material.

>> No.17953813

Child sex abuse is against the sharia. Do you not see the pattern of these accusations?

>> No.17953818

Toaff doesn't say that the practice was widespread or accepted.
>usury, vice peddling, fraud of all stripes, whoremongering, and warmongering: these have always made up the bulk of jewish business in gentile nations
Depends where. In the Russian Empire most of them worked in service jobs (including finance) or small crafts like cottage industries or workshop stuff. Their participation in many jobs was limited.

>> No.17953825

You don't understand that fallacy.

>> No.17953852


>> No.17953899

Pretending that those attitudes don't exist historically (in the "literal reading") isn't going to cut it for much longer. Naturally, many Jews do not harbor the same hatred of the outgroup as ancient rabbis did, that's just an obvious truism that you're trying to make it seem like the dispute is about.

The actual issue is that modern Jews, aware of this legacy or else choosing to ignore it, continue to embrace their identity despite its historical epistemic injustice of placing everyone else and seeking to subjugate people as if animals lacking independent thought.

Reject your hateful past, apologize for your tradition of elitism and integrate into a multicultural society. We're just asking you to do the same thing that you ask us to do. No one wants to persecute you for being Jewish

>> No.17954070

Commies tend to be anti-Semitic

>> No.17954385

Goyim severely overestimate Jewish nepotism. Jews in Israel are very nationalistic and Orthodox Jews do most justly associate with other Jews, but the Israelis live in Israel and most Orthodox Jews are poor. Most Jews in the west are secular and don't really give a shit about their religion and only have vague mildly positive feelings towards other Jews.

>> No.17954494

>As a jewish kid I knew once told me in a moment of youthful candor: "we're a race when it's convenient and a religion when it's not."
wow this definitely happened

>> No.17954624

>And yet the practice crops up again and again in both England and on the continent. So it's a jewish practice, if not practiced by all jews.
Yeah, yeah, and there are thousands and thousands of reports of flying saucers, so I guess that means flying saucers are real too.

>> No.17954635

He was probably joking. Jews make a lot of jokes about how they're accused of killing Jesus, being greedy and bigoted, etc.

>> No.17955717
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Yeah. I see a bunch of monstrous Semites extolling their own virtues while abusing and consuming my people.

>oy vey we didn't want to be wealthy preadatory lenders we wanted to be pesants you goyim FORCED us to prey upon you!

When it comes to the Pale Settlement in Russia, you were confined to cottage industries precisely because you were segregated: denied access to exploitable Gentiles. So you had to live like ordinary people for that era. This is always used by jews to claim most of you were meek and poor. In reality you were just at the level of the rest of Europeans. The moment you had the chance you moved to areas where you could restart your abusive, rip-off lifestyle.

On the contrary. I used it precisely.

It's too late. We know.

It did, and your co-ethnic confirmed the strategy here >>17952451

>> No.17955762

just nepotism nigga. something you can't get.

>> No.17955770

>In reality you were just at the level of the rest of Europeans
I'm not Jewish. Most of my ancestors are from the UK and Ireland.

>> No.17955865

>no true scotsman
No mate, it's not. Those child abusers are Muslims unless they are apostates, the point is that what they did is contrary to the religious laws therefore is not to be taken as an indictment against the faith. What you may be doing is holding Muslims to a higher standard of morality than everyone else. You'd be correct if the argument were that the child abusers aren't Muslims because they breach the sharia but nobody is saying that but do you think people are saying that? I don't know.

>> No.17955941

>It's too late. We know.
What, about the flying saucers?

>> No.17955973

>everyone who disagrees with me is a joo! and if a bunch of people disagrees with me it means they are all joos!!!!

>> No.17956007

>What’s their secret?
total lack of morality plus greed plus decent IQ

>> No.17956016

Not the תּוֹרָה I'll tell you that much lmao

>> No.17956074

Pseudoscience goes on >>>/x/

>> No.17956817

Nah you can't. You could marry a jew and your children would be jewish. Maybe if you converted and then you got holocausted your children could eventually be considered jewish even if they're not ethnically jewish. But yeah, as a convert you won't be accepted. You can't even go to Israel lol

>> No.17956849

the new testament

>> No.17956851

Read the protocols of the elders of Zion and follow the guidelines

>> No.17957112

Nothing you are saying is true

>> No.17957119

Holy shit OP, you sound like a fucking chink, fucking hell.

>> No.17957260


Not him but this is a stupid argument.
Torture doesn't necessarily invalidate the witness testimony. In fact, the way they tortured some of the jews in the Trent case was highly sophisticated.

First off, torture was only ever used after condemning evidence, and they didn't torture for a simple confession, but to get a clear picture of the circumstances of the slaughter. No leading questions were ever asked, and the different testimonials by jews were corroborated. There were many circumstances of how the jews in the Trent case could not have lied, take for instance the testimonials of other bodies in nearby cities and blood merchants in Venice. It was simply impossible for the persecution to imagine these things, because they were all found. These things are discussed extensively in Toaffs book and I suggest you actually read it.

>> No.17957660

Torture is a notoriously unreliable way of gathering evidence.

>> No.17957755

I could just as easily find you a source condemning the Milanese aristocracy in fifteenth century Italy of being Satan worshiping shape changers who practiced ritualized cannibalism and incest.

Or reports from 4th century AD Rome about how Christians were cannibals who murdered and consumed their messiah, drinking his blood in a blasphemous "last supper" held in the old pagan Necropolis below the modern day Vatican.

It's almost as if people writing hundreds or thousands of years ago were superstitious, heavily biased, and completely full of shit.

>> No.17958177

cope more goy

>> No.17958215

>Goyim severely overestimate Jewish nepotism. Jews in Israel are very nationalistic and Orthodox Jews do most justly associate with other Jews, but the Israelis live in Israel and most Orthodox Jews are poor. Most Jews in the west are secular and don't really give a shit about their religion and only have vague mildly positive feelings towards other Jews.
Have you never watched a movie made in Hollywood or something? The Jewish influence in America isn't remotely subtle.

>> No.17958541


You do not give any support for your statement. Without torture, it is impossible to find the truth regarding the crime. Because the jews are contemptuous of the non-jewish court system, you will very rarely discover the truth in them. Even so, there are cases in modernity when jews confessed to the ritual slaughter of christians without torture. The case in Damascus 1840 and Tisza Ezlar 1882 are examples of this.

>> No.17958669

It's something acknowledged in legal systems around the world. Torture may be widespread today, but usually because the authorities themselves are not following the law.

>> No.17958691
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The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith

>> No.17959048
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>> No.17959095

>Or reports from 4th century AD Rome about how Christians were cannibals who murdered and consumed their messiah, drinking his blood in a blasphemous "last supper" held in the old pagan Necropolis below the modern day Vatican.
Catholics will agree this is true, though

>> No.17959265


>> No.17959344

Its true though, catholics are cannibals in a colloquial sense

>> No.17959528

>If you disagree with me you are joo! And if you are joo you are wrong! So if you disagree with me you are wrong!

>> No.17960828
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>> No.17961085

That's only an effective insult if the person on the receiving end is also an anti-Semite.

>> No.17962139

it's comfy af being jewish, my gf is a freak in bed and I have a good job

>> No.17962148

Lol converting to Judaism because you think they run everything really is just the pol mindset taken to its logical conclusion

>> No.17962713

This right here, Jesus Christ is lord.