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17943895 No.17943895[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are the best anti-trans literature feel like a part of my brain is trying to make things feel insufferable and trick me into trooning out

I've heard of the transgender-industrial complex and when harry became sally are these any good?

>> No.17944508

Bump for potential keks

>> No.17944525

they seem to hate abigail shrier so read her book igeuss

>> No.17944530
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>> No.17944533
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Difference & Repition

>> No.17944910

Transgender Industrial Complex is a great source for data, although the narrative could use polishing.

>> No.17944920

stop inviting doubt into your life

>> No.17944952

Just find a goal that goes against it
I want to be an effeminate twink but fuck that shit I rather have a family so I ignore my desires to the best of my ability.

>> No.17944962

I should probably specify that the whole non binary androgynous thing is what I want to look like, which is why I said effeminate twink. Masculine and feminine in one. I don't want to look like either gender alone.

>> No.17944973

Why would that stop you from having a family?

>> No.17944979

Unironically have sex, get a gf, lift heavy, climb a mountain, etc, just do something that cultivates masculinity. Fuck a bunch of words, they won't do anything if you're not tangible.

>> No.17945011

You can do that and still not call yourself "non binary" or whatever. Just be a regular old fashioned faggot, a twink effeminate who is still a man.

Also, if you look at porn, stop it. Maybe even take a break of the internet altogether. It preys on people in your mental state.

>> No.17945028

The type of woman who'd accept that sort of person as a spouse would not typically make for a good mother, and in general the lifestyle that'd I'd live in would go against a lot of society even in the age of liberalism leading to ostracization which I wouldn't want to make my kids go through.
A realistic ideal for me is to find a girl who's okay with it and would be a good mother, and I can just have her refer to me in an non binary manner, even if I must put up a mask towards the rest of society.
And it's not like I don't make efforts to make my body androgynous, although I don't take hrt. I I'm lucky that I'm already skinny and look like a bit twinkish, it's not ideal I'd like to be more effeminate but it's better than nothing. I can still pass as some normal guy and it doesn't cause me too much stress at the sight of my body.
Body/Gender Dysphoria disorders fucking suck.

>> No.17945041

That's what I do, it's not as far as I'd like to go but it's far enough that I can still be content enough.
And I don't use porn, and I actively avoid the tranny indoctrination parts of the internet(the amount of websites and communities that would try to convince me to mutilate my body is insane.).

>> No.17945077

It can be hard to split the difference sometimes. Goods luck anon, I hope you can continue to find what makes you happy.

>> No.17945108

I think the best stuff is some or the old school psychoanalysts work on homosexuality and transgender dysphoria.
My favored conception of the gender dysphoria is that it's a neurotic somaticization of underlying issues and not the "born in the wrong body" that modern propaganda would have us believe.

>> No.17945136
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>My favored conception of the gender dysphoria is that it's a neurotic somaticization of underlying issues
Explain further

>> No.17945163 [DELETED] 

>born in the wrong body
thats only the the anti trans propoganda isn't it? like the pro gender queers same some nonsense about it congealing or something don't they? Who has the Judith Butler cat meme?

>> No.17945178

Take your pills Alice and go back to /tttt/.

>> No.17945257

OK so the liberal conception of the transgender phenom is that gender is largely performative, which I think we can all agree is mostly true- based on anthropology, for example, like those tribes in polynesia who don't share our male/female dichotomy and have third or fourth gender people who have their own role in the division of labor in the tribe. But the liberal idea is that gender is performative, and gendered roles are forced onto people by outside patriarchy based on circumstances of birth, which is an injustice because some people feel on the inside that they are not the same gender that is enforced by these outside factors. So the solution is to accommodate their internal beliefs about gender, allow them to present as "female," and offer gender affirming hormone therapy and surgical procedures to further femalize their outside appearance, to match with their subjective experience.
It's hard to take this argument on its own terms because everything is presented as a tautology, they just assert a model of gender and culture and decide actions based on the model. When people are like "hurr muh biology," it's easy to see the flaws in that argument because biology isn't so simple like that either. Klienefelters, turners syndrome, androgen insensitivity syndrome, people who just sit at higher levels of test or est.
But if you look at other people who have tried to model the relationship between gender, gendered roles, subjectivity, and culture, you find that people have done much more work and complicated this process a lot more than the liberal conception. And these more complicated and nuanced models rest on the exact same level of evidence as the liberal position, and in fact have kind of more evidence behind them (in my opinion) because they're part of a heritage of theoretical ideas that can trace itself back to psychology in general, and have been used successfully to help people in clinical contexts- maybe more successfully than the liberal conception, which we seem to keep finding doesn't actually prevent bad outcomes like suicide or regret. I don't want to go into full details, but I would refer you to the work of Erikson and Kohut, child development and self psychology. The models they present just stand up to rigorous thought an clinical practice a lot more than the modern liberal conception, which mostly comes from feminist theorists who spend all their time in the academy and activism, and have not engaged in clinical practice.
My personal clinical experience is transgender people have a lot of somaticized complaints. Many of them have fibromyalgia, they take on the affective traits of people with mental disorders they haven't historically displayed (especially which they picked up through the internet), and often got the "idea" of being transgender as a solution to their many somaticized problems from the media or the internet.

>> No.17945280

Thank you for the insights anon. I'll make sure to read more into it

>> No.17945324

You don't need literature to convince yourself that mutilating the body you've been born with and being shunned by everyone for the rest of your life isn't a great idea.
If not convinced, just read religious books. They have surprisingly good insights on some subjects, it's not for nothing that all civilizations were built upon religion.

>> No.17945413

Good for you, anon. Just be a pretty boy. You don't have to call yourself anything, you don't have to crossdress or take hormones or cut your dick off. Just be proud of your natural male beauty. The second you try to "be" anything other than what you naturally are, that's when you fuck up.

>> No.17945458

Just learn a banishing ritual anon

>> No.17945463

Talk to a god damn therapist.

>> No.17945475

>feel like a part of my brain is trying to make things feel insufferable and trick me into trooning out
Go to a therapist you dumbass bitch

>> No.17945502

this is a horrible idea

>> No.17945523

Stop using the internet for several weeks and you will feel better.

>> No.17945778

Is it another semen retention guide? Bc that makes me coom faster..

>> No.17945854

Many "therapists" will tell OP to troon out, putting xim on the gender industry's paypig list permanently. See a therapist for depression, sure, but not for gender issues.

>> No.17945873

Also quit anime, this can't be stressed enough.

>> No.17945886

damn haworth is comfy af

>> No.17945925

therapists are actually the specific people who are the least suited to helping you with this. you are better off talking to literally any other group of people than a therapist

>> No.17945947

This is bullshit. If OP is even considering transitioning then something is definitely going on in his head and has been for a while, and he's not going to find out what by hiding his head in the sand.

>> No.17945955

The therapists will literally encourage him to transition

>> No.17945968

Checked, but to be precise, it depends on the province, milk cartons are used predominantly in Québec, for ex.

>> No.17946038

Get into TERF ideology, that's what I did and it's a supereffective cope.
Alternatively, take your pills Alice.

>> No.17946045

OP here don't like being a mass reply faggot

wdym it invites itself , I assume you mean banish the doubt imposed on oneself (in regards to this subject) because generally I see doubt as a natural part of holding beliefs and knowledge.

That is rather admirable anon perhaps I am just not searching for that goal hard enough

I don't want to do any of these things , possibly I express my masculinity through out my work (construction based) ; I mean that's one of the only things I really care about and feel semi-masculine about but comparatively to co-workers I know I lack much

Never heard of somaticized complaints before. Thanks for taking the time to type out answer

Yeah I know it's a fucking bad idea that's why I'm concerned I can't shake it off

Yeah that's what I have been considering , obviously an external "professional" opinion sounds like a good idea but I don't really trust them that much. The idea of them agreeing (or disagreeing) is worrisome I don't know if I will be able to be truthful or paint them an accurate picture of my life or whatever. And it seems a little pathetic there isn't any reason I shouldn't be able to cope with problems I have on my own but if I don't feel different soon I will see one I guess

>> No.17946135

Never really watched more than 20 anime series and 20 manga series but do have a few statues

Never done this before just going to greentext my life to see if something obvious I am missing. Being a muh blog faggot should of done it on advice or something

>Born in 2000 21 this month
>Raised in a relatively small Christian religious denomination (some people called a cult but not true imo)
> Ate like shit growing up still do (been told by others sounds like ARFID but not that bad imo)
> Between ages 5-16 Dad was an alcoholic but wasn't abusive so whatever
> Really close to oldest sister (9 years older than me) when I was 9/10ish she was kicked out for abandoning religion , never really saw here after that other than a maybe 7 times in 10 years
> Porn since 10 years old mostly femdom but been a total degenerate and looked at lots of stuff over the years like many coomers
> Pony faggot from 13 to 16 years old I suspect to escape drama at home
> 4chan from 13 to 21 (pol/r9k at 14-17 and generally porn / gore only bad influence from site on me imo)
> Became a Nazi retard 15-19 but like pony it was kind of fine since I don't really express myself outside of irony much so people didn't really know. Which kind of pushed out residual religious beliefs (while also not being to different to existing belief system then I realised I didn't really have a racial consciousness / give a shit about muh right wing struggle. So then ended up without a complete world view.
>kind of depressed at time from 14-now but never really that bad to not function so it was fine (parents are on depression medication and other sisters is on anxiety meds but rely on things outside of yourself has always been unappealing)

> First nicknames used online were female characters (doesn't mean much) pretended briefly around 16 thought I wanted to be a girl but not severally so ignored it - without severity to back it has little significance.
> Virgin originally for religious reasons but they transformed into indifference at 15 like a relationship seems nice but the work / effort in my part seems not worth it and not even desperate for PIV just liked facesitting and other femdom shit for longest time which IRL seems irreconcilable with what women want.
> Kind of became a waifu faggot at 16 and character was the name I used online feelings waned and waxed over the years not that bad but increased in intensity
>18-20 most time spent being a wagie most rest of time on vidya
> turbo manlet (5'3) no mental or physical illness but people since 9 have always thought I was strange. Like your existence is funny which I don't blame others for being a dick is fun I guess.

Seeing as I have already made a mockery of myself may as well go the full way

>> No.17946152

Those are good as well as ‘irreversible damage’

>> No.17946160

If you think you could pass and you think you'd be significantly happier as a tranny just do it desu. You don't want to wake up at 40 and troon out then.

>> No.17946169

That's more a "save the children" thing about ftms than adult mtf trannies, isn't it?

>> No.17946180

You are just going to be 21.
If you don't like the state you are in, it's the perfect time to change.

>> No.17946208

Dislike posting an overview of my whole life never really tried to formulate important points in text before

>19 brought some dildos and bathplugs
>kind of bi but kind of not , don't mind penis but most of the sexual dymorphism male traits are not particularly attractive , bring around competent kind males (that smell good) kind of makes me feel something for them like desire but I'm not sure what it is
>only really felt strong thoughts about wanting to "be" a woman past five months or so
>liked Chasity for a while and been wearing devices mostly full time past three months leading to cooming so much less than used to in past 10 years

Probably left some minor things out , maybe the deprivation of close feminine figure of my sister in childhood internalised a desire through lose. Possibly projecting a general belief ground into that your body is lame (due to height I guess manlets are funny I suppose constant jokes and what not + objective reality that most of the time it is a disadvantage) into a different form and calling it dysphoria. Maybe briefly practically worshiping a fictional character and using it's name did something to me. maybe der coom got to me idfk desu

>> No.17946258

Be careful anon. When you start showing signs of aging, balding or whatever, you might crack. One thing which you should consider is a microdose of HRT- this is already about the same thing as using anti-hair loss products. The guy in this thread is a great example:
Obviously you don’t want to do any invasive surgeries or completely castrate yourself. But there are options between repressing your desire and eventually cracking, and just trooning out.

>> No.17946266

>turbo manlet
just troon out already, you have nothing to lose

More seriously, don't read any books on this. There's nothing they can tell you that you don't already know yourself, if you suffer from gender dysphoria. Often, those kinds of books show a deep lack of understanding of the condition. It won't lead to anything productive except self loathing.

As someone who faced the same struggle, my recommendation is to seriously think about what you want out of life and whether or not transitioning would help you. Would you actually be happy if you transitioned? Would you be able to have the things, friends, relationships, etc. that you want? As much as it is possible, try not to take into account other's expectations of you. You don't want to end up living your life just to make your parents happy, or something like that.

>> No.17946278

You really need somebody professional to talk about this, not internet people...

>19 brought some dildos and bathplugs
>don't mind penis but [...] male traits are not particularly attractive
>wanting to "be" a woman past five months or so
>liked Chasity [...] mostly full time past three months
I don't think it's gender dysphoria, you are just into being dominated and humiliated.
Have you tried femdom?

>> No.17946322

It's not specifically that internet/anime/porn.pop culture turns people into troomers, it's more that it threatens to turn us into weird digital creatures flitting between sets of radical politics, odd cultural or gender expressions, bizarre sexual tastes, increasingly insular subcultures and fandoms, etc. The key is that this is turning all of our mental abilities inward, focused on warping and bending ourselves, on constant reinvention, on becoming increasingly detached from the real world. We become progressively more insular and isolated.

I personally have often struggled with insecurity about stuff like looks, how much money I make, etc. It's important to realize that insecurity is fundamentally a selfish phenomenon, even if it is expressed as negative feelings about yourself. The path forward--by no means an easy one--is to accept that most people don't really care what you look like, what you do, etc. Focus more on your relationship with the outside world. When you think about yourself, focus on what I can *do* rather than who/what I *am.*

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with experimenting with your gender expression, but it can often be a symptom of a generally identity/self focused worldview, which in the long term can cause many problems.

I wish you all the best. If you are struggling with depression, seeing a therapist may be a good idea. If you simply are rolling around in your own head, turning your focus outward may be more helpful.

>> No.17946372

Don't listen to this faggot. Don't troon out at all. It's an irreversible decision, don't do it. That's like saying "putting a gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger is terrible when you're 40 but because you're 21 you should totally do it." These people want to see you die to validate their political beliefs. They're straight up evil. Don't listen to them, don't troon out.

>> No.17946375

More importantly do you think you would be significantly happier even if you can't pass?

>> No.17946401

Disgusting cucks

>> No.17946407

Don't listen to this idiot. Don't deny yourself happiness if you think you have a shot at it. The worst possible outcome is waking up years later with a heart full of regret and wasted chances. If you don't think transition would benefit you, then don't. Certainly it would not benefit most.

>> No.17946409


>> No.17946417

>And it seems a little pathetic there isn't any reason I shouldn't be able to cope with problems I have on my own
No man is an island. Just think how many of your thoughts are responses to external stimuli.

>> No.17946419

If that were the case he wouldn't be waffling about it. Non-passing trans women are the lowest of the low in society's eyes. Nobody would choose that life unless their dysphoria was so severe the only alternative is the rope.

>> No.17946421

Disgusting tranny KEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.17946437

Enbies choose it all the time bro. I 100% believe if you don't think you would transition if you don't pass then you just shouldn't. Trying to maintain stealth or even obsessing about remaining seen in a certain way is its own hell.

>> No.17946474

This one is about social contagion you are on the internet too much and that's why traps seem relevant to you. you're trying to make yourself seem as relevant to your social sphere- the internet- as trannies are. stop having stupid aspirations, being loved by the internet is a shitshow worse than being loved by burly truckers
Disconnect internet until you read the book.

>> No.17946475

Like I said, you want to see him die to validate your own choices and your own preferences. There's no arguing with you, because you're not here to argue. You're here to get validation no matter what it costs others. Don't listen to this guy OP for real

>> No.17946493

>Trying to maintain stealth or even obsessing about remaining seen in a certain way is its own hell
I can see that, but I still think it's in a different league than not passing at all. I still remember my dad referring to a trans woman co-worker he had as "it".
Side note I'm pretty sure most enbies are quirky women and mtfs who use it as cope because they know they won't pass.

>> No.17946514

You don't even know who I am and yet you make all these assumptions about me. You think I want him to die? What? In what world are you living in? I went through what op did, and I decided not to transition. It just wouldn't make my life better. You wouldn't understand though, people like you could never understand.
It's like you can't understand why cancer patients would take chemo. You think they're just harming themselves.

>> No.17946526

It really depends on how you wear it and where you live. Twink hons can be really cute and Androgynous people are like the apex of sexy in artsy communities. Sure it's a cope but this whole thread is about how to, and transition is a seriously bad one if not passing is going to be the end of word for you litterally

>> No.17946557

I feel like you don't need a book to tell you being a fucking tranny isn't going to end well. Just like you don't need a book to tell you to stop being a fat fuck and do some exercise.

>> No.17946574

I "don't understand" because from my viewpoint transitioning seems to be signing one's death certificate, or at least permanently putting oneself in a state that could only be described as a break from reality. I see it leading only to hatred, disgust, death, and madness, and I don't say that just to sound poetic, I mean all of those things very literally. My philosophy would be the same as if people started going around coating themselves in their own shit and then struggling because people don't like the way they smell. So forgive me if I don't want to see anybody (certainly not for the sake of avoiding hurt feelings) kill themselves or mutilate themselves or put themselves in a position that every waling second they must actively convince themselves that they are something different from what they are. I don't care if I'm a bigot, I don't give a shit. I don't like to see people break and get broken and destroy themselves or others. It's that simple. I hope you can at least see that.

>> No.17946608

In what world does transition cause suicide? You think trannies were doing just fine before they trooned out? Is that what you think? That transitioning really brings no benefits whatsoever? That, just because you can never really change your sex completely, you should not try with the methods available to you? Let me guess, you preach self acceptance as well? Learn to be comfortable in your own body? Unfortunately, that's not how the condition works.
You bought into the /pol/ meme.

>> No.17946655

I'm done being nice. Don't fucking drag others down. Just don't. If you're so set on it, destroy yourself. Just don't tell others to do the same and them get all upset when people become angry with you. Like I said twice already, you'd have him die to validate your own views. It seems you genuinely can't see why people fundamentally have a problem with trannies and with trooning out. You'll probably never get it, and you think you're right and I'm wrong. Whatever. If you tell people to destroy themselves then you're evil. Of course you don't think you're evil, but you are. If you think that's oversimplification, I don't give a shit. Don't troon out, OP

>> No.17946664

Can we get some recommendations that aren't written by conspiracy theorists anti-semites? I actually want to learn about the historical reality behind this surge in "gender dysphoria" and its corporate spread. But I want actual scholarly work, not some guy who sounds like he has throat cancer and appears on neo-nazi podcasts.

>> No.17946678

That's like asking for a historical treatise on finance and its negative effects without it being anti-semitic. The tranny industry is very jewish

>> No.17946698

All you've done is screech about me wanting to kill op to validate my own views. The fuck are you on about? Seriously? Have you read my posts? Clearly, you have not. You make no attempt to form any sort of argument or explanation, yet you keep saying that I am evil and want op to die. NPC's like you are the reason this board is going to shit.

>> No.17946715

I don't care that it is "very jewish". No rigorous scholar would fixate or validate ethnic paranoid delusions. I might read it anyway, but really would prefer to read actual scholarship instead of propagandists like him and >>17944525.

>> No.17946721

Anon. I can understand why you're concerned about the promise that if you take these pills you'll become an uwu so cute anime grill <3 but nobody itt is promising that kind of nonsense, and nobody who isn't dead set on that kind of idea is going to off themselves after transitioning unless they meet people saying the shit you're saying. So if you actually give a shit about these people like you say you do stop being a dehumanizing asshole. Nobody here wants op to die. Not me, not you, not the anon you're harassing. Take a deep breath and log off for the day

>> No.17946722

There are none. The entire subject is a toxic cesspool that no unbiased writer would ever want to touch.

>> No.17946740

How is it different than more people comming out as gay once it was more acceptable? There's no real mystery to it.

>> No.17946764

Yeah, figured. So much for so-called marxist scholarship, can't afford to piss off the democratic party, right?

>> No.17946779

because the reason why people are doing it has changed. i transitioned ten years ago and what "transgenderism" even means as a word is completely unrecognizable to me

>> No.17946792

It's nothing like that, really. Think about the kind of person that would study and write a book about the history of trans people. Some rando normie is not gonna be interested in that when there are hundreds of more interesting topics to pick out there. The only people interested in such a topic are trans people themselves, ultralib lgbtqiabltmlkblmmcdonalds+ "allies", and neocons who have a seething hate for trannies. Generally, the average person does not think about or care about the subject strongly enough.

>> No.17946798

Why did you transition?

>> No.17946802

Even though it's not literature, "The Man Who Would Be Queen" by Bailey is a pretty good anti-trans book. The fact that caused so much burrhurt among tranny activists means that it did something right.
Afterwards you could read "Galileo's Middle Finger" by Dreger which documents how the activists tried to cancel the author. They went as far as saying he raped his own daughter which counts as defamation and thus illegal.

>> No.17946839

I totally get that. Anyway, barring the bias, is the book any good? What's the tone like? And how much writing does the author dedicate to the Jewish thing?

>> No.17946847
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>> No.17946961

Anon, no matter how much you tell yourself that you cannot come out of this, you can. It really is possible
t. 20 years old and have had the exact same experiences at the same ages (except for the religious childhood).

>> No.17946965

>shrier's a propagandist
Did you link the wrong post?

>> No.17947011

it doesn't work bro. i've basically given up. not a tranny yet but prob dont have much time
meh sort of. my therapists haven't been too pushy but they are a bit too optimistic. i sort of just gave up myself because i realized i was just putting too much energy into convincing myself to not transition

also i knew this board was full of trannies. that's why you faggots use "dilate" all the time and cling to cope ideologies. oh well, where else can i cope?

>> No.17947040

Is being trans internalized homophobia?

It's okay bro you can like dick and still be a man

>> No.17947055

Virgil's Aeneid

>> No.17947057

>oh well, where else can i cope?
Maybe find some weird tranny Twitter tribe/cult. They always look like so much fun and never contain any drama.

>> No.17947066

No not really, it's a different sort of thing most of the time.
Though, there's a retard called gincel that goes around saying this.

>> No.17947149

I'm increasingly convinced there would be like a 7:3 ratio of women to men if there were a way to easily and perfectly transition.

>> No.17947157


If you don't mind /pol/ books.

>> No.17947189

Transgenderism is misogyny + self-hatred + fetish

>> No.17947201
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Also, I would start reading about masculine psychology. Your illness can be cured by learning to be a better man, that way you won't have any reason to "escape" into a different identity.
Start lifting, too.

>> No.17947214
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>another noporn/nofap/"just lift bro"

>> No.17947231

You have too much exposure to the internet + self hatred.

>> No.17947237

Well it sounds like you don't want help. Fine, troon out I don't care.

>> No.17947251
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Yeah... it's easy to think that. In reality most men, over 99% of them, are quite happy being men. Forgive the hyperbolic meme

>> No.17947273

You have no idea how many gymbros troon out.
And those 40 year old rapehons? You think that biden's health secretary wasn't a successful man?
At the end of the day, those are copes. You can't "cure" this illness by being a better man, because that misses the point of the illness entirely.

>> No.17947305

die pinkpiller scum

>> No.17947358

>You can't "cure" this illness by being a better man, because that misses the point of the illness entirely.
On the contrary, that's the only cure, anon. People can't be happy until they accept their role in life. It sounds to me like you have a very selfish and inward-focused type of mentality. You need to turn your focus outwards and think about how you can be a better man for others.
Then again, I can tell by the way you speak that you're not really searching for help. You don't talk like somebody who wants help. You just want attention.
If you ask for help, you have to accept the lifeline when it's extended. Simple as.
Then again, I'm not sure how much humanity is left in you, or how much of your answers are being influenced by the demon you invited into your head.

>> No.17947360

The Wasp Factory by Ian Banks
seems like castration at the age of six has some beyond dark consequences

Just came across and haven't read, but ordering immediately.

>> No.17947372


Man, I actually can't possibly conceive of even spending time thinking about how you want to be sexually perceived by others. transgenderism is truly just OCD for understimulated unemployed virgins

>> No.17947375

>seems like castration at the age of six has some beyond dark consequences
Yes. On a related note, circumcision is barbaric and it should be immediately banned. My head starts spinning with rage every time somebody defends it.

>> No.17947384

It's the equivalent of female genital mutilation. luckily more and more women are waking up to the fact. I regret my choices for my sons. bought the cleaner myth
t. elderfag

>> No.17947385

Circumcision "doctors" should be shot and blown up just like abortion "doctors."

>> No.17947386

Yeah well transitioning would ruin my life, so I'll continue to cope, thanks.

>> No.17947396

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3THu1C3ENM audiobook for interested

>> No.17947420

bro u really need to get off the internet desu. You've already been turned into a dumbass nazi due to excessive internet use so please just limit your time you spend online and go outside. pick up real world hobbies. you'll feel better in 3 months if you spend <1 hr/day on the internet guaranteed

>> No.17947423

Sarah by JT Leroy
Was a larp that fooled hollywood early 00s, but pretty disgusting tale of forced child dysphoria

>> No.17947425

Dude, stop feeling sorry for yourself and take control of your life. Get off the internet if you need to. Obviously you're getting these ideas from somewhere, you need to remove the source.
You need to have control over yourself, only then can you respect yourself as a man.
The book "King, Warrior, Magician, Lover" helped me a bit. It is a psychological book, so it's kinda fake and gay, but it does have some useful stuff in there.
The main lesson of the book is: men need to work hard. Men are rewarded for working, women are rewarded for being. I think men transition to women because they envy the woman's status as an object who gets sex and rewards without work, and women transition to men because they are jealous of the man's social position of power. Transition never works the way you want it to. You can't become a woman. You can become a good man, though.

>> No.17947428

>do this
>sure, other people have done this and it doesn't work, but it'll work this time for sure
>what? you've done this and it didn't work? must be demons in your head.

>you should just be content with your station in life
>no, don't try to change it in a way that you want, you have to change yourself to want what I want you to want
>if you don't do what I want you to do then you are selfish

>> No.17947430

Kys groomer

>> No.17947434


The truth is, you are stuck within your biological constraints. If you want to be a weird frankenstein fuckdoll, go ahead. It won't make you happy, and the suicide rates prove that.
You have to learn to thrive within the biological constraints imposed upon you. Men are rewarded for working hard, so you must work hard if you want to have any value.

>> No.17947451

Malleus Malleficarum

>> No.17947452

I never thought /lit/ would become a board that shamelessly tries to push impressionable young people into the existential horror that is transgenderism.

>> No.17947461

Can someone fucking explain to me how you 'feel' like another gender without it being some kind of fetishistic obsession

I do not 'feel' male, I just live my day to day life without even spending a moment consciously thinking about being male

>> No.17947463

Reading about John Money and David Reimer should be enough to discredit transgenderism forever.

>> No.17947472

Transition is hopeless desu
I see no point in transition since I would look horrible. I'm already a pretty ugly man and since I got /fit/ my body looks very masculine.
That said, I don't considere myself qualified to have a relationship or a family.

>> No.17947481

Bro I already said I'm not transitioning, I don't need your self-help BS.
Also, these thoughts have been a constant in my life since I was twelve, I didn't get memed into it by discord trannies or whatever.

>> No.17947493

Have you considered going to a therapist for OCD rather than dysphoria?

>> No.17947494

Your first and second sentences contradict each other.
And why did you start the thread if you don't need help? I'm assuming you're OP, right?
You do realize that we are in a discussion thread about anti-trans literature and ideas?

>> No.17947509

I'm not OP
I don't have OCD

>> No.17947515

Yes well you probably should cope since I would prefer you didn't ruin your life

>> No.17947523

>these thoughts have been a constant in my life since I was twelve

Literally the definition of intrusive thoughts and OCD. Monks used to get obsessive thoughts about blasphemy and Satan and thought they were possessed by the devil

>> No.17947540

John money directly proves internal gender identity. Don’t talk about shit you know nothing about.

>> No.17947546

You misunderstand the statistics and you misunderstand why trans people feel the way they do. It's an understandable mistake.
Lets take a moment to think about suicide rates first. Transgender people want to be the opposite sex, right? Do you think they would be happy being a "weird frankenstein fuckdoll"? No, they would not. Dysphoria aside, being an unpassing tranny is supremely terrible. So, why would someone subject themselves to that? There are two answers. Either they could pass, or their current state of being is worse than being an unpassing tranny (i.e. really fucking bad). In other words, trooning out is often a last-ditch attempt to relieve dysphoria before suicide. Those who can cope moderately well don't troon out.
Now, instead of trooning out, why do they not just improve their life as a man? Shouldn't be hard to have a better life than an unpassing tranny, right? Well, it's not that simple. Having the tranny illness (dysphoria) makes you dislike your sex characteristics. It's like when a man has gynecomastia, but with much greater magnitude. To say the least, it's not enjoyable.

>> No.17947555

>Having the tranny illness (dysphoria) makes you dislike your sex characteristics

Who actually fucking cares though? How do you go through day to day life with all of its obligations and still find time to think about shit like that?

>> No.17947562

>Defending John Money
No offense dude, but that seems like a really selfish way of viewing the world. What you like or dislike isn't important. Happiness is overrated. Stop whining and live to the best of your potential within the biological constraints you happen to exist in. You can only REEEEE so much at the fabric of reality before giving up.

>> No.17947578

If you are able to do any amount of introspection, then yeah you do think about shit like that. You don't really have to think about it (or even know that trannies are a thing) for it to make you feel bad though.

Why do you think that trans people have such a high iq average as a group? Are they genetically superior? No, most likely its that the low iq individuals never really stop to examine what makes them feel bad, and even if they do stop and think, they might not find the answer.

>> No.17947588

>Why do you think that trans people have such a high iq average as a group?
Lmao you're kidding, right? Yeah all those genius on the red light district just waiting for their opportunity to become the next Einstein lmao.

>> No.17947595

>If you are able to do any amount of introspection

True introspection is not actually possible in any meaningful sense, you're just narcissistically obsessed with your own sexuality and gender because you lack sufficient stimulation in other areas of your life

>Why do you think that trans people have such a high iq average as a group

Low IQ people work more hours and have more life obligations and hence don't develop sexual obsessions

>> No.17947597

>what you like or dislike isn't important
>happiness is overrated
You want me to just be unhappy because... why? Why should I sacrifice my own happiness? For yours? Or maybe for your dumb sense of purpose? I'm not going to go through my entire life unhappy just to please others.

>> No.17947604
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>Why do you think that trans people have such a high iq average as a group?
People with high intelligence are able to lie to themselves easier.

>> No.17947610

Look, clearly your pursuit of happiness isn't fucking working, because you're a hair away from escaping into another personality. Maybe give somebody else's idea a chance.
I don't think you want help, I think you came here to argue and seek attention.

>> No.17947618

Im not op lmao, pretty sure he's long gone.

>> No.17947625

>you're just narcissistically obsessed with your own sexuality and gender because you lack sufficient stimulation in other areas of your life
How far did you have to reach into your ass to come up with this crackpot theory?

>> No.17947655

I have OCD and intrusive thoughts (not gender/sexuality related) so I'm just speaking from my own experience. The thought patterns I've heard described from trans people are very similar to the ones I had

>> No.17947681

Well, I do think its possible that there are some who get ocd about being trans. There are apparently those with hocd, or ocd about being gay. I don't think that's the case for the most of them, however. Certainly a man thinking about having sex when he sees an attractive woman is not the result of intrusive thoughts. I don't think this is much different.

>> No.17947718

>Certainly a man thinking about having sex when he sees an attractive woman is not the result of intrusive thoughts. I don't think this is much different.

The point of intrusive thoughts is that they are not necessarily related to external stimuli

>> No.17947733

A word of advice op
Please don’t live your life by what 4chan likes (trooning out = bad, repressing = good).
This place is a bunch of crabs in a bucket, only the crabs also developed schizophrenia. If being a woman would make you happier go for it, it’s better to live in accordance with your true self than try to deny it. The more we learn about gender dysphoria the more we know that it isn’t anyone’s fault, it’s just something you’re born with. Whether or not you act on it is up to you, but if it preoccupies your thoughts a lot then you should take note of why.
Last thing is to be kind to yourself. If you worry you’re not trans because you fetishized it, or because it didn’t begin when you were a child, don’t worry. If your feelings are authentic they don’t deserve to be gatekept. Some people criticize the idea that all trans people are valid but imo validity isn’t about meeting certain qualifications, it’s about unconditional self-love. No one should ever beat themselves up for how they feel.

>> No.17947743

>People who disagree with me are schizophrenic
>Also, you can change your biological sex if you believe hard enough

>> No.17947745

Thoughts about sex and gender are certainly related to external stimuli.

>> No.17947768


What external stimuli make you want to cut off your own dick?

>> No.17947808

>muh cut off ur dick
Well, with the dick the feeling of being uncomfortable with your dick comes first. That leads to you asking "huh, that's strange, why do I feel that way?"

>> No.17947822

Only got about a quarter way through the thread but I genuinely know 2 trans people in real life and one is married and has a kid at 24. Legitimately I have seen them become happier the further they went along their transition and neither of them are interested in cutting off their genitals, just having more "feminine" features. They don't even present as female in public, only for private occasions with friends an select family and they say even that little bit of expression feels astronomically better to them.

>> No.17947823


But then that's not a response to external stimuli, it's an obsessive thought pattern based on internal self-perception

>> No.17947828

>actually trying to engage after the dick chopping meme
anon you are a saint

>> No.17947842

Sup' Money, how is that new robot body working for ya? Been butchering many kids lately?

>> No.17947846

>dick chopping meme


>> No.17947857

Lets say you start feeling a little under the weather. Maybe you start having some pain in your elbow or something. Is it obsessive to think "hmm, maybe there's something wrong here?" I wouldn't say so.

>> No.17947859

That's because your friends are nothing more than fetishist coomers with their brains burned by porn that get off on the feeling of both fucking and being fucked like a woman. "lesbian" trannies are the biggest joke i've ever heard, nigger you're just a fucking transvestite. Gynocentrist fucks need to get shot, they are the real bottom of the barrel. "

>> No.17947870
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No thanks, sounding has never really appealed to me.

>> No.17947873

John Money was a gender constructivist. The idea that gender is purely a social construct is fundamentally incompatible with trans people, and his Reimer experiment (which turned out the opposite of how he thought it would) showed that gender is not just a social construct.

>> No.17947879

Funny how John Money being a pedophile is somehow supposed to discredit the idea of transgender people
John Money was a pedophilic creep and what he did to David Reimer was wrong. It also showed that you can’t forcibly raise someone as the wrong gender without a lifetime of trauma and neurological disorders
That if anything proves gender dysphoria, which is the basis of the concept of transgender people. Gender dysphoric people live their whole lives like Reimer, trapped in both a body that doesn’t align with their mental perception, and forcibly socialized to act as though it’s normal.

>> No.17947880

Look at that false equivalence.

>> No.17947883

We know you like your cummies, stop trying to be a legitimate social movement.

>> No.17947898
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>> No.17947904

My bad, didn't mean to tag you on this post.>>17947883

>> No.17947912

>That if anything proves gender dysphoria,
No you fucking retard, it doesn't, cause the kid was born a a men, felt like a men, and was butchered by this faggot and forced to pretend he was a woman. That's not gender dysphoria, that's a natural reaction to getting your dick chopped off while you're healthy enough to realize that doesn't make you a fucking WOMAN. The complete opposite of you sick fucks. How dare you to even say this shit?! You retards need to get shot or put on permanent electro shock.

>> No.17947933
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>> No.17947934

>That's because your friends are nothing more than fetishist coomers
Genuinely doubt that but maybe someday I'll ask them about their sexual activity to find out. Also only one of them has a wife and he only married her because they had a kid first when he was in his late teens but I don't know the specifics of his orientation. Other one was gay before transitioning.

>> No.17947950

>cause the kid was born a a men, felt like a men, and was butchered by this faggot and forced to pretend he was a woman
Yes, exactly!
The only difference between that and dysphoria is that David was butchered after birth, and trans people have fucked up development in utero
Imagine if Dr. Money was able to manipulate the hormones fetus-David was washed with so that his body would be estrogenized, but not his mind. And then he had to endure the same hardships as the real David, both society and his family insisting he’s a girl when he wasn’t. Same thing, no?

>> No.17947983
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i am transgender. i transitioned ten years ago. i never got sexual satisfaction from crossdressing or watched sissy porn although i always imagined myself as feminine and submissive during sex. i literally spent my life from about 18 to 28 on HRT and for the vast majority of that i was full-time and presenting female and etc. i thought i always wanted to be a woman and live a normal woman's life, and i hated my male parts and male features and wanted to remove them with surgery because i thought they were aberrations from my "true" self as a woman
at some point after some years of introspection i realized trannies aren't women and that sex and sexual feelings are meaningless, and decided that i would remove sex from my life and that i would be a more genuine person once i had done that. i stopped "identifying" sexually or seeing myself as sexual or in sexual terms. i was no longer a "submissive", because that is a sexual term, i no longer wanted to be sexually attractive, or to be desired, because i did not want sex to be something i engaged in or with at all
once i had done that, and removed sexuality and sex from my identity, do you know what happened? i lost all desire to be feminine. i stopped identifying as a woman when i realized trannies are so different from women, but i still thought i was (and wanted to be) feminine. but when my feminine identity severed its link to sex and my sexual identity, even that disappeared. i became an androgyne i guess, i don't think there is a word for it, but i am no longer man or woman or male or female or transgender or cisgender or a gender at all
do you know what that means, that i lost the desire to be feminine upon losing my sexual identity? it means that they are the same thing. femininity is sex, signaling for sex, receptiveness to sex, enticement to sex. how can you say then that reducing someone's sexual identity won't result in a loss of their transgender desires, if it happened to somebody like me? this was literally my entire life, for years. i am the last person who would want to believe something like that, and yet, here i am
of course you will be thinking at this point "well that's nice sweetie, but thank god you're you and i'm me and none of this is representative of the transgender population at large, or this would have dire implications for my conception of self. if any of this applied to me at all, i would have to thoroughly examine my entire identity in order to make sure that my transgender-ness is not somehow subordinate to my sexual identity, because that would make me a sissy AGP fake transgender fetishist, and then my entire self-identity would collapse into uncertainty"
well lucky you! i'm sure it doesn't :^)

thanks for reading my schizo rant, no you cannot make me take my medication

>> No.17947994

That's pain, pain is an external stimuli, it isn't mentally constructed

>> No.17948002

Not reading, can you summarize in 20 words or less?

>> No.17948007

>how you want to be sexually perceived by others
It's myself mainly. Others just either help or are detriments.
>understimulated unemployed virgins
I'm none of those things.
It's a disorder anon. It's not something you're supposed to just "get". It's a shitty thing people have.

>> No.17948011

just look at kiwifarms threads on troons do you really want to be one of these

>> No.17948031

sexuality and gender identity are identical
divesting one from yourself will also remove the other
this is my lived experience

>> No.17948060

>Non-proved tranny wishful thinking that ~~mind~~ can be of different ~~gender~~ than your body and that nature itself cause this great eViL to you
>Same thing as the literal butchering of a live kid's body
Get some help.

>> No.17948068

I believe you

>> No.17948079

>cis women are AGP
you can't say shit like that they'll get mad

>> No.17948088

what the fuck is up with all the men who want to be trannies but also don't want to be trannies here

>> No.17948092

That book was terribly written. His other books are shit too. Can’t believe he’s a published writer.

>> No.17948098

Don’t pretend to care about David Reimer if you want to condemn others to live as he did.
What would you tell a someone told they’re a girl by society who feels that same *need* to be male? Who hates their body and is suicidal over their assigned role in life?
If it’s to suck it up, then congrats, that’s what Money did. Maybe you could molest her too like he would.

>> No.17948122

idk bro this is a clown world
god is a comedian and we are the joke

>> No.17948125

word-thinking nigger, the praxis of transgenderism is not the only possible reaction to the phenomenon of natural effeminacy. please kill yourself at your earliest convenience

>> No.17948136

I would tell them their bodies are perfect and there is nothing wrong with them, and that feelings are not enough of a evidence of some nature's mismatch and more than likely just a mental ilness like, you know, MANY OTHERS. Suck it up, buttercake.

>> No.17948150

>brain is trying to trick me into trooning out
Anon, have you ever considered you're just dysphoric? You don't have to take estrogen or get a sex change or anything, or force pronouns on others, but if it's an aspect of your identity, why would you supress it with literature you know despises you?
t. Not a tranny, I just think people should accept themselves for who they are

>> No.17948173

Just embrace your new identity and leave 4chan anon. I imagine this site is a miserable place for transpeople. Even the books in this thread won’t convince you otherwIse because it’s about your innate desires.

>> No.17948174

>said Money to Reimer, as he unbuckled his pants

>> No.17948175


yeah bro. just embrace bishonen bro. im fucking androgynous but im still straight and get laid

>> No.17948183

>Not a tranny, I just think people should accept themselves for who they are
You mean who they THINK they are. Huge difference, snowflake. One is reality, the other is madness.

>> No.17948194

>Just feel better bro :^)

>> No.17948198

you will never win an argument with someone who worships man's whimsical desires, they are divinely inspired to him. if you want to be a tranny it doesn't matter how much tv you watched or how many plastic bottles you drank from or how many of your friends are transgender or how advantageous it is to be transgender in certain circles or how much the media idolizes trannies and casts normalcy as bad and boring. if someone desires to do something then it must have only come from their genuine and true unconscious being, or else they would never have identified with doing it in the first place. the fact that this argument basically implies that nobody can ever be unduly influenced by factors outside of their self (like, say, the news, or advertising) pretty much tells you exactly where it comes from and why

>> No.17948222

I mean, categories don't really exist in reality. Gender doesn't really exist, only differences in sexual characteristics which are otherwise meaningless. Why not let people identify as what their mind tells them they are? The alternative is stuff like conversion therapy and repression which only makes them feel even worse.
IMO I'd be against the whole trans thing if conversion therapy worked, but it seems like the best way of making these people happy is just accepting them for who they are, and that's really not too hard.

>> No.17948228

>nooooo the idiots cant sterlize themselves!!
if you get filtered by the media showing like 1 or 2 trannies and libs using trannies as a token issue, then you deserve it

>> No.17948259

at least i didn't filter my own dick LMAO

>> No.17948278

>Why not let people identify as what their mind tells them they are? It seems like the best way of making these people happy is just accepting them for who they are, and that's really not too hard.
Can't you see you're spewing insanity? Why is it so important that we make people "feel" happy to the point we will even allow them to get fucked up in their own mind and body health? This is the abandonment of all reason. It's a Lovecraftian horror made, pun indeed, reality. No, we can't just say "screw truth" because some people got born weird. We don't do that for psychos, we don't do that for pedos, why would we do it for troons? Deviants are deviants and they need to be dealt with as such. No, i'm not saying we should kill them, but we shouldn't approve of their systemic bugs either. That would be chaos.

>> No.17948323

Chill out, senpai. Dysphoria is an illness, and transition is the treatment. I promise civilization isn't going to crumble because of it.

>> No.17948340

Well here’s a proposal anon: why not regulate gender transitioning, just as with sex? Obviously letting children hormonal transition is wrong because they can’t consent. So let’s peg it to the age of consent. Of course some children will be distressed beforehand, so let’s do what we for schizophrenic children, medication that halts puberty until they are educated to do so. All of which is the current medical consensus. Sounds good?

>> No.17948351

furries. furries sells like hotcake

>> No.17948372

here's a better proposal: why don't we just stop pretending this transgender shit is real and not a psychiatric meme lol
it is not real. there is no such thing as transgenderism. people think they are transgender because they encounter other people who have it, and they get the idea in their head that this mysticism-laden ritual called "transitioning" will solve the other problems that led the idea of becoming someone else so attractive in the first place, but that problem is never actually proven by anyone to actualyl be "gender dysphoria" in the first place (and no, catching some odd longings to wear stockings in grade school doesn't count)
t. former tranny, like holy shit i almost chopped my fucking dick off from this shit

>> No.17948388

The treatment is eradication of the social contagion, since trannies spread like wildfire through mitosis.

>> No.17948408

>Can't you see you're spewing insanity?
Eh, I mean it's about as delusional as Christfags or whatever. It's fine to put up with these beliefs because not to do so would be harmful and only breed unhappiness.
>Why is it so important that we make people "feel" happy to the point we will even allow them to get fucked up in their own mind and body health?
What's a better alternative for their mind and body health? It seems like forcing them to reject who they are only worsens their situation.
>This is the abandonment of all reason
What reason has been abandoned? Anything more substantial than just 'the traditional notion of gender'? I feel like it's reasonable to help these people the best we can, and there exist no better methods of treatment.
The rest of your post doesn't have any real propositions and is just kind of a meme.

>> No.17948419

Isn't it?
The funny part about dick chopping is it was the final ritual for rejecting the demiurge. Unfair bug in game that he had to patch out in the modern world update even though it is merely carrying the spirit of circumcision, the ongoing betrayal of parents against their children.

>> No.17948457

OMFG did you really? WTF dude?
>t. current tranny who would never consider dick chopping

>> No.17948460

>Comparing religion (faith-based experience) to pseudoscience (bullshit pretending to be factual under a scientific veneer of bias).
You need to be over 18 to post here, fedora.

>> No.17948494

Obligated destroy your thesis with itself. Why should they be helped the best "we" can? How many others deserve this treatment? Doesn't this necessitate a hierarchy and priority. The base case being given no additional information, everyone should be given indifference. Get the fuck out of here with that messiah complex retard.

>> No.17948496

Christfags really are in it for the aesthetic, aren't they?
>faith-based experience
I guess you don't even need faith to be trans, you can simply understand in your mind that you're dysphoric, it's not like God has anything like that he can do.
>pseudoscience (bullshit pretending to be factual under a scientific veneer of bias).
Not what pseudoscience means, it's always funny when pseuds (xD) invoke the term who have no idea what pseudoscience actually is and probably have no concept at all of the philosophy of science.

>> No.17948517

when you transition because you're unhappy, and when transition fails to make you happy, there is a tendency to double down. it's your remaining male features that make you unhappy, it's because you haven't gone far enough, when you can't see a woman in the mirror it's only because your transformation is not yet complete. the only solution then is to go even further to complete it. i thought i would finally be happy once i got to the end, once i got plastic surgery and FFS and vocal cord surgery and genital surgery
i am glad i snapped out of it before i did some real damage. i could have ended up like that poor redditor everyone posts who got a botched SRS operation (whose progression into madness you can read here https://www.reddit.com/user/stupidstories))
i also encourage you to read my schizopost here >>17947983 because transgenderism is not real and it's literally nothing more than a weird sex thing, which is why it will not and cannot ever give you lasting happiness as an identity

>> No.17948554

Are you happy now?

>> No.17948574

you should help trannies because they can easily become productive members of society with really very little resources. All you have to do is give em the hormones, and they'll work nearly as well as anyone else

>> No.17948590

I read it dude, I'm glad your happy or whatever now and I can understand what you're saying about the mirror shit, but like where I'm at is way better than detransitioning. As I sad in my earlier posts, transition is not the proper way to cope with dysphoria unless can imagine yourself being happier even if you don't pass.