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17940533 No.17940533 [Reply] [Original]

Bros... I’m freaking out. If reality happened once how do I prevent it from ever occurring again?

>> No.17940550

Reality encompasses the whole.
Cyclical history is an illusion. Now never comes a second time.

>> No.17940606

If it’s possible once, how is it not possible again within the grand scheme?

>> No.17940620

>Now never comes a second time.
Now is eternal you dumb bitch.
>Cyclical history is an illusion.
The dumbest thing I've seen all day, congrats.

>> No.17940672
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What “it”?

Now is ephemeral and impermanent

>I’m the dumbest person online right now
I can see that.

>> No.17940680

The way I resolved this issue was as follows:

>The universe, or at least the capacity for matter, is infinitely big
>Suppose the Earth repeats itself in the vast measures of space beyond due to the infinite nature of the universe
>There is another version of me whom I cannot interact with in my lifetime
>He's exactly the same as me
>How do I know which one I am?
>If one of our realities is ever so slightly different that one of them dies, how will I ever know?
>Am I not just one branch on an infinitely branched tree?
>If so, am I fated to observe the longest branch?
>If by observing the longest branch, I observe all branches, then do I really live infinitely many times?
>Am I not just the limit of an infinite process?
>Like the series 0.5+0.25+..., do I not just eventually sum up to the 1?
>Does it matter if the events are simultaneous or one after the other? After all, it's the same life, the same me
>By living once, do I not live an infinite number of times?
>Once my life is finished, it is complete. The consciousness that observed me has run its course. It can repeat again, but I've already experienced it.
>I can experience my life once, twice, fifty, or more times, and it's the same each time
>Therefore, this life could be my first, or my nth experience
>n can be any number, therefore this is one playthrough, but it's every playthrough
>In this experience, I experience the one, but also the infinite, like two mirrors rebounding light forever, all my lives merge into the one

>> No.17940686

>Now is ephemeral and impermanent
Nope, you're thinking of the past.

>> No.17940732
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butters confirmed for an NPC (or just standard female).

>> No.17940761
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>you're thinking of the past.
I guess that frailty is why there was a Big Bang.

I’m no fucking Buddhist

>> No.17940767

don't worry about it champ, nothing you can do to change it anyways

>> No.17940770

>I guess that frailty is why there was a Big Bang.
The Big Bang is scientific conjecture that will never be proven. And even if it somehow is, it doesn't rule out alternate realities, or a cyclical expansion-contraction theory.

Also, keep in mind that when you say things like "the present is ephemeral/impermanent", that is a contradiction in terms. That's why I had to correct your statement so that it is correctly restrained to the past (and technically future), which are indeed ephemeral and impermanent. Many people who lack intellectual intuition are incapable of making this necessary distinction.

>> No.17940788
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The hell.
The past is past. You deny we can know anything about it for sure and yet you assign my description of the present. Fleetingly ephemeral, yet all encompassing, is Now. Now it’s gone. Illusive because it is no more.

>> No.17940808

Now is never gone, you seem to lack the sufficient capability of understanding why this cannot be the case (it is a contradiction in terms, for starters, but I'm starting to suppose that a certain degree of intellectual intuition is necessary to see how). Perhaps you're confusing the idea of "now/present" with "moment" or "memory." It's a very common mistake of those who have not advanced very far in their path.

>> No.17940825
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The term Now is always referring to Now, but the Now I was just talking about is gone. There’s no contradiction in terms. You simply don’t understand the terms

>> No.17940826

Butterfly, when are you gonna let me stretch that pussy out? You’re getting up there right? Don’t you want kids some day

>> No.17940837

Oh sweatie

>> No.17940841

Prove it, buttercuck.

>> No.17940848

Time is a flat circle you dumb bitch.

>> No.17940859

The visible universe is a fraction of the the unseen whole. “Whole” is an inadequate term the infinite and eternal fireworks show of it all.

>> No.17940865

>but the Now I was just talking about is gone
No, because that is not now. I see the confusion, what I just said is correct, you're confusing the concept of "now" with the concept of "moment/memory." Work on it.

>> No.17940929
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>No, because that is not now.
You’re just trolling. 4/10

>> No.17940949

That's a reductionist contradiction.

>> No.17940959

Now is never gone. I am not restating your point, I am directly contradicting you. The correct way to rephrase your statement in a manner which would lead me to agree with you is:
>but the Moment I was just talking about is gone
This is a correct observation, if we even assume that moment really exists, which we cannot be totally sure of. However, you appear to be really asserting something else with your use of "Now", which is either a misunderstanding on your part, or just improper usage of words (I suspect it is a core misunderstanding, however, due to the erroneous statements you made earlier in the thread). Now is always referring to a singular thing (as opposed to the multiplicity of Nows you were implicitly assuming) which cannot be temporally transferred, which means that your attempt to transfer it temporally is erroneous.

>> No.17940963

you guys ever just think there's everything and anti-everything so there's really just nothing

>> No.17941001

Every time I describe the Now that is lost to the past, I say that it is no long Now. It’s categorically still Now, though it is a newborn moment, once considered the future. Current Nows disappear. It’s a crown passed on.

Explain the contradiction

There cannot be Nothingness in an absolute sense. There is emptiness, but if you think about it, that’s something too. there’s the nothingness of after-death and pre-life, but that’s inconsequential to the subject and still not really “Nothing”. It’s imaginary.

>> No.17941043

>the Now that is lost to the past
You're not getting it.
>I say that it is no longer Now.
Which is invalid as a statement.
> Current Nows disappear.
ie implied multiplicity, I already explained why this is false.

>> No.17942674
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Stop doing it and it should not happen again

>> No.17942742

But I didn’t cause my existence to manifest - someone else wrought me into reality. Things are, in a sense, out of my control in all aspects.

>> No.17942760
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Then stop sucking and get some control, and then once you control something, stop doing it.
That or just stop doing it right now
Try it out!
First stop moving, and then stop thinking. Maybe you'll get it

>> No.17942767

>Stop myself from being wrought into existence
How does one garner such ability?

>> No.17942782

I love you so much please marry me I swear I will be good to you I don't even want to have sex you can still have lesbo girlfriends I just want to hold hands and cuddle with you please...

>> No.17942790

With the right attitude

>> No.17942812


>> No.17942818
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Btw get into eastern philosophy since what you want to do is basically to stop the wheel of karma

>> No.17942830

I don’t believe in karma, just that if it’s possible once then what’s to say it’s not possible again.

>> No.17942907

that IS karma