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/lit/ - Literature

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17936617 No.17936617 [Reply] [Original]

>*single handedly ended philosophy, greek faggotry and the islamic golden age at the same time*

Uhhh based?

>> No.17936635

why did he do it, bros

>> No.17936654

>Desnt even joke about The Incoherence of the Incoherence
Trash thread op kys

>> No.17937444
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>> No.17937460

Is that some 'Allah is great' book?

>> No.17937479

So you’re saying he’s responsible for Islamic obscurantism? How is this based, you fucking retard?

>> No.17937889

As The Incoherence of the Incoherence would fall under a work from a philosopher, it also falls under The Incoherence of The Philosophers and has thusly retroactively refuted itself.

>> No.17938443

So did anyone here actually read it or

>> No.17938491

this is /lit/, no one reads anything, dumb newfag

>> No.17938884

You're just playing with the titles...

>> No.17938897

I was going to but I tried to convert the .djvu file from libgen and it turned into a 300mb .mobi.

>> No.17939657

I've read it. Ghazali basically prefigures most of the developments that would occur in modern analytic theology in the Western world.

>> No.17939743

It's on my read shelf on goodreads, that pretty much counts

>> No.17939872

So Ghazali was basically a muslim soiboy I take it.

>> No.17939882

No that was averroes

>> No.17940335
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>So you’re saying he’s responsible for Islamic obscurantism? How is this based, you fucking retard?

>> No.17940365

I just read reflections like 5 minutes ago and went to /lit/ to make an al ghazali thread. I like him.

>> No.17940403
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>In one of Gazali’s most famous works, his portrayal of men in the role of penetrator in all sexual encounters, with both women and boys garnered no small praise from other poets, as well as the wealthy upper class from whom he was attempting to attain sponsorship.6 The categories in his work are “how to enjoy the company of girls,” “masturbation, nocturnal emissions and bestiality,” “the passive homosexuals” and “the pimps.”7 These categories list sexual objects for the enjoyment of men, including women, boys, girls, passive men, and animals. In his exposition, it is clear that only two of those categories were illicit and taboo, and those were passive men and animals. This created a system where the man was given the expectation of being the penetrator and was allowed to exert this right an all other people, aside from other fully- grown men.
>The poet Gazali framed a debate between men who chased boys, and men who chased women, describing the womanizers as wearing “their feminine little robes” and being weakened by cowering in a “dark cave”, a reference to the vagina.27 Their physical strength and appearance from dress is affected negatively by their pursuit of women. On the other hand, the lovers of boys are described as “their arms are powerful, they make a magnificent show, and their movements are manly.”28 The fear of women is now being put in contrast with a praise of male beauty.

>> No.17940415

Nevermind, wrong Ghazali

>> No.17940514

Ahmad also believes Iblis to be a paragon of lovers

>> No.17941159

Good read none the less anon.

>> No.17941367

>The Incoherence of The Philosophers
>He states that Avicenna and his followers have erred in seventeen points (each one of which he addresses in detail in a chapter, for a total of 17 chapters) by committing heresy
Oh for fucks sake, dogmatism all over again.

>> No.17941384

he's not wrong, romantic love (eros) is satanic

>> No.17941613

Whatever-the-fuck that means.

>> No.17941668

>Ahmad also believes Iblis to be a paragon of lovers
>romantic love (eros) is satanic
>When man contemplates God in woman he witnesses him in a receptive mode [because woman was created from man], while when he contemplates [God] in himself, from the perspective that woman appeared from him, he beholds him in an active mode. When, however, he contemplates God in himself, without any regard to what has come from him, his witness is in the receptive mode, without any intermediary. So his contemplation of God in woman is the most complete and perfect, because in this way he contemplates God in both the active and receptive modes, whereas by contemplating God only in himself, he beholds him particularly in a receptive mode. Because of this the Prophet ﷺ loved women, because of the perfection of his witness of God in them (Fusus al-hikam. 2 vols. ed. Abu ‘Ala ‘l-‘Affin. Beirut: Dar al-kitab al-‘arabi. 1:217).
Virgin Ahmad VS Chad Ibn Arabi

>> No.17942048


>> No.17942407

Jesus Christ this board is retarded.