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17933360 No.17933360 [Reply] [Original]

Why do damaged women read marxist theory?

>> No.17933364

I've never met a woman who reads marxist theory. Might be cause I don't talk to women but whatever.

>> No.17933366

My GF read Siege in less than a week and after watching the interview of the author on YT she now "stans" James Mason.

She's a lil damaged but she's a qt. I think deep down women just want to be accepted by the men they care about.

>> No.17933372
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>> No.17933382

I've never met a woman.

>> No.17933405

I'm so in love, we will meet again in one week. I am having a hard time not texting her.

>> No.17933413

Do women even exist?

>> No.17933434

looking for answers, too lazy for independent thoughts and too dumb to identy flaws/outdated ideas

>> No.17933448

>you aren't responsible for providing anything in your life
>I will have total control over you, and I will protect you from the boogey man.
2 million years of evolution, I suppose.

>> No.17933486

all the damaged rejects read marxist theory

>> No.17933498

>Why do damaged women read marxist theory?
Because marxist theory is inherently directed towards those who rely on stronger individuals for survival. In other words, nature.

>> No.17933510

Don't know where you are from, but here in my country if a woman reads Marxs she's a keeper and high IQ.

>> No.17933519

In my country intelligent women read feminist lit, not marxist.

>> No.17933553

Here you can 100% differentiate between the OG marxist organizer cutie and the bourgie liberal "leftist" feminist. The marxist one has natural hair, dresses normally, actually reads literature and isn't terminally online.You normally find her in the local workers party gathering. The bourgie one is basically a twitter thot from america.

>> No.17933572

Definitely not wrong. All the "educated" girls I've talked to are horny as fuck.

>> No.17933596

It’s because they know instinctually that education is essentially a masculine pursuit, and in order for them to balance this they have an urgent desire to celebrate their femininity. Unfortunately for modern western women the only way they can actually be feminine in the modern world is to be sexual, thus the reason why modern women would make whores of the past blush, are the most unhappy they likely have ever been (at least in the West) and are projecting that rage on to the societies they live in rather than recognising that their actions separate them from the divine feminine and that they themselves are responsible for their own misery.

>> No.17933608

This sounds like the love interest in a picaresque novel. You know -- one whose beauty and purity of heart "uplift" the roguish protagonist into a heroic final form. It's also the crux of several dozen Tyler Perry movies which are constantly rerun as late time slot fillers on BET.

>> No.17933616

I have no idea of what you are talking about.

>> No.17933623

I am from a 3rd world country I confirm this.

>> No.17933693

lmao did he really say that?

>> No.17933716

They want to fix society because they can't fix their own ugliness and weakness

>> No.17933733

It's strange, there are two depressed women that I know and both of them read Marxist theory and theology.

Why do damaged people turn towards socialist ideas and religion?

>> No.17933735

Alleviation of personal responsibility

>> No.17933738

Capitalism causes depression.

>> No.17933740


>> No.17933837

Very true

>> No.17933882

no, it was just a disjointed and essentially meaningless post

>> No.17933891

What county I need to find women like this

>> No.17933900

try learning to formulate a sentence first you fucking trog

>> No.17933901
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Elaborate on your gf please. I’m intrigued genuinely. One of the more interesting posts I’ve seen lately

>> No.17933905

answer you whore

>> No.17933908

As we speak she’s getting her pussy stretch and every hole in her body fucked while you’re planning cute little dates in your head like an 8th grader. Lol enjoy!

>> No.17933909

Materialism causes depression. Capitalism and Marxism are just symptoms.

>> No.17933912


>> No.17933939

What if we enhanced hologram technology and AI to the point where we make God, for all practical purposes, real? It would be the ultimate Noble Lie. People could pray to Saints and received answers to their prayers and conversations with God. The peasants could witness actual miracles without realising they’re hologram illusions. Society would exist in a state of eternal feudalism and the AI could even simulate states of purgatory and salvation

>> No.17933941
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He said alot of things

>> No.17934114

Anywhere that's not america or the majority of europe

>> No.17934123

Capitalism is directly responsible for the majority of depression today. If i had a free house and could get a job easily i wouldn't be like this.

>> No.17934144

>f i had a free house and could get a job easily i wouldn't be like this.
Yes you would.

>> No.17934310
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>> No.17934378


>> No.17934401

Incredibly based and factual

>> No.17934421

All I can say is, "Holy guacamole!"