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17938402 No.17938402 [Reply] [Original]

I know the God Delusion isn’t the best atheist book but where do I start with his books on evolution?

>> No.17938424

The Selfish Gene obviously, you really did not need a thread for this

>> No.17939794

not real

>> No.17939805


>> No.17939811

this was literally debunked as pseudoscience

>> No.17941035

Climbing Mt. Improbable. And Darwin's Dangerous Idea by Dennett. The Selfish Gene and The Extended Phenotype aren't as well written, are addressed primarily to other biologists, have been weakly misread and commented on by idiot journalists and other such politicians more times than I can count, and are not places to start for those and other reasons.

>> No.17941050

God he has such an annoyingly smug face. I want to beat him to death with my bare hands.

>> No.17941247

Genesis, Creation, and Early Man - Seraphim Rose

>> No.17941379

Blind watchmaker

>> No.17942402

>creationist book

>> No.17942451

Believing in the evolution meme is pure Reddit

>> No.17942455
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>Believing in the evolution meme is pure Reddit

>> No.17942457
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>> No.17942478

How is that direction-brained? We aren’t talking about politics. If anything it applies more to you because you are rejecting a scientific fact because it’s “peak reddit”.

>> No.17942517

>If anything it applies more to you because you are rejecting a scientific fact because it’s “peak reddit”.
Scientific """fact"""

>> No.17942573

It is though. 97% of biologists believe in it which is about as high as a scientific consensus can get. You can disagree with Dawkins’s gene centered view of evolution but you can’t object to evolution on defensible scientific grounds.

>> No.17942587

>97% of biologists believe in it which is about as high as a scientific consensus can get
99% percent of retards believe in flat earth which is about as high as a retard consensus can get, therefore you can't object to flat earth on defensible retarded grounds.

>> No.17942610

Sauce? I'd love to read a Dawkins takedown

>> No.17942623 [DELETED] 

>Believing consensus drives truth
Science has become a joke

>> No.17942630

>Believing consensus drives truth
Science has become a joke

>> No.17943007

You instantly implied he was a Christian for rejecting evolution

>> No.17943152

you don't have a clue what you're talking about

>> No.17943165

>don't read his two most important books which he explicitly made accessible to the layman
absolutely bizarre post

>> No.17943201

Then give us the brilliant alternative to evolution, something better than ‘Gawd dun did it’

>> No.17943215

I personally am pretty much certain evolution is true but it still remains on a much lower level of certainty, macro-evolution anyway, because we can't verify it in any real way, than experimental sciences. There is a certain amount of intrinsic absurdity in acting really sure of yourself about things which happened 100 million years

>> No.17943391

>but it still remains on a much lower level of certainty, macro-evolution anyway
Not this bullshit again. For the last time, macro-evolution is just lots of micro-evolution. There has never been a single barrier that prevents one species changing into multiple species over time, other than butthurt religious zealots clinging to their Eden myth.

It’s demonstrably just a story, based on a predecessor from Canaanite polytheism. Get over it already

>> No.17943410

you can't verify things that take that much time experimentally, and you can't verify the past at all

>> No.17943427

Yes.....? I mean I guess he could be Jewish or Muslim but it’s unlikely.

>> No.17943447

Retards aren’t comparable to biologists
So do you believe there is a conspiracy or do you just believe that your smarter than 97% of biologists.

>> No.17943449

This is literally called inference, based on very real instances of speciation. A good portion of the very science you accept as valid is based on it

>> No.17943472

Please, for the love of whatever sky guy you believe in, shut the fuck up

>> No.17943479

>A good portion of the very science you accept as valid
I don't though, unless it can be experimentally verified, and ideally applied in some manner, then I don't really quite believe it, I just consider it as the more likely option.

>> No.17943482


>> No.17943879

>Believing experiment drives truth
Science has become a joke

>> No.17943896

>I don't though, unless it can be experimentally verified, and ideally applied in some manner, then I don't really quite believe it, I just consider it as the more likely option.
As does literally all science. Do you really think you’re some kind of second coming of Feyerabend, a rebel philosopher in the static church of science?

>> No.17943929

It's as close to truth as you can get in terms of science
I just explained my position and why I don't consider evolution be as certain as more experimental parts of science, that's it.

>> No.17943954

>I just explained my position and why I don't consider evolution be as certain as more experimental parts of science, that's it.
Yes, and more than a century of biological research has very convincingly demonstrated that you’re a retard. Evolution is now pretty much the backbone of biology, and is considered a monument of science, equivalent to the theories of Newton. Only religious retards still complain, and insist that science is a big plot by Lucifer to make us gay and that it was actually a wizard all along. Also Trump is still the president and trust the plan

>> No.17943966

You are getting agitated for no reason. I said that I am almost certain evolution is true, but because it can't be experimentally verified I don't accord it the same certainty as scientific results that can be experimentally verified.

>> No.17944000

There's nothing epistemologically magical about experiments, they're just the preferred method of validation for a specific kind of problem. Evolution isn't that kind of problem. That doesn't mean that the degree of certainty is actually less, given the inherent problems of the experimental approach.
All the evidence pointing toward X is good enough for a scientific notion of 'certainty' as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.17944024

We can’t experimentally verify that after dropping a ball 100 times, it will drop the 101st time, do you believe that because of that, it will float?

>> No.17944035

>There's nothing epistemologically magical about experiments,
there is though, you can repeatedly establish the link between condition x and y with very precise control of each variable involved. You can't do this for facts about the distant past, you can't isolate any of the variables or know with any certainty what the conditions were.

>> No.17944044

Nobody really this nigga seriously. Not even other biologists. He's really just a joke.

>> No.17944049

We do have to retain that possibility of course, but we can establish that the ball has done the same thing in every instance of which we have a record.

>> No.17944079


>> No.17944095

Central Limit Theorem has been deboonked as racist pseudoscience

>> No.17945175


>> No.17945220

It's true, he's more a celebrity known for his hot takes outside of his field more than anything else. He's the black science man of biology.

>> No.17945284

This is just entirely untrue the book was widely praised by people in his field. There are of course disagreements people have with various claims or models

>> No.17946163

Read The Greatest Show on Earth and Ancestor's Tale.