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17945261 No.17945261 [Reply] [Original]

Those of you who hate Jordan Peterson, what would your own 12 rules for life look like?

>> No.17945278

idk dude takes a long time to think up 12 rules im not gonna think for 30 sec and give you an answer so what do you expect?

>> No.17945282

don't get addicted to benzos

>> No.17945283
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There wouldn't be one. Fuck rules man, my life doesn't need rules.

>> No.17945300

1. Dont clean your room
2. kick a cat when you see one i dont know

>> No.17945303

My way or the highway

>> No.17945311
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In no order
1) Take care of the environment
2) Be humble with what you have
3) Don’t fall into the consumerist trap
4) Don’t give into excess
5) Meditate daily
6) Treat others with compassion unless prompted otherwise
7) Exercise patience where you can
8) Don’t eat processed meat. Catch, kill, then eat if you want meat.
9) No social media
10) Be always skeptical
11) Learn languages and about other cultures
12) Travel as much as you can. “Birds don’t sing in caves”

>> No.17945338

You don't need a list of static rules to live by. Just do whatever comes naturally to you.

>> No.17945339

1. dont be asshole
2. ok you can be asshole if you must but not actually evil

>> No.17945349

1. Don't be envious
2. It's dumb to get angry at anything because we are all gonna die soon
3. Beauty is the most important thing in life
4. Travel
5. Learn how to not be financially retarded
6. Try to be ascetic or at least minimalist
7. Buy a good pair of audiophile speakers
8. Try to use electronics the least amount you can. Go out in the world
9. Don't become an avant teen
10. Leave America if you live here as soon as possible
11. Try to spend most amount of time with parents as possible if they are still alive
12. Try to be nice to everyone

>> No.17945360

But I don't hate Jordan Peterson

>> No.17945363
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1. Love fate
2. Willing bare the cross
3. Don't take life seriously
3. Hold no resentment
4. Question everything
5. No excuses
6. Think as you like behave like but behave like others
7. Create yourself
8. Take all action with boldness
9. Live in the present
10. Always plan
11. Transcend the superficial
12. Contemplate death

>> No.17945366
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Bad. Ass.

>> No.17945381

1. the internet is for having fun, it shouldnt be taken seriously

2. women are for sex and nothing else

3. dont give money to politicians

4. never perform labor that you arent getting paid for. moreover, never advertise a product you arent getting paid for

5. if you see a CIA nigger, run him over in your car

6. dont buy anything you can get for free

7. the US government is evil. anything that opposes it is good.

8. its less destructive to put your faith in something that doesnt exist, than something that does

9. dont debate a liberal, shoot them

10. you are always entitled to something better

11. always do the opposite of what the feds say

12. there is nothing wrong with hypocrisy

>> No.17945382
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>6. Think as you like behave like but behave like others
*6. Think as you like but behave like others

>> No.17945392
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>2. women are for sex and nothing else
Based and Redpilled

>5. if you see a CIA nigger, run him over in your car
Based and Glowpilled

>> No.17945399

Annon 4chan is social media

>> No.17945408

3. Bully retarded children at the local mall

>> No.17945411


>> No.17945426

Like JP I like to exercise some wiggle room when following my rules ;)

>> No.17945448
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1. Rule 1
"You don't talk about the rules"

>> No.17945449


>> No.17945450


>> No.17945462

actually probably a better list than the real one

>> No.17945472

Don't be a cunt, don't take things too personal, learn as much as you can, don't be guillible, enjoy.

>> No.17945478

Fuck Bitches
Get money.
Repeat 1/2.
Dont be gay ass nigga
Dont be a bitch ass nigga
Fuck da police
Get high every day
Respond to this post
or your mother will die in her sleep
Support BLM.

>> No.17945480

juden peterstein

>> No.17945481
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Why do you dislike Benerson if none of these are in any significant disagreement with his rules

>> No.17945518

>Why do you dislike Benerson if none of these are in any significant disagreement with his rules
I don't like Peterson, but I think his incredibly overrated and I hate his faggy sycophantic followers

>> No.17945529

He brainwashes incel teenagers into thinking he knows anything about politics/philosophy because they felt good about cleaning their room

>> No.17945543

12 Rules for /Li/fe

1) Don't read the forwards or the preface
2) Don't read translations if you can help it
3) If you can find it or afford it, buy the physical copy
4) If you start it. Finish it.
5) Your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't post these rules in another thread
6) No immunity
7) Never talk about how books smell
8) Do not ever read or discuss non fiction
9) Avoid reading anything written after 1950
10) Don't write in the margins like an idiot
11) Invest in a bookmark
12) Support your local used book store

>> No.17945584

Good list, except for 8 and 9. The sentiment is fine but these are not viable behaviors in the current day.

>> No.17945585

I don't hate him but I will pull random shit out of my ass cos it is a fun thread. In no particular order:

01 - Your instincts are right 99% of the time and overthinking and constructing wild plans or copes are going to destroy you. You know the answer, anons.

02 - Shaping your opinions for others destroys your soul. Just totally go full balls to the wall and tell people what you believe, their scorn is a fit price to pay to tell them what is real. You can be respectful, but if someone asks you what you believe, state it fully.

03 - No political party/player/movement really cares about you, do not fall into their traps or go lightswitch brain of left versus right. "but what about muh liberals". Just have your position and align with no one.

04 - Companies care about your money. Not you. Give them as little as possible.

05 - You need the low brow. Don't just live in a realm of snobbery. Sometimes a beer and an 80s action flick is a great thing. [insert thing] goes brrrr.

06 - Stand up for yourself.

07 - Obedience gets you nowhere. It is hard to be constructively disobedient, and you suffer, but it is the only way to something better.

08 - Learn to fight.

09 - Friendship, genuine and pure friendship, is one of life's greatest gifts.

10 - Most truth or worthwhile things to say are ineffable and are not something you can get from words in books, you know when real value is found, so abandon autistic "if x then y" logic about how to act (see point 01).

11 - Never be the victim (see point 02/06/07/08 or any of them really).

12 - Time is all that matters, don't waste it on too much /tv/ or /v/ or even /lit/.

>> No.17945587


>> No.17945599

1) be /lit/
2) be /fit/
Kek who needs 12?

>> No.17945612
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I do kot dislike Benisman but
1) Be yourself
2) Make sure yourself is better than the others'
3) Be beautiful
4) Stop worrying
5) Need as least money as possible
6) Do not be a nigger
7) I dunno lol have 6 extra spaces for emergency rules to annoy other people

>> No.17945613

>Your instincts are right 99% of the time and overthinking and constructing wild plans or copes are going to destroy you. You know the answer, anons
Shit right off the bat.

>> No.17945621

Personally I am ambivalent about him, I just wanted to write down what my 12 rules would be.

>> No.17945630

1. always do the right thing
2. never do the wrong thing
its not that hard bros

>> No.17945637


>> No.17945644
File: 102 KB, 640x764, 1615451738153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Love fate
>"That which does not kill us, makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche

2. Willing bare the cross
>"Where the willingness is great the difficulties cannot be" - Niccolo Machiavelli

3. Don't take life seriously
>"Gods a comedian playing to an audience to afraid to laugh" - Voltaire

3. Hold no resentment
>"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" - Jesus Christ

4. Question everything
>"The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing" - Socrates

5. No excuses
>"You can either have excuses or results, you can't have both." - Arnold Schwarzenegger

6. Think as you like but behave like others
>"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain

7. Create yourself
>"Mancannotremakehimself without suffering. For he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel

8. Take all action with boldness
>"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will achieve nothing in life" - Muhammad Ali

9. Live in the present
>"Life can only take place in the present moment" - Buddha

10. Always plan
>"A man without a plan, is not a man" - Friedrich Nietzsche

11. Transcend the superficial
>"There is no medicine for people whose vices become habits" - Seneca

12. Contemplate death
>"Death smiles at us all, but all a man can do is smile back" - Marcus Aurelius

>> No.17945645

1)Poo and piss your pants in public at least once as an adult
2)Drink yourself to excess at least once
3)Break into someone's property at least once
4)Drive extremely fast when you feel like it
5)Listen to music as loud as possible, until your ears hurt
6)Smoke tobacco regularly
7)Drink black coffee, no milk no sugar ever
8)Talk to homeless people
9)Drive/Travel to the ocean on a Tuesday at least once
10)Destroy something you love
11)Eat until you throw up at least once
12)Brush your goddam teeth stinky

>> No.17945700
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1.) Think of death more than you breathe.
2.) Trust no one. Everyone is a liar.
3.) Seek people's true motives.
4.) We tell ourselves stories to keep ourselves sane. Divine the stories people tell themselves and you will know their soul.
5.) Save money and invest wisely.
6.) Don't watch TV or mindlessly browse the internet.
7.) Stay off online basket weaving forums.
8.) You owe no one anything.
9.) Do onto others what advances your strategic position.
10.) Don't feel bad for hurting others. They would do the same to you if they had the advantage.
11.) There is no good and evil, just survival. Never fall into any moralistic mind fuck trap.
12.) Remember that only the fittest will survive.

>> No.17945714

>Trust no one. Everyone is a liar.
Stopped reading there

>> No.17945721

All based except 10, what's the fun in that anon

>> No.17945735

It's true. Except I am I liar that tells the truth!

>> No.17945738

Well, first I would throw away Maps of Meaning completely. I’d would tell the world ‘I’m sorry buckos! I had a schizo breakdown when I wrote this piece of shit, and that’s THAT!’

Then I’d completely rewrite 12 Rules for Life. I would take the idea of the positive feedback loop as the starting point. This is actually one of the few ideas that are well thought out in Petersonian philosophy, and I would use it to connect this mechanism of the brain to rituals, and the idea of withholding immediate satisfaction. I would connect this to conservatism, but do it in a smart manner, and say that you can change society, provided that you have a good justification for it. I’d obviously get rid of my financial connections to oil billionaires, because climate hoax propaganda bullshit will just erode my own reputation in this.

After this, I would expand the rituals, with stories, great stories, where there’s not one story that has a specific monopoly on reality. I’d also have to say goodbye to Jungian Christianity, but that stuff was retarded anyway so why cares. I’d start with the Mesopotamians, trace all the stories and themes right down to the present day, and review all the highlights, and all the great lessons we could derive from them. I’d look at the wonders of Babylon, Egypt, Persia and Rome. All the trials and triumphs of the Greek gods, the great Germanic stories, even the ones from the Slavic concepts. I would conclude that all of these stories touch on something deeper within us, inspire hope, teach us lessons on what it means to be human, and use these lessons to tell us something about the current political landscape. I’d tell talk about seeing a world obsessed with rage and revenge, getting back at people, beating them and ‘owning’ them, without ever looking at the bigger, hidden meaning of it all, that in the end, most of us are just like the characters in those ancient stories, filled with doubts, endlessly making mistakes, but also learning from them, to make the world better, not worse.

I’d also eat some greens for fuck’s sake and tell Mikhaila to stop being such a grifting bitch-ass ho, in those exact words. Finally, I would tell Dave Rubin and Bret Weinstein to fuck off, and get a real job, like garbage man, or Walmart greeter, both of which add significantly more value to the world than the shit they do right now. I’d also tell Ben Shapiro that he isn’t fooling anyone and should just get laid already

>> No.17945749

Incredibly based

>> No.17945758
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Those are not 12 rules anon

>> No.17945766

1. Keep /pol/ in /pol/
2. Don't respond to off-topic garbage.
3. Don't spam.
4. Don't check your digits.
5. Don't be a racist, a sexist, or a transphobe.
6. Apply to a janny or mod position whenever there is an opening.
I use the remaining 6 rules to buff those that I have written.

>> No.17945775

I’d fit some mediocre self-help rules in there somewhere, like ‘Don’t get stuck in anger’, ‘Look beyond the sorrow of today towards the joys of tomorrow’ and of course ‘Clean your room’, but not in an incel way

>> No.17945811

I want to add to my list: ignore gay shit like this post. Your words are empty. They are feel good quotes for socket moms and dilettantes.

>> No.17945828

On the contrary, get stuck in anger and never leave. There is absolutely no reason not to be angry on this planet of death.

>> No.17945862

1. Don't fuck with things that can fuck back.
2. Live within your means.
3. Your personal safety is no one's business but your own.

12 is too many.

>> No.17945864

>Buy a good pair of audiophile speakers
such as?

>> No.17945866

checked dubs

>> No.17945868

Incredibly based, my list is more or less this minus thinking about death

>> No.17945869

Why? Please elaborate

>> No.17945883

1. Speak only when spoken to, always.
2. Work 60+ hours per week, no exceptions.
3. Save at least 30% of your income
4. Don't bother people, leave them alone
5. Don't approach, date, or unnecessarily interact with women at all
6. Control your emotions: never visibly display anything resembling anger, fear, lust, etc.
7. Don't have sex out of wedlock
8. Eat magnesium and drink water
9. Use the Internet, social media, and all other forms of visual entertainment as little as possible
10. Be a practicing Christian, preferably a Catholic
11. Stop following politics
12. Stop thinking

>> No.17945896

Based and redpilled thread

>> No.17945899

NPC tier list, gross

>> No.17945912

being an NPC is ascended consciousness, fuck off with your separatist individualist bullshit

>> No.17945927

Ignore it then faggot, I don't care what you do

>> No.17945954

My pleasure.

One's thoughts should always lie with strength and survival. The quote poster's rules for life makes life out to be grander than it is. I hate "create yourself" in particular. That's for teenage girls with pretty nail polish.

>> No.17945961

An NPC thinks he's galaxy brain. Now I've heard it all.

>> No.17945974
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>being an NPC is ascended consciousness, fuck off with your separatist individualist bullshit
You are an individual, you are special, you are a snowflake, you are unique, each of us is a sacred, unique snowflake of special unique specialness.

>> No.17945985

Revel M16's are $900 new from Crutchfield and 500 used. The only speakers that are comparable to them are in the $3000 range so I recommend everyone just bite the bullet and get the relatively cheap Revel's and you can be basically end game audiophile for not that much. Throw in a Denon AVR-S540BT and you are on your way to the best experience of your life. Sounds like the instruments/singer are in your room. I've had my speakers for a year now and I still almost cry when I hear the pluck of a harp.

>> No.17945987

>One's thoughts should always lie with strength and survival
Absolute pure autism.

>> No.17945989

Bruh, 900 dollars is too much. I would feel so guilty. What about 150-200?

>> No.17945990

This seems like it was written to get money by some drug addled faggot

>> No.17945992

This is good bait, you know why? Because it could easily not be bait. Good job fren

>> No.17946013
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Thanks fren, you think I could make money for my drug habit?

>> No.17946020

>1. To abstain from beans.
>2. Not to pick up what has fallen.
>3. Not to touch a white chicken.
>4. Not to break bread.
>5. Not to step over a crossbar.
>6. Not to stir the fire with iron.
>7. Not to eat from a whole loaf.
>8. Not to pluck a garland.
>9. Not to sit on a quart measure.
>10. Not to eat the heart.
>11. Not to walk on highways.
>12. Not to let swallows share one’s roof.

>> No.17946063

Benozos, yes

>> No.17946071


>> No.17946075

1. Buy all my self help books
2. Give me $15 a month on patreon
3. Tell all your friends and family to buy my books

>> No.17946104

Tier 1: be a decent person
1.) Be self-sufficient
2.) Don't be a dick

Tier 2: be a good person
3.) Help others if they want help
4.) Diet, exercise, practice good hygiene
5.) Fix your mental illnesses
6.) Do things you find fun

Tier 3: Self-Actualize
7.) Find something you are passionate about that helps people
8.) Leave the world in a better place than you found it
9.) Be inspiring, make people happy
10.) Leave a positive mark on history

Tier 4: Ä̴̟́ ̶̞̉C̵̭̎ ̴̣̐Ë̸͔́ ̶̬͊N̶͎ ̸̎D̷̼͐
1̴̘1̷̺͑.̷̹͝)̴̮͛ ̵͜P̶̺̀U̸͎͌S̶̯H̶̗̕ ̴͈̔T̷̬̽H̴͉̾E̶̝̒ ̴͖͋L̸̛͉Í̸̗M̶̦͝I̶̭͒T̶̥̏S̸͔̋ ̸̛̪Ő̸̫F̶͓͒ ̸̠̔H̶̖̔Ṳ̴͆M̸̛̫A̷̪͝N̴̦̿ ̴̝́P̸̍O̴̎ͅT̵̯̀E̶͔̕N̸̦̈T̵̼̽I̵̮̚A̷̻͂Ĺ̸̤
1̵͙̰̫̘̏̿͆̍͊͜2̸̡̪̯̠͓̊̇̑̾̿͗.̶̨̮͍̤̬̟̄̿̎)̵̺͎̺͉̖̗̈́̍̿ ̷̦̜̔̐ͅA̸͇͖̿̐̈̑̊͘C̵̜̻̗̮̿̎H̴̠̃̊̂̀̐̋́Ȩ̵̻̤̤͚̠͗́Î̶̛͕V̶̜̝̯̘̎͑̇͐͆̌͜Ē̵̫̦̟̆͛͊̓̃͜͝ ̵̜͈́̌́̾̚T̵̯͚̩͈̰̊͗͊͒͋H̴̳̰̾̽͘̕̕Ȅ̷͍͙̈́͝ ̶͚̼͈̙̐P̴͇͂͗̀̎͛H̵͚̓̽͐Ǐ̵̧̢͈͓̈́L̸͉̳̰̘̑̂͌̕͠͝O̶̧̧̤͈̺͚̽Ş̷̡͓̜̱̰̭͝Ơ̸͓̒̈P̵̛̩̘̽͊̏͠H̵̗͕̜̔I̶͔͓̯̼̊́̌̍̑͘C̴̨̼̼̰̯̼̀̈́Ḁ̸̛̬́̀͂̕L̵̖̇͒̽͌̉͗̈́ ̴͈̹͍̽̓̾S̵̟͈̳̏́̋̄̏̊̉I̷͙̔̀̄̿̀͝Ǹ̴͓̹̳̀͛͐̃̍͊G̴̖̠̞͛̐͠Ů̷̦̝͈͒̍L̶̛̺̮̜̓̈́͒̍͝A̶̳͇̜̼̟͎̼̾͋͆̔́͠R̸̃̎́ͅȊ̷̫̟̐͒̏̈́̊T̷͖͑̂Y̴͍̥̹̐ ̴̨̳̤̦̗̗̋̔̓́̈́̔͘Ä̸̝̺̬͙̦͈͎́N̶̞͉̞̋̌̏̏̇̃̆D̴̛̗̹̻͊̀̀ ̴̨͔̼͓͙̠̳͑̽̊͊͝Ḇ̷̧̘̿̔̊̀͐̑͝ͅË̵͚̼̻́̽̈́Ç̷̡̥̞̥̥̈́͝O̵̧͉̽͑̎̇͠ͅM̵̗̈́͛͝E̶̟̜̋ ̸̮́̀́G̶̬̖͇̮͇̾̀̊̿͌͜͠Ö̶́͛̊͆̃͝D̵̙̯̰̱͆́͂̚̚͝

>> No.17946106

Unless you are literally dirt poor and can't afford I would yolo it. You probably waste money on concert tickets or other stupid shit you pay $900 once and you get the experience of having Mozart play in your room and it will last the rest of your life. I'm telling you after you listen to one song you won't regret it. If you can't then I don't know really know what would be good in the under $300 range. I heard people talk about the Ascend CBM-170 being good but my experience is only with $500 and up. Search around on audiosciencereview for reviews and recommends. In my experience nothing comes even close to Revel


>> No.17946119
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1. Try to avoid women as much as possible
2. Read for six hours a day (Dr. Johnson's orders)
3. Support the working class
4. Support the environment
5. Meditate daily

That's all you need

>> No.17946131
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why is their so much women hate in this thread?

>> No.17946138

I have money bro, but I am very frugal and feel bad about spending it. I just let most of it go to my investment portfolio.

>> No.17946140

they are a contemptible species

>> No.17946146

>in this thread
Its everywhere anon. There's a huge amount of animosity between the genders rn

>> No.17946158

A deregulated libidinal function is a requirement to the /lit/ lifestyle.

>> No.17946168

>What about 150-200?
HD 6XX or Argon Mk.3 and Atom/O2 or Topping A30. That's about the cheapest new off the shelf setup you could reasonably consider to be audiophile class.

>> No.17946178

We don't react to events; we react to our judgements about them, and the judgements are up to us. That's it. That's the key to happiness. Anything other than further elaboration of this principle is fluff.

>> No.17946189

Women are literally just men with a few chemical changes I don't see whats the big deal. If anything the past 10 years of feminism has made dating easier because women will now publicly display red flags on social media and dating apps. Same thing with men I think its the stupid ones that get the most attention. Find you some grills in the IRL and the odds of them being someone worth talking too is on the same order of magnitude as men.

Incles can fuck off, giga chads looking for their next wet hole can fuck off too. Maybe if you don't treat women like objects they might actually say something compelling to you lmaooo

>> No.17946195

12 is too many

>Love thy neighbour
>Do your best

>> No.17946197

Based and dubspilled.

>> No.17946201



>> No.17946203

That link says Philharmonic AAM is nearly as good for substantially , and even better when paired with a sub.

>> No.17946206

About 40% of young men in America are incels. Any politician if he cares about winning will have to brainwash incels too

>> No.17946214

It's less that men and women are terrible and more that the dynamics of modern dating create incentives for terrible behavior, even if largely just in self-defense against other terrible behavior.

I am not even a trad type who thinks we should go back to 1750s style marriage, I have no solution at all to the problem, but the existence of the problem can't be denied. Some people do still have functional enough relationships of course, but the statistics overall for younger generations are just bleak.

>> No.17946216

Yeh couldn’t find a applicable quote and the Arnold one came to mind

>> No.17946217

You basically summarized everything Peterson has actually done, except for the last paragraph.

>> No.17946236

But to follow up, not everything has to be philosophical faggot, I also quoted Muhammad Ali. Athletes know a lot about pushing themselves and achieving greatness, so some reverence is due you pretentious faggot.

>> No.17946238

statistics stamishtics be the change you want to see and try traditional dating, if you end up lonely at least you tried. This is a much better outlook than
>stay away from women entirely
Else your letting Hollywood and whoever are pulling the strings fuck you and your society hard and your just letting them do it

>> No.17946256

I was talking about the overall picture, of course from a personal perspective you just have to do the best you can. You shouldn't actually lie to yourself about the general state of society though.

>> No.17946268

Not hating on the rules, agree with pretty much all of them - just couldn't shake the image of a load of philosophers standing next to Arnie

>> No.17946295

1 fuck
2 niggers
3 and
4 fuck
5 jannies
6 sneed's
7 feed
8 and
9 seed
10 formerly
11 chuck's

>> No.17946302

I just use that as a spreadsheet to see speaker names. I don't care for the ratings. I should have said that before I posted. I don't really agree with his methods. The Philharmonics might be better but you have to email the guy who builds them for you. A little sketch for people who have never bought a speaker before. If he gets the bug then he can order the $1700 Philharmonic pair later.

>> No.17946308

1. bee urself :)

>> No.17946317

If you really care for music I would skip eating out or wherever you waste money for a weeks to buy one. I move my entire life around speakers. I can't live in an apartment anymore. If you buy them from Crutchfield you can always return them I think it's like only $20 to ship back. See if there any non chain audio stores near you and listen to some or if you have Amazon Prime you get free returns and you can listen to some cheaper pairs from that list for free to dip your toes in.

>> No.17946318

1.) k
2.) i
3.) l
4.) l
5.) y
6.) o
7.) u
8.) r
9.) s
10.) e
11.) l
12.) f

>> No.17946324

1. Love your family and s/o
2. Exercise regularly
3. Go for walks, preferably in nature. Alone and with friends
4. Have friends
5. Believe in a god or anything above yourself
6. Have valuable hobbies (artistic or those which produce something)
7. Have certain points of indulgence (drugs, videogames, etc.) but control them.
8. Eat healthy
9. Remind yourself to be good natured towards others
10. Pick a career that gives any sort of greater help to society and also which doesn't make u miserable

Other 2 rules are the ones you make through ur own experiences

>> No.17946332
File: 45 KB, 750x737, nimg.ws.126.net4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1)Think things through
2)Take action

>> No.17946344

*holds up a spork*
Also fuck you nigger heart is tasty

>> No.17946349
File: 61 KB, 900x900, 1617260711238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are inferior to men in every aspect

>> No.17946353


>> No.17946360

A. Study 'pataphysics.
B. Read a bunch of everything.
C. Stop making sense.
D. Fear those who are slaves to concepts.
E. Don't use numbers, it's gross.

>> No.17946369

Weak quantitative intellect copes by exalting words, kek.

>> No.17946370

1.) report
2.) hide
3.) sage

>> No.17946402

1. Be Gay
2. Do crimes
3. Be cool
4. Appreciate Ben Shapiro's sister's hebrew hefties
5. Have a big dick
6. Bust fat nuts in chicks(dudes in maid outfits), raw
7. Mansplain Deleuze every chance you get
8. Claim Heidegger wasn't a nazi, prove it by saying that he would do a better job preventing them from being-in-the-world
9. Refuse therapy
10. Listen to the Cumtown bit about gay jackass every morning
11. Wear cat ears
12. Effort post on continental threads on /lit/

Works for me

>> No.17946431

I'm a real man thus I don't need a list of rules pasted to my fridge. I do what I do.

>> No.17946442


>> No.17946446

checked again

>> No.17946457
File: 313 KB, 2048x2048, 1613322792218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone who goes to she a psychiatrist aught to have their head examined. Rules an authority derive entirely from yourself and no one else. Why do you think you need rules? If they sound good and you think they're applicable to your life and can get you one up on the universe why weren't you already following them? If you already know you're undisciplined why is a rule you're going to impose upon yourself going to change that?

>> No.17946611

Chimpanzees are just humans with a few genetic differences but I do not see you fucking them

>> No.17946826
File: 201 KB, 421x519, 1617406387639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speak for yourself

>> No.17946874

>If you dont have a job, apply for work every day.
>If you dont have a gf, hit on girls every day.
>Exercise every day.
>Meditate every day.
>Never think about past or future unless absolutely relevant.
>Forgive anyone for anything immediately.
>Pay attention to your feelings.
>Call your parents at least once a week.
>Talk to every friend at least once a month.
>Don't drink or do weed or hard drugs.
>Do hallucinogens with friends between 1 and 10 times after the age of 25.
>Ignore the news and politics and dont vote.

>> No.17946877

Nice rule

>> No.17946892

>9. Don't become an avant teen
Best advice

>> No.17946924

>Don't drink or do weed or hard drugs.
>Do hallucinogens with friends between 1 and 10 times after the age of 25.
Rare as fuck, possibly based?

>> No.17946930

Not even for a /lit/ thread will I lower myself to writing self-help checklists.

>> No.17946955


>> No.17948077

>falling for the bear cross meme

enjoy ur minimum wage, wagie!

>> No.17948338


>> No.17948985
File: 86 KB, 798x960, FB_IMG_1611453512295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 language is a means of interpreting thought, not for communicating thought
2 truth is tautology. Error is contradiction
3 the soul is unfalsifiable. Maintaining relationships and understanding other people will always be outside the limits of hard sciences or strict logic
4 question every moral platitude to yourself. If it doesn't make sense under examination, it may be just simple nonsense
5 understand that power means either ability or ownership. Avoid the ambiguous colloquial definition
6 if financial stability is the sole motivation for an occupation, then all motivation and passion will be lost if financial stability is ever achieved
7 at least 10-20% of income into index funds. Preferably through vanguard.
8 write lists to avoid feeling overwhelmed with a multitude of tasks
9 the key to making oneself do anything is not to seek mental motivation, but to avoid mental resistance
10 every known scientific fact is very nearly perfectly exploited in the technology currently around. The ideal form of an object can be learned through studying the scientific principles involved in its construction
11 grammar and case precedent are the two most important factors in understanding the law. The latter is unavailable to the layman, so hire an attorney
12 when learning anything, start by examining the most prestigious sources, not those which promise to be the most accessible

>> No.17949034


>> No.17949108

Mostly just meaningless platitudes

>> No.17949126
File: 30 KB, 512x288, 1612968050545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rule #1: Fuck all rules including this one.
Rule #2: pic unrelated

>> No.17949136
File: 19 KB, 640x340, 1613621447054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. 'ate commies
2. 'ate liberals
3. 'ate anarchists
4. 'ate analytic philosophers
5. 'ate materialists
6. 'ate idealists
7. 'ate realists
8. 'ate atheists
9. 'ate Godcucks
10. 'luv me Buddha
11. 'luv me sutras
12. 'luv me meditation

simple as

>> No.17949196

1. Survive
2. Enjoy the ride

>> No.17949337


>Wake up at 6AM
>Take cold shower
>Eat keto meal
>Work for 12 hours on a computer
>Listen to podcast about how to work harder for your boss on train ride home
>Go to bed at 10:00
>Don't do drugs or drink alcohol
>Don't marry or pass on your genes
>Don't buy land, and pay for everything with credit
>Be generous, humble and chaste
>Acknowledge your privilege and be kind to others
>Live safely and peacefully

Why is this so hard for everyone to understand? Simple recipe for a simple life

>> No.17949350

Yes, but in a way that’s actually coherent, and without the incel conservatism and the Jungian bullshit

>> No.17949393

>10. Always plan
>>"A man without a plan, is not a man" - Friedrich Nietzsche
That's from the movie Dick Tracy not Nietzsche

>> No.17949458

Only need three.
1. Live
2. Laugh
3. Love

>> No.17949533

1. listen korn
2. no wiping after shitting

>> No.17949982

Never seen a more random generated list

>> No.17950048

1) Fuck Jordan Peterson
2) Force hir to change hir name
3) Force her to change her gender
4) Fuck Jordan Peterson (straight)
5) Take bourgeois right wing continentals out the back and rape them for the women they are
6) Foucault included
7) So dig up the fucking ashes and cast them into a latex foucault shaped fuck doll you can rape
8) For fucks sake do you know how to rape
9) Kierkegaard will show you how to rape
10) Did you accidentally transcend Christ? Welcome to Stirner. Engels is about to arse fuck you in public. Read German Ideology. That's still bourgeois whining. Go burn a cop shop.

>> No.17950056

1) Lift weights
2) Have sex
3) Get a clue

>> No.17950129

>Travel as much as you can
Travel should be restricted to visiting family or friends (ie having a sponsor in that country who can be held responsible for your behavior as a faggot tourist), long term work prospects (again sponsored by your employer), or for pilgrimages. Tourism is cancer.

>> No.17950132

This. Half of the "advice" in this thread is teenage girl tier.

>> No.17950133

audiophiles are mentally ill lol

>> No.17950259

You say this but you have never listened to audiophile speakers.

>> No.17950269

>That's from the movie Dick Tracy not Nietzsche
Just looked it up and you're right
Apparently in the movie Dick Tracy attributes the quote to Nietzsche but that turns out to be bullshit

>> No.17950273

1) Edge and never cum
2) Stpp fighting the trajectory and just give in
3) Smoke weed everyday
4) Never work or study
5) Sexual harrasment is good actually
6) There should be no laws; live as if there were none
7) Perversion is the best form of rebellion
8) Don't fall for the bourgeoisie fantasy of "equality"
9) Don't cling to the human subject
10) Enjoy witnessing societal downfall

>> No.17950314

1) Don't be bitter.
2) Don't take yourself too seriously
3) Don't smoke
4) Work out
5) Don't simp for a woman, ever
6) Family is no.1 even if you disagree with them on everything
7) This one is a tricky one - don't be a coward, but also don't be stupid and look for arguments.
8) Read goofy shit, if only to appreciate the good stuff more.
9) Read the Culture of the Critique
10) If you are ugly, do something about it. You can always bump yourself up a couple of points and the boost is confidence alone is worth it. Get a haircut, lose weight, dress better, get braces, get laser eye surgery etc..

>> No.17950329

who's gonna take advice from a former alcoholic opiate addict who said he has regular mental breakdowns?

>> No.17950334

That's because girls mature faster anon. They care about living the good life long before basement dwellers such as you'reself.

>> No.17950343


>> No.17950352

note: I neither hate nor idolize JBP

1. Don't believe something only because it is customary to do so.
2. Always search for truth.
3. Accept that other people see things differently and usually won't be convinced.
4. Be good.
5. Aspire to be better.
6. Do not derive your self-worth from the judgment of others
7. Eat and drink healthily.
8. Get a practical hobby that exercises your body without being useless (no bodybuilding)
9. Read a book, nigger.
10. Take your time. Even with things you hate. Never rush.
11. Enjoy nature and animals.
12. Get off the internet and focus on your craft.

>> No.17950354

1. Don't post cringe
2. Don't sperg online
3. Never "umm ackshully"
4. Always be trollin'
5. Never pull out
6. Lie as much as possible
7. If you get bored with something, abandon it

>> No.17950356

woukd you want random kenyans, mongolians, han chinese, and indians walking through your house without permission? why then your country?

>> No.17950365

Because it's a country and not my bathroom

>> No.17950372

>without permission?
but they have permission. just not yours. because you're a cuck

>> No.17950384

The nerve is struck and the point is made to our readers, who see right through you. I need say no more.

>> No.17950390

t. a neurotic loser prone to over (anal)ysis of xis entire existence to the point he cannot trust what he knows to be true.

>> No.17950422

so what you let random people of your race walk around your house with no permission? 2bh you sound like someone who gets fucked over a lot and you just only see it when other races do it to you

>> No.17950428

How can a temporary arrangement by definition even be cancer? Are you some high ranking NK official or something?

>> No.17950437

My family walks around my house without permission just as my countrymen walk around my country. My family doesnt walk around your house, get the difference?

>> No.17950467

lmao what's it like being a poor piece of shit with no uni education

>> No.17950486

Dunno, but rest assured our readers see your emotional attempt at an ego attack as evidence that you have nothing to stand on in this debate.

>> No.17950500

cry harder you poor piece of fucking shit

>> No.17950529

nobody hates jordan peterson he's too pathetic to be hated. why do you think he gets mental breakdowns and needs opiates? it's because he knows he's on the side of poor loser white supremacists with no future but he's trying to cater to liberals saying "hey we can live together with these poor losers". but inside he knows he's a pathetic cuck who fucked it all up and now there's no turning back.

>> No.17950534

1.There are no real rules.
2. Nothing is Sacred.
3. There will always be more fucked up shit than what you just saw.
4. You must have pictures to prove your statement.
5. Everyone is a virgin by default.
6. There are no girls on the internet.
7. You will never have sex.
8. The internet makes you stupid.
9. Anything can be a meme.
10. Do not buy, download.
11. The internet is serious business.
12. If you express astonishment at someone's claim, it is most likely just a clever ruse.

>> No.17950545

Yes Im lonely

>> No.17950558

Nul points, mon ami.

>> No.17950562

if you're not poor you're definitely a faggot

>> No.17950581

>stay away from women entirely
I was happier when I did this

>> No.17950613

Are you going to cry?

>> No.17950622


1) Don't make politically acceptable conservative-lite content to deradicalize youth into being boomers and doom them to inaction and irrelevance.
2) Don't make politically acceptable conservative-lite content to deradicalize youth into being boomers and doom them to inaction and irrelevance.
3) Don't make politically acceptable conservative-lite content to deradicalize youth into being boomers and doom them to inaction and irrelevance.
4) Don't make politically acceptable conservative-lite content to deradicalize youth into being boomers and doom them to inaction and irrelevance.
5) Don't make politically acceptable conservative-lite content to deradicalize youth into being boomers and doom them to inaction and irrelevance.
6) Don't make politically acceptable conservative-lite content to deradicalize youth into being boomers and doom them to inaction and irrelevance.
7) Don't make politically acceptable conservative-lite content to deradicalize youth into being boomers and doom them to inaction and irrelevance.
8) Don't make politically acceptable conservative-lite content to deradicalize youth into being boomers and doom them to inaction and irrelevance.
9) Don't make politically acceptable conservative-lite content to deradicalize youth into being boomers and doom them to inaction and irrelevance.
10) Don't make politically acceptable conservative-lite content to deradicalize youth into being boomers and doom them to inaction and irrelevance.
11) Don't make politically acceptable conservative-lite content to deradicalize youth into being boomers and doom them to inaction and irrelevance.
12) Don't make politically acceptable conservative-lite content to deradicalize youth into being boomers and doom them to inaction and irrelevance.

>> No.17950638

lmao you took 15 mins to come up with that shit reply? def gay

>> No.17950683
File: 817 KB, 826x1032, 1603003608552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Women peak mentally at 12 years old
2. Jews are the mortal enemy of humanity
3. Never relax around non whites but especially blacks
4. People don't change
5. It's ok to disown your relatives
6. Gays and trannies are mentally ill
7. The only true purpose of life is procreation
8. Germ theory is bullshit
9. Psychology and Psychiatry is pseudo science
10. Genetics determine 90%+ of who you become in life
11. There's nothing wrong with escapism
12. Ted was right

>> No.17950751


>> No.17950759

The last 2 are the only things worth anything in your list. The rest is just 4chan cringe

>> No.17950774

No.2 & no.6 are absolutely true

>> No.17950775

Heck yeah, real teenage anarchist hours here on /lit/.

>> No.17950788
File: 102 KB, 746x717, Hzms34f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) Take care of the environment
>4) Don’t give into excess
>12) Travel as much as you can.

>> No.17950803

This is the gayest post I've ever read. Including those on /hm/

>> No.17950860

lmao 30 mins for this nothing reply, just give it up gay boy

>> No.17950927

Why 12 rules?

>> No.17950980

You on the clock?

>> No.17951009

>work a 9 to 5 job for 40 hours a week, for 50 years
>ask your friends to play Sinatra's "My way" in your funeral

>> No.17951034

>12 rules for life
I'm not in the market for selling self-help books to /pol/ retards, so youI only need one - Don't feed the trolls/argue with morons.
All for free.

>> No.17951036

1. Fuck trannies.
2. Fuck communists.
3. Fuck the police.
4. Fuck christcucks.
5. Fuck capitalist pigs.
6. Fuck incels
7. Fuck stacies.
8. Fuck the mentally ill.
9. Fuck the poor.
10. Fuck the rich.
11. Fuck politicians.
12. Fuck any other religioncucks.

>> No.17951119

damn your tone really changed after i started calling you gay

>> No.17951252

Based and terry davis pilled

>> No.17951290

1. chuck
2. fuck
3. suck
4. sneed
5. feed
6. seed
7. chuck
8. suck
9. fuck
10. sneed
11. feed
12. seed

>> No.17951306

If there were any, I wouldn't publish them.
I mind my goddamn business.

>> No.17951345

>don't write in the margins like an idiot
Harry would never have learned the sectumsempra curse, nor become so proficient in potions had Snape not written his improvements in the margins

>> No.17951373

1.Good shoes are essential for a man's wellbeing
2.Read books

>> No.17951389

based, although
>there is nothing wrong with hypocrisy
makes me think you're a communist.

>> No.17951391

>Implying rule based ethics is philosophically correct

>> No.17951402

You think this has all been one poster?

>> No.17951410

> - Jesus Christ
> - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Just lol

>> No.17951411

yea it's you faggot

>> No.17951422

Cringe and Based

>> No.17951430


>> No.17951456

idk maybe it's not you, post a pic of the thread with the (You)'s then. otherwise you're def the homosexual thinking for 30 mins what to type

>> No.17951496

either way if you're butting in randomly to defend some guy you don't know you're a massive faggot

>> No.17951537

>ted was right
>let's assign most of our rules to things ted wouldn't give a fuck about

>> No.17951602

It's an imageboard, not an instant messenger. I hope you dont sit here pressing F5 all day lol.

>> No.17951648

- understanding spirit is what gives life ultimate balance and meaning
- Karma and attachments are the key to understanding spirit
- there is a universal spirit/mind, a 'God' principle
- organised monotheistic religion relies on traditions and a greatly oversimplified God, their blunt grasp of spirit ultimately makes them fail
- you must realise that NPCs are real, there is a spiritual hierarchy
- reincarnation is real
- dabbling in magic and new age esotericism is failure, you must follow a true way with proper teaching
- Falun Gong is the true way revealed to current generations in our own lifetime
- someone without spiritual direction can never fully achieve peace in their life
- spiritual entities are real and will interfere with you if you lead a low existence
- learning to do something creative will give you a lifetime of activity
- humour is always a good way to pass the time

>> No.17951650

lmao another 30 min reply. you just need the last word or what gay boy?

>> No.17951690

Just because I agree with Ted doesn't mean I have to worship him as God and only do what he would approve of, you pea brained dunce.

>> No.17951707


>> No.17951713

>their *penis

>> No.17951748

good then stay quiet like a good bitch instead of giving your shit responses like you're saying anything at all cunt

>> No.17951773

You okay anon?

>> No.17951797


>> No.17951832

Why are you mad?

>> No.17951843

Why are you gay?

>> No.17951998

Is this still a bit?

>> No.17952097

Is you still gay?

>> No.17952131
File: 34 KB, 554x702, 1615238045529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>17946236

>> No.17952136

Presumes life should have rules.

>> No.17952159

Have sex incel

>> No.17952185

were your rules supposed to be self-contradictory?

>> No.17952258

fuck you faggot

>> No.17952629

Feeling better?

>> No.17953869


>> No.17953935

You forgot
>1) Take care of the environment
>8) Don’t eat processed meat. Catch, kill, then eat if you want meat.
which would result in total environmental catastrophe in no time since a few hundred million more people are now out trampling nature in order to kill every last edible animal for food.

>> No.17953995

what about not having social media isn't viable? People did not for centuries. I can tell you're a pussy but replying anyway to get you to think about it. Why is "living in the modern world" an assumed prerequisite? It wasn't one of that poster's rules
If you want to run a business with market competition I can see your point but that is still a different ballgame than personal social media usage and an unfortunate necessity to exist as it does nonetheless