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/lit/ - Literature

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17950518 No.17950518 [Reply] [Original]

Any progress on your novels?

previous thread:>>17930765

For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction
>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>On Becoming A Novelist
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft
>On Writing, Borges

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry
>This Craft of Verse, Borges

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Suggested books on getting your fucking work done you lazy piece of shit:
>Deep Work
>Atomic Habits

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript
> Write a query
> Track your query

Other Resources
>General grammar/syntax/editing help
> When/where/how should I write?
> What software should I write with?
> Amazon Publishing to make that KDP monie
> Be like Charles Dickens and write serially
> Basic overview of the Screenplay format

>> No.17950549
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Posted this in the old thread just before it started sinking, so feel justified posting here.

Start of a WIP short story. Comments appreciated.


>> No.17950550

I asked this yesterday in a different thread and no one answered ;_;

I'm dyslexic I barely understand grammar I have a small vocabularyand struggle with word recall which makes it hard to express myself through writing so I believe I need someone to sit with me and go over every sentence and paragraph of my book to rewrite much of it in a manner which makes it more accessible and doesn't make me seem like a complete retard. Is this considered ghost writing?

>> No.17950564 [DELETED] 

>Is this considered ghost writing?
No, I don't think it does. You could call it a writing coach, but not a ghost writer. Though it depends on what you mean rewrite.

>A ghostwriter is hired to write literary or journalistic works, speeches, or other texts that are officially credited to another person as the author. Celebrities, executives, participants in timely news stories, and political leaders often hire ghostwriters to draft or edit autobiographies, memoirs, magazine articles, or other written material. Memoir ghostwriters often pride themselves in "disappearing" when impersonating others since such disappearance signals the quality of their craftsmanship. In music, ghostwriters are often used to write songs, lyrics, and instrumental pieces. Screenplay authors can also use ghostwriters to either edit or rewrite their scripts to improve them. Usually, there is a confidentiality clause in the contract between the ghostwriter and the credited author that obligates the former to remain anonymous. Sometimes the ghostwriter is acknowledged by the author or publisher for his or her writing services, euphemistically called a "researcher" or "research assistant", but often the ghostwriter is not credited.

>> No.17950572

>Is this considered ghost writing?
No, I don't think it does. You could call it a writing coach, but not a ghost writer. Though it depends on what you mean by rewrite, in which case it might be ghost writing.

>A ghostwriter is hired to write literary or journalistic works, speeches, or other texts that are officially credited to another person as the author. Celebrities, executives, participants in timely news stories, and political leaders often hire ghostwriters to draft or edit autobiographies, memoirs, magazine articles, or other written material. Memoir ghostwriters often pride themselves in "disappearing" when impersonating others since such disappearance signals the quality of their craftsmanship. In music, ghostwriters are often used to write songs, lyrics, and instrumental pieces. Screenplay authors can also use ghostwriters to either edit or rewrite their scripts to improve them. Usually, there is a confidentiality clause in the contract between the ghostwriter and the credited author that obligates the former to remain anonymous. Sometimes the ghostwriter is acknowledged by the author or publisher for his or her writing services, euphemistically called a "researcher" or "research assistant", but often the ghostwriter is not credited.

>> No.17950583
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Reposting for new thread


tl;dr, since I'm querying to get an agent right now, ,I need to know if there's something confusing in the technology of this chapter that a layman would struggle with.

Hell, if I'm confusing a programmer, that's even worse but I doubt someone who works with computers and machines would get lost.

Pic unrelated, purely to get attention

>> No.17950596
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Existential Dread Over Small Success
>be me, bored 21yo Australian uni student
>have small idea for a novella I think sounds rad (not even gonna say it's name)
>self-publish it and hope for the best
>it sells 164 copies in a month

H P Lovecraft never published any books and Vincent van Gogh only ever sold like 2 paintings. A lot of history famous people never did well in life, but now I've actually managede to shift units better than many famous historical names

>Having existential crisis over this
>MFW (very unsure of self and future)

Books to cope for this feel?

>> No.17950657

Link to the Amazon? I want to see for myself if you ain't just making shit up.

>H P Lovecraft never published any books and Vincent van Gogh only ever sold like 2 paintings. A lot of history famous people never did well in life, but now I've actually managede to shift units better than many famous historical names
>>Having existential crisis over this
>>MFW (very unsure of self and future)
>Books to cope for this feel?
In case this is bullshit, how about you wait a while and if you continue to see an uptick in purchases, then maybe we could talk.

>> No.17950667

I won't link to the store page itself because 4channel rules on shilling, but here's my reddit anchor-post


I've got two other minor bits of non-fiction self-published too, but those are mostly just passion projects

>> No.17950688

Can I get what your story is about before I critique? I think that's more important for me right now. Is it a cyberpunk setting? Because I want to keep that in mind while giving you a review.

>> No.17950731

Yeah, cyberpunk mega city with no real difference between corporations and government. The plot is mostly about shooting drug smugglers

It doesn't have the aspect of japanese companies taking over the world though, just a massive police state

>> No.17950746

Oh okay, thanks for the heads up, but before I go and read your story, why do you assume having japanese companies would make it cyberpunk?

>> No.17950799

The technology isn't confusing, standard sci-fi stuff and if someone really doesn't understand the details they'll just skip the jargon and still get the picture. I do wonder how much of the detail is necessary but I'm not a big sci-fi reader (for that exact reason) so probably fine. Not a big fan of the dialogue personally but I assume you've already edited and got feedback if you're querying it so I won't bother here.

>> No.17950857

>be me
>write poetry when inspired
>not that often tho, have very few valuable poetry actually written
>it's really personal, it's shameful when people read it
>the very few people who read it actually liked them
>not in the position to write the novels I'd love to
>thinking about publishing poetry
>still feel shame
What to do, I'm stuck

>> No.17950869

Because that's how the genre started, the unstoppable expansion of foreign conglomerates overwriting the existing country. Cyberpunk has grown to encompass a lot of themes, not all of which I lean into

I look at it as a worthwhile tradeoff for the dialogue to be slightly clunky in exchange for establishing the setup quicker

>> No.17950931

Find a support poetry group? Either IRL or on some Discord?

>> No.17950939

Is it wrong to want to be a writer? Are there too many of them already? Isn’t kind of a frivolous thing to aspire to?

>> No.17950953

You can have non clunky dialogue that sets up just as quick. You don't have to compromise.

>> No.17950974

I've tried, the problem is I'm pretty much allergic to human contact, plus I still feel an extreme sense of shame and embarassement whenever someone reads my poetry. I tried with some people I knew irl who wrote poetry and with some friends, but it's still complex. I don't even know if an anonymous group would help since I get extremely jealous over them for some idiotic reason

>> No.17950995

Theoretically yes. I've found minor improvements every time Ive given my mind a break and come back to it.

Given how long querying takes, I decided to shoot my shot as I go. The whole manuscript is complete and Ive given it a few editing passes. If I figure something out I'll make the change.

>> No.17951005

i like the line about the refraction from the CDs. this one too:
> The wine was great and she had brought it so far.
the excerpt nice but it's meandering.

>> No.17951064

I think you need to go back to the basics and do a better job of explaining to the audience the stakes and the ticking clock for the protagonists. Your writing is not interesting enough to carry the opening long, which is fine for the kind of book you're writing, but it means that your plot and characters need to come and save you on the very first page. Right now you're just mentioning words like "blood" and "wounds" and "computer" as though just saying the words enchants the scene. It needs more of a focus on what your characters are doing and what's stopping them from doing it and what will happen to them if they fail to accomplish their goals. If you're willing to settle for "clunky dialogue" you have to accept that you're writing a thriller, because that kind of thing won't fly at all if your novel is not a real fucking thriller.

>> No.17951115

Anon, I don't know what to tell you, those are you only options, there's no other alternative. Unless you want to go with VRchat.

>> No.17951126

I was thinking about maybe sending them anonimously to some publisher, that sounds like the only viable solution, or publishing them under a false name

>> No.17951127
File: 581 KB, 3168x2560, new JDC whole cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy everyone. Gonna post several pages of excerpts of (iirc, not necessarily final draft) from a chapter of my latest non-fiction book. Pic related.

Would love feedback.

>> No.17951131
File: 28 KB, 411x523, jdc mind book contents page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just to tart with, here's the contents page.
it's kind-of a book of essays and personal thoughts

>> No.17951138
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Going to go with the chapter on Mormonism as the American microcosm.

>> No.17951143

Well hurry up and spam your shit that nobody's going to read so I can make a real post

>> No.17951157
File: 53 KB, 946x576, 42 43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's mostly stuff I wrote largely in altered states of conciousness of one sort or another. but i stand by *everything* in this book

>> No.17951164
File: 51 KB, 935x601, 44 45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel to ask me any questions you might have about any of the chapters or anything like that

>> No.17951169

Does this have a theme or philosophy? or this just you ranting?

>> No.17951170

Have you graduated high school?

>> No.17951175
File: 40 KB, 942x582, 46 47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the final pages of that chapter.

hope you all enjoy it, a lot of people have been asking to see samples of my stuff. this isn't my prose fiction, but you get the idea.

>> No.17951194

there are some overarching / recurring themes, a lot of it does come off anthropologically (in a cultural materialism sort of way) when you take a step back

I'm actually recently graduated from uni and work and actually work as an educator

>> No.17951208

Just what the world needs is a 22 year old TA or librarian or whatever the fuck writing with all the self-importance of a 16 year old about a subject he has no personal stake in or special insight on

>> No.17951220

Paul Fussell's "Poetic Meter and Poetic Form" should be included in the sticky for poetry.

>> No.17951230

Is that even really viable? I have t headed of a publishing company that can do that yet.

>> No.17951231
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>he has no personal stake in

see, I disagree there. i take at least 90% of my non-fiction personally, and 100% seriously.

also, I wrote one other non fiction (pic rel) that ended up doing pretty well - it's sort of a proto-essay book, but it's also a joke book, because that's relevant to the point the proper analysis was making.

>> No.17951255

And that's my problem. I tried doing some research regarding other authors who keep their identity a secret, but I did not succeed sadly
There are some self publishing sites, but either they are scams or I get nervous they will ask me to prove my identity when I'll have to actually publish it
I also thought about having someone else fake being the writer, but I would get really frustraed and jealous over my pieces, so that's a big no no

>> No.17951268

>I also thought about having someone else fake being the writer,
Do that and self-publish. Being completely anonymous is hard, but if you create a fake online presence, you'll be fine

>> No.17951271
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>writing book
>don't give a fuck about pleb beliefs like "consistent tone"
>what however I feel like

>> No.17951285

I'll try that, is creating a fake online presence hard?

>> No.17951298

Extremely hard if you’re not well-know or famous.

>> No.17951310

just pick any random name and use that, maybe have a social media page with a handful of generic photos/posts under that name to throw people off the scent. easy peasy

>> No.17951346

I've been procrastinating getting started on editing my draft for days. I've never had a novel draft before and I'm not used to the kind of changes I need to make. With short stories I'm typically able to jump straight into line edits, but for editing this novel I have to approach it with the idea that I'll be rewriting nearly every line, adding and removing whole paragraphs, etc.

How do I approach this mentally to make it less daunting?

>> No.17951392

That's bad news actually, I don't even know where to start
Oh, that sounds good. Wouldn't there be a problem with doxxing and catfishing?

>> No.17951439

>How do I approach this mentally to make it less daunting?
You don’t. This is the process of writing a novel. And you need to do this multiple times.

>> No.17951448

i'm sure it will be fine

>> No.17951480

>John David Card

>> No.17951501


>> No.17951508

Don’t play dumb, you know what.

>> No.17951510

congratulations anon I'm happy for you.

>> No.17951517

Wait, wouldn’t it be harder to craft a fake presence if you’re well known or famous? Then, you have to make more of an effort not to cross them over with your real identity.

>> No.17951525
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>> No.17951526

Put a dedicated /crit/ thread together in case anyone is interested. There have been a couple requests for one lately.


>> No.17951543

Holy fuck, schizo anon, stop making early threads and duplicate threads just because of an anime OP.

>> No.17951546

You might have some points.

Re-reading, it didn't sit well with me anymore that Erin's first line of dialogue is about smoking rather than about Zhou.

Did a bit of work on it if you care to skim it again (paragraph 3 is the real meat of the change)

>> No.17951569

lol anon, Harry Potter sold millions of books
quantity is meaningless and you're a self-absorbed retard

I've sold 100 copies of a gay furry smut book fug I must be some secret genius or something I outsold Lovecraft

>> No.17951577

Print it out and use a red pen. This always shifts the way I read things into an editing mode that distances myself from the work.

>> No.17951582

Is it acceptable to share a chapter here to find out if I have any chance of every being good?

>> No.17951596

Yeah, if you’re worried, then take a screenshot of your work. Since the posts will be archived and publishing companies will find it.

>> No.17951598

yeah, it's spelled correctly. I don't know what else you're trying to imply

>> No.17951604

Why would publishing companies care about you getting critique on the internet?

>> No.17951611

>Since the posts will be archived and publishing companies will find it.
That’s a bad thing or what?

>> No.17951639

Not only is there an issue of who authored the piece on an anonymous internet forum, there's also the whole '4chan' thing. I'd assume publishers don't want to be related to a website that's known to house neo nazis and holocaust deniers etc.

And if you autistically try to argue against this point, then you don't get the point. Publishers have the power and they are in the corporate mindset. It's not about publishing SJW shlock, it's about image and about what makes them the most money.

>> No.17951641

I don't think he's saying he's gunna post the whole thing.

>> No.17951673 [DELETED] 

Basically this, this anon got it right.

>> No.17951674

Then I'll do that, thank you anon

>> No.17951694

um sweaty this is 4channel not 4chan, there's no need to worry about being tarred with that brush
>It's not about publishing SJW shlock, it's about image
This is a contradiction
>and about what makes them the most money.
This is not correct. Ideology trumps everything. Sure they want to make money, but more important than that they want to be on the right side of history(tm). Worst case one of their corporate friends buys a pallet full of books as a tax writeoff and distributes them as part of a holiday gift basket.

>> No.17951701

Still, though. It’s better to be safe than sorry. It’s why I have an expiration date on my pastebins whenever I post them.

>> No.17951715

The industry seems to be set up to create an in-group of authors with an extraordinarily high barrier to entry.

Personally, I just don't share anything after the first third or so of the book and keep draft history in my gDrive

>> No.17951733

>And if you autistically try to argue against this point, then you don't get the point.

>> No.17951785

>The industry seems to be set up to create an in-group of authors with an extraordinarily high barrier to entry
You just need to know the right people, it’s all what it is now. Is it any reason why people turned to web serials or self-publishing?

>> No.17951799

Almost the entire industry is still located in New York, right? Whats a midwesterner to do?

>> No.17951809

Self publish. Start a union.

>> No.17951829

>book starts with 2 detective characters going to location to investigate crimes.
How the FUCK do you fill the audience in with out resorting to "as you know"-ing?

>> No.17951859

Self-publish or post on royal road. Many people are doing it.

>> No.17951876

Have a local PD on scene to explain things to, to catch them up.
>"look sergeant Johnny Splits, this is how it's gonna go. Youre going to stand there looking pretty for all the pictures while we do the actual investigation of a double homicide involving child molestation and satanic sacrifices. You know anything about that?"
>"Well, in my youth I read the lesser keys of solomon but I-"
>"Well, too bad, this isn't dark ages whichcraft. This is cybermancy demonology. You ever hear of computers kid?"

>> No.17951899

>pointing out truth is autism
in that case guilty as charged

>> No.17951936

>calling ideological drivel and biased subjective observation of a world he doesn't even participate in "truth"
Wow. This is what the internet does to your brain.

>> No.17951937

Isn’t infodump generally discouraged?

>> No.17951965

Yes, but info dump on another character is better than when two characters that already know the thing itself info dump at each other. But if anon tries to write it out someone will come along and say he's spending too much time on exposition and he should start the story in the middle, which is what he's trying to do, but then they'll say the reader gets too easily lost because they don't understand the context. And round and round it fucking goes. Anon just needs to find something that isn't cringe. I fucking hate when two professional characters say really dumb obvious shit at each other that they obviously would have known from whatever their introductory 101 class is, but that's normally how deep an author will go as far as research. Like, how many investigative guides do you think that anon has actually read? And if he's read enough, why doesn't he go get his PI license?

>> No.17952031

Didn't have time to finish but I enjoyed it and found the technology simple enough.

>> No.17952103

Can you make money on royal road?

>> No.17952109

Thanks anon

>> No.17952116

Like the site itself giving you money? No.

However, if the people like your story, then they can send money to you either by patreon or PayPal.

>> No.17952121

thanks, based royal road employee.

>> No.17952147

Thats pretty good anon.

>> No.17952169

Explain with an internal monologue. The character reminiscing. Detectives are always thinking over everything.

>> No.17952301

Yeah the technology was pretty easy to get, I don't think that'll be an issue for anyone. Was a pleasant read too.

>> No.17952373

Thanks anons.

I was starting to think I was crazy based on what my IRL readers were saying.

Hopefully I get picked up by someone and I can post in here as a success story.

>> No.17952810

Is it possible to write when you're surrounded by distractions every day?

>> No.17952904

How's it going /wg/?

>> No.17952907

No, Virginia Woolf confirms

>> No.17952918

Discipline yourself. Also, you can make writing more pleasurable and rewarding than whatever is distracting you.

>> No.17952930

>you can make writing more pleasurable and rewarding than whatever is distracting you
Including things screaming in your ear loud enough to pierce through headphones blasting metal?

>> No.17952988

Ok, I thought you were talking about stuff like video games or youtube when you said distractions. Is finding a quiet place an absolute impossibility for you?

>> No.17952997

>Is finding a quiet place an absolute impossibility for you?
Yes. I live in a place where even the library embraces an "open" design which makes it impossible for me to have any privacy. I'm basically juggling between different forms of pain and nobody around me is sympathetic to my plight.

>> No.17953015
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I managed to start and finish an April fools chapter on the 1st. But then I fumbled around and couldn't finish the next actual chapter for the weekend. Makes me feel a little guilty but at the end of the day nobody is going to care if I miss an intended deadline.

>> No.17953022

No, yes, no

>> No.17953060

It's finished boys. 117 page sci-fi novella.

>> No.17953170
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How do you write anything if you have no self esteem? How can you like your writing if you hate yourself?

>> No.17953212

Channel your self-hatred and your feelings of pain into your writing.

>> No.17953228

It's 10 PM, I have to go to sleep in 1 hour. I have work starting tomorrow 7 days straight.
Should I write or play some Dark Souls?

>> No.17953332

write, electronics make it hard to sleep

>> No.17953342

>he writes on paper

>> No.17953345

But I write on my PC

>> No.17953352

no matter what happens you can always start writing tomorrow. tomorrow will always be there for you.

>> No.17953379

Thank you anon, I needed that

>> No.17953406

I did it, /wg/, I rewrote my opening chapter. I have started my second draft. The first act will require a major, almost total rewrite, but maybe that is the price of having a draft done. The second and third acts are stronger and I only have a few points where I think I will need to entirely strike out a scene. I am going to finish this draft by the end of the month and I am going to make it a draft I want to query with.

>> No.17953608

I haven't written anything in almost a year

>> No.17953854 [DELETED] 

Well shit. I wanted to share the first chapter of my story, but it's being flagged by pastebin as inappropriate.

>> No.17953889

Chapter 1, after my first revision of the second draft.

>> No.17953925

How do you write erotica without getting overwhelmed with lust?

>> No.17953993

You don't. Let it fuel you.

>> No.17954021 [DELETED] 

It's probably a good sign if your erotica is making you horny. I'm sure a comedian wouldn't want to tell a joke that they don't even find funny. But if your erection is getting in the way of your writing, uh ... jerk off beforehand? Have sex?

>> No.17954050

just found out that publishing houses in my country don't publish original books, they just translate whatever is on the NY best seller list.
Literally shaking with fury rn.
Writing on paper will produce more subtle passages as opposed to the sober, lucid, and sterile passages produced by a word processor. Try it.
You care, anon, you fuck. Don't let that stand in your way but also don't let that happen again.
post it on pastebin then share the link.

>> No.17954099

>being this scared of "said"

>> No.17954117

Why are you still here?

>> No.17954189

Well, I actually only found these threads recently. I was hoping to use them to get back into writing.

>> No.17954292

I like handwriting because i get less distracted

>> No.17954302

Plus it forces me to retype it which is good for editing

>> No.17954483

Let the coom flow from your fingers into your words.

>> No.17954722

who wants to help me out with something that i'm writing?

>> No.17954730

I'll try.

>> No.17954739

can you give me your email address? i want to add you onto a google drive document.

>> No.17954810

This sounds like some kind of scam. Nevermind.

>> No.17954811
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I know wattpad is one of the worst sites out there in terms of content, both for writers and readers but I’m too afraid to post my work literally anywhere else.


>> No.17954845

IKTF - do you ever struggle with feeling pretentious when you write?

>> No.17954877

How do I know a character is getting a little too special?
I have this girl on the comic I'm developing that has a fully japanese name, is adopted by a super special agent man who is in a sham marriage with a russian woman that used to work for one of the previous antagonists of the story, was also actually born from a dragon as a clone of other past antagonists who were both women so she is technically one of those magic anime babies, and was also born with a special power that made her stronger than all her classmates in the esper hunting academy.

She is actually pretty normal personality-wise all things considered, though.

>> No.17954882

no, it isn't. i'll just paste the story

>> No.17954888

The Antagonizing Reflection

He stared deeply into the mirror; his mirror image stared back with a piercing curiosity. It made him feel even more insecure, as if there was someone else scrutinising his skin.
He couldn’t tell if it looked dry, dehydrated, or wrinkled. He certainly knew that there were some fine lines and wrinkles on his face, but he had no right idea of how bad they really were. He knew, or so was convinced by both his mind and his past-friends that he was being too harsh, and that his skin looked fine, but of course he wasn’t too sure of that.

His scrutiny was habitual, and would take place whenever he entered a bathroom with a mirror in it. It ashamed him deeply, but he couldn’t stop himself most of the time. He’d broken many mirrors in the past in reaction to his own image. There’d never be a full-length standing mirror in his bedroom again, lest he add to the innumerable mine-field of glass shards in his carpet (also an indicator of his uncleanliness).

His skin was indeed somewhat sallow and sunken in. Bags had begun to gather below his eyes, and burst capillaries showed on his nose when close inspection took place. His hairline had receded some since highschool, and the side of his head was beginning to show through his hair. He couldn’t figure out any one single root cause for the downfall in his appearance, and chalked it up to a general diagnosis of “chronic stress”.

His obsession was not exclusive to bathroom mirrors, no. It followed him wherever he went. He’d find his reflection wherever he went; in the windows of parked cars at night; in one-way windows (you can find these sometimes at the base level of a skyscraper); in the metal counter-tops at Subway; even in stranger’s sunglasses.

One night, he dreamt that he was in a hotel. The hotel’s atrium had an area of about 300x300 square feet, and the ceiling was so high up that it was a barely perceptible rectangle. He stepped into a wooden elevator, which was the most visible sign of the hotel’s impoverished infrastructure. The wooden elevator appeared to have been made out of the cheapest and ugliest wood available; it looked more like a shabby children’s treehouse than a real working elevator. Suddenly, after stepping onto the creaky and cracked wooden flooring, the elevator began to move upwards. Blaire looked down, and noticed that there was a straight line running through the center of the elevator, from door to the wall at his back. He noticed, too, that when he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, that the floor would shift somewhat; the more he stared, the more he could see a black emptiness appear below his feet, past the crack.

>> No.17954890

Even if you are serious, this post still reads as if it's steeped in irony.

>> No.17954894

The elevator had been going for what seemed like minutes while this went on. Eventually, the elevator came to a stop, and once the doors opened it was revealed that he was on the roof-top of the building. Three young travellers -two young men and one woman-, all lean-bodied and adorned in hiking gear gave him genuine and full-faced smiles. Suddenly, the two young men walked into the elevator, with pleasant smiles, somewhat aggressively but not too impolitely squeezed into the small wooden elevator, and in the process pushed Blair out of it and onto the metal-grate catwalk. He was at a loss for words, and the young women smiled to him as she brushed past him and into the elevator. The elevator was packed by the three like a can of sardines, and Blair was now on the outside of the catwalk after having been pushed off by the smiling woman. He was hanging, and sweating profusely. This was a very confusing situation for him, especially since it happened so rapidly.

>> No.17954978

Stop with this he/him/his shit. Unless this is some odd magical simulacrum, he has a name and he knows his name. I get you're trying to be all mysterious and dark, but the the reader needs to be given a reason to give a shit, and a name helps with that. And then you just suddenly spring "Blaire" on me, and you'd spent so much time jerking me around with he/him/his and I don't know if this is meant to be someone else altogether. Also, if you're already doing some disorienting "he stares into mirrors and doesn't know who is staring back" shtick then immediately moving into a dream sequence doesn't help at all. Are we approaching a plot at any point? Does it matter that he was in a confusing situation when it's a dream anyway? Dreams aren't known for their strict adherence to logic. And what does this have to do with the mirror thing?

>> No.17954995

I love it, Anon. Wish I was as talented as you.

>> No.17954996

I wasn't trying to be "mysterious and dark", you fucking presumptuous faggot. I wrote this all in the period of 20 minutes. It's improv.

>> No.17955020

Sorry for calling you a faggot, I just got flustered.

>> No.17955039

I did say "shit" a couple of times, which is kind of hostile of me. If this was purely an extemporaneous mood piece which wasn't meant to have any specific logic or purpose, then I'm the wrong guy to give an evaluation. I'm more of a structure and logic, longform person.

>> No.17955060

I'm not sure what it's supposed to be. It's the first draft of an idea that I wrote a few months ago. I suppose it's too loosely written to bear criticism right now.

>> No.17955082

What is it about?

>> No.17955107

I know, anon, but I was already designing her when I was like 14 and I got attached.
I think she fits neatly into the plot but read out loud it sounds crazy.

>kill your darli–
Shut up. I'm not killing her.

>> No.17955113

That's not what the phrase means, you're getting too defensive. Make sure you get a good story for her.

>> No.17955130

>you're getting too defensive
Yeah. Maybe.
Actually, can you go deeper into what the phrase means? I'm fucking stubborn so I don't pay much attention to advice telling me to trim or cut stuff out of my writing.

>> No.17955138

It's more about not holding on to pieces of the story that aren't helping accomplish anything, even if you like them. It doesn't mean get rid of the things you like BECAUSE you like them. If they fit structurally, there's no need to cut them.

>> No.17955191 [DELETED] 

I've got $44k in cash in my roth IRA. I'd like to split that between two stocks. I prefer to pound the short term gains in that account. What should I buy? Something that'll pop in the next 8 months or so.

>> No.17955199

go all-in on my book, I'm telling you, it'll be a big success

>> No.17955268

Donate it to my PayPal anon :)

>> No.17955335
File: 90 KB, 735x783, autist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been planning a story in my head for the past week, prowling the internet for writing advice, have a MS Word open.

But I still can't bring myself to write the first letter.

>> No.17955377

Try outlining before diving into writing. Pantsers are retards.

>> No.17955519

What’d I miss?

>> No.17955625
File: 1.26 MB, 720x1018, Void Cover FINAL copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best cover money can't buy

>> No.17955665
File: 71 KB, 1000x541, micshead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / pw / qst / sci / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / vt / wsg / wsr / x / xs] [Edit][Settings] [Search] [Mobile] [Home]

>> No.17955689

This is it. If I go one more day, it'll be the longest I've ever gone without writing.

>> No.17955720

I Thought you were supposed to live in the now because you can’t be sure you’ve got tomorrow.

>> No.17955830

Tips on selecting a beta reader on fiverr?

>> No.17955844

pick me, I've read 1 book in the last 10 years

>> No.17955849

yeah same as the other guy

>> No.17955857

OK, but I can only pay in foot pics

>> No.17955863

I'll do it for free and you will receive free advice

>> No.17955868

oh god yes you're hired

>> No.17955875 [DELETED] 

You’re trying to sound pathetic, but I think their actually represents the majority of people.

>> No.17955886

spoken like someone who hasn't finished a manuscript

>> No.17955898

Is a female beta reader worth it?

>> No.17955915

You should look into having a variety of sensitivity readers. Women, LGBTQIIAP+, someone representing each ethnicity that appears in your story. It’s important to ensure accurate, inoffensive representation.

>> No.17955937

Just write nigga. I don't care if your protag or some side character is an Islamic Latino who's also gay while they're busy fighting the big bad dragon.

>> No.17955943

My characters a suicidal white guy lol

>> No.17955950

You dont???

>> No.17955955

All characters are gray blobs sporting wigs unless there is specifically artwork of them.

>> No.17956014

all my characters are white. my books have a strict no niggers/jews/fags policy. do I ever describe their skin color? of course not. everyone's white, no need for that shit

>> No.17956084
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>> No.17956148

Thank you, fuck this thread.

>> No.17956156

Why didn't the /crit/ thread gt bumped. I will try it again.

>> No.17956162

saging is a thing still, is it not?

>> No.17956168

based i will do something similar except i will be specific to point it out
it probably won't improve the quality of the story but it will filter people who are reading for the wrong reasons

>> No.17956172
File: 169 KB, 450x718, 09876543567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baka...so it's come to this huh, hress dunter?

>> No.17956184

just to add, some anon called his series "shill mountain" lmao.

>> No.17956196

ok bharles corchard, you're pretty funny for a shill so maybe ill read your story

>> No.17956267
File: 53 KB, 1191x440, book starts teaching you new words.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love feedback on some new words I've been writing,

>> No.17956324

Yeah, me too. Also I find that writing in paper has a aesthetic quality to it, y'know? I think that's more inspiring than cold word processor.

>> No.17956354

whatever shakespeare

>> No.17956359

Isn’t it silly to want to be a writer? That’s for people who can’t get real jobs. You may as well head to Hollywood to be an actor or something else equally retarded.

>> No.17956372
File: 6 KB, 288x216, 6F5BE71C-BC63-4634-B5C2-243401176878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 pm like clockwork
A row of tiny, flat pearl soldiers
Gulped whole
So the dissolving of chalk suffocates the belly
Not tongue

A dozen little tablets
Now down to fraternal twins
Dark circles the colour of a bruise
Now fade away to sand
Washed away by time and sea

Angry red streaks hiss over my skin
On my thighs, my sides, my breasts
Now yawn gossamer tiger marks
Proof of my excess
My will to heal

Curling fingers over my proof
Eyes black as charcoal
Glint like the night
As the looking glass
Proudly catches a hint of a smile./

Not too happy with the last two stanzas. For a poem that could 30 min to write, it should be better.

>> No.17956375

It's silly if you're trying to become famous, and you will most definitely fail if that's the sole reason you're doing it for. Writing is like exercise, it's healthy for the mind but that depends on what kind of writing you're doing. If you're one of those erotica writers, or one of those paypal losers, you're actually doing harm to yourself (which you deserve).

>> No.17956431
File: 40 KB, 823x600, john-grisham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my brother read my shit
>rated it 8/10
>said that's taking into account everything he's ever read
I know you shouldn't listen to family but this feels really good. I'm starting to believe I'm actually going to make it.

>> No.17956438

>letting anyone read anything you've written
not gonna make it

>> No.17956460

Any books on how to write ~18th century dialogue? Like the kind of dialogue you'd find in Jane Austen novels?

>> No.17956609

This. Do you think Jesus gave people sneak peeks at the Bible while he was writing it?

>> No.17956657

I'm pretty sure Jesus was illiterate and Moses wrote the Bible

>> No.17956662

>Jesus was illiterate
He was Logos incarnate...................................................

>> No.17956674

No, he wasn't incarnate for long didn't they crucify him the same day he was arrested?

>> No.17956684

You know he lived to be 33 and then was crucified, right?
You know it wasn't permanent because he resurrected three days later, right?

>> No.17956697

>hurr Jesus was incarnated by Pilate for 33 years
Holy headcanon, Batman!

>> No.17956707

Okay, then. How long did he live on Earth before being crucified, wise guy?

>> No.17956729

Are you saying he was incarnated at 33 and then kept incarnated until he was 66? LMAO
They had a passover meal and he was ressurrected on Easter Sunday, they didn't keep him incarnate for long, just for how long it took to pass judgement

>> No.17956740

>writing general
>posters have no reading comprehension

>> No.17956924
File: 40 KB, 535x577, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to write a more serious scifi novel to be published traditionally
>contemplate on free will, morals, and identity through the viewpoint of surviving humans in a post-apocalyptic setting full of artificial life forms
>like the language, characters, and dialogue
>have fun writing it
>re-read after finishing the first part
>as a whole, it just feels like a blatant ripoff of Nier Automata

what the hell bros. How do I fix this?

>> No.17956949

Just run with it. Plenty of fine books blatantly rip-off something else

>> No.17956963

go back and change everything you think is ripping off that book you mentioned? you could find inspiration as you do.

>> No.17956967

Kek’d hard. Thanks, bro. Have a good one.

>> No.17956992

It's not any specific scene, but more the overall atmosphere of being alone in a dead world asking the big questions, and the disconnected feel between the reality we know and the future that is strange.

The worst is, it's not another book it reminds of, but a goddamn video game, the last thing you want readers to connect your novel to.

>> No.17957005

Honestly none of you people here should write a book ever. There is already enough trash out there that nobody should ever read ever. Do society a favor and focus on improving your community with infrastructure.

>> No.17957038
File: 90 KB, 276x277, 1608054871951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to write a short story all in present tense for fun, but it's impossible to skip ahead in time without making it look forced.

Rewriting the whole thing in past tense now, I'll leave present tense for when things happen within a short span of time.

>> No.17957097
File: 25 KB, 480x360, oiuytg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's start I guess.

>> No.17957139

How do I know how many pages I have? I found a site where it shows me a format, but what do you guys follow to know truly how many pages you have written own?

>> No.17957148

Word says it at the bottom. Currently I'm working on page 99/153.

>> No.17957170

>Do society a favor and focus on improving your community with infrastructure.
Why support Satanist that only leech from you and call for you genocide?
Can you just refer to him as a man?

>> No.17957180

>Tried to write a short story all in present tense for fun, but it's impossible to skip ahead in time without making it look forced.
Huh. I didn't realize that past tense makes that convenient too. I better keep that in mind.

>> No.17957189

I wrote some opinion somewhere and I got into some prose pattern that seems archaic

that can be afforded any victim


that can be afforded of any victim

>> No.17957199

I think the bottom one I don’t know if it’s right but it sounds right

>> No.17957235
File: 59 KB, 473x610, Paul's epistles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any progress on your novels?
Yes, I'm done now. I was never going to become the next Faulkner, the next Nabokov or the next Joyce, but I hid behind the language barrier to avoid criticism for months, maintaining an illusion that was fun to live in while it lasted.
This will be my final post on /lit/. I've been humiliated and exposed as a fraud. My writing is pretentious, infantile, banal drivel. My observations are dull, my language grade school level. My tenses are mixed up, I use colloquialisms, ellipses and onomatopoeia.
I was never cut out for writing. I began writing my "book" on January 6th. Since then I've produced 63 thousand words for it. These words are a tide of garbage without value, without insight, without form. The themes of time, space, infinity, memory and pointless duelling are not present in my work. It was never real writing, it was anime and weebshit.
I have failed. Goodbye.

>> No.17957238

They both sound off.

>> No.17957239

Goddammit I was supposed to update it to 64.

>> No.17957252

So I'll agree with you on the bottom. Google sayth it's acceptable but not so common anymore. Anywho..

>> No.17957265

anyone have links for these suggested books?

>> No.17957278

No the stupid weeb OP doesn't want to help people write, he just wants to shit out a thread as fast as possible to shit up the board culture with his degenerate weeb OP. try google.

>> No.17957284

Did non-weeb OPs have such links?

>> No.17957375

No the stupid non-weeb OP doesn't want to help people write, he just wants to shit out a thread as fast as possible to beat the weeb OP in making the threads because he’s bothered by a pic.

>> No.17957382


>> No.17957387

You would be surprised but the non-weeb OP is worse, since he expects the next Faulkner, the next Nabokov or the next Joyce to appear here.

>> No.17957393

Is your life really this empty, OP?

>> No.17957401

>he disagrees with me
>He has to be OP
Every time.

>> No.17957406

he's like the goblin under the bridge except he's the weeb under /wg/, not letting anyone make a thread so he camps under the bridge all day.

>> No.17957410

There can’t be just the two people that make threads that’s crazy

>> No.17957412

You can stop pretending OP.

>> No.17957424

You're kinda repeating yourself. I mean, all the time

>> No.17957432


>> No.17957451

I agree with what seems to be consensus: this is pretty good. Id read it if it kept being like this.

>> No.17957455

I don't think that was the consensus at all. Stopped after a page.

>> No.17957458


Ignore this opinion purely on the fact that i disagree. If one person disagrees, chances are more people will. Spelling it all out is for retards. We get that there’s a clock ticking, or at least the author has left us wondering. We get rewarded when it turns out they gotta go fore the cops show up. No need for more explanation than that.

>> No.17957491
File: 1.37 MB, 264x264, ef4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll humor you since you think I’m the OP or whatever, but it’s a common pattern in generals that have anime OPs where little shits like you come here and try to shit up the thread, trying to ruin it. It’s even more noticeable in when you look at the archives, the fact that whenever someone disagrees with whatever you or who else is shitting up the thread calls them the OP and that they’re samefagging as some way to shut them up. The fact that multiple anons have stated several times in the past they’re not the OP or the fact that even anons from other generals came here several threads ago and speak out should be more than enough. The fact that you or whatever anons who insist this isn’t an issue whereas everyone can see it should be enough.

TLDR; not the OP, just someone who sees what happens in the threads and read the archives.

>> No.17957516

Thanks for reminding me why i stopped frequenting 4chan.

>> No.17957563

When did this meme start? All of a sudden this is being posted in new threads?

>> No.17957575

It started when someone was accused of being a weeb, he posted his writing, got given a scathing critique of his anime fanfic-tier shit and then he got so butthurt he started spamming every thread with that shit

>> No.17957635

It’s one of my favorites, he updates the word count every time now

>> No.17957693

He's making progress on his novel.

>> No.17957728

>writing a story about swingers/wife swappers

This shit is so fun to write.
It's not even erotica, it's more romance/relationship jealousy drama, but it is flowing out of myself faster than anything before it.
For months I have been slogging along, trying to make my medieval fantasy story work.

I think I have found my true calling here.

>> No.17957731

Post it on Amazon once you're done, there's a demand for that.

>> No.17957827

No, it started when a pseud started shitting on everyone including some Finnish anon when he posted his work in Finnish, in response, finnish anon made the copypasta in response to the pseud being a tryhard. How do you not know this?

>> No.17957920


Post your writing playlist!

>> No.17957928
File: 370 KB, 1032x609, 1530832697681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that no one describes my writing as "like anime" anymore

>> No.17957937

Wait, does the pseud speak Finnish?

>> No.17957945

The Pseud did not speak Finnish, as far as I can tell. The Pseud was just shitting on everybody and the Finnish anon making the soldier novel called him out and it kind of spiraled from there.

>> No.17957948

I never understood swingers. Where's the appeal in such a thing?

>> No.17957952

I'm beginning to think it was just one person to begin with
Based mongolian meme master.

>> No.17957956

I got told that IRL by my well meaning friends. I'm new here

>> No.17957957

The appeal of the swinger lifestyle can be different for different people. Although all swingers are turned on by the idea of recreational, non-monogamous sex, there are often aspects of swinging that are a turn on for some swingers which are disliked, frowned upon or actually disapproved of by others.

>> No.17957962

You seem to have found your calling indeed.

>> No.17957967

>I'm beginning to think it was just one person to begin with
It's either one or a small group of anons. That much is know. The last few threads, when they would make an early thread, were the worst by far.

>> No.17957971

I think it's a whole slew of things, really.
Some swingers enjoy the fact that they have what other people want, and get off on sharing it knowing they 'own' it.
Other swingers thinks that by being with other people, they are actually strengthening their own relationship, because they have removed the sexual dependency and can focus entirely on a emotional relationship.

It's all mental gymnastics to explain away that they just like fucking people and having someone to go home to.

>> No.17957985

Also trying to bring back /crit/

>> No.17957989

Did they really create another thread?

>> No.17957992



>> No.17957998

That wasn’t him that wasn’t me. People kept asking for it back so I made one, but it didn’t work out. I guess I fell for his trap.

>> No.17958000

Sorry, that was* me, a separate anon to the anti anime guy

>> No.17958023

I see. Well you're a silly person, but now you know better.

>> No.17958068

I've completely drawn a blank on anything to write about.

who else /fraud/ here?

>> No.17958080

Try some writing exercises?
>Describe a colour without using any colours
>Describe an ordinary object abnormally
>Pick a writing prompt

>> No.17958085
File: 99 KB, 500x753, Batank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write about something that happened for real.

>> No.17958106
File: 28 KB, 446x643, ss3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presented without context.

>> No.17958112

Anon, just a warning with dealing with that anti anime guy. Do not believe him or anything he says. or any other anons that come to his support. That anon is pretty infamous in another /lit/ general for trying to pull what he's trying to do with /wg/. So it's best if you don't believe him whatsoever or just call him out.

>> No.17958114

>being alone in a dead world asking the big questions, and the disconnected feel between the reality we know and the future that is strange
do you know how common this is? Don't change shit because it looks like Nier Automata when Nier Automata itself looks like so many other games and books.

>> No.17958116

Joke 3 is 10/10.
I don't really get the others.

>> No.17958151
File: 11 KB, 400x400, 1588626118911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What did the Mormon girl do when she was offered a beer at her first frat party?

She pulled her pants back up and left indignantly.


I saw a Mormon family pull up to one of the free pumps at the gas station at the exactly same time as I did alongside another.

Two women and a man were in the car. When the man got out to start pumping gas, I couldn’t help but lean over and ask him, “What’s it like having two wives?”

He laughed, “The one in the back is my oldest.”

I said back to him, “That’s a really blunt thing to say about one of your wives.”


Day after debate held at BYU University discussing possible merits of state-wide cannabis legalization, Tribune headline reads: ‘LDS Elders concerned Marijuana could prove gateway drug to Coffee.’


Following a crackdown on profanity, rowdy young Mormon men are being asked not to play ‘Fuck / Marry / Kill’.

The Church would prefer they stick to ‘Marry / Marry / Marry’.


What’s the difference between a militant Mormon and a militant Muslim?

The Mormon gets his 72 virgins, before he kills himself.


Did you hear they’re using Mormons instead of live white rabbits in laboratory testing nowadays?

Apparently, they breed faster and get less emotionally attached!



Well, "The Bumper Book of Mormon Humor" by John David Card is on Amazon now!

>> No.17958157

>Brought back /crit/
>Only lasted for 12 post
>completely spergs out due to a animefag posting his work
And just when I think /crit/ threads can't go any lower, they defy my expectations and do go lower than ever before. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.17958187

These are pretty good. I don't get the 2nd one though.

>> No.17958188
File: 498 KB, 524x526, 252453429bea4f887921c430cb65a8d34348653b25846f1b554d7f1e4b5830d3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17958207

"My eldest" means it's his daughter, but the guy takes it to mean his older wife.

>> No.17958253

Wish Mountain anon ended up making his own shill thread after anti anime anon shit all over him

>> No.17958293

Why does he keep doing that to himself. I don't mind his work or anything, but I never understood why he keeps trying to gain support from anti-anime anon.

>> No.17958336

I get the feeling he’s very young, doesn’t like the idea of being disliked.

I enjoy poking fun at Wish Mountain, I don’t think it’s terrible, it’s silly, but has the potential to be decent. Wish Mountain feels like it’s stuck somewhere between being a parody of a fantasy story and just being a mediocre fantasy story. It’s not all the way one or the other and if he could just embrace being the parody it could be pretty fun.

>> No.17958442

>I get the feeling he’s very young, doesn’t like the idea of being disliked.
I mean, that's understandable, but still you would think he would finally take the hint and realize they genuinely hate him. And I know what you mean about the story being stuck halfway. He should embrace the parody aspect of his story to the fullest.

>> No.17958473

>write a first draft
>think it's good enough that editing will be a breeze
>start on the first chapter
>every single word winds up being rewritten
Maybe by act 2 I can start keeping scenes.

>> No.17958495

The fact that you finished your first draft at all is to be lauded. Great work anon

>> No.17958497

Every time I go back to edit, I think that past me was retarded.

Congratulations on finishing your draft.

>> No.17958582

You're doing better than most, anon.

>> No.17958633

Not that hard to figure out why people share partners.

>> No.17958674

that's a good thing bro

>> No.17958723

Now do it with the second and third draft.

>> No.17958729

Not that great a connection. And it says there "oldest" not "eldest".

>> No.17958777

>started shitting on everyone including some Finnish anon when he posted his work in Finnish
I posted the comment on the spede's shit and I haven't posted anything else before or after, until now. Not everyone here is the same person, but don't let that get in the way of your fantasy world-building.

>> No.17958842

Esl here, don't know what board to ask. Is it:
"We will be here, John and me"
"We will be here, John and I"

>> No.17958857

“John and I” y’all are the subject of the sentence

>> No.17958872

If it's dialogue, whichever sounds better for the character.

Otherwise: >>17958857

>> No.17958890

Not him, but I always end up trying to appeal to my critics because my fans won't talk to me.

>> No.17958916

Yeah, but the critics in question have genuine vitriol against him.

>> No.17958936


>> No.17958950

Like I said, I end up trying to appeal to my critics because my fans won't talk to me. While their intentions may be foul, at least they care enough to engage.

>> No.17958980

being a mormon sounds pretty based desu. seems like they got it all figured out.

>> No.17959015
File: 44 KB, 375x500, _suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final chapter of the book is basically an argument/essay sort of to that effect. Might interest you. Either way, it's a $2.99 ebook on amazon, and I hope that at least it might pry a few laughs out of the people here.

>> No.17959072

Do people really buy your work? Do you market it?

>> No.17959146

/wg/, how to write and plan a first draft? I need some general advice.

>> No.17959151

Infodump isn't real. You're either good at introducing concepts or you're not. Tiny bits of exposition from the narrator for general info, characters discussing for the more complex stuff are a tandem used everywhere.

>> No.17959270

There are a couple different methods, most general are outlining versus “pantsing.” Outlining you would plan out your different scenes/acts/major events before starting on your prose. This could involve developing characters, setting, and outlining the overall conflict. There are loads of different outlining methods, you can do scene cards of key events or follow a three act structure, among dozens of others.

Pantsing is just you write until you get to the end and hopefully you put a good story together in the process.

You can google those terms and get millions of different recommendations on how to carry out the above. The books mentioned in the first section of the OP will walk you through them, just pick one you like the look of best and read it. There are also lectures on YouTube you could watch and I imagine countless blog posts.

I would start by working on shorter stories initially, that way you get in the habit of finishing things.

>> No.17959310

Between my 3 books, I've had about 200 sales. Just word of mouth on 4chan, and people do seem to like it.

>> No.17959352

Have you thought of doing ads? or something?

>> No.17959374
File: 33 KB, 728x90, header ad desktop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have money to finance such a thing. Although I did draft some concepts. pic rel

>> No.17959397

and i will just add i am aware of the spelling mistake on the title of the second book there

>> No.17959405

Is it impossible for fantasy to be considered literary? Do magical powers of any sort immediately disqualify any serious themes the story tries to show?

>> No.17959407

Shame to waste all that time and effort and to not be able to use it. It would have definitely helped you.

>> No.17959408

Thanks anon.

>> No.17959414

yes this is why i don't have any magic at all in my fantasy

>> No.17959420

alright, i'll fix up the error right now. i do have a spare 5 mins

>> No.17959424

That's called low-fantasy, anon.

>> No.17959438

Have you read the Lord of the Rings?

>> No.17959444

Ask people who enjoy Gene Wolfe.

>> No.17959446

i dont care what it's called. im tired of all these anal bastards in fantasy having to categorize everything and turn something fun and magical into a bunch of anime bullshit. i dont care about what kind of magic system you have. i dont care about what kind of obscure subgenre youre writing. i just want a fun story with great characters in a world of medieval folklore and mythology. i hate modern fantasy and i hate you.
ok anon im sorry i dont mean that i dont hate you but i hate modern fantasy and im going to fix it. even if i have to do it alone.

>> No.17959457

>all fantasy has to be medieval
Aaaand it's shit.

>> No.17959465

People don't know who that is.

>> No.17959477

Fixed it

>> No.17959487

That was quick.

>> No.17959488
File: 28 KB, 728x90, header ad FIXED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17959504
File: 201 KB, 449x640, Severian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That needs to change. Netflix adaptation of Book of the New Sun when?

>> No.17959505

Why are you guys so reductive in your genres?

>> No.17959515

never, since an adaptation of that story would be costly.

>> No.17959519

I don't even know what genre I'm writing. Autofiction? Comedy? Picaresque?

>> No.17959525

How can you not know?

>> No.17959534

New thread


>> No.17959536

I for one had more than enough of pseudo history wanks.I mean, how many more Greek or Norse knockoffs can you take? Even Japanese or Chinese mythology, as trodden as it is, feels like a breath of fresh air by this point. And Russian mythology is all but breakthrough novelty.

>> No.17959542

How could I know? I don't think of things in terms of genre.

>> No.17959551

>I mean, how many more Greek or Norse knockoffs can you take?
Why would I deviate from the western canon for weebshit?

>> No.17959580

Forever ago in past threads I heard someone wanting to ask questions to a copywriter. I'm a newly hired one and anticipate that I'll get moved up into an editor position down the line.
So if that anon's still here, ask away I guess.

>> No.17959589

You might want to post this on the new thread, since this will soon be archived.


>> No.17959603

>anon is so detached from vidya he thinks nier automata is a book

>> No.17960641
