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/lit/ - Literature

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17941978 No.17941978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So whats the deal with these books anyway? What do they actually do for you except making you feel smarter than everybody else?
Because it seems to me you little faggots should be learning how to fix a car, change a tire, chop wood, set electric wires, build a house, program and algorithm, do your taxes, invest your money, keep your books, make a barter, organize your neighborhood, court a woman, raise your children etc. and not waste your youth reading these gay ass books that dont mean anything.

>> No.17941984

Anon my life is meaningless and no one will care when I die so what's wrong with me reading things which you believe are meaningless?

>> No.17941995

>chop wood

lol who gives a shit about something as useless as choppin wood

>> No.17941998

>court a woman
What is this, 1876? You don't "court" a woman now you out of touch incel. Either you're a Chad a women order your cock on Tinder like it's takeaway pizza or else you need to jump through all the hoops like career grinding and social climbing and then a past-her-prime woman approaches you to provide security for the rest of her life. In both cases, women have the initiative.

>> No.17942003

Do you do these things or do you just post online about doing them anon?

>> No.17942005

That's a cynical way to look at things.

>> No.17942014

It's also a realistic look at the state of contemporary dating market. There are exceptions of course.

>> No.17942021

it seems like you are the one who is out of touch with your feelings... agree that court is the old-fashioned word, but for 80% of my friends who have girlfriends, it is through friends, work or education, getting to know each other slowly, and then a relationship.

>> No.17942029

I don't care about any of those things. At least a book can be somewhat interesting from time to time.

>> No.17942030
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The eternal boomer.

Ever heard of man's search for meaning? You troglodyte ass. Not everyone is a drone bug whose only goal in life is to be a good little worker.

Fuck you, slave.

>> No.17942037

>dude, having a loving family, a good career, and a nice house makes you a fucking slave lmao.

>> No.17942045

Books can teach you most of what you said we should do instead

>> No.17942052

No. Experience trumps all.

>> No.17942055


>> No.17942070

Using coding as an example, without some kind of source where i can learn the basics how am i supposed to learn C++ then? Just stare at a blank screen and randomly type whatever untill something works?

>> No.17942079

I just enjoy reading

>> No.17942086

Yes. And then go into IBM and give them a firm handshake for your new 6 figure job.

>> No.17942116

Yes. Use your intuition and write down any code that caught your eye. Reverse engineer the language to truly understand it.

>> No.17942143

This is why you will never have sex.

Chad answer.

>> No.17942168

>caught your eye
Sorry but that's reading and reading is gay according to OP

>> No.17942179
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>read 3 hours a day
>working my way through the western canon
>finished Iliad, odyssey, Aeneid, metamorphoses, bible, Koran,
>physical job whilst training to be electrician
>will be qualified in 3 years, no debt
>within that time will also have read complete works of Shakespeare, Plato, maybe a start on Nietzsche
>still have time to respond to retards who come to a literature board to tell people books are a waste of time

feels good man

>> No.17942182

Have sex

>> No.17942189

As a generation z, 4chan oldfag (a terrible combination btw) I assure you he is correct. As terrible as it sounds, women and dating these days is nothing like it used to be its difficult in these streets. The internet opened many avenues to whatever chad a girl wants

>> No.17942196

Pathetic attitude

>women only want people who aren’t worthless, why don’t they want me

There’s your answer kiddo

>> No.17942230

>fix a car, change a tire, chop wood, set electric wires, build a house, program and algorithm, organize your neighborhood, court a woman, raise your children
I don't care about any of this shit.

>> No.17942232

retard ape whats stopping you from doing all these things and reading

>> No.17942253

>Pathetic attitude
True, back in high school i weight 116 KG and a hot chick really liked me.
She'd hug me and wrap her arm around mine, because i was morbidly obese i thought she was just trying to make fun of me if i started believing her so i'd be passive aggressive all the time when she'd ask me to hang out with her.
After high school i found out from a female friend who was in the same class as that girl that she'd still ask others about me. If some obese passive aggressive motherfucker can seduce a really hot chick without even trying then so can you.

>> No.17942284

live and let live, anon
we are all people, you and me

>> No.17942289

Can you actually prove it's more difficult now? How do I know you're not just viewing things with nostalgia?

>> No.17942300

You're clearly a female so ofc you'll say
>noo noooooo nothing changed in dating since the internet, onlyfans, tinder, twitter, facebook, instagram IT'S ALL THE SAME KIDDO
High school in... the 2000's? The 90's? The internet changed all of that anon why would any girl go your previously fat ass when she can ride The Cock Carousel™ or what would have been a trad wife, being an onlyfans star making impeccable simp dollars? If you didn't keep a girl in hs, it's bassically over unless you get lucky.

>> No.17942312

Why do you care so much about what whores do? Look for a girl who isnt internet addicted.

>> No.17942317

Late 2010s (i'm 19)

>> No.17942325

Not female, also didn’t say that hook up culture hadn’t changed how people date.

Still doesn’t mean you are owed a sex life. You have to be desirable, intelligent, competent, charismatic, or at least some combination of the above.

It’s your own fault you’re alone. Your resentment won’t help you. Better yourself.

>> No.17942335

Met my wife when I was 20. Been together for 10 years, married for 6.

Carry on blaming everyone bar yourself for the state you’re in.

>> No.17942337


>> No.17942348
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>girl who isnt internet addicted

>> No.17942352

>what would have been a trad wife, being an onlyfans star making impeccable simp dollars?
The internet isn't turning good girls into whores, they're just whores who want to show that off online
>If you didn't keep a girl in hs
I dunno what american sitcom you are from but marrying your highschool sweetheart is neither common nor all that good to begin with. You think you will like a girl from when you were 15 when you are like 40?
If "tfw no gf" burns you so much just get a hobby after quarantine where you cna meet people and there you can both find girls and friends who can introduce you to more

>> No.17942358


>> No.17942365

Not that guy, but after high school there's 95% chance you're getting used goods whose natural pair-bonding was fucked out of her brain already.

>> No.17942366

>western Canon
Mit scharf bitte.

>> No.17942370

Keep telling yourswlf that lmao

>> No.17942371
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Easier said than done.
It's bizzare to think that someone a bit younger than me can think that, pic related must have been you.
>a decade ago
Well, still congratulations to you.
Geeze I'm not resenting anything I'm trying to give you a perspective of the modern man. Look at all the shit you just wrote
>intelligent, competent, charismatic, or at least some combination of the above.
I challenge you again WHY, would any woman stay with a man who doesn't meet those 100% standards when theres hundreds of thousands of Men at the click of an app, the *bloop* of messenger? Modern women expect all of these things and some, more. Look at all these all these guys that have given up and are becoming girls, look at any /pol/ user I'd imagine, suicide rates, divorce rates. They all coincide with this shit whether you realize it or not. If you're incredibly ugly too you might as well just kill yourself women have infinite options now and they're aware of it is all

>> No.17942384

incredibly ugly without status and/or money*

>> No.17942386

Sorry but you're the one being deluded here, unlike you I've had very active social life aged 15-20 and know first-hand what girls do. And that was 10 years ago before Tinder fucking became the norm, mind you.

>> No.17942416

Just because you knew some bitches doesn't mean that all women are whores now

>> No.17942432

>n-not all women
I've had enough church girls or shy library nerds to know. But hey, I'm sure that the girl you have crush on is totally different.

>> No.17942444

ok cool theres the 1 in 1000000 women who looks good and has a fetish for fat guys

>> No.17942499

>Pic related must have been you
My fat was more spread out though i have pregnancy stripes on my belly.
I lost around 30 KG (90 now because i stopped after 87, will continue to lose weight again soon)
You should stop listening to this propaganda about only alphas getting laid.
While i have been called good-looking (doubt it, nearly got a monobrow) women aren't scopophiliac like men are but because the incels don't know shit about women they think that they only want an alpha when that is certainly not the case (be as handsome as you want, being morbidly obese suggests illness and makes you automatically unattractive).
Italian bald manlet D'annunzio is said to have seduced 1000 women, just try to be 1% more like him and 10 women are going to be into you.

>> No.17942513

Lmao those tend to be the biggest whores because they pretend to be innocent.
Just find some normal chick.
(Where the fuck am i supposed to get a crush from i've been mostly at home since 2020)

>> No.17942515

It’s a method of cope and escape. I retreat into worlds and characters that can compete with the real one because I’m so profoundly disaffected by the real world and myself. This is how I continue living.

>> No.17942522

Nah others have been into me as well but i actively pursued them, this one i tend to tell because i actively tried to push her away

>> No.17942608

D'annunzio, like Kants, like de Sade, had status and money in the 1800's. While I appreciate your advice it sounds highly anecdotal. You need to get out there and be the covert no longer Alpha you were always meant to be. As for me its too late to transition to my own permanent gf, it's probably reading and waging until I kms.

>> No.17942620

i don't need to justify shit to you, retard. i read because i want to

>> No.17942638

I don't have frens so my frens are books instead.

>> No.17942650
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Books are great. Eat shit if you disagree.

>> No.17942677

So you must have really good social skills. Most incels dont want to accept this but obviously social skills are just as important as looks in getting a woman. The problem is that unless youre below 5th percentile ugly, looks are easier to fix than behavior since often people with social issues are just born retarded (spergs) or they fell in a negative feedback loop leading to social anxiety, often its both.