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/lit/ - Literature

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17937612 No.17937612 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me which books you ended up reading because you saw them posted here and who turned out to be good.
I'm currently reading Stoner and I love it !

>> No.17937630
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Klara and the Sun.

>> No.17937639

The Use and Abuse of Art was mentioned on here one time. It's a fascinating book, the only art critic work I've ever read and seemingly he only one I'll have to read

>> No.17937667
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The Rings of Saturn. I saw it here enough, and highly recommended, that when I saw my library had it, I borrowed it and it was well worth it.

>> No.17937689
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Now I'm Mono no Aware-pilled

>> No.17937800

I decide what to read based on the ratings of one goodreads account who seems to have a similar taste to me

>> No.17937818
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Saw a couple anons discussing it in a thread. I wound up really enjoying it.

>> No.17937828
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>> No.17937848
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Had this on my reading list for a while but it kinda sounds like another
>dude i'm an angsty middle aged professional who cheats on my wife and lives in a quasi-anhedonic state
episode which is just fucking gay and I'm tired of hearing about it.

>> No.17937850

Seven Pillars of Wisdom
A Hero of Our Time
Life and Fate
Hard Rain Falling
The Peregrine
A High Wind in Jamaica

>> No.17937898

Don Quixote. The first part is very fun, the second part felt a lot more repetitive.
Infitite Jest. I was constantly looking up words but it was really rewarding and i maybe looked up the reddit explanation of what happened.
Notes from Underground. Literally me.

>> No.17937925

Is John Williams not mainstream? Have been looking for him because of this board but he is never in the biblioteca, none of his books are

>> No.17938806
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>> No.17938844

Did you read Marlowe or Goethe beforehand? I have a copy of this one as well but I’ve heard it’s not worth reading if you haven’t read the prereqs

>> No.17939032

Anyone know the name of that book about aliens that "edited" humans to the point that they're not humans anymore and is written like a horror book?

>> No.17939063
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Some retard was spamming /lit/ with pic related a while back. Not sure why.
I gave it a read just for something to read and it was actually pretty good.

>> No.17939079

Anna Karenina

>> No.17939086

empress theresa obviously

>> No.17939415

Confessions of a Mask. Was skeptical of gaylit but it became my favorite book.

>> No.17939431

The Iliad because of the whole "start with the Greeks meme"

>> No.17939475

I enjoyed this, but No Longer Human was shit, so /lit/ is 1-1 on jap lit for me

>> No.17939513

Tried reading Notes Of The Underground but holy shit it seems to just be annoying rambling for like the first 20 pages, does the book have an actual storyline at some point?

>> No.17939552

I am pretty new to /lit/ and I have just ordered about $100 of books on recommendations from here, they haven't arrived yet.
>Eisenhorn trilogy 40k
>Augustus & Butchers Crossing from John Williams
So, I will see how it goes.

>> No.17939562

I also read necromancer, which was pretty boring. Not a good start, but I'm still confident.
Holy fuck, I also read Shadow of the Torturer, which was super boring.
I may have made a terrible mistake here.

>> No.17939568
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Same. Iliad is fucking awesome.

>> No.17939576
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>> No.17939591

I was skeptical about Mishima because I read his Wikipedia page and I just couldn’t relate to him at all. I have a thing about reading authors and preferring books which I feel like I can relate to. So I put him off and off before finally read his books and I was blown away. I read almost all of his books in quick succession. He was really an excellent author.

>> No.17939592

It does, but its mostly about ideas. It's about the Underground Man. Notes From Underground was written as a refutation to some article he read in the paper, if I remember correctly. If you want a storyline you should try any of his other books, C&P being the obvious starting point.

>> No.17939597

You sound like a woman

>> No.17939600

I got Augustus a few days ago. Looking forward to it, it's next on my list. He's my favorite emperor too so it should be a good time.

>> No.17939626

gravity's rainbow

>> No.17939627

He is my favourite emperor too. I'm looking forward to seeing his character and life fleshed out. I have high hopes, I heard this book described as the best historical fictionfrom an American author.

>> No.17939719

I'll check out crime and punishment then, thanks!

>> No.17940046

This seems like a meme but can confirm that you can stumble onto the greatest obscure masterpieces unwittingly this way, but I do this with multiple accounts so sometimes when I read fantastic books no one has heard of I even forget myself where I got the recommendation from

>> No.17940092

Why do you guys only read books that could be assigned in highschool. I'm referring not just to the difficulty but popularity as well. It's like if you've never heard of an author you immediately write off the book. I can assure you all the best books are mostly unknown, branch out beyond the authors that people on the street could recognize.

>> No.17940196

The Tartar Steppe and The Opposing Shore.Both similar.Both great and a reason why I keep coming here even if the good recommendations or in depth literary discussions are rare

>> No.17940409
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Fuuuuuck, guys. There's an intellectual in the thread!

>> No.17940695

What’s the account username

>> No.17940762

Nothing. Gravity's Rainbow and Infinite Jest sucked. I miss the Henry James threads.

>> No.17940766

The metamorphosis, gonna read the rest eventually.

>> No.17940796

call me by your name

>> No.17940812

le filtered ;)

>> No.17940903

let me see that thang clap - standing ovation

>> No.17941208

How to find such authors

>> No.17941359

Currently reading Jorge Amado's 'Gabriela, clove and cinnamon' and thoroughly enjoying it.

>> No.17941436

I think his books rose to popularity again in 2005/6 or thereabouts. Plebs on social media sites became aware of him a few years ago, maybe 2013 IIRC

>> No.17941508

No Longer Human, which is tied for my favorite novel now.

>> No.17941532


>> No.17941547

>you can stumble onto the greatest obscure masterpieces unwittingly this way
any example of one you stumbled upon

>> No.17942350

Industrial Society and its Future

>> No.17942374

I didn’t, anon.
I also didn’t know anything about music theory which is an important theme in the book.
It also probably helps to know a bit of German history as well (before the Hitler years). I had a pretty vague awareness of the Thirty Years War and the Reformation. I still managed to read the book and enjoy it though I probably did miss quite a few allusions.

>> No.17942439

I forget which translation I read but I felt like it was missing something. I would recommend it to people on the premise alone but I wasn't enthralled

>> No.17942450

The turn of the screw sucked though, James is a hack

>> No.17942673

Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.17943330

Such a gay book.

>> No.17943344

People only pretend to like it because he killed himself. Shouldn't a comedy book be funny at some point?

>> No.17943349

are you an expert on gayness? what a fag

>> No.17943957

Stoner, Confederacy of Dunces, Crime and Punishment, Rant, and probably some others I can't think of right now. I've heard of most of these books but /lit pushed me towards actually reading them. Thanks anons

>> No.17943978

whats it about?

>> No.17944472

my favourite books that speak to me personally are from less well known authors but for every great book from less known author I read I had to read 10 awful books just to find it.