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17942036 No.17942036 [Reply] [Original]

What is the next step after becoming bored with novels?

>> No.17942051

genre fiction < classic novels < western philosophy < western history < eastern philosophy < collected anthologies of personal letters

>> No.17942073

I like how self-aware this incel image is. Hobby becomes ruined as soon as superior males appear and dominate the social hierarchy.

>> No.17942210



>> No.17942616

dump eastern philosophy below western and this is 100% correct

>> No.17942627

I've seen your face tripfag, there isn't a greek letter low enough in the alphabet to describe your physical inferiority.

>> No.17942628

Incels are always talking about social hierarchies and shit like that, ironically you share the same worldview as them.

>> No.17942642

He's also a literal incel.

>> No.17943541

This was always a brilliant image, a real classic of /r9k/. Here's to old /r9k/, pre-trannies, pre-2016, a cultural powerhouse of woman hate.

>> No.17943558

Spent a few days on /r9k/ earlier this year, looking for a nostalgia trip but instead got putrid stench of simping, twitter trannies and even worse, actual women whoring for attention. Genuinely left me depressed, what a fall from grace.

>> No.17943585
File: 20 KB, 512x336, proust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genre fiction < western history < western and eastern philosophy < collected anthologies of personal letters < classic novels

>> No.17943590

there's nothing more cringe than a guy with a nickname on an anonymous website

>> No.17943603

>At this point, the hobby is mostly unrecoverable. Females join
truer words have never been spoken

>> No.17943626

Yes, superior males are the ones who got boosts and store mounts added to wow.
Definitely superior males, there.

>> No.17943628

>Le CrInGe !
>lE tRiPfaGS !

You need to go back.

>> No.17943959

Can someone actualy give an example of a case happening like in OP's picture? It sounds a bit like it is talking about DnD, but I dooubt that many "dudebros" play that game

>> No.17943965

>you need to go back
you need to go back

>> No.17943998

4chan itself is a pretty good example of popularity ruining its quality. Other than that though I've only ever heard things completely collapsing in /tg/ settings or MMO guilds when a girl joins, never dudebros or "alphas".

>> No.17944227

Most of 4chan did nose dive in quality considerably, but I doubt that it was because of women or dudebros joining. The 2016 election attracted way to many 13 year old edgelords and actual boomers, which started to affect other boards

>> No.17944573

damn this is literally Homestuck

>> No.17944692

You read poetry, never in translation. After reading poetry in the various languages you've picked up along the way for a couple of decades, you'll eventually feel like you've reached the end point. And when words don't suffice anymore, there is only music left.

>> No.17944708

the Greeks

>> No.17945005

This comic is cringe, but redpilled