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17935282 No.17935282 [Reply] [Original]

Do you wish you could believe in God? Religious people are happier you know

>> No.17935334

my life went to shit the moment i became an atheist. After a suicide attempt i found god again and can tell you: Life without faith is not barable. It's the only thing keeping me sane in this clown world.

>> No.17935336

I wish society was stable enough so that I wouldnt be dependant on religion

>> No.17935345

tell you what, learn how to construct a fucking sentence and I may take your opinions more seriously.

>> No.17935351


>> No.17935353

>i found god again
Where was he? Can I meet him and go for a coffee?

>> No.17935354

Part of me thinks I would be more happy if I believed in God, or had religion of some sort. But I'm already happy and content as is, and religion can only do so much for one's happiness. It can open just as many problems as it does solve.

>> No.17935355

The Abrahamic God is Ahriman in disguise.

>> No.17935359

Not the monotheistic one. That entity is total garbage and deserves to be in the dustbin of history

I’ll accept El the Father, provided that he’s accompanied by Baal, Asherah, Horan, Adammu, etc. We can even have Yahweh as a wargod, if he knows his place within the pantheon as serving his unique function, and not as an eternal dictator

>> No.17935369

How could I worship a man that I just view as a man. It may be he is a father figure to his worshippers but to me he was a mere man with great accomplishments, but I don’t see him as my supernatural superior.

You’re just weak

>> No.17935370

my e gets stuck sometimes. was there anything else wrong with my post?

>> No.17935376

>Can I meet him and go for a coffee?
if you follow his rules and believe in heaven you can.

>> No.17935387

Okay, so tomorrow at 2pm in my local café?

>> No.17935388

Okay, and what are those rules? The ones from the Bible or the Quran?

>> No.17935395
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IQ 66 sub-saharan donkey farmer with 11 children is probably "happier" than most first world millennials, but that doesn't mean I'd trade places with him. It's also no coincidence that said nigger is the new target audience for catholic church now that they've lost relevancy and influence in Europe.

>> No.17935402

Happy people are more religious, but that's probably changing soon. You've got to be dissatisfied to go against the status quo.

>> No.17935404

the bible.

>> No.17935419

I'm happy enough as it is

>> No.17935423

the catholic church grew in the last years and all believes have people living like in the dark ages. You only only seethe at the church because you hate your own life. I met my first girlfriend in church and will always thank the church for that.

>> No.17935428
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>On this question, the pronouncements of highly learned men are so varied and so much at odds with each other that inevitably they strongly suggest that the explanation is human ignorance, and that the Academics have been wise to withhold assent on matters of such uncertainty; for what can be more degrading than rash judgement, and what can be so rash and unworthy of the serious and sustained attention of a philosopher, as either to hold a false opinion or to defend without hesitation propositions inadequately examined and grasped?
—Cicero, The Nature of the Gods

no no no we got too cocky dogma bros

>> No.17935432
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>following a feeble guy who was crossed
>not following those who you can borrow their strength from

>> No.17935433

If by "grew" you mean converting illiterate, borderline demented Afircans, Asians and jungle Latinos then yeah, sure.

>> No.17935453

And why not the Quran? It states clearly to be the direct, literal word of God. How do I know you’re not lying, and that Shaitan tricked you?

>> No.17935456

>against the status quo
The vast majority of people in America and Europe are Christian. What status quo are you going against, exactly?

>> No.17935459

Germanics were thoroughly btfo by Christs armies and thats why they all converted, leaving only a bunch of schizoid larpers to worship these forgotten gods.

>> No.17935466
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miss me with that shit, nigga

>> No.17935469

If they're so strong then where are all their temples in Europe today?

>> No.17935476

Yes, and Christianity is now a bunch of grannies, and larpers who worship a Jewish wizard version of Kim Jung Un, so that’s hardly much better, isn’t it?

>> No.17935479

I don’t know, if Jesus is Lord, why are all churches being abandoned as we speak?

>> No.17935481

>5 fingers are one hand?
>miss me with that idea

>> No.17935488

>movies are still made about them
>songs sang about them
>stories written about them
>games made about them
Just accept your god is a dyel.
They do not need temples, for they further fortify their bodies and minds by not having one.

>> No.17935491

communists made and make religion illegal. Don't compare a communist to someone who gave people to eat.

>> No.17935495

Nobody claimed that the hand is one stump with no fingers, you did

>> No.17935500

At least the Christians have churches to be abandoned in the first place

>> No.17935502


>> No.17935509

>Don't compare a communist to someone who gave people to eat.
That’s what the North Koreans say about Kim Jung Un. Also, I love how Almighty God couldn’t even stand up to starving workers and peasants joining hands. Was the 20th century his century off or something?

>> No.17935515

Which will inevitably be recommissions to another religious group, which could be a polytheistic one, so thanks for the free real estate

>> No.17935551

>which could be a polytheistic one
Cope. They'll be taken over by progressive liberalism if anything.

>> No.17935553

Cool, so you think Jesus is 1/3 god?

>> No.17935573

I do believe but I'm not much happier. God is incomprehensible and terrifying.

>> No.17935581

no he is the son of god

>> No.17935584

Nobody cares about your evaluation of others opinions

>> No.17935590

I do believe in God.
I believe the motherfucker hates me passionately for some reason.

>> No.17935607

Only the son of god, or he is god too?

>> No.17935612

>Was the 20th century his century off or something?
god can act as he like. that's what's so fucking terrifying about him. nobody knows why he is the way he is. He just is. I will follow his rules before i upset him because i don't want his angels to fuck me up or even worse burn in hell

>> No.17935620

You cared enough to tell me that you didn't care. And you cared enough to claim to speak for everyone.

>> No.17935626

>Religious people are happier
Not according to what I see on a daily basis. They're fat and complain about work everyday and how little money they have, but then go get wasted every weekend to "forget". They usually focus more on other people's lives than theirs.

>> No.17935627

So you're a scared little slave to something which you don't comprehend and can't prove existence of?

>> No.17935629

only the father can stop a rogue jesus so the father is stronger but we don't know what the limits of jesus power really were. he is a different existence than god but he has similiar powers.

>> No.17935645

i prove god being real by existing because life wouldn't be possible without a god. and yes i can't comprehend god. no one can

>> No.17935647
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I am sometimes curious what it is like to believe in God. Just does not work for me.

>> No.17935657

If he's so powerful, how was he put in a cross?

>> No.17935663

I don't know why you even bothered to respond to my bait when you clearky don't care about the trinity.

>> No.17935664

You don't even comprehend the nature of malevolent and cruel deity you're trembling in fear of, yet you understand and prove the life itself? Interesting.

>> No.17935684

Jesus announced beforehand that he has to be sacrificed


>> No.17935687

>how was he put in a cross
He was nailed to it.

>> No.17935706

>Jesus announced beforehand that he has to be sacrificed
But why? Just use the powers to put everything together. Kill the bads, teach new stuff, enjoy life.
kek, nice one

>> No.17935717

>kill the bads
You should read the Bible.

>> No.17935724

Nah, don't really like christian bullshit.

>> No.17935854

Nobody did care about your evaluation, except for me telling you that nobody did

>> No.17935871

The Bible just makes God seem like a deadbeat dad. He’s never around when you need him, most of his stories appear to be complete bullshit, but when you’re thriving he suddenly knows exactly where you are, to claim credit for your successes and ask for money

>> No.17935900

>5 fingers are one hand?
that's a heresy

>> No.17935903

Can I talk to you about your suicide attempt?

>> No.17935983


>> No.17936288
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>> No.17936807

>kill the bads
T.lacks self awareness

>> No.17936846

Regardless of your stance on God, faith is one of the most important human emotions and is necessary for a good life. No matter what religion someone follows, I'm always impressed that they at least know what they are putting faith in to. Like Wittgenstein says:

"Thus people today stop at the laws of nature, treating them as something inviolable, just as God and Fate were treated in past ages. And in fact both are right and both wrong: though the view of the ancients is clearer in so far as they have a clear and acknowledged terminus, while the modern system tries to make it look as if everything were explained."

>> No.17936855

Then explain why God doesn’t instantly destroy all, and needs to hear a testimony first in which we suck his dick.

>> No.17936857

Polytheism is beyond retarded

>> No.17936860

*all evil

>> No.17936870

Not really, certainly not as retarded as monotheism

>> No.17936871

off-topic OP >>>/his/

>> No.17936872

Are they religious nominally or functionally?

>> No.17936880

>if religious doesn’t make people happy, those people weren’t actually religious

>> No.17936886

I believe God as a proposition. I have an abstract idea which I think is real. But that act of faith, the religious life is so far from me. I dont know how to go from believing in God as some philosophical principle to really feeling and knowing God personally.

>> No.17936901

What does it mean to be religious?

>> No.17936902

>b-but brown people bad

>> No.17936910

1. Define god, otherwise i have no idea what are you talking about. The second question would be "what constitutes a religious person?" but since the answer would be people who beleive in god, that takes my first clause.

>> No.17936915

Islam is coming for that white ass, boi

>> No.17936947

Do you have a button on you that you can push on at will, switching between atheist\religious at any given moment?

>> No.17936952

Before we even define God, we need to define what happiness is. I'm not believing in some spooky, otherworldly "emotion" that can't be detected with any instruments.

>> No.17936984

>if he knows his place within the pantheon as serving his unique function, and not as an eternal dictator
Sounds like you would like to become god yourself. You are not supposed to prescribe to god instructions. That's the whole idea no?

>> No.17937007

I believe in God. What that means has changed for me over the years, but the existence of God is not something that I think is really questionable.

>> No.17937058

God is a male?

>> No.17937068

Is this deeply layered irony or retarded sincerity

>> No.17937092

Let me summarize what you just said: God must exist, because i'm unwilling to accept the possibility of god not existing.

>> No.17937097

The day I lose faith in divine judgement, is probably the day I go downtown to buy a fatal amount of heroin. This existence is a fucking nightmare, and all I desire is reunion with our Creator.

>> No.17937259

>let me adjust your statement to my level of understanding

>> No.17938035

Shut the fuck up you tranny faggot before I choke the life out of you.

>> No.17938044

Monotheism makes sense if you think about the nature of the cosmos and infinity.

Polytheism makes sense if you're a functionally retarded caveman that believes the toilet holds a Toilet God that watches over your shits.

>> No.17938050

Lol you guys are such drama queens

>> No.17938248

Not as fast as liberalism is coming for Islam. Have you ever talked to the kids or grandkids of Muslims immigrants in the west it’s pretty grim.

>> No.17938326

People like you make it a clown world in the first place.

>> No.17938385

why do atheists ask such stupid fucking questions? This one is directly addressed by the bible, read it

>> No.17938680

The toilet god curses me with blocked pipes because I bless the hangover shit god

>> No.17938727

why do you worship that guy if he made existence such s horrible thing?

>> No.17938743

Do it with your cock

>> No.17938755

wow you really act like a tough guy
mommy really raised someone who is brave enough to post something like that on the internet

>> No.17938866

Imagine being such a brainlet that you become a neckbeard atheist who doesn't believe in God.

>> No.17938908
File: 78 KB, 960x960, EwXd-8wXMBAMnSy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you wish you could believe in God?
Yes but I can't seem to get to a state in which I can truly say I believe. I don't want to be christened without having found God. One of the mistranslations of Kierkgaard I learnt was that on the topic religion he stated one should "take a leap into faith", as opposed to a "leap of faith", the latter being the mistranslation. I think about it commonly. I am directionless but I feel as if I'm being drawn towards God yet I just cannot find the way forwards.

>> No.17938946

I tried being religious and after doing a lot of reading I'm probably closer to being an atheist than ever, ironically

>> No.17939094
File: 466 KB, 516x426, 1602551638733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm envious of the strength that religion seems to give some people but I physically cringe whenever anybody says a single fucking thing about God, divinity, the superrnatural, etc. It's fucking 4th grade ghost-story tier to me. I was raised Catholic but came to the conclusion that it was all a grift around the age of 10 (kept going to church to make my parents happy until I moved out). What do I do?

>> No.17939198

>What do I do?
Nothing really. If you have black and white way of thinking you might simply not be suited for religion.

>> No.17939539

religion demands black and white thinking though

>> No.17939559

>Religious people are happier you know

Riiight, because the fertile crescent where most of these religions originated/cultural center of these religions aren't completely racked with endless war, and slaughter for hundreds if not thousands of years...

Whatever you say, dipshit.

>> No.17939581

I’ve been an agnostic since childhood. Yes, I want to believe. I find it hard to believe.

>> No.17939594

Please elaborate?

>> No.17939603

your cope doesn't change anything though

>> No.17939615
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One needs to take a look at the west and see the horrors secularism has inflicted on it

Even if I didn't believe it is still better to go through life as if God exists then to actively reject God

>> No.17939616

>X is bad Y is good no compromises
stuff like that. God is good, man, or satan or the world whatever is evil. black and white.

>> No.17939630

>God make sex
>No do sex! sex bad!


>> No.17939637

I used to think like this but finding out that man has more or less been as degenerate as he was from the beginning is a very depressing revelation

>> No.17939659

it will never be, and while you can make that stability your ideal or utopia, other people keep their feet on the ground and believe in God

>> No.17939690

Believing in God doesn't make me happier, it just prevents me from being destroyed by resentment.

>> No.17939691

its a tool, and like a tool, it should only be used in certain circumstances.

>> No.17939707

Yes, I do. I think I begin to understand why there are all these "trad Caths" larping around. I'm not in the best place right now spiritually and psychologically and so yes, a belief in God would probably help my situation. I don't care if it feels like a "cop out". It's all just so tiring. I've considering Buddhism as well, and have been meditating for about 3 or 4 weeks. It's fairly difficult but I'm keeping at it. Unironically wishing everyone here warm thoughts in this absolute sea of shit that is this website.

>> No.17939715

>Religious people are happier you know
The ones on this board seem miserable and reliant upon constant external validation from other equally miserable god fearing anons. Only the incels and anti-natalists come across as more miserable.

>> No.17939729

Then why make it feel so good? Could've just made it feel like shit or something.

>> No.17939741

Jesus was a black lesbian stop spreading lies

>> No.17939742

kek blaming others for your own mistakes. how about a second go at it?

>> No.17939754

I don't care about individuals
Society is much more degenerate now then in the past this is undeniable
your "revelation" is just an excuse for nihilism

>> No.17939780

As a lapsed Catholic, I'd say yeah. With the exception of childhood scrupulosity being religious was very positive for me. A lot of my current problems- lack of a role model (cya Jesus), isolation (no community), porn addiction ('haha now that I'm 14 and an atheist and sexually un-repressed, I can do whatever I want'), and feelings of nihilism- came after I stopped believing in God.

>> No.17939781

lmao I almost envy your delusional version of the past

>> No.17939802

"At least our religion is dying later"
Dude...come on.... Can we please stop it with the pagan vs. Christian shit? We have bigger problems to worry about. Wokeness threatens us all. Let's save the White race and then worry about religious infighting.

>> No.17939990

Good luck on your spiritual practice anon, I hope you find what you're looking for.

>> No.17940014
File: 453 KB, 2250x3149, 4612a280431d4be1a6a08179db14a713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I wish I had the faith, whenever I try to earnestly practice a religion to gain the faith, I feel like I'm lying, so instead I masturbate to anime femboys in nun costumes

>> No.17940037

Stop projecting. I've been nonreligious for most of my life after being raised Catholic and the issue never comes up. I don't care or think about religion much, if at all.

>> No.17940077


No, not at all.

>> No.17940080


It's all right, you're just a weak dunce.

>> No.17940124


This doesn't make any sense.

>> No.17940141

Did you quote the wrong post?

>> No.17940240


No. Of the post I quoted, I correctly observed that its sentiment is nonsensical. I am sure that someone will be happy to repeat the contrary, possibly insulting me in the process. They will have missed the point.

>> No.17940250

>I correctly observed that its sentiment is nonsensical.
I don't understand how anyone could have trouble with it.

>> No.17940357


So, let's return to the original sentiment (yours?), to help you to understand your error:


"Believing in god doesn't make me happier, it just prevents me from being destroyed by resentment."

The second clause is the really ridiculous one, but the first is itself somewhat problematic. Nowadays, the naturalistic fallacy in favor of religion goes: it makes people happier (true), therefore it's good. Of course, a true believer need not be concerned with a modern aberration like happiness, to be satisfied that it is right and good in some more important sense to believe in god, but these two ideas are still at cross-purposes with each other. Both are implied by the first clause. When someone calls themselves a theist and qualifies the remark in this anhedonic way, it is reasonable to at least suppose that there is a certain insincerity in their private feelings.

We are supposed to naturally understand that a theism, even a possibly grudging one as suggested by the first clause, prevents its subject from being destroyed by resentment. This might be resentment towards god, or the idea of god, or towards the religious in the event that the subject were not religious. The idea is every way absurd. On the contrary, being convinced of the tyrant would itself naturally engender resentment in right thinking people. Take people. We're asked to understand that a possibly half-hearted religion is enough not to resent all the faithful, by being part of the in-group perhaps, or otherwise.

At this point, the obvious retort is that this post demonstrates exactly what was referred to. BUT THIS STILL RINGS FALSE, because "resentment" isn't quite the right word. I don't RESENT black people who, through no fault of their own, are statistically dumber. One doesn't resent a lack in others AS SUCH, one resents the negative effects of that lack. So it is with blacks and, by analogy, the religious, who both have a lack.

>> No.17940389

To all the atheists on here, please read the four Gospels in the new testament. I was an avowed atheist until I finished the Gospel of Luke and John and Jesus spoke with Pilates. You must define God properly. God, to me, is all immutable laws in the universe and Jesus is, to me, the purest philosophy of how to act ethically on Earth. I don't believe in an afterlife, and I don't believe in an active deity, but the aforementioned will help you immensely. Best of luck.

>> No.17940416

Yes honestly. I can't seem to make myself okay with certain nonsensical aspects of the old testament though, and the story of creation in general. Jesus is awesome though, the New Testament is pretty good. It's just all the old Jewish God that decided to slaughter pregnant women and children in a flood that I can't seem to accept.

>> No.17940420

At least Lent is over, right?

Χριστός ἀνέστη!

>> No.17940423

Honestly, anyone who says everything in the Bible is sacrosanct is a schizophrenic. The 5 books from Moses, Psalms, Job, Jonas, and the Gospel are the core.

>> No.17940442


>> No.17940443
File: 537 KB, 710x654, 1617489002311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kneel, jesus

>> No.17940453

yeah it is bro
"does god exist"
I just did it

>> No.17940528
File: 170 KB, 680x329, copium of the masses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion is weapons grade copium.
The idea that everything you do is important, that if you try you will be rewarded, and that everything will be ok in the end is 100% necessary for a lot of normies to function.

Unfortunately, if you are able to see through the magician's trick, it no longer works on you.

>> No.17940535

The only author that ever got me interested in Christianity was clearly not happy.
>We are undeceived without having enjoyed life... Imagination is rich, fertile, and marvelous; life is poor, arid, and disenchanted. We dwell, with a full heart, in an empty world; and, without having enjoyed anything, we are disabused of everything

>> No.17940541 [DELETED] 

If God was real and actually gave me some kind of reason to believe in him I would literally be his most stalwart servant. I would dedicate every iota of my being to him.

But he’s not. In a way I can never forgive God for not being real. One of the most bitter disappointments of my life.

>> No.17940582
File: 645 KB, 600x809, 2CE9B714-C133-42A9-9E7D-7D04ABBD7DA7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I believe religion is ultimately necessary. The 85 - 100 IQ segment of society (the majority) need this kind of one-two-punch of psychological actualisation and assurance that the cruelty they’ve endured has a purpose... otherwise we get Columbine/Sandyhook combined with modem Japan (comfortable euthanasia).

The government should engineer a race of space aliens to attack earth - they come close to winning but every time humanity manages to push them back each time at great cost.

>> No.17940597
File: 559 KB, 528x845, 1611630158560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17940601


Again, this is a typical modern cope apologia. The point is to overcome the need for religion by altering humanity itself. On this head, the Chinese may yet redeem themselves...

>> No.17940624

> The government should engineer a race of space aliens to attack earth - they come close to winning but every time humanity manages to push them back each time at great cost.
The alien race is here and it is the egotistical, the selfish, and the nonbelievers.

>> No.17940629

You’re probably 15 and become Christian because you watched a YouTube video about medieval knights

>> No.17940636

The dragon waits to be slayed next to his pot of gold.

>> No.17940660
File: 1.08 MB, 2515x3353, Xi Jirenping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17940675
File: 44 KB, 645x773, D7D60F2A-B34F-4927-9FD1-5D2586309D43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve noticed that Xicucks are either

>1.) Asian guys in the west getting zero pussy
>2.) third worlders who come from failed states

Both use Xi and the perceived ascension of China as a vector to counter their powerlessness and impotency and they really don’t do much to hide it. Your pic, for example, is edited to pic Xi as a very tall and grotesquely muscular man without any hints of self awareness. The homoeroticism is also not lost upon me and that could be easily, with a few alterations, a work produced by noted homosexual artist Tom of Finland.

This is why I can’t get behind the China bandwagon - just reeks of weakness.

>> No.17940720
File: 137 KB, 1882x1058, 1617500984463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jiren is the ubermensch

>> No.17940781

>I don't believe in an afterlife, and I don't believe in an active deity
Then you’re not a Christian

>> No.17940797

I think faith can be useful in that it strengthens people in the face of hard times. But also a lot of religious people look and act like they're trapped in a cage, unable to express themselves in multiple ways.

>> No.17940814

The theological problems posed by this picture are confounding

>> No.17941052

By whose definition?

>> No.17941084

Only the Old Testament god. The New Testament god is benevolent and life-affirming.

>> No.17941377

populations at large can't be genuinely convinced by any religion that doesn't have some followers who would die or freak out for it
muslims are seen as savages when one kills someone for a muhammed drawing but that doesn't mean it doesn't work in adding a bit more friction through fear for any frenchman who might want to parade their drawing of muhammed out in public

>> No.17941383

this, i think religion is good for society but not always necessary for belief in God. i think it’s ridiculous how people truly believe that everything that has happened so far on Earth has been a series of continuing accidents. its unfathomable for me to believe

>no dude its science we just by chance became a planet thats ideal for living in surrounded by planets completely unfit for life aha yeah its super weird having consciousness its probably nothing too deep tho. turn your brain off bro. its all a big coincidence

>> No.17941570

bait, but it's sad that there are actual people who pick their beliefs from Christian theology as they see fit

>> No.17941581

People say this about fast food items, the latest pop song, the latest big budget studio movie, the latest Netflix original series, etc just fyi. Religion is nothing more than a flimsy bandage you wear to weather the the horrid reality of modern life

>> No.17941697

Why do christcucks feel the need to make off-topic threads? Are you one of those niggers who shit up /pol/ too?

>> No.17942551

Whats stopping you?

>> No.17942559

Cool list of literally whos bro you really showed us

>> No.17942566

Maybe they should have borrowed enough strength so they wouldn't be wiped out and confined to the dustbin of history

>> No.17942575

>>movies are still made about them
>>songs sang about them
>>stories written about them
>>games made about them
what absolute cope

>> No.17942586

Read the Pilgrims Progress

>> No.17942594

Stop being retarded and read the Bible. The only block is your own stubbornness that "it's all a grift"

>> No.17942605

Cringe. Go back to /pol/

>> No.17942606

Holy shit go outside

>> No.17942615

Bro just let people God we have to save yevropa and the hwuite race

>> No.17942625

>I masturbate to anime femboys in nun costumes
Have you considered stopping that for a while and seeing how you feel then

>> No.17942636

The Apostles Creed

>> No.17942641

Why? What's it about?

>> No.17942656

I think that becoming religious would just make me even more neurotic.
The healthy response to religion is to live much as you would otherwise but with more spiritual fulfillment and maybe slightly better morals. The """rational""" response would be to treat it as the single most important fact in the universe and let it shape your whole life.
I'm prone to overthinking things. I'd either become an insane proselytizing theocrat or feel constant guilt about not being one.

>> No.17942697

I do wish I could actually. Perhaps when I move out I will partake in religious holidays and church, though there are no nearby Orthodox churches.

>> No.17942702

I'd consider joining one of the non-Americanized Christian sects.

>> No.17942827

Its probably one of the most important non biblical Christian texts but Bunyan writes alot about your situation in it

>> No.17942868

I've just put a bid in for a copy on ebay, if it wins it'll arrive by the end of the week. Thanks anon, hope it helps.

>> No.17942987

They're the same.

>> No.17943094

Not from Jesus
>Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gift, or the altar that sanctifieth the gift?

It's you guys that make atheists justify themselves. These endless needle noising on scripture vs. the very clear statement that belief is the ingredient of faith that sanctifies - we can believe different things about the real meaning, but the belief it is sacred is all that matters.

>> No.17943620

You were meant to be Zoroastrian. It is due to complex geopolitical reasons both Pisslam and Cuckstianity spread.
Kys, Spiritual Semite trash.

>> No.17943687

I’m the happiest person on this board. I wish I given up on this cult sooner.

Who hasn’t flagged this for off topic?

>> No.17943700

You are a dumb bitch and whore. You are more invasive and pestersome than a house sparrow that kills native blue birds. I would tie you in between two trees and let them rip your corpse into two, and then I would paint the beautiful crows that gnaw your innards.

>> No.17943724

Go wander into a forest

>> No.17943761

I do almost everyday, and thankfully, I rarely see whores like you ruin the picturesque sights.

>> No.17943802

No, the New Testament God is even more cult like and sneaky than the Old Testament God. Where OT God is basically like a serial killer where you know he’s roaming the world free, and will murder and torture you for not obeying him, NT God is more sneaky and psychopathic, trying to be your ‘friend’, telling you he ‘loves’ you, but then when you disobey him, he tortures you as well, while insisting all of this is your fault, you failed him and you made him do this.

Basically, NT God is the more manipulative twin of OT God, still completely psychotic and obsessed with obedience, just much more conniving and shameless, and therefore, much more evil. OT God is an evil dictator, while NT God is the psychopathic cult leader

>> No.17943900

>Not from Jesus

>> No.17943992


>> No.17944008

But that is an ethnic religion

>> No.17944013
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In comparison, let me explain what the Zoroastrian God is likened to: a qualitative orb, perhaps akin to Empedocles' celestial sphere. The Bundashihn described Ohrmazd as being akin to an orb of light from which positive qualities emanate. These positive qualities include righteousness, truth, order, love, beauty, and more. The world was in perfect harmony until Ahriman attacked and brought in chaos, destruction, lies, deceit, wickedness, and more. Spenta mainyu is the sacred mentality/spirit (mainyu has these two dual meanings) and it is in conflict with Angra mainyu, the destructive mentality/spirit. One can imagine this as a phenomenological dimension that has a kind of Platonic dimension.
For example, Zoroastrians believed they were co-workers in God's fight against Ahriman, so they would plant trees and aim to revitalize the lands in order to fight against Ahriman.
The question of whence the Twin Mainyus originated was disputed by mobed. Some said both were uncreated whereas others argued they originated from infinite, undifferentiated Time (Zurvan-Akarana). There is a verse in the Gathas that does a good job of capturing Zoroastrian spirit:
"There are two primeval spirits, twins who are revealed
[to us] through dream.
In mind, in speech, and even in deed they are better and bad:
The good choose between them correctly, not the evil."
Zoroastrianism was not perfect however. It had only one flaw that later reformers like Mazdak the Younger fixed. This flaw involved viewing certain animals as being purely of spenta or angra mainyu, but this was reformed by later Zoroastrians by arguing all animals had a spark from Ohrmazd. Many promoted vegetarianism too.
Granted, I do agree that negroes are imbued with the spirit of Ahriman.
All of West Eurasia was meant to be Zoroastrian. The Sassanids were proselytizing, but for some odd reason they were rejected. For example, Armenians picked Christianity over the superior Zoroastrian tradition.
I will never forgive Muslims and Christians in cooperating to destroy my ancient tradition. I hate it when Christians act like we're "friends" just because we both vehemently dislike Islam.

>> No.17944053

Not true. Sassanids were proselytizing and many were converted.
It was only ethnic in the sense that descendants of earliest mobed from Khorasan, who were most likely first disciples of Zoroaster, were more likely to become high priests.
Also, Zoroaster was most likely white or largely of pure steppe ancestry, but his earliest followers were somewhat brown. The white Scythian warlords rejected Zoroaster's message of peace, so Zoroaster went to Bactria to preach.
When Christians say Jews are cursed for rejecting Christ this largely parallels ancient Persians saying Scythians were cursed for rejecting Zoroaster.
A lot of Christian narrative is suspicious with these parallels.
A lot of whites with R1a paternal haplogroup may descend from steppe warlords who rejected Zoroaster, but for some odd reason they were fine with picking up a Jew.
The collective history of mankind largely comes off as a joke. I am going to make Christians realize this and how their faith is just a cope for dismissing cognitive dissonance.

>> No.17944105

Don't Zoroastrians today reject conversion?
>A lot of whites with R1a paternal haplogroup may descend from steppe warlords who rejected Zoroaster, but for some odd reason they were fine with picking up a Jew.
Its not as simple as that. Christianity was spread to Eastern Europe because of Greco-Roman influence. I don't think haplogroups have much to do with it since Indians "rejected" Zoroaster too.

>> No.17944158

>Don't Zoroastrians today reject conversion?
It's due to complex historical reasons (e.g., Parsee don't accept due to an agreement they made with an Indian king).
>Christianity was spread to Eastern Europe because of Greco-Roman influence.
Christianity is not compatible with Greco-Roman influence because it involves worshiping a Semite. This is why many Westerners abandon Christianity because if you don't have cognitive dissonance or Stockholm's syndrome, that's the logical implication. All the arguments you will list to try to convince me otherwise will just be mental gymnastics and cope, which I suspect you to do. I do not care that an irrelevant Jew was killed for destabilizing Roman empire with in-fighting with other Jews. I am not sinned because a Jew was understandably executed, and let's be honest here, Jews should have been ethnically cleansed early on, and I hope people learn from this by finishing off Gypsies too.
Islam is not compatible with Iranic culture either before you mention that. It spread more due to war.
>I don't think haplogroups have much to do with it since Indians "rejected" Zoroaster too.
Zoroaster came from the steppes. Those guys had significantly more steppe admixture. Sintashta for example clustered closely with Swedes.

>> No.17944230

>Christianity is not compatible with Greco-Roman influence because it involves worshiping a Semite.
Judaism isn't but Christianity was specifically molded to fit Greco-Roman society because of Hellenistic influences. Christianity has many syncretic elements.
>This is why many Westerners abandon Christianity because if you don't have cognitive dissonance or Stockholm's syndrome, that's the logical implication.
Who knows if it will actually die in the West but Christianity is said to be growing strongly in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
>All the arguments you will list to try to convince me otherwise will just be mental gymnastics and cope, which I suspect you to do.
I'm not a Christian so I'm not pushing you to Christianity or anything like that.
>Jews should have been ethnically cleansed early on, and I hope people learn from this by finishing off Gypsies too.
Cyrus the Great literally freed Jews and is hailed as a messiah by them.

>> No.17944270

They aren't happier, that's just bullshit edgelord atheists say.
Religious people go through the same hardships and sorrows every other human does, they just give a meaning to the suffering, while atheist suffer in a meaningless way. If you want to give meaning to your suffering give meaning to your life, make yourself an objective, a life plan, tell your story.
You could also become spiritual if you want to, I was an atheist before and became kind of agnostic after dipping myself in spiritualism, you don't have to belive everything, just give everything a chance and get something that is beneficial to you out of it (buddhism philosophy helped me a bit with my depression tho you shouldn't use spiritualism as your only way to cope, that's a guaranteed danger right there).
Also take a trip to /x/ for spiritualism, just beware of the schizos
You'll be calling the Demiurge a niggerfaggot in no time

>> No.17944304

>Cyrus the Great literally freed Jews and is hailed as a messiah by them.
He was a retarded Mithraist, and this was one of the biggest mistakes in all of history. The devastating chain effect this caused in all of West Eurasia is truly baffling.
>Christianity was specifically molded to fit Greco-Roman society because of Hellenistic influences. Christianity has many syncretic elements.
It is true that Christianity has minor Hellenistic influences, but the fundamental metaphysical claims are incompatible with Pre-Christian European cultures. This is because a Semite is worshiped as God incarnate and their myths are taken as substantive. If you take something foreign and embellish it with your own elements, it is still foreign. In this sense, I would have had more respect if you chose to worship Empedocles instead who was far more admirable than that Jew. Moreover, reducing good and evil to the sacrifice of one irrelevant Jew is disingenuous. Why should I feel sad more for Jewsus rather than the native tree swallow who is killed by an invasive house sparrow? In fact, all of Abrahamism is like a house sparrow: it invades and destroys native cultures by bringing in fixation on guilt or being slaves to Semitic historiography. To make my point clear, Abrahamic theology begins by obsessing over the conflict of Levantine/Semitic tribes, which is very narrow-minded and narcissistic. Why not begin with metaphysical claims, which would make more sense? Furthermore, the Sogdians and Bactrians were far more advanced than Semitic demons, and in fact, Sogdians and Bactrians had a significant role in developing Mahayana Buddhism too.
All Abrahamism, likewise, has Zoroastrian influences, which is true. This does not mean they are a part of Zoroastrian tradition. In fact, Sassanids considered them as propagators of the highest form of druj, which is true. The Semites and Levantines were even more backwards than the Gypsies during that time! I am not joking. Central Asia was much more enriching with Bactrians and Sogdians.
>Who knows if it will actually die in the West but Christianity is said to be growing strongly in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Because they are either vain or low IQ. It's growing in Asia more due to status reasons or inferiority complex. Anyone who studies Abrahamic theology with * a more comprehensive historical perspective (which most don't) * will come to invariably see it as bereft of admirable qualities.

>> No.17944388
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also bbl

>> No.17944496

>Christianity has minor Hellenistic influences
Its a bit more than that. The NT was written in Greek.
>and this was one of the biggest mistakes in all of history
Why hadn't the Sassanids wiped them out then?
>This is because a Semite is worshiped as God incarnate and their myths are taken as substantive.
According to Christianity, Jesus is God thus he transends ethnic/racial terms like Semite. Its a bit silly but that is how they come to terms with worshipping him.
>If you take something foreign and embellish it with your own elements, it is still foreign.
I agree but in that case, why would people from outside Iran/Central Asia accept Zoroastrianism then? Is that not foreign? East Asia also seemed to have no problems with Buddhism despite its distinctly foreign origins.
>The Semites and Levantines were even more backwards than the Gypsies during that time!
I hope you just mean spiritually. Semites were very advanced and at the very least influenced early Iran's aesthetics and culture. They also invented the very alphabet that influenced the scripts of the Avesta, Vedas, Aeneid and more.
>Because they are either vain or low IQ
So all those intellectuals and writers who happened to be Christian is one of these?

>> No.17944502

Why do christians get so angry instead of answering? Why should I read an entire book to get an answer to a small question?
Also, can you religious people get a board made so you don't flood other boards? Thanks.

>> No.17944524

This is subordinationism not trinitarianism.

>> No.17944984

I've been an atheist for most of my life, and a few months ago I started praying ironically because my girlfriend is deeply religious and she asked me to do it.

I was a nihilistic motherfucker and I was praying to myself almost laughing about the fact that I was doing it qnd after a few days I started feeling something similar to the love that I have for my girlfriend but in an abstract way, that I could almost feel physically, like the temperature of the room. Soon after it I started reading the Bible and that feeling was just getting bigger and bigger and I was feeling calmer and filled with love for my gf and everyone else. Im a really anxious person and since i started praying and living my life spiritually, it has become like a shelter for me.

Tldr, I was an atheist I prayed ironically and got fucked in the ass by God and now I'm a believer and I feel grateful

>> No.17945087

My father was a devout catholic who spent his whole being a neurotic mess with severe anger issues. No thank you

>> No.17945210


>> No.17945520

Just another case of a guy changing for some girl

>> No.17945532

this nigga worships comic books

>> No.17945554

She never asked me to change, she loved me even tho I was an atheist, she just wanted to share that joy with me

>> No.17945624
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>> No.17945928

Dude, you legit sound like a homo bro. ‘I experienced love but abstractly’? Dude cash me outside with that gay shit than suck my nads for free lol

>> No.17946055


>> No.17946145
File: 20 KB, 387x368, 13c8ea19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Religious people are happier you know
Citation needed

Majority of them get devastated when they lose a relative or loved one, even though that would be a good thing for the dead if they truly believed in what they claim to believe.

On another note, there is nothing more pathetic than criminals and another degenerates etc. "discovering" their faith. Only thing they care about is having a clear conscience and because they are pieces of shit, they do not want to really amend anything. So the only option they have left is to claim that they believe in God since He will forgive them etc. If you need an approval from God to live with yourself you are human garbage. Through politics Christianity has step by step morphed into a get out of jail-card for everyone since no matter what you ever do, you will be forgiven in the end.

>> No.17946155

the irony in your text is too great bear dude, rethink your position on things

>> No.17946166

>Majority of them get devastated when they lose a relative or loved one
now there's a citation needed.
I agree with the whole aspect of the people who "become Christians" to have a get out of jail free thing though. If their conversion was anything more than a "sorry not sorry" then it would be proven in their works.
Ultimately if it helps people cope with the stuff that they've done and actually regret though I don't see the issue.

>> No.17946174

This is based anon, don't let anyone tell you otherwise

>> No.17947014

>East Asia also seemed to have no problems with Buddhism despite its distinctly foreign origins.
Not always:
Regardless, Buddhism is not destructive the way Abrahamic religions are. It doesn't require accepting foundational myths where certain ethnic groups are privileged with divine knowledge inaccessible to others. I don't dislike Dharmic religions the way I do Abrahamism.
>Semites were very advanced and at the very least influenced early Iran's aesthetics and culture
I'm more interested in Eastern parts of Greater Iran, which is called Khorasan or Transoxiana. Zoroastrianism came from Yaghnob Valley or Pamir mountains, and then it spread to Iran in latter half of Achaemenid empire. Also, I am pretty there is more to excavate in those two mountainous areas (i.e., Yaghnob Valley and Pamir Mountains). I won't be surprised if we find ancient stone tablets there within 50-100 years.
It was a different cultural sphere that had little to no interaction with the Levant.
>So all those intellectuals and writers who happened to be Christian is one of these?
You can be smart about certain things and dumb about others.
>Why hadn't the Sassanids wiped them out then?
They never imagined their tradition would have offshoots that become world religions.
>why would people from outside Iran/Central Asia accept Zoroastrianism then
Read the Gathas. It reads like a Pre-Socratic text and begins with philosophical axioms.
Also, if Zoroastrianism had spread to Europe, I don't think NW-C European paganism would have died out. For example, Lugh would be described as an avatar of Ohrmazd. In fact, Lugh does kind of resemble some figures from Zoroastrian mythos.
Celtic mythology is much more interesting than Abrahamism.
>The NT was written in Greek.
About whose myths?

>> No.17947090
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Out my front door is state forest, out my backdoor is Lake Superior, I spend the bulk of my free time outside. Does not take much time on this board to see that most of the christcucks on this board put a ridiculous amount of effort into validating themselves. Have a picture of the lake.

>> No.17947216

pascal is such a fucking retard for thinking people can [choose] what they [believe]

>> No.17947245

>t. can not see past self delusion

>> No.17947249

atheists are so fucking cringy, when are we getting an atheist containment board? half of these posts belong on reddit, low IQ atheist cucks should fuck off back to /r/atheism

>> No.17947278 [DELETED] 

hey what was the easter google doodle this year? i guess i missed cuz i don't see it

>> No.17947288
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>Open bible
>Scratch out "God"
>Replace with "The Cosmos"
>Autism appeased, you may now enjoy a religious life
I sincerely believe that people who attempt to find "the truth" are terminally egotistical and stand no chance of happiness. Religion serves people exceptionally well in life and it helps unite and focus civilizations. If your religion can be effectively acted out over and over then it's true.

>> No.17947290

I can't will myself to ACTUALLY believe an untruth to be true

>> No.17947296

ok, retard
a thing being beneficial or not
has no bearing on it veracity

>> No.17947301

having an ultimate authority judging me doesn't seem like an unpleasant prospect

>> No.17947311 [DELETED] 

i like christianity when i just think about it, but when i watch a mass it seems ok at first with all the larpy outfits and stuff, but then they start reading these little random microstories about some guy in jerusalem i'm like yeah that's nice but so what

>> No.17947316

he was holding back

>> No.17947318
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based, ignorance is bliss

>> No.17947329

Exactly my point.

>> No.17947332

perhaps faith that is found in the search of knowledge is more powerful than blind faith from doctrine

>> No.17947335

Yeah well, so what?
I still could make myself *really believe* any of it.
Because I'm not a fucking retard.

>> No.17947343

I didn't say beneficial. I said if it can be effectively acted out. That means that if you apply it and it works for hundreds years over and over, then it's real. Heal you or hurt you, either way it's real. You aren't even on the ground floor of this discussion.

Not ignorant, though you'll definitely get called that. It's more like finally understanding that your idea of truth has been completely hijacked by modernity in a way ironically puts you out of touch with reality.

I agree.

You don't have to make yourself believe. You will believe.

>> No.17947363

It isn't "real", if the entire concept breaks down when exposed to the idea of questioning why you believe what you do
it's a method

>> No.17947373

What do you think "real" is?

>> No.17947383

>You will believe.
Why? because you say so?
Fucking retard.
Try to have some empathy for the faithless. What's wrong, you can't?

>> No.17947388

I'm not the one that claimed things to be "real"
fuck off with your shit-for-brains redirection tactics

>> No.17947412

>I am Christian, I am wise! I am talking in a condescending manner. (also I believe very strange and specific things for no reason, lol)
>You are an Atheist, you are childish and angry!

So this is the power of 2021 Christian rhetorics, huh? It's really quite something...

>> No.17947520

You probably believe in atoms, even though you've never actually seen one. Belief is itself an act of faith, either in others, the evidence they present, or your own senses. If you feel you've seen enough to believe in something, then you don't have to make yourself believe it. This threshold is different for everyone, but it is there, even if they try to say it isn't. Where's the confusion?

Do you not want to clarify what you think it means for something to be real? That seems pretty important if you're going to get so uppity about it. You shouldn't assume everyone is one the same page as each other.

It's very weird to see someone I AM SILLYing themselves like this.

>> No.17947584

Well, you could probably make most persons "believe" in atoms by walking them through the theory, by how experiments lines up with predictions based on this, how it can be used to practical effects, have them figure out how to make an electron-microscope and have a look? I don't know

The difference is there is no such path for entirely irrational believes based on faith.
it's not a matter of degree or threshold

And don't give me any cope about "how do we even trust our senses for how what our eyes see is real crap", when you believe a 2000 year old book and not other things, for NO good reason

>> No.17947617

Your "god" is copyrighted by Marvel Comics

>> No.17947653

The Vatican would copyright God if they could.

>> No.17947862

If you have ever uttered the word "goddamnit" at any point in your life, even if it was just once, you are automatically damned, do not go past start, do not collect $200 period.

>> No.17947965

NEVER compromise

>> No.17948288

You are operating on a script. It's hard to have a discussion with someone who's arguing with the 2012 skeptic/pop science Youtuber religious strawmen caricatures in their own head more so than they're trying to address the actual words you're using. I did not tell you to believe in the irrational, I've said exactly the opposite- that what works works and is therefore real. I also did not tell you that a 2000 year old book was a scientific document. This conversation would've went a lot smoother if you'd explained what you meant by "real" like I asked.
No matter how tired you are of hearing it, it's not wrong. At some point every belief comes down to faith. You have faith that a photo disproving flat Earth isn't fake. Even if they sat you down and showed you everything they had and let you look through the electron-microscope, you'd still need to have faith that you and the scientist are interpreting reality properly. I have been in your position. After consuming enough history you eventually start to realize that guarantees are nonexistent and that most people are basically just doing whatever works for them and couldn't possibly care any less about "truth." Especially scientists.

>> No.17948295

>Read the Gathas. It reads like a Pre-Socratic text and begins with philosophical axioms.
I'll do so later then.
>Also, if Zoroastrianism had spread to Europe, I don't think NW-C European paganism would have died out.
Wasn't the whole point of Zoroaster's revolution was to get rid of polytheistic beliefs. They even switched up the Deva/Ahura concept.
>About whose myths?
Jesus' but it doesn't appear in the Hebrew Bible or has significant relevance to Jews.

>> No.17948514

you sound like a faith-robot to me, if that's a consolation. it goes both ways
never have I heard an original defence of faith on this site. it's all the same droning

you manage to avoid the exacts of why you choose to believe such a specific something for no reason, though

>> No.17948613

If you burned all books, deleted all information, killed all adults, nuked mankind back to the stone ages. Then let people start again.
Do you believe they could eventually discover the fact that the world is round? Atoms?
I think so.

Do you think they would develop religions?
I think so.
The human mind is predispositioned to tick certain ways.

Do you think they would type out The Holy Bible (King James Version) and practice Protestant brand Christianity?

Not all believes are the same, or built on the same foundations.

>> No.17948625

Don't have to wish mate. Am I happier? No, it is more like the tension that you carry around with you is gone.

>> No.17948650

the actual definition of cope...

>> No.17948664

I believe in God

>> No.17949189
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>religious people are happier you know
There's multiple types of religious people. Some people get so into faith and dogma that they never have to struggle with doubt, whereas a decent chunk of others are constantly doubting, fearing, and pondering. All of the anons here (myself included) are/would be in the latter group. I may be misremembering, but I think there's even a bit in the NT (probably from Paul) about people who struggle with doubt but don't drop the faith being blessed in the eyes of God. I do sometimes wish I could just turn my mind off and blindly believe, but there's a sort of special, rewarding feeling in keeping up my faith in spite of all my doubts.

>> No.17949425

Imagine believing what you just typed out and not that everyone would be in either wordless communion with the Divine or speak tersely in Hebrew in the Edenic state.

>> No.17949603

>why do you worship that guy if he made existence such s horrible thing?
posted from a house filled with food and warmth. Truly cringe sir

>> No.17949610
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>I tried being religious
please never contribute to any more threads in your life again, unironically :)

>> No.17949612

No we are not, stop spreading bullshit

>> No.17949614

>I don't care or think about religion much, if at all.
Peak NPC last man

>> No.17949624

If you aren’t indoctrinated into religion already, this is effectively the same question as “would you want to get hooked to the machine that sends pleasure impulses to your brain?”

>> No.17949634

Pessimism is another form of copium, something being sad or brutal doesn't mean it's more true.

>> No.17949641

sorry maybe I should have said I tried being MORE religious than I already was but I guess simple word choice is upsetting for autists like you. go back to twitter dumb zoomer

>> No.17949647

>I tried being religious
>a lot of reading

>> No.17949673

begone, catholic

>> No.17949760

Wish this could happen to me

>> No.17949985

What if I'm catholic but I don't care much about eternal life, what's left for me

>> No.17950646

>Jesus' but it doesn't appear in the Hebrew Bible or has significant relevance to Jews.
There are many verses like "salvation is from the Jews" (John 4:22), and of course, there are other Jewish myths like Garden Eden, Noah's Ark, Abraham, and so forth. These myths became more prevalent in the consciousnesses of those who were Abrahamized than their own native ones.
>Wasn't the whole point of Zoroaster's revolution was to get rid of polytheistic beliefs. They even switched up the Deva/Ahura concept.
I think Zoroaster's main goal was adding a dualistic spin to Proto-Indo-European religions. I feel if Zoroastrianism spread to Europe, NW-C Europeans would have still retained their native paganism, but it would have shifted to becoming more dualistic. For example, Loki would have a more evil character while Odin would be framed as a righteous defender of Ohrmazd's law. Likewise, Lugh would also be considered a yazata. Likewise, certain Celtic traditions would still exist such as protecting and worshiping sacred trees, since Zoroastrians did this too perhaps given common Proto-Indo-European root.
If Hinduism spread, it would lead to giving a monist spin whereas for Zoroastrianism it gives more of a dualistic spin.
Regardless, counterfactual thinking can be difficult to deal with.