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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 938 KB, 815x949, sdfdasf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17935171 No.17935171 [Reply] [Original]

Would /lit/ use the death of their child for 33k claps on medium?

>> No.17935175

Everyone grieves differently

>> No.17935187

Women are biologically wired to use their children to gain status and resources. She's just going out with a bang.

>> No.17935219

No, but I'm not a woman.

>> No.17935225

what is this nightmare world

>> No.17935235


>> No.17935237

Not my mother.

>> No.17935238
File: 509 KB, 933x933, 1616979148891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E̷̙͓̤̐m̶͉͓̜̙̱̼͍̖̘̗̱̾b̴̢̖̭̠̭͕͌̚ȓ̵̮̘̒͗͑͊̋̚͝à̵̀͊̊̄͘c̸̢̠̣͇͔̓̀̒̋́́̿͝ę̶̭̝̥̹̖͙̯̚ͅ ̴͙͒̔̌͒͊̆i̷̥̞̠͙̺̭̟̩̳̜̤̻͗͂̎͘͘͝t̵̞̼͔̖̤͚̳̯͓̦̠̒̃͌͌̋̈̑͜͜.̴͖̜͓̞͚̾̌͑́̍͒́̑͋͒̉̎̐

>> No.17935249


>> No.17935259

I cant.... I feel pain in my chest, when I see stuff. like this

>> No.17935266
File: 57 KB, 718x621, sdfsdfdsfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that happened

>> No.17935272

Why is that? Let's get a short description on that feel.

>> No.17935279

and then everyone clapped

>> No.17935280
File: 520 KB, 1154x902, sdfsadfds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to check out what she has been up to since. Pic related.

>> No.17935285

I see something tragic or fucked up and I immediately realize that thing can't be stopped or changed because it is much bigger than me, my heart starts racing and I feel despair which then translates to a very sharp, hallow feeling in my chest.

>> No.17935294

I feel it... I finally understand what The Last Psychiatrist means by narcissism.

>> No.17935301

Impotence in the face of injustice causes you distress. I diagnose you with a just world complex. You haven't come to accept how bad things truly are.

>> No.17935306


>> No.17935312
File: 1.14 MB, 676x967, A smile is worth a thousend word.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with this one?
She is just happy Her retarded, genetically misfunctioning "son" is finally dead.

>> No.17935322
File: 157 KB, 1080x1063, E560F7CB-93A9-4ECB-844E-6AB448F137FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit lmao

>> No.17935330

yeah, But I'll probably learn and become desensitized as I expose myself more to the world.

>> No.17935342

You will boy. You will.

>> No.17935418

The absolute state of natalists, absolutely fucking disgusting.

>> No.17935444

>It's real
Peak comedy!

>> No.17935505

your cynicism is not up for this one 2bh

>> No.17935533


>> No.17935564

Learn the difference between natalism and narcissism... it could save your life

>> No.17935586

>The Last Psychiatrist

>> No.17935593

same thing happens to me, how do I fix it?

>> No.17935613

In her version of this fantasy, the crowd cheered and carried her out of the room on their shoulders while the kid, unable to speak, blinked in Morse Code "m-o-m-m-y-i-a-m-n-o-t-d-e-a-d-y-e-t."

>> No.17935616

It's a fetish.

>> No.17935623

Is it supposed to be cringey that somebody used writing to express their grief?

you guys should go outside

>> No.17935636

Grow up.

>> No.17935640

i dont even see this as some kind of psychotic female narcissism, this is a grieving mother who doesn't actually know how to grieve because she was born and integrated into a hellish, detached clown world that doesn't allow for expression or understanding or cognizance on a fundamentally human level

she isnt posting this shit for clout, she's posting it because it's all she knows how to do. she's as much of a disease victim as her own son

>> No.17935658

She's not expressing her grief, she is exploiting her sons death in a fit of narcissism that should be ridiculed and shamed but instead is championed. if you had the ability to discern meaning beyond scratching the surface you would recognise the implications but you cant or wont and here we are

>> No.17935665

I always find it grotesque when people use the death of someone close for social-media points.

>> No.17935666

so women don't have agency and personal responsibility?

>> No.17935690

Because you're a failure as status gain.

>> No.17935692

what part of it is exploitation? That there's an audience? That it's online instead of in a book? That it's not as artfully done as Keats?

>> No.17935701

I think it's the picture.
When I read the title, and looked at the picture I couldn't stop laughing.

>> No.17935718

I'm very confused if you think that in cases where there is an audience, cases where there is a book, and cases where it's "artfully" done -- whatever that means --, exploitation cannot exist.

All I can say is: yikes.

>> No.17935723

not in the slightest

>> No.17935736

Ok let me say again but slightly edited, if you had the ability to discern meaning beyond scratching the surface you would recognise the implications but you cant because you are stupid and here we are

>> No.17935769


I'm friends on Facebook with a guy from high school who is doing pretty much this with a daughter who got into a serious accident and suffered a brain injury. He has tens of thousands of followers now and posts constant photos of her (but not the multiple other kids). I just went and scrolled through and it's obvious why - the few regular type photos of himself etc. get one or two likes. The ones of the permanently mentally disabled daughter get a thousand or so each.

>> No.17935782

Take the anti natalism pill lad, the evidence is right in front of your eyes.

>> No.17935811
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>> No.17935814


>> No.17935821

I'm about to break up with my girlfriend because she wants to bring another being into this fucking awful world. When we started dating, we'd agree that if we ever wanted kids we would adopt them, but I guess women are just wired to after some time to use their uteruses.

>> No.17935823

I know a couple who's young son was in a car accident and was permanently injured as a result
Not only do they not post about it on social media, they don't even have social media.
In fact they even forgave the person responsible for the accident.
When I was living on the streets I was doing some odd jobs for them and they went so far as to let me live in their house for a week while I got on my feet and found a place to stay.
Some of the most decent people I know. Whatever faults they might have, they know what their duty is and do it diligently without needing attention or praise.
There are decent people out there, and anytime a kid dies its a tragedy.

>> No.17935827

If it's so obvious then you should explain him. But your implications are not obvious.

>> No.17935840

if a shovel had any sentience it would want to dig a hole. women have some semblance of sentience but lack any sense of empathy or understanding about reality beyond their own impulses. decide for her or discard her.

>> No.17935841

>I'm about to break up with my girlfriend because she wants to bring another being into this fucking awful world.
Based Knight of Infinite Resignation

>> No.17935859

I agree. She probably thought writing this was some kind of catharsis. I hope it was somehow. I feel sorry for her.

/lit/ tries to believe people they don’t like suffer. I know better.

>> No.17935863

>and looked at the picture I couldn't stop laughing.

>laughing at a dead kid

>somehow she is the one being insensitive

genuinely yikes

>> No.17935873

What a shitty way to tell us you've suffered. I'm glad, you sound like a faggot and probably need more suffering.

>> No.17935894

I implore you to talk to people. Not even to try and get a gf. Just talk to your neighbour, go for a walk and say hello to passers by , get your shopping and be nice to the checkout staff instead of using the self service. Please. your humanity needs to grow back again

>> No.17935906
File: 95 KB, 708x800, 1583924564015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I implore you to talk to people. Not even to try and get a gf. Just talk to your neighbour, go for a walk and say hello to passers by , get your shopping and be nice to the checkout staff instead of using the self service. Please. your humanity needs to grow back again

>> No.17935909

You should read the article. It's the most narcissistic piece I've ever read. Truly an artifact.

>> No.17935920

> reading comprehension
The only thing I said there was that people suffer even if you don’t like them. You’ve now inadvertently reinforced what I said by desperately clawing for something to attack me over.

>> No.17935929

He doesn't know what his favorite lullaby means. KEK.
> totally real

>> No.17935932

I mean, I’m not interested in reading the article. I’m not saying it’s good or anything. I’m just saying that people do suffer and they find confused ways to cope with their suffer, even if, actually probably especially if they’re narcissists. I don’t think people aren’t troubled just because I don’t like them is all I mean.

>> No.17935938

Humanity is weakness.

>> No.17935940


>> No.17935947

>my gf doesn't want to raise another man's kid I guess I better break up with her
Antinatalists are something else.

>> No.17935949

Children die every day. You should try becoming less of a sensible faggot. This mother is exploiting her dead retarded kid for some sort of internet clout that is meaningless by writing a terrible piece. She deserves to be made fun of.

>> No.17935964

everything you wrote was a precursor, just pretext to what you really wanted to say. you exposed yourself with your last three words. you're a disingenuous faggot.

>> No.17935974

> I'm not going to look at what we're talking about
> I'm just speaking about irrelevant principles in the abstract
You are a moron.

>> No.17935984
File: 123 KB, 800x764, 1616294910548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already scum of the earth.

>> No.17935988

Reread his reply you retard. He said that they "agreed" and now she is doing 360 on their mutual agreement. This is what makes her a fucking bitch.

>> No.17936048

>My gf agreed to raise another man's child because I'm a mopey cuck who's been neutered by an internet meme, and now her sacred feminine principles are demanding I man up and impregnate despite the fact she agreed we were going to raise someone elses child and I would get the cock-cage, what a fucking bitch.

>> No.17936061

(You) retard of projection

>> No.17936085

>t. Orphanage employee losing a kid he could molest

>> No.17936086

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.17936089

You tried... failed miserably, exposed yourself as a pseud and embarrassed yourself but you tried. Probably best not to try again though.

>> No.17936111

Whatever makes you feel better, bud.

You’re the moron. I’m speaking about a comment, not the article.

>> No.17936125

The post is about a piece of writing.

>> No.17936128

The birth of Jesus, but reversed? People coming from near and far to see the child, they bring gifts, holy scripture is recited.. Feels kind of sappy though, needs a better punchline, seems like all it's got is emotionality.

>> No.17936129

I'm not your bud. I think you're a solipsist faggot who overvalued his meagre intelligence and got wrecked multiple times in this very thread as a result.

>> No.17936244

What a sanctimonious bitch.

>> No.17936253
File: 421 KB, 635x885, tfw no god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What's wrong, Sam?"
>"I gaze upon Heaven, and see no God up there."

>> No.17936364

Tfw no Valhalla

>> No.17936373

I love how this wholesome reply is ignored. Such is 4chan.

>> No.17936374

Break up with her cucks must not reproduce

>> No.17936486

>because she was born and integrated into a hellish, detached clown world that doesn't allow for expression or understanding or cognizance on a fundamentally human level
This is not a rigorous observation. As bizarre as contemporary society might be, we nonetheless have unparalleled access to the greatest minds and depths of human history. The modern Marxist supposses the fault of our societal psychosis stems solely from the ruling class. Inversely, he modern neoliberal believes that illness is solely contained in the individual. The fact of the matter is that we are dealing with a weak, comfortable person who in truth revels in this banal comfortability and a unscrupulous serpent with no qualms about maintaining the formers hedonism. Any position that solely blames the individual ignores a parasite, any position that solely blames the system ignores a cancer.

>> No.17936499

where's this pic from? I've seen you post it before

>> No.17936513

back to leddiit retard

>> No.17936515

You cringed. I did too. I know only a few people so libbed out that they wouldn't say "while this is terribly sad, who the fuck would televise their son's death?". Yes some part of society are broken, but not that many. She should know better.

>> No.17936558

Why is this thread still up? Is this the fucking random social media bullshit board? NOTHING about OP is /lit/. All of you should be ashamed. One day you’ll want a board to discuss books and it’ll have been too late.

You know, boards are like public places IRL. When you mistreat a public place, it becomes worse for everyone. Eventually you have a ghetto. And only the worst people come.

>> No.17936586
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 1574109787519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up bitch

>> No.17936596

Like I said, one day you’ll want a legitimate literature board. But you fucked it up.

>> No.17936601

This isn't even a literature board, its just a slightly more composed /pol/. The sooner you recognize that every single thread is wearing a mask of Intellectual rigour and covering what is no more than petty political bait, the better

>> No.17936615

I created it. I took a pictue of trees, flipped it around, and added filters. Sorry to spoil the illusion.

>> No.17936620

No shit. Because you ruined it. You ADD zoomer children think the only way to have fun is to be off topic.

>> No.17936638


>> No.17936639

Medium is a publishing platform. This is a published piece of writing...

>> No.17936641

you seem like a cool guy

>> No.17936644

>When you mistreat a public place, it becomes worse for everyone.
Kek, this is 4chan since day day one. But there is sincerity underneath all the bullshit.

>> No.17936648

What are fucking 10 years old?

>> No.17936657

Ah the ole “everything is x” trick to allow shitposters to feel like they belong.

>> No.17936693

well, what were his last words?

>> No.17936707

It’s bot literature though. Otherwise people can post nyt articles.

>> No.17936724

It's literally a work of literature dude. Go read it. Link is above .

>> No.17936736

It's not news...are you guys boomers or something?

>> No.17936745

Does that mean I can post The Guardian articles?
What about Daily Stormer? Does that belong on /lit/?
It's a writing after all...

>> No.17936762

Ur killing my thread fgt

>> No.17936771

This Medium post is clearly different than a fucking The Guardian article you dense motherfucker. Regardless of quality, it is clearly something in the memoir/non-fiction realm like Joan Didion.

>> No.17936809

It is tawdry and tactless and exploitative, but part of me sympathizes with her. Maybe it was narcissism. Maybe she is in pain and doesn't know how to get rid of it. She probably has never been taught restraint, the importance of honor and privacy for the dead. She acts in a way which she has learned from observing others. She probably thought the article could be something beautiful, a signpost to say that her son existed, that regardless of its short shelf-life, the article might spread out over the internet like some final vigil for one gone too soon to eternal sleep.

I cannot be too angry with stupid people, they don't know how to express their grief tactfully and with honor for their dead loved ones.

>> No.17936966

Your thread was fucking garbage when you thought it up in your tiny pea brain head

>> No.17937011

She still loves him

>> No.17937024

Making excuses for pathological narcissists is not wholesome

>> No.17937065
File: 77 KB, 614x801, bouguereau31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. We can't expect the average person not to internalize the values of our society. She isn't being malicious, and I don't think she loves her son any less. She's just a whore who thinks whoring her dead son's memory is the best thing to do for him.

>> No.17937072


>> No.17937098

in the end he is dead what does it matter to him now

>> No.17937462


>> No.17937618

Is this woman divorced or even still with the husband? Reminder that if you do not love your spouse you are incapable of loving your child, who is literally the two of you as one flesh. Without admiration for your other half, the child is nearly a tainted, imperfect mirror for narcissism at best, and a total mistake at worst.

>> No.17937650

I used to think the feminine was equal to, but had separate duties from the masculine, then I pondered that feminine exists in order to get mogged by the masculine, essentially, to let the masculine be masculine, but more and more I come to the reluctant conclusion now that the feminine is simply an inverted masculine, it is an evil to be vanquished, utterly and completely, forever and for always.

>> No.17937697

Gradually you came to hate them? Kek.

The world would be great if we didn't have women. Can you even imagine it? No fighting over pussy. Just men creating and thinking...I cry every tyme

>> No.17937706


First post best post

>> No.17939180

I think she's just coping, we shouldn't always assume the worst even though the writer is a female.

>> No.17939214

Can't Imagine what it's like the lose a child Parents you know are going to die. Siblings are a dice roll and you know it but it's probably not going to happen too much before you. Kids are supposed to bury you not the other way around. Drives people nuts.

>> No.17939228

Are you ok anon?

>> No.17939243

I might attempt something like that on easy mode but not medium difficulty

>> No.17939418

ood text anon

>> No.17939520

he noice h

>> No.17939639

Must be quite surreal to be looked upon by the darling you raised from birth in your death bed

>> No.17939697

>she is named ebin benis
she got retroactively karmaed
let me guess he said we sholud love trannyes and niggers?

>> No.17939705

>Happiness is not something you find externally but something you cultivate deep inside of yourself.
yes a 5 years olf DEFINITELY said this before dying and tthis story is 100% legit and not made up by some out of touch autist

>> No.17939730

this is meme response

>> No.17939813

That's a really long winded way to call yourself a Karen.

>> No.17939988


>> No.17940008

This is a litmus test for the death of your soul.

>> No.17940012

Some people grieve wrong.

>> No.17940026

My mother wishes that I was gay so that she could get attention for it. 99% cetain of this

>> No.17940316
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