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/lit/ - Literature

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17923788 No.17923788 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, I'm interested in making a right wing literary discord server. Anyone interested?

I like to think I've covered some bases having read Shakespeare, Eliot, Pound, Tolkien, big Russian tomes, and some other standards, but since literature discords are rarely focused, I can settle for shifting it to a general interests server.

Troll comments are invited but will be politely ignored.

>> No.17923804

Discord is pozzed use something else my VHEATFIELDS bro

>> No.17923821

I know, I know, but it's convenient for now. If things have to take a turn, it can work toward being semi public. But I'm in pre contact with many good righties, and lit is somehow still one of the best places to rally for lit membership.

>> No.17923849

I'm right wing but I read to get away from politics. I did enjoy Oreillys United States of Trump but it was written pre covid and things have changed A LOT.

Even tho Pynchon seems like a drug addled hippie his work seems to be more right wing now because it's so conspiratorial and the right seems to be the side taking a stand against the deep state.

Bret Easton Ellis's nonfiction White is a great take on how liberal thinkers are now embracing trumps right wing because the left has become so completely pozzed and pro establishment

>> No.17923863

Sorry I said "seems" way too many times in that second paragraph I shoulda reread before posting

>> No.17923869

Imagine the smell.

>> No.17923870

I feel like I'm right wing in spirit but mass politics disgust me

>> No.17923895
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why are you using discord just join a political party using your credit card

>> No.17923909

As of now pretty much everyone's disgusted by it, but everyone should eventually try to get involved.

>> No.17923918

stay that way. I would've said the same thing around this time last year. All that hyer political shit is a waste of brainpower

>> No.17923920

I feel like most Trans people aren’t right wing

>> No.17923960

Political discussion won't really be the daily bread, but the alignment is there just to have some like minded people talking about everyday or bookish things.

>> No.17924009
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Not joining your gay server unless you can guarantee there will be sadomasochistic homofash Mishima readers on there.

>> No.17924736

post the discord link faggot

>> No.17924759

I'm not sadomasochistic but I am a homofash (Platonic) Mishima reader

>> No.17924886

>Oreillys United States of Trump
whoa dude you really must be right-wing

>> No.17924900

Most aren't but for some reason there are a bunch of trans Nazbols and trans Strasserists. I have no idea why. Maybe they've just overdosed on irony. The idea of someone being transgender but also wanting preserve the nuclear family and complaining about the Jewish banking system is so funny to me. We must secure a homeland for our people and a future for white transkids.

>> No.17924906

Lol every discord from /lit/ I join ends up being a bunch of soijack posters who just talk 6m wooden doors all day and what tone of skin they hate the most. It’s pathetic. I hear about discord trannies on here all the time, but all I see is /pol/ chat rooms.

It will not end well OP, people won’t be classy and they’ll just shitpost. And when you say “c’mon guys let’s talk about books” they’ll call you a faggot impeding on their free speech as a wall of soijacks come flooding in.

>> No.17924917

I think most of them are made by bunkertroons larping as /pol/. It might sound schizo but you have to remember bunkerchuds have no life, and will dedicate years to gayops just to own le epix style some randos on the internet.

>> No.17924929
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Most I've seen are trannie incels. I've never seen a right-wing discord channel before.

>> No.17924930

The actual trans communities are so fucking soft though. And bunkerchans are far too busy debating the merits of Marx to bother larping as a faggot when /pol/ posters do it for free. Does no one remember moot wishing to be the little girl?

>> No.17924949

What? didn't bunkerchuds try raiding this site a few months back?. they're obsessed with this site, and /pol/ in particular.

>> No.17924989

The same could be said of all /pol/ derivatives. Bunch of infighting ideological faggots. I’m just saying I’ve had a bad time whenever there was a /lit/ discord. It always ended up with Holocaust shop talk. It made NANOWRIMO very uncomfortable.

>> No.17925007

>right wing discord
They call people like you glowies. At least use Telegram, then id be sure enough that it wouldn't be riddled with 17 year olds to check it out.

>> No.17925034

>Holocaust shop talk
I don't know about your experience with discords communities, but isn't the holocaust a relevant historical discussion?
>Bunch of infighting ideological faggots
Yep, that politics. but /pol/ isn't organizing raids on other sites, /leftpol/ is
What is that?

Use matrix

>> No.17925056

Relevant to what? Now you’re justifying wooden doors and statistics discussions dominating discussions that are supposed to be about literature. Nanowrimo is those writing month challenge things. /lit/ has made a discord for the past few years and it always ends up being 6m wooden doors talk with wojacks than writing. And when you ask them to talk on topic, they call you a SJW tranny taking away their free speech.

>> No.17925057

Okay based. I have matrix. How do I find lit rooms? I feel like going around asking "hey, can I join your ostensibly right wing secret club," is a bad way to find comfy lit rooms, and a good way to find feds.

>> No.17925069

that’s normal. anyone “right wing” isn’t going to be too caught up with participating in the circus because that would be to legitimize it

>> No.17925080

discord seems to be for retards. ive met a few cool people but thats it

>> No.17925088

Give us the link punk

>> No.17925093

Ryan Dawson has a matrix room, never been on it tho

>> No.17926262

Has there been a right wing telegram lit group?

>> No.17926274


>> No.17926281

Discord is extremely compromised, so much so that privacy and history data is a frivolous toy for the company

>> No.17926308

>right wing literary

Why do you feel the need to politicize everything? So if I'm left wing I'm not allowed to like Dostoevsky? Or maybe early Dostoevsky but not his post-imprisonment stuff? If I'm right wing, I should probably stay away from Tolstoy, cause he was an anarchist or something? Does Orwell belong to left-wing literature because the author actually fought in a far-left militia, or is it right wing literature, as he was criticizing USSR?

>> No.17926316

What are some of the better right wing telegram groups? Most right wingers are tedious, and anything extremist is guaranteed to have glowies anyway.

>> No.17926323

Idk how you read those things into it in your mentally ill post, I even mentioned Russian standards, so of course I'd have read some Tolstoevskies.

>> No.17926333

So what does "right wing" in "right wing literary server" refer to?

>> No.17926394

Be my platonic discord bf. No, we won't be having sex.

>> No.17926469


>> No.17926680
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A political ideology is not a personality

>> No.17927028

I was wondering the same thing.

>> No.17927061

Yes it is

>> No.17927084

take the rapture-pill and help build a new conservative canon/intellectual movement:

you should try and contact him or something, your idea is pretty good and with his resources you could actually build something

>> No.17927091

>read Shakespeare, Eliot, Pound, Tolkien, big Russian tomes, and some other standards, but since literature discords are rarely focused, I can settle for shifting it to a general interests server.
>highschooler seeks discord friends
It's better to be honest anon.

>> No.17927107

will you stop polishing his pole already?

>> No.17927123

False flag tranny thread. You will never be a woman.