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17930178 No.17930178 [Reply] [Original]

>got nostalgic about ASOIAF again
>reading the wiki for 2 hours

Do you think Winds will ever be released?

>> No.17930185

The wiki and TWOIAF are far better than the actual story

>> No.17930190

fat fuck, o fat fuck
release the book
release the winds of your anus
let me take a look
gurm, o gurm
let me read the magical adventures
let me go to westeros and beyond
please o lord

>> No.17930262


I think when he’s dead the book will be released. WoW will be stitched together and the cracks filled in like Tolkien’s posthumous stuff and the final book will be written using whatever notes he leaves by someone else like wheel of time.

>> No.17930273

Everything up to Storm of Swords was fantastic. Slice of life style fantasy against the creeping backdrop of happenings.

>> No.17930499
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>Do you think Winds will ever be released?

I would like an in-depth explanation why it has taken a decade to write it and it still isn't done

>> No.17930514

Because GRRM is a hack and doesn't know how to plan out anything in his stories
Not that he needs to since he already has enough money to purchase a small country

>> No.17930589

feast for crows is unironically the best book

>> No.17930615

OP here I just figure it's hard because he doesn't know how to end his universe. Event tolkien didn't end his he just had the elves go away and then cut off the story.

but GRRM is writing a civilizational transformation of his world which is a much bigger task than he probably thought and he probably isn't enough of a historian to know how to do it effectively

>> No.17930644

he isn't even writing the last book atm

>> No.17930653

I thought in his last update in February he said he was

>> No.17930689

I meant winds isn't the last book in the series. he isn't currently writing the ending for his saga. the story is still between arcs 1 and 2.

>> No.17930711

My predictions for Winds:
>Edric Storm Vs Aegon civil war. Stormalnds back Edric because he's more well known and don't want another Targ shit on the throne
>Sam + Euron becoming unwilling BBFs and Euron saves Sam because he knows lore shit. Euron slaughters the entire Hightowers and unwillingly saves Sam
>Jon survives by warging into Mance's son after having a brief stint in Ghost
>Daenerys dies but she's resurrected setting up stuff for A Dream of Spring
>Bran becomes King somehow and we have a 5-10 year time skip taking place in ADOS

>> No.17930719

He wont let anyone touch it. He's already said this.

>> No.17930726

It feels so good that I completely missed every single peice of media of GOT. Becuase I dont want any more books.

And if they do come out in 10 years, hey, guess I have a new series to read and not seethe about the blueballs.

>> No.17930733

this is the worst winds prediction I've read and I still go to the asoiaf forums daily to read about the in depth analysis about rape in westeros

>> No.17930768

>I still go to the asoiaf forums daily

>> No.17930779

I've been following the series before dance with dragons came out, it's a habit

>> No.17930802
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I hope he never releases another book

>> No.17930814

he will probably release lots of new books, just not the one book everyone wants him to.

>> No.17930827

for sure. he's probably sitting on a bunch of stuff, like that autistic targaryen history book

>> No.17930851

in the 10 years he didn't release winds he released world of ice and fire
and fire blood and worked with the show for 4 years. now that he has time again and is in a lockdown what does he do? signs a deal with HBO to have more shit to do other than to write winds aaaa

>> No.17930856

Did this fat fuck not give us permission to imprison him in new zealand? Surely that must be legally binding

>> No.17930863

it was a joke

>> No.17930871

I’m not laughing

>> No.17930875
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he is, probably

>> No.17930888

It doesn’t really matter. The rights will go to his wife or kids when he dies so it’s whether they wanna let someone else finish it or not.

>> No.17930904

I read excerpts of his books. I think I could write better at 12, don't get what the hype is about.
>“We will have it all back someday, sweet sister,” he would promise her. Sometimes his hands shook when he talked about it. “The jewels and the silks, Dragonstone and King’s Landing, the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms, all they have taken from us, we will have it back.” Viserys lived for that day. All that Daenerys wanted back was the big house with the red door, the lemon tree outside her window, the childhood she had never known.

>> No.17930916

he's working on 150 new shows. got a 7 figure for the next 5 years

>> No.17930917

>I think I could write better at 12

why didn't you then

>> No.17930925

because I was shit (still am)

>> No.17931060

Winds? Yes. ADOS? A likely, but not definite no.

>> No.17931122

GRRM's prose is absolute shite, but I think he's really good at creating character conflicts. Probably why ASOIAF worked really well as a show until GRRM's slow ass wasn't able to figure out what he wanted his story to be, and 2 retards had to try to fill in his holes

>> No.17931260
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>> No.17931399

Three letters: NFL

>> No.17931728

I'm sorry but this is objectively good writing. It's actually quite, and it has complexity that shows some real thought. Just in this excerpt I see GRRM juxtaposing Viserys' weirdness with Deanerys homeliness, and that also seems like Viserys is foil for Deanarys... There's good quality characterization here too. It's not just mechanically interesting either. I know you're exaggerating, but think even a very precocious child would struggle to write that well.

>> No.17931820

>Do you think Winds will ever be released?
Well, he said it might be done by the end of the year.....of course, that was back in 2015

>> No.17931843
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How do I fill the void with something interesting? I've given up on this fucking hack ever finishing the series but I keep spending hours on theories for books that will never be released or reading the wiki, it's a total waste of time and I don't even enjoy it
I don't know why I still do this

>> No.17932745

you need to find another hobby

>> No.17934095

Scrapping the planned timeskip was a big mistake.

>> No.17934111

where does the 'o' vocative come from in english?

>> No.17934120

(((Martin))) didn't write his books

>> No.17934162
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I remember this https://grrm.livejournal.com/465247.html
It's been over 5 years, longer than from the last book until this blog post

>> No.17934165

hollywood writers just suck and ruin everything if given the chance

>> No.17934178

that's it. i'm downloading all this guy's books from libgen and reading them on my phone. i did this with scott bakker and enjoyed it. will i enjoy it this time?

>> No.17934262

a song for lya is better than anything else GRRM has written

>> No.17934853
